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  • Crankbrothers BC18 SOS Bottle Cage Tool Kit review
  • cubist
    Free Member

    Rather than burn it could they not shred it and use it for something else, insulation or something?

    Or dye it badly, strip labels and ship to those places in the world where brands mean nothing but some clothes might be appreciated.

    Burning seems a particularly wasteful solution if its clothes and as perfume doesn’t go off just store it, reduce future production and slowly release it back to market in line with demand.  In the future actual do some decent demand planning

    Free Member

    I ordered some stuff from them that they kept delaying dispatch on and this is obviously the cause.  I had paid using a debit card and raised a dispute with Natwest who have just refunded me.  My order was about £75 so its still worth trying.

    Free Member

    People in low skilled / manual jobs start working, and paying taxes, a lot younger than people in high skilled/ academically  qualified jobs. Their work also takes a higher toll on their health to – more wear and tear and more exposure to causes of illness and injury. So they’ll have worked longer and then will often have a poorer quality of life (and typically a shorter one) in retirement.

    It would be fairer for state pension age to reflect the years worked rather than the number of birthdays you’ve celebrated.

    The counter argument to that is people with higher paid jobs pay more into the system  therefore should be able to retire earlier or take more money out at 67.    What about the students paying an arm and a leg for their further education so they can potetnially find a job which requires them to  pay more taxes.

    Its all swings and roundabouts.

    Free Member

    Duct tape, lots of it…

    Free Member

    Given that my language skills are not brilliant I am guessing that the priest isn’t actually saying  “The power of Christ compels you” and we’re all wrong to assume its a baptism.

    Free Member

    I caught a pigeon once, entirely unintentionally as I was passing under a bridge on the cross bike. The thing got trapped between my arms and my body, with the forward motion of me, the bird and the bike it couldn’t accelerate forwards fast enough to free itself so just flapped its wings in my face.

    I’ve been a bit nervous of the things ever since.

    I hit a pigeon whilst on my motorbike that had been knocked off course by a truck heading in the opposite direction.  I was going very briskly and It hit me full in the face making a horrible mess on my visor and nearly snapping my neck.  I don’t imagine death by pigeon is a common coroners verdict.

    Free Member

    This is the weirdest bike I have seen – there were several at a Safari park I took the kids to.  It had legs instead of wheels, a natty stripy paint job and was able to self propel.  I genuinely have never seen any other bike quite like them.  Did look like it would be pretty heavy and a handful to control at BPW.

    Free Member

    I tuck it in my sock like any other activity.  The question I have is if I wear kneepads does it go inside or outside?

    Free Member

    So, throwing this to the masses which offence did they commit?

    From the links provided I’d suggest what they did was probably Dangerous cycling and almost definitely careless given that

    Dangerous cycling is an offence committed by any person riding a bicycle on a road in a manner that falls far below what would be expected of a competent and careful cyclist and would be obviously dangerous to a competent and careful cyclist. ‘Danger’ refers to danger either of injury to any person or of serious damage to property.

    I am a relatively competent and fairly careful cyclist and I would anticipate riding like that to potentially result in a  thrown rider.

    The rider we couldn’t see from the forward facing camera is the one I feel sorry for – I guess those aero helmets aren’t always an advantage…

    Free Member

    I was looking at  rs4 avant which I know is not a big estate but I figured it’d hold a bike or a labrador. In the end I sort of came to the same conclusion as Edukator (without as much sanctiomony) in that to actually drive it fast would need a trackday and then it’s not exactly a track car.  95% of the time it would driving very slowly and consuming masses of natural resources.

    A big torquey diesel is perfect for towing my track car to the fun park.  If only I could afford a track car…  One day….

    Free Member

    It was a long day, I was tired…sorry…. 30mph

    Well that cleared things up 😉

    XFS Sportbrake is comfy, fast and feels a step up from my f11 530d in quality.   I do hanker for 8 cylinders and petrol, just once before they are gone forever.  15k miles a year makes it an expensive proposition though.

    Free Member

    Wicked Willy

    Free Member

    We have always had a joint account but when my wife fell pregnant we dropped the individual accounts and now only have a joint account.  She took 7 years out to be a full time Mum.  Now shes back at work I earn a lot more than her but wouldn’t dream of not sharing everything 50/50.  Isn’t that what you agree to when you tie the knot…

    The only time it became an issue was when I  bought myself a new bike from her for my birthday.  Then I needed an escape bag…

    Free Member

    What sort of saddle bag for transporting a Zombie Knife?

    Free Member

    I’ve got the original trail skins.  They’re great. I work on the basis that the time I leave them off is going to be the time I bin it and smash my knees so I where them every time.  They’re comfy and even in 38degree heat weren’t unbearable.  The Velcro on one of mine has come loose so I just wrap that leg with a little electrical tape.

    Free Member

    Over the years their lifestyle was slowly made more and more legally impossible – there are not enough legal sites now in the UK for the travellers ( less than half of all travellers can be accomodated on legal site – this means more than half must be illegal every night of the year) – this forces them into illegal behaviour.

    A lack of legal sites does not justify this sort of behaviour – which admittedly is extreme and I assume/hope not behaviour that most travellers would condone.

