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  • New UK MTB Trail Alliance Gives Trail Stewards A Voice
  • cubist
    Free Member

    In the instance described above I think the cyclist has to take the blame.

    I have a slight variation involving me where I thought I was in the right but I’d be intrigued to know the wider opinion.

    Static traffic. Me in marked cycle path on side of road heading in the same direction and undertaking the stationary vehicles. Car in traffic flashes oncoming right turner into driveway and across my path. The car saw me too late and stopped partially across the pavement, completely across the cycle lane and partially in the road. I didn’t quite manage to stop but had scrubbed enough speed that the impact in the side of the car was minimal and no harm was done other than massively elevated heart rate for me and driver.

    I might then have got a bit sweary with the driver but whose fault was it? Admittedly I was undertaking but the lane I was in had no obstructions and the lane to my right was static.

    Free Member

    I don’t get why we still predominantly base new builds on a several century ideal of what a house looks like. Why do new estates always look the same. Commercial architecture uses new materials and far more varied designs. Surely new residential estates where there’s no old builds for context could be made to be a bit more interesting.

    Free Member

    What goes up, must come down! Any nearby Militia celebrating a recent victory?

    Free Member

    Needs more motorbike!

    Free Member

    I took my kids to the cinema while very hungover (me not them) to watch the Moshi Monsters movie. It was utter drivel. I thought I’d managed to nod off a bit but they were so concerned I was missing bits they kept waking me up.

    Free Member

    I think we should welcome him using a medley of covers of American hits as he will know exactly what the British think. NSFW

    Ceelo Green

    Pharaohe Monch

    Free Member

    Bit of dirty London free party acid techno from back before career, mortgage and kids took over.

    Filthy Acid Techno

    Free Member

    1. Nope. 2. That’s what I’d have said.

    Free Member

    Chino Royale

    Free Member

    I bought what turned out to be a ‘grey market’ AMS 130 SLT it turned out the although the name wasn’t snappy the rear triangle was. They wouldn’t do anything to help me out. Once I discovered the warranty was void because I’d bought new off EBay rather than through a dealer I tried to buy a new rear triangle but they wouldn’t even sell me one.

    Free Member

    I find it useful that the No Cycling sign has a textual description beneath.

    I often mistake the red circle to mean do this

    Free Member

    The beach at Anderby Creek is surprisingly nice and was quiet when I went there (although it was Feb half term so might be different on a sunny bank holiday)

    Went to a caravan destruction derby at Skeg Vegas stadium which was a good laugh.

    I think my son summed the place up nicely when he was 4. “It looks like all the happiness has left” (was out of season mind)

    Free Member

    sneaky edit required – I’m going to claim typo rather than poor grasp of english

    Free Member

    Sounds suspiciously like he’s getting you back.

    Free Member

    Having just watched all 3 episodes I can’t say I enjoyed watching that. It was brilliantly acted and told in a very powerful manner.

    I can’t believe that in the 21st century there were so many inexcusable failings for those children by so many organisations. How can things be that unfit for purpose. Even during the court case those poor girls were subjected to cross examination by 9 seperate defense barristers. The crime is sickening but the treatment by those employed to protect those girls is disgraceful.

    Free Member

    Sent a female customer an email saying “I am just chasing you for the blow”

    Not the first time dropping an e has got me in trouble 😀

    Free Member

    FYI I bought some One Industry liners that nearly cut through my thighs and ended up in the bin.

    Free Member

    “Driver lucky to be alive” may be stretching it a bit though.

    Free Member

    I feel for you. I had a similar incident at the local swimming baths when the “S” fell of the logo on my trunks…

    Seriously though that’s a really horrible thing to be accused of in public even without all the aggression.

    Free Member

    Thanks. I’ll try bending the guide a bit and see if I can give myself a bit more space. Failing that I’ll have to try a different one.

    Free Member

    Not sure I can get my head around why it won’t work but given I have managed to start 2 threads on this and I’ve been told not to do it on the other I think I’m going to bend the guide across instead. If all else fails I guess it’s time for a new chain device.

