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  • A Spectator’s Guide To Red Bull Rampage
  • cultsdave
    Free Member

    Fast walking race is probably one of the most ridiculous events.

    Free Member

    Far too many!

    • 3 x 5:10 freeriders (1 smart 2 scabby)
    • 1 x posh shoes
    • 1 x kilt shoes
    • 1 x wellies
    • 1 x walking boots
    • 1 x winter climbing boots
    • 4 x walking shoes
    • 2 x road shoes
    • 1 x gravel shoes
    • 2 x mtb shoes
    • 1 x winter mtb shoes
    • 1 x sandels
    • 1 x flip flops
    • 8 x rock shoes
    • 2 x running shoes
    • 2 x safety boots
    • 1 x ski boots
    • 1 x snowboard boots

    34 pairs! But some of my doubles stay out at my folks house in France to save me carting them back and forth. I do need to cut down on the rock shoes.

    Free Member

    google podcasts has just moved to youtube music

    While this is true YouTube Music is an absolute mess for Podcasts, they seem to promote videos of which I am not interested in when listening to a Podcast.

    Google podcast was the perfect platform for me.

    Free Member

    It looks like we are seeing the end of the SNP for now without the hassle of Independence.

    Free Member

    What makes you think Scotland would be any different to a neo liberal England? This notion that we are different to down south is nothing more than the Scottish version of English exceptionalism.

    Free Member

    Trouble is the SNP have never proposed doing that, instead they want to either continue using the pound (terrible idea for obvious reasons!), or use the Euro which is not much better

    Using the Euro is a pipe dream, would an Indy Scotland be accepted into the EU? The phrase “Rejoin the EU” is nonsense as we were only a member as part of the UK.

    I love the fantasy of an Independent Scotland thriving as part of the EU it truly would be wonderful. Sadly I cannot see it being anything like the dream that the SNP try to sell. Just like Farage etc sold Brexit as the land of milk & Honey.

    Free Member

    I don’t know.  History tells that even countries in severe financial states have been able to borrow money and become very successful so I’m not sure why it should be impossible for Scotland.

    And here lies the main issue, timescales, how long would Scotland take to not be in dire financial states? My lifetime? My kids lifetime? My possible future grandkids life time? Nobody knows. Will I be able to retire in a future Indy Scotland? Or will I have to work until I die?

    It is quite possible that the UK will sort itself out well before Scotland could become successful.

    Free Member

    In a country that can’t borrow any cash for investment and is restricted to raising taxes for extra funds (which apparently leads to severe traffic jams on the M74) how does it deal with a budget deficit without cutting public services?

    Would an Independent Scotland be able to borrow at a reasonable rate?

    Free Member

    I’m pissed off at the stuff I read in the Guardian and UK press in general.  It’s really not fit for purpose in terms of informing people what is actually going on in Scotland.

    This reads like you only want to read news that fits your narrative, and wish to avoid being challenged on your view.

    Free Member

    Same with drug death discussion. The SNP’s ideas are probably the basis for the way forward, but it’s been badly implemented, under resourced,

    Exactly the same with their inclusion policy in education. An absolute nightmare for teachers.

    Wait until you see the damage that their Redress Scheme is doing to people who worked in the care sector in the 80’s & 90’s, absolute scandal.

    Free Member

    I think you know that providing evidence of something that is going to happen in the future is impossible, no?

    However, if you want to persuade others to back unionism I think you should start thinking about what you’re going to say when people start asking you to provide evidence that Scotland is going to be better off as part of the UK.

    I don’t need to do anything, we had a vote. If you want change prove it will improve the country.

    In 2014 the union was very much the status quo.  Now, in post-Brexit Britain, no one knows what the future is going to look like.  It will absolutely be poorer than if the UK hadn’t left, not many folk will argue against that.

    Yes Scotland is poorer because we left the EU, why would we make ourselves even poorer by leaving the UK? There is no guarantee of joining the EU post Indy.

    So where is your evidence that staying in the UK on it’s Brexit meltdown journey is going to be better than an independent Scotland forging it’s own relationship, both with rUK and with Europe?


    Free Member

    the unionist press

    Sorry didn’t realise I was only allowed to get my “facts” from the national.

    Free Member

    I mean, watching the Tories tear themselves apart after delivering independence and take the country down with them has been such a fun rollercoaster, I can see why you’d want to go round again.


    Free Member

    Apart from the post independence plan was published in great detail and all discussed during the last campaign.  so nothing like you claim

    The plan that was completely unaffordable?

    Free Member

    I want what’s best for Scotland (and indeed the UK given how many friends and family I have in the other parts). So far I haven’t seen enough evidence that breaking up the union would be a good thing.

    If supporters of independence put forward sound economic arguments (and similar) I’ll happily listen and debate. What I can’t be bothered with is the “Scotland needs to be free from English rule” drivel

    Totally agree, mostly what I hear from Indy supporters is “believe that Scotland will be better” however the evidence I see does not support this belief.

