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  • Orange Bikes Announces ‘A New Dawn’
  • cubist
    Free Member

    How come the Swedes get such cool boats?

    They buy them flat packed and this reduces transportation, storage and assembly costs…

    Free Member

    Thanks for the feedback. Stopping is the primary requirement (controversially) and if thats not where they excel then they’re not for me.

    Free Member

    No handy lever to spread the calipers for removing the front wheel though

    <StupidQuestion>Is that not what the red lever does then? </StupidQuestion>

    Free Member

    I don’t really get the crash damage argument that often goes against carbon bars. Have carbon bars on my MTB and that gets crashed loads

    That’s what I thought (that the argument about crash damage was a weak one not that you crash loads)

    Free Member

    I followed a trail of clothes last winter. Started off with a shoe, a few meters on a sock, then another shoe all the way up to a pair of boxers about 200m further on.

    Had expected to find a frozen naked person at some point.

    Free Member

    Wow, thanks for the heads up. DubNobass. .. is still one of my favorite all time albums.

    Remember seeing them on new years day Megadog at Brixton Academy in 93/94. We watched Orbital there the night before and to say it was messy was an understatement.

    Free Member

    The Mail is just trying to ensure its a well balanced publication!

    Free Member

    I think the Stinson chap seemed to be rather messed up himself so just putting down to ‘stroking his own ego’ is a tad simplistic. Personally I would have been likely to have ‘gone medieval’ on some of the scum they had through the door and I am sure a large proportion of society would feel the same. Hence we have a police force to deal with the situation – if only they had enough funding to do so.

    If the issue really is as prevalent as the current spate of news stories etc… would have us believe then surely media causing outrage (like Stinson Hunter et al.) can only help the police secure funding by making the issue a political hot topic.

    Free Member

    Even after requesting numerous times that parents parked outside the school my kids Infants they had to erect an automated barrier to prevent it. There was one dad so incensed by this he used to drive his mahoosive Audi Q8 up to the gate and then had to do a 5 point turn in order to get back out. This manoeuvre included driving up onto the path on both sides of the road where all the other parents are walking their kids in. Its hard not to swear in front of all the little ears when having words with such a selfish ******* **** ****** **** ******** ***T!!

    Free Member

    I blame the stupid hair cut. If he had a nice short back and sides he may have been able to see where he was going…

    Free Member

    a loose lockring can present itself with one or two loose cogs and the others appear fine because they have gouged into the freehub and are essentially locked in place.

    This is exactly what had happened. Was a nightmare getting the smaller cogs off but once they were I filed the burred edges on the free hub, slid everything back on and tightened it all up. Job done.

    Cheers for the help.

    Free Member

    Build your own from Ebay and CRC

    Much more exciting (lots of parcels arriving instead of just one)

    With added excitement when you take into account whether what you ordered is actually what you needed, whether the courier delivers it to your house when you are in or whether the Ebay sellers description of ‘perfect condition’ actually means slightly buckled and useless.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the responses, glad I’m not facing imminent death. I appear to have 31 punctures in my rear tyre but am losing no pressure. Also I never had to fix the 31 punctures in an inner tube.

    Free Member

    Labs can eat a lot and I mean a lot.

    My Choccie Lab ate multiple shoes, several phone chargers, part of a sofa… the food is the cheap bit.

    I wouldn’t ever own an uninsured dog. Ours manged to interface with a Landrover at 10 months old and shattered a leg, the resulting vets bills were over £4k.

    The unexpected expenses in dog ownership are things like kenneling if you go on holiday. Its about £18 per night for my 2 to share a cell. Soon adds up for a 2 week holiday.

    Free Member

    We have an office roughly the same size with 2 roughty toughty blokes and 6 servers/PCs all pumping out hot air. A B&Q unit for £250 stopped us sweating like squaddies in a spelling test. Can’t find it on their website anymore though.

    Free Member

    Fellow Lincolnites, where do you ride locally? Are there any undiscovered treasures in the area?

    Free Member

    I don’t race but the idea of having a second helmet on my back strikes me as potentially more dangerous than the weaker chin bar certainly in comparison to no bar.

