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  • Campus: New Video From Danny MacAskill
  • cubist
    Free Member

    Yeti is getting locked to the towel rail in the en suite.

    Off to buy a Rottweiler, Some CCTV and a Kosh 😉

    Free Member

    1. ‘’Allow’ the odd pint and takeaway as long as it’s just once every two weeks and also offset by a fast day.


    2. Go back to excluding them altogether as having them ‘once or twice’ when feeling my defences are down only encourages the ‘Bread, beer, takeaway, = treats’ lifestyle.

    I am a big fan of intermittent fasting but you need to be seriously careful about linking a fast to a cheat. Someone I really care about developed an eating disorder with that sort of behaviour. Saying that excluding the nice stuff entirely would be crap.

    Free Member

    I’m not worried by day to day fluctuations because the trend is nicely downwards but I had thought over a litre in sweat in a 45 min run seemed excessive. Seems I under estimated how much I can wring out of my tee 😀

    Free Member
    Free Member

    I’ve been pleasantly suprised with my progress and since March I’ve dropped 2st 2lb. My diet is pretty strict until the weekends but it feels pretty maintainable. The issue is I have signed up to learn to Sky Dive at the end of next month and need to drop another 12lb to get under their BMI ruling. I’ve been hitting the weights hard so my BMI is quite high for my height due to muscle mass. A bit worried if I can keep losing 2lb a week going forwards. I have not a lot extra to cut out mid week and have no more time to increase my activity so I guess I need to lay off the beer/wine at the weekends and keep focussed on the end goal, shame as I bloody love the booze….

    Free Member

    The Chemical brothers – where do I bacon?

    Free Member

    KFC Soundsystem?

    Destinies child wrote the lyrics:

    The watch you’re wearin’, Alf Garnett
    The house I live in, Alf Garnett
    The car I’m driving, Alf Garnett
    I depend on meat

    Free Member

    I’ve found that my weight isn’t dropping as much now as it was when my weightloss journey started but I am lifting bigger weights and definitely building muscle and it feels like there is slightly less insulation so as someone previously mentioned weight loss is not the only KPI.

    The thing I normally suffer with is longevity of a health kick. Work, nights out or soemthing else will get in the way and I’ll drift off plan and not get back on it. This time I am really trying hard not to fall into that trap.

    Free Member

    Amusingly (or not) they gave me some sort of points for buying the frame whihc translated into a pair of trainers for about a tenner all in and delivered. Bargain and arrived within 5 days. The frame I actually need so obviously the law of sod comes into play. ¡Los Bastardos!

    Free Member

    I’ve interviwed about 30 candidates over the past 2 months and only one actually had a tie and jacket. Hardly any looked like they had made any effort. This is or developer and analyst roles so they tend to be the sort of people who will have toys on their desks at work though so your industry may differ.

    Free Member

    We gave away an old shopping bike of my wifes on Freecycle as we were about to move house. The potential new owner came round and asked if he could have my 6 month old Bandshee Spitfire for free instead, he really thought it was a possibility that I’d give him a £4k bike.

    Free Member

    I was one of the sapre bodies Jeffl mentions so I never got to sit in on an actual case. I was called in and had to confirm I had no knowledge of the defendent, witnesses or locations and then got sent home as I was not one fo the 12 chosen jurors. I was looking forward to a juicy murder case…

    Free Member

    I did mine in Feb, if it helps this is what I had at Lincoln Crown Court. I was called in to the building rather than doing it online. They had taken pretty good measures with the jury waiting in a courtroom so we were really spread out.

    I got daily text messages telling me about what was happening the following day. In my expereince (which may or may not be true for all jurors) if I was told I was not needed for the day it was for the whole day and not that I got another text later in the day saying come in now.

    Free Member

    So every year I sign up for Chub CLub and sometimes I make it a whole month in before giving up and retruning to the life of Guinness and Kettle chips.

    Maybe this is the one.

    Free Member

    I am waiting for a frame that Bike Inn despatched on the 23rd April. BikeInn say it’lll be with me within a week but then they said that a week ago as well. They said to contact the couriers for an update. Dascher UK say its in Spain so they can’t see the status even though its their depot. I assume its stuck in a customs backlog waiting for some paperwork or the such. I think I’ll get Boris to send in the Navy once they’ve sorted the French out in Jersey

    Free Member

    There’s a workaround for W3W. It’s very unlikely you will find 2 sets of confusable pairs adjacent to each other, so if you give the W3W combo in 2 spots next to each other (i.e that are 3m apart), you should be pretty confident in the location. Not going to work if you’re unable to move, but oftentimes that’s not the case.

    You can do it without moving on the app. MIght not be too easy if your alone, freezing and in pain but its possible and still easier than some alternatives in that scenario.

    Free Member

    My shin scar tissue say clips are safer, my shoulder scar tissue says flats are safer but tbh tightening the crank arm sufficiently so it stayed connected would have prevented that little beauty.