    Free Member

    It will move the chain ring out and give me some space inside the chain device though.

    Free Member

    Not Gunmetal but black and orange.

    The orange was sort of dictated by the Cube donor bike which popped out the factory garish overly color matched.

    Free Member

    Setting down the ground rules now will be to your benefit.

    This^^ As difficult as it is its best to get things ironed out. A smaller argument now is usually better than a complete falling out.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Chrome do some nice ones as well

    Free Member

    I have a pair of DZR Mamba. They don’t look too special.


    They became very tatty very quickly but are still going 18 months later used daily rain or shine. They do weigh a ton but are pretty comfortable to ride and walk in.

    Free Member

    The old boy is an arrogant git and watched the grand prix in the living room (full volume) while he had 6 guests round in the same room. It was just bizarre and felt off the scale rude / uncomfortable at the time.

    Were you at my dads? This is the sort of thing he’d do. If you speak in the same room he’d turn up the volume further. I go there a few times a year as I live a few hours away and it’s always the same. I then get whinged at because “I never visit him or my mum”. I see little point if it’s to sit and watch 15 to 1 in silence.

    Free Member

    I’ve had WiFiBeater, Readers WiFi and a guest network called WifiSwapping.

    When i moved house re ently I left an old router connected to a socket hidden under the insulation in the loft with the SSID MartinIsA#### because my old neighbour was called Martin and was a ####. I know it was childish but….

    Free Member

    After yesterdays visit I can can confirm its every bit as excellent as I remembered. There are a couple of boggy bits but not many. Most fun I have had on the bike yet this year (I do however live in Lincoln so start from a low(flat) baseline) .

    Free Member

    Thanks – that’s my ride sorted!

    Free Member

    My thoughts go out to you and your wife. We had this with our first pregnancy and as has been said above its pretty common. Doesn’t make it any easier knowing that though. For me I hadn’t even considered things might not have been anything other than perfect until the sledgehammer hit me during the scan. I found it a very difficult type of grief to articulate at the time as what I was grieving wasn’t so much a person as the dream of my future life I had been nurturing for the past 8 weeks. We now have 2 healthy kids and during both pregnancies those first scans were terrifying.

    My wife struggles with anxiety at the best of times and her way of coping with the following pregnancies was to not really focus on the future. To the point of us not even buying the ridiculous amount of stuff we were told we needed until after the baby was born. I am not sure if that was the best approach but it worked for her.

    Free Member

    Got My daughter the Orbea MX Team 24 for Xmas. She was immediately at home on it and its so much better than the Specialised Hotrock XC we bought my Son.

    The Orbea is light and well setup for a 8yr old. The main difference I could see between the Team and the Dirt was the Dirt had steel forks and the Team is Aluminium.

    Free Member

    Wow, what drug turns your vision from colour to B&W?

    DMT did that to me.

    Surely there is a big difference in the way you would need to treat drugs depending on their type of usage, physical effects,societal impacts etc… legalising weed or MDMA would require a system like we have for booze or fags. Smack would require a very different approach and Acid another still.
    The problem with drugs is that the classification (A,B,C) system used is an irrelevance for anything other than a legal system of prohibition.

    Could a UK government manage such a step change? I very much doubt it.

    Free Member

    I was at the global head offices of a very well known food and drink manufacturer in Switzerland and they had one.

    It felt very old school – the pastries were lovely though.

    Free Member

    For this request you need to visit the perfectly titled

    Free Member

    I’ve got Nuke proofs on both my bikes. I have cracked a pedal clanging onto a rock at full tilt but tbf an alloy one would havexpect suffered I that impact as well. Grip hasn’t been an issuerror.

    Free Member

    Cheers for the suggestions. I am pretty sure the mech hanger and freewheel are both OK as the issue has only started after replacing said components. The chain is definitely routed correctly and the right length.

    I had to reindex the gears so I am going to work on the basis I haven’t done it very well (seemed perfect in the stand but its slow to down shift on the road so its probably all linked).

    Free Member

    This is how you deal with spam calls (Bad goatee and leather necklace optional)

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