    I remember many moons ago a school mates mum making him wear a helmet on the school run. As soon as he got round the corner from his house it came off and was shoved in his rucksack. Then one day he fell off and nearly broke his back landing on the lid…

    Free Member

    I find that I don’t even notice my Dainese Trail skins are on when I’m on the bike even for 6 hour rides in 34 degree sunshine. I just hope the same isn’t true when I come to an abrupt stop without a bike underneath me…

    Free Member

    Instead of doing worthwhile namby pamby community-based stuff, he wants them working as free labour for private companies instead

    I’d only agree to this if there were a handful of unemployed but experienced SQL Developers currently within easy commuting distance of Lincoln 😉

    Free Member

    I have a solution. Force the long term unemployed who realistically can work to actually work for their benefits, cleaning up and imporving their local neighbourhood. Make them work 8 hours a day for their benefits.

    Works on several levels. Keeps them busy (idle hands and all that), improve the local environment for everyone (as people gain pride in their surroundings they take more care of them (hopefully)) and who’s going to set fire to the kids play park if they are only going to have to fix it the next day.

    Eventually after spending all day picking up dog crap and cleaning graffiti etc… some of the unemployed by choice might decide to get a proper job. This obviously fails if there are no proper jobs but I haven’t worked out the solution to this yet.

    Free Member

    Not a lookalikey but the Christian Bale/Jesus made me think of this:

    Free Member

    A trip to Cambodia with the OP’s user name sounds a bit fishy to me! 😉

    Free Member

    Free Member

    FFS. Did you also have one of Adolf smiling in front of the showers?

    What about this one?

    I think it must rank in the top 10 most offensive tshirts ever…

    Free Member

    t shirt hell

    Some are funny, several are wrong, none are wearable. All though I once bought from there a tshirt for my nephew that read “Daddy drinks because I cry”

    Free Member

    I’ve got a Lev but I’ve only had it since March. So far it’s not missed a beat. I clean it after every muddy ride and spray fork juice on it every now and then.

    Free Member

    Thanks – I tried them on and then pretended to be a Thai Boxer and attacked a filing cabinet in the office and they seemed pretty good especially at under half the price of a pair of POCs!

    Free Member


    Free Member

    How to wash a puppy!

    Free Member

    Potentially the best buskers ever! So not my normal cup of tea but at full volume this makes me laugh with happiness! Some of the noises the trumpet makes sound like a bull elephant reaching a happy conclusion to a pachyderm orgy.

    Free Member

    I’ve got an enduro jersey and for a ‘loose’ top the fit’s pretty snug. Quality seems great though.

    Free Member

    I went on a speed awareness course and although I thought I was quite knowledgeable I learned a few things.

    It was quite amusing listening to some peoples attitudes/view points/excuses.

    My favorite excuse being delivered by a little old lady who said “I wasn’t watching the road so didn’t see the camera. I had friends in the back of my car and I like to look at them while talking” – I think that should have been a license removal there and then! She then proceeded to answer the question “how far behind the car in front should you be if traveling at 70mph on the motorway?” with “1 foot!”

    Free Member


    Free Member

    £605?? …and people laugh at us for buying £200+ seat posts…

    Mboy – my email is in the profile if you still want to sell.

    Free Member

    I just used Collect+ for a shock as their T&Cs seemed OK. We’ll find out in a few days if I can read or not…

    7.2 We shall not carry gases, pyrotechnics, arms and ammunition or corrosive, toxic, flammable, explosive, oxidising or radioactive materials or any other noxious, dangerous or hazardous goods or goods likely to cause damage.

    Free Member

    If my wife didn’t spend ages on her hair and make up of a morning I’d have an hour less on my bike before she wanted to do something with ‘our’ day…

    Free Member

    Its a bullet cam on the bars – not a helmet cam. Still going to hurt in the morning though…

    Free Member

    oh and the volume of crap in the garden is beyond ridiculous!

    Free Member

    We have a Choccie Lab and a Golden retriever. The Lab has always been a fairly lethargic sort of dog. He is older than my kids and has never really played with them much so we thought it would be nice for all of them if we got a puppy for the kids to play with and hopefully to liven him up a bit. I think the age difference was just too much and having a bouncy young dog around has pissed him off even more. He’s not a dominant dog but the new one is and I think its a bit of a conflict. My learnings are that if you are going for 2 make sure the age gap is not too great and try and make sure the first dog feels higher in the pecking order.

    Free Member

    When I say ‘stick it in the boot’ I mean wheels off, of course. They’ve invented these great things called ‘quick releases’ and ‘maxles’ now, you should investigate.

    Jesus – whatever will they think of next? I’m off to search Google and see if any ones thought of making such a device for a seat post…

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