    The issue seems to be the most visible parts of the Irish Travelling community are those that rock up somewhere they have no right to be and trash the place.  It happens far to often to be just a few wrong uns and hence they become victims of the last “acceptable” form of racism in modern British society.

    If we are going to suggest a Hitleresque solution can I recommend we get the East Midlands Trains on time?

    Free Member

    I’ve no idea what Aphex Twin were doing when I saw them live, because I was too busy falling into a sort of lucid nightmare or sound and vision.

    I reckon you may have halucinated an extra ‘band’ member or two…

    Also what’s Rev. Richard Cole doing on stage with Underworld?

    I reckon some live electronic acts are more live than others. Squarepusher seemed very live but someone like FSoL was more about the visuals and the music seemed very pre recorded. Saying that I’ve just realised I’m talking about 20 years ago so I’d probably best get my slippers on and let the kids discuss…

    Free Member

    Question for my fellow Lincolnites.  Is there any good hidden single track around the city and outskirts?  I can chain a bit of a loop over the top of South common out to Waddington and then round the back of Donnington but then I end up on cycle paths.

    I know Greetwell quarry is good for messing around in but I have struggled to find much else.  I seem to end up at Sherwood for an early morning weekend blast and I could get a hours more pedal time if I could make an acceptable local loop.

    Free Member

    There’s one hill. The locals looked at it and thought that’s steep. It’s called steep hill.

    Can you setup an exchange program you come here and I’ll go to Wales and play in your mountains…

    Free Member

    I love my XF Sportbrake. It’s got a practical boot for dog, bikes or whatever but with the pokey 3l diesel still goes like stink when required.  Even more important when you turn the engine on the fan vents automatically rotate open

    Free Member

    Fly tipping around Sherwood is just so depressing.

    I was in the Pines car park first thing one morning this weekend and some dirty bastard had dumped an open and very full babies nappy on the floor.  Filthy scumbag, why should anyone else have to pick up their offsprings crap.

    Free Member

    Or, the more comedy option, become their marketing manager.  Put up loads of posters advertising their wares around the neighbourhood, with price lists and photos!   “Ecstasy: £2.50 a pill or 5 for a tenner.  123 King Street.  Just knock three times.”

    Brilliant.  I might do this to my neighbour.  It’s not that he’s a drug dealer, he’s much worse –  he leaves his bin blocking my driveway every bloody Tuesday.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I bought one of these

    and have just installed 2 new tyres and it was the easiest tubeless install I have had yet (up first time).  Previously it was a track pump and coke bottle.

    Free Member

    So the answer to the ops question is yes, no, maybe.

    Ps I use the Race Matrix pads in my Guides and XTs and they do the job nicely.

    Free Member

    I found a fully laid up dinner table. Silverware, candidates, crystal glasses, the works.

    And a girl who must have lost one of her contact lenses in her boyfriends lap.

    A fully decorated Xmas tree in the middle of nowhere.

    Free Member

    £2,500 for a 26″ bike, should be able to get a gold plated one for that.

    Won’t be light though.

    Free Member

    Orbea kids bikes are great and well within your budget

    Free Member

    I bought my ’15 Banshee second hand 18 months ago and have been loving it.  After a winter of minimal use I decided to give it a little TLC.

    I bought a new set of Halo Vapour 35s and some Onza tyres and gave it a thorough once over.  I know skinwalls are a bit marmite but I am loving them against the stealth frame.

    Free Member

    Did you take an offset mortgage? If so then the associated savings account is a good bet for a chunk.

    Free Member

    We’ve never had it so good.

    That’s what they want you to think 😉

    While we all sit back and feel comfortable the money just heads up the chain and ends up in the hands of the select few.  When individuals become wealthier than governments then democracy is going to struggle.

    Free Member

    I think theres going to be a global revolution in our lifetime.  How can so much of the worlds wealth line so few pockets and the masses not get up and take a stand.

    Currently 8 people have the same wealth as the poorest 3.8billion .  Given the way global economies are working that will continue to skew in the favour of the wealthiest.

    Free Member

    Who makes the decisions once we seize control of the state?

    I will!

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Its all turned off now to stop any issue getting worse. Hopefully they can get someone over tomorrow/Sat to rectify otherwise Xmas is cancelled 😉

    Free Member

    I think I need to own up to accidently executing the biggest knobber Beamer driver manoeuvre ever.

    Driving my 3 day old 5 series Estate. 3 lane road, 2 in my direction, 1 oncoming lane and the middle lane was a bit narrow. It was a 40MPH limit with the left lane travelling at 30 so I pull into the middle. Passing the traffic nicely when a huge lorry comes the other way and is a significant way into the middle lane. Not being 100% confident in the width of my new car I pull across into the gap to my left – immediately behind the hearse and in front of the lead car in the funeral procession. Once the lorry has passed the road reduces to 2 lanes and I am stuck there.

    I can’t imagine what a **** I must have looked to everyone around me. The optional extra I should have specced was a seat I could sink right into so no one could see me.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    And I can say a replaced it with a Kleemann S8 SLK but you might have to Google that one

    Thats special….

    Free Member

    Get the 2-in-1 steroid injection.

    It worked almost instantly for me, after months of tying other approaches.

    And it’s never returned.

    This. I had physio, ultrasound, all sorts to no avail. The Jab sorted it out nicely.

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