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  • Video: Innes Graham In Da Jungle
  • cullen-bay
    Free Member

    There is one similarity between that pic and scotland, no sun… 🙁

    Free Member

    Around 6 miles per lap… cant wait to see the light now!
    NR- Will do, was going to call in and change my forks around, il leave it till thursday…

    Free Member

    and take pictures…. of the course, that is. 😳 😯

    Free Member

    krembo- NR means that the firetack is clear of almost all snow…

    Free Member

    2.54 lbs?!?! thats 1150grams, around the same weight as mine, IIRC?
    enough frame waving! I hope he enjoys riding it… in Aberfoyle 😈

    Niterider- questions-have you cut the track like we did on the latter half of monday?
    -Have you replied to that e-mail from "the lonely puffer"
    -do radox baths actually work, or is it purely for the bubbles?


    Free Member

    I might make it along… il try.

    Free Member

    its not thawing very fast up here in the race area…. im for meeting up at sign on, but i wouldn't be, seeing as i wouldnt be drinking…

    Free Member

    You can buy contin trail maps from squarewheels allankelly… dont know if you can get them online.

    Free Member

    nope, its set in snow 😛

    Free Member

    "Niterider"- Iain who was out digging on monday was wondering if you could post up a map of the shortened route that you did,

    Was is just from the firetrack up to view rock, or did it encompass the quad track as well. Also, could the shortened route maybe go around the loch to extend it?

    Free Member

    the walling's place is nice though Barney!

    anyway, Niterider, your average was fantastic at the summer puffer, and im better than i was last yeam, what with all the training i've managed in the 15 inch deep snow for the last 3 weeks. 😯

    Free Member

    by the way niterider, apparently you can only do the puffer in 45 minutes, you have something to prove!

    EDIT: the site now says the event is a goer.

    and i kinda hope it only uses the lower half of the track, even though it means all of our work will have been for nothing! except making our own riding easier of course!

    Free Member

    Right, some explaining is in order i think!
    1) the full lap is the right length in the dry/mud. (normal conditions)
    2) the course is covered in around 15 inches of snow.
    3) riding the snow yesterday revealed that actually, even although you stand on it or ride the track, its still very squashy and spongey.
    4) rescue medics have to get everywhere.
    5) event organisers can make a better judgement than people hundreds of miles away!

    so what im saying is, leave it to the event organisers, they know best!
    and dont worry, it will be tough enough!

    Free Member

    Trout I will demo the light!
    EDIT: I think YGM, im not sure if your visible e-mail will work!

    Free Member

    yeah, we all knew that… hah!

    Free Member

    Or a coca cola and haribo bucket for the underage volunteers! 🙁

    Free Member

    It didnt seem cold when we were shoveling… only when we dropped into the cool of the shade.

    the photo's dont do the depth of the snow justice either… 🙂

    Free Member

    giant XTC carbon that i built up for racing last year, and i've been modifying it when i have enough cash. I like it because it's FAST.

    Free Member

    worst bit was deffinately relocating the track! and actually, my back is hurting me quite a lot as well. If schools out tomorrow, il try and get up digging. Or i'll stay at home and eat pringles, whichever seems like it will be more fun tomorrow.

    Free Member

    Hahah, we actually did!

    Free Member

    heading up to the trails…

    Digging down from the viewpoint.

    Looking back…

    What the view should look like behind a mountain bike racecourse.

    Time out.
    the is how deep the snow was today…
    In action

    Looking back at where you will be climbing.
    More lovely easily ridable trail.
    A before shot of a section of trail…
    And of course the after shot…
    There you go!

    Free Member

    A girl called Paris London…. idiot parents

    Free Member

    metguess are currently forecasting the opposite of…

    Free Member

    The lower half of the course is hardpacked snow, and actually amazing fun to ride! I suppose il come out at 11, but there will also be a shop ride at 4 that il be on, i know a few others are coming on that, anyone can come along.

    Free Member

    The roads are absolutely fine! getting camped should be fine also, but advice is to bring a shovel just in case…

    Free Member

    wouldnt it be more sensible to have less of the screw showing???

    take a look at the "proper" ice/snow tyres….

    Free Member

    il be up on sunday, i'll try and take pics then trout…

    P.s, im surprised you haven't asked a strathpuffer competitor to test lights for you in the past…

    Free Member

    yes jojo thats right, but the second half of fireroad will be cleared next week hopefully.

    Free Member

    remember your blood passport for the puffer, people! 😀

    Free Member

    wrap an old tube/ thick cloth around the tube, havent tried bubble wrap, it would be more aesthetically pleasing though, i would try that!

    thought about putting a rod in my water bottle to keep it from freezing, but il just keep drinking until it freezes, then change bottle each lap.

    Free Member

    epicyclo already has ice tyres…

    I'm hoping for ice, i might get to use the ice tyres i bought in summer '08!

    Free Member

    hah! Alek- il see you in the shop tomorrow, and arrange sunday's clearing then.

    Free Member

    I'm too young to enter! bit ridiculous if you look at past results…

    Free Member

    are you going out on sunday?

    Free Member

    It has dipped to -18 and predicted -20 here in the scottish highlands….

    Free Member

    but it wasnt only -5 here!

    Free Member


    Free Member

    that would be fantastic, i might do that on sunday… make the most of my last day off school this holidays…

    Free Member

    different compartments, and a central area for cooking, maybe take something to work under, but have one compartment for stuff, and the other compartments for people sleeping so that they arent disturbed.

    Free Member

    a sock 😯

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