    Do I think Scotland could thrive after Independence? Yes. How long will this take? Could be decades or might not happen at all. To me the risk is not worth the possible reward. If Indy supporters want Independence they need to provide sound evidence on what an Indy Scotland will look like and how it will succeed. Brexit was won on arguments we knew to be false at the time and currently the plan for Indy looks no different.

    The SNP’s failure on so many levels suggests to me that they are not to be trusted. Being better than the worst government in history is not such a great accolade.

    Free Member

    Can you explain the offense? What’s offensive about it?

    You could always report him using the new hate crime bill….

    Free Member

    Dazh.  You are being offensive

    Really? It was clearly a joke. I certainly don’t find it offensive.

    Free Member

    As I said earlier, only if you’re not very bright.

    Putting up barriers to your nearest and largest trading partner is what Brexit has done and is exactly what will happen in the event of Scottish independence. Have the trade barriers we have put in place been good or bad for the UK?

    Free Member

    Anyone else want to share their completely unrealistic fantasies?

    This coming from an Independence supporter is laughable.

    Free Member

    But you Unionist don’t actually want Scotland better than the other UK countries do you

    Utter drivel. I would like the whole of the UK to be improved. Independence will make matters far worse for Scotland.

    This comment proves my earlier point about division. The SNP like all nationalists thrive on division.

    Free Member

    Scotland has the same issues going on as the rUK, the solutions to those lie in both the Scottish and UK govts implementing policy to address those issues, rather than focusing on some fantastical catch-all remedy in the form of independence. Those in the SNP pedalling independence rather than doing their jobs in the Scottish and UK parliaments are no better than Nigel Farage and Rees Mogg et al


    Independence is the simple answer to a complex problem. It won’t fix anything, it will just compound issues. Brexit was exactly the same.

    Free Member

    Sure, but at least then you can do something to go about fixing things and not leave your kids to continue dealing with a nation seemingly obsessed with nothing but past ‘glories’ and performative cruelty.

    It would be far less damaging to just vote out the current Tory Government which seems highly likely this year.

    You can’t fix much for your children if your country is in a total financial ruin.

    Free Member

    Yeah, Brexit Means Brexit is obviously a much better plan.

    Its pretty much the same plan! Both utterly ludicrous.

    Free Member

    This. Independence was always a **** stupid idea so lets hope it’s dead and buried for the forseeable

    Yes, the total denial to see the similarities between Indy & Brexit astound me.

    Free Member

    its really not the SNP that is the cause of the non co operation.  Its labour mainly and their complete refusal to work with the SNP anywhere any time instead simply attempting to wreck everything automatically opposing pretty much everything the SNP suggest. Labour have been punished at the polls for this attitude giving the SNP 16 years of power and labour 16 years on the sidelines.

    We have had labour in Scotland opposing issues like minimum alcohol pricing even tho it was london labour policy

    Its amazing how nothing is ever the fault of the SNP! Even when they have devolved power the failings are still someone else’s fault.

    They have been in power since 2007 and have failed on so many metrics yet its somehow the fault of the union. They even failed on Independence but half the time that gets blamed on Gordon Brown.

    Good riddance, lets hope we get a party with some competence in who will start to try and improve Scotland not just divide and blame.

    Free Member

    Dirc Mhor?

    Brave man, its windy and freezing even on a roasting hot day!

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Should you really be driving if you find it that exhausting after only an hour? Sounds dangerous to me.

    Free Member

    So he’s not being totally honest about why he is opposed to a ceasefire?

    What if his reasons are based on classified information?

    Free Member

    So a very thin layer of clothing kept you dry for 6 hours in pouring rain? That sounds incredible to me, especially since the jacket has large holes in it so you can see where your going etc.

    Free Member

    The video is awful. Full of half truths and some outright nonsense, he sounds like someone who has been scorned by an ex!

    Gore-Tex has its limitations, it is not some form of magic end of story.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Why can’t they play like this for a full game!!

    Free Member

    People were voting Tory in Scotland because they were clearly anti indy not that they so much wanted a tory government. I know a few people who when casting their votes were not happy about it but they believed that Indy Scotland would be terrible for the country. They will be much happier if they can vote Labour in the knowledge that it is not just a wasted vote.

    There is only so much failure people will put up with health/education/ferries/A9 fiasco etc. The appetite for Indy is dropping and the SNP incompetence is entirely to blame, they have totally failed to make the case that Indy would be successful. I could be persuaded to vote for Indy but the brexit style arguments of vote for Indy and everything will improve was not convincing.

    Free Member

    People are utterly fed up with the total incompetence of the SNP. Hopefully this is the start of a revival of Labour in Scotland.

    Free Member

    ‘No niggles’

    Did you see the SA player purposely standing on the Irish guys hand? Full view of the camera.

    Free Member

    If Ireland win does that increase or decrease Scotland’s admittedly small chances?

    Free Member

    Cheers folks,

    After checking out the recommendations above we had a phone call with Nationwide and ended up staying with them.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Yeah it would be about 4mm.
    The problem is that in 1st gear the chain noise is rather loud due to the bend in the chainline.
    Assume chainring spacer is the answer.

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