    Free Member

    Thanks everyone. A school boy error on the seatpost 🙂

    Free Member

    I’m thinking Hope Type 3 top, Type J bottom. Does that sound right?

    Free Member

    Countryside? yes, but don’t be surprised if he returns like canoe man (hard done to IMO) but with a slightly different link to Panama.

    I assumed the countryside comment was aimed at the suggestion of 5 minutes with him and a baseball bat. Is it not the technical term for murdering the likes of him, Clarkson et al..

    Free Member

    Can I just ask, is this an e-bike hate thread, or an idiot hate thread ? I’m not sure.

    I only mentioned the ebike as it explains why I was caught up on the trail 😉

    I’m not even anti idiot, I’m anti people whose reaction to being called out for poor trail etiquette is to throw a punch. Regardless of whether on an ebike or a unicycle. If you act like a ****, someone pulls you up for it and then you decide the appropriate course of action is to try and lamp them then I am very much in the anti camp when it comes to you!!

    Free Member

    So the other rider was the instigator by abusing the e-biker.

    Not in my opinion. He merely stated a, subsequently proven, fact!!

    Free Member

    There do seem to be loads around at the moment. I figured they allow you to go faster to make the flat bits more entertaining. I’m pretty sure many are derestricted. This chap came up behind me pretty sharpish and he was exactly built like Chris Frome if you know what I mean.

    Free Member

    Checkpoint Charlie After Dark Reading.

    Yes! I remeber borrowing a drivers license to get in and watch Orbital live in there.

    For me there was Final Frontier at Club UK in Wandsworth. Party until well after dawn, bundle into my mmates Polo and then get dropped straight off at work for a full shift on the Tesco deli counter before heading off to party the following night. Awake for 48 hours every weekend and wondered why my A-level results were so bad 😉

    Free Member

    In the words of Carl Cox ‘if you really want to piss your neighbour’s off, play gabber’

    Search YouTube for Industrial Strength Records, should be a good starting point

    After spending 12 hours in a Warehouse somewhere in North London around the mid 90s at a gabber free party I think its safe to say this is good advice given your requirements.

    After a night of that even the noise from driving over cats eyes on the way home sounded melodic by comparison.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    My neighbour’s daughter has just got a Ford Mustang 5.0 V8 for driving 1 mile to work….Why?

    Because if she had more than a mile to travel the fuel bill would be prohibitive?

    Free Member

    ps5 will be infinity more powerful than any pc you can build for that.

    Aye, but tricky to do schoolwork on

    Can someone tell my ‘isolating’ 14 year old that please?

    Free Member

    If that means waiting a bit longer to ditch another booster seat, do that, then get a 5 series.

    I disagree that a 5 Series is any good for a regullar 3 in the back. Its rear wheel drive so you loose a load of rear leg space with the drive shaft/transmission tunnel.

    Free Member

    Are you testing at the router or from a coonnected PC?

    My Google Mesh reports full speed most days at the router, Most Wi-Fi enabled PCs are maxing out at 2/3rds the speed reported at the router.

    I did note that the small print on my BB contract says something akin to “allthough we claim its a 500mb connection you may only get 200 or so but thats just the way it is so suck it up. Love Richard B”

    Free Member

    If we closed the revolving door between Treasury and the big 4 accountancies we could cut down on the amount of loopholes that multinational business and the super wealthy can exploit. Then when everyone actually pays what they should the system would then be fair and they’d be more money for the public services we all depend on.

    As for what classes as rich – any one who earns significanlty more than I do!

    Free Member


    Free Member

    My son and daughter are addicted to gaming (or watching videos of other people gaming). As was mentioned earlier many games are designed to be addivtive, the kids are getting constant little dopamine hits. When I was a teenager (older than my daughter but worryingly the same age as my son) I spent my free time smoking weed with mates. Maybe teenagers have a desire for quick dopammine hits with expending minimal energy. Given I turned out OK I am sure my kids will. At leats what they are up to doesn’t run the risk of a criminal record!

    Neither of my kids are into my hobbies, but why should they be? We go for family rides if the weather is nice and my son will hit a trail centre if he’s in the right mood but enforced ‘fun’ is never worth it as we all just get pissed off with each other.

    Free Member

    Is it like Ghostbusters and they’ve remade it with a female cast?

    Free Member

    Cold starts and the pops and bangs on the over run always make me smile.

    Free Member

    My godfather helped make the leg holster in Robocop so that’s pretty special, however, Aliens has the 3 best firearms in my book.

    Free Member

    I got persuaded to take my young kids to the cinema to see the Moshi Monsters movie. That was awful on a level that I have not got words to describe.

    Free Member

    Or do standup comedy

    Still funnier than Michael Mcintyre

    Free Member

    AI is clearly getting far to clever!!! that is until it tries to make a horse

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