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  • Video: Inside the Hope Tech Factory
  • cubist
    Free Member

    Maybe they thought they could make good use of them as the everyday folk had just left them around

    Free Member

    Just went from 2×10 to a 38t and 11-36 here, fine round Sherwood, harder round Cannock, definitely need to go smaller at the front if I’m going anywhere with real hills.

    Free Member

    The black band is to show it’s in mourning.

    At first I thought it said Hitler on it.

    Free Member

    Microsoft expression encoder is free but limits to 10 mins

    Free Member

    I thought about a 40 on the back and a slightly smaller chain ring but read that the change from 34 to 40 can be problematic and my zee mech might also cause issues.

    Free Member

    Superstar floating rotors were so tight on my Cube AMS that the moment a spec of dust got inbetween they started rubbing.

    Free Member

    Make ups got to be better than bloody face paints. Trying to stop my son looking like Darth Maul for school the next day without actually removing his actual face in the process is a nightmare…

    Free Member

    “Go and ask your mum”

    Free Member

    That’s a truly rough break when all you were doing is helping. I feel for you and hope someone else has done the right thing and your bag gets returned and the other guy isn’t too messed up.

    I am intrigued as to how they got a 4×4 down that bit of trail. Surely it’s to narrow?

    Free Member

    I had a similar set of requirements and the Dartmoor Hornet and a new set of end caps for my hub was under £200. Loving it so far.

    Free Member

    Tried compressing them but it wasn’t enough for my 2012 Talas 32s. It must have taken 2 hours of huffing, puffing and swearing before I managed to find something that worked. It just feels so wrong holding on to such a fragile part like that ( phnarr phnarr etc…)

    Free Member

    Just thought I’d share what I did to resolve this in case anyone in a similar predicament is searching for an answer at some point. I was able to wind out the rebound adjuster and then carefully hold it using a pair of pliers while using an open end spanner to very very gently tighten the nut up.

    Seemed fine on Sundays ride and there was no leaking fluid.

    Free Member

    I think the last thing we need is Clarkson on Coke, can you imagine the ego?

    Free Member

    only took the first page…

    Legal guns also equals greater risk of successful suicide and accidental deaths.

    USA at 10.3 and UK at 0.25 – – 40 times more likely

    Not sure that’s got anything to do with my point that, in a self defence context, as was being discussed in the linked article, the UKs situation with Guns and that in the US are not a like for like comparison.

    Don’t get me wrong, I am quite happy I live in a country where the gun controls are as strict as they are. If, however, I lived in the US I would have to make a very difficult decision on whether I ought to own one to defend myself and my family given the prevalence of guns in many crimes. On balance I probably wouldn’t but I would have to have a long hard think about it as it wouldn’t be a cut and dry decision.

    BTW Your point about accidental shootings is, for me, one of the strongest arguments for not owning a gun.

    Free Member

    You can’t really compare the American situation with ours in the UK. There are no doubt a fair few illegal firearms in the UK but armed criminals are the exception not the norm. If the yanks tried banning guns then only the most law obiding citizens would hand theirs in and thus the vast majority of criminals would still be armed and I think that’s the point the pro gun lobby are making. They made a decision to let every Tom, Dick and Billy-Joe-Jimbob wander around armed many moons ago and now they can’t go back.

    Free Member

    Upgraded from s3 to S6 edge. Battery life is vastly improved and charges so quickly. Everything feels instant at the moment. No waiting for apps to load. Feels a lot higher quality than the s3 did.

    Free Member

    I’m local to Sherwood and enjoy it for a simple quick blast around. It’s not Bike Park Wales but it’s not trying to be either. It gets a lot of stick about people riding the wrong way or walking on the trails but tbh I have been going 5 or 6 times a month since living locally and in 4 years only once found a dog Walker on the trail and never some one going the wrong way. Saying all that I’d travel 2hrs to the Peaks but not Sherwood.

    Free Member

    Great idea on Paypal. Unfortunately unless Tweeks trade as an individual I am not looking likely to be in luck. I guess that’s the risk I took buying it at a reduced price…

    Free Member

    Have a picture of me with John Noakes

    I once walked Goldie -not the West Country jungle don with limited acting abilities.

    Free Member

    Duct tape and Calpol.

    Free Member

    A year or so ago my crank came off while I was pushing hard (my fault for poor maintenance) and I went sprawling. Knocked myself out in front of a row of cars waiting for the lights. No one checked if I was ok even though I must have been out cold on the floor for a short while. Most people are to focused on their own little bubble.

    Free Member

    or use =trim(B1)

    Free Member

    I’ve got a Signal jacket and the reflective stuff hasn’t come off at all. Not sure if the fabrics the same but my jacket makes me sweat like a nervous fatlad eating a vindaloo in a shell suit in a sauna on the side of a very active volcano.

    Free Member

    Trails are open as normal. According to FC Facebook page.

    Free Member

    I bought some Titanium bolts from here.
    cracking service.

    Free Member

    There is something about this that torques my stem bolts.

    Free Member

    It’s pretty clear from the amount of dog mess left in parks, paths and trails that it isn’t a few irresponsible owners, it’s most of them.

    If the amount of crap my two dogs require me to clean up after them is anything to go by then its not as many dog owners as you might think.

    There are 8.5 million dogs in the UK if each has 2 craps a day (mine must have about 20 so this feels like an under estimate) that’s 17 million poos per day and according to something I just read on the web (there fore must be true) it takes a year to decompose that means that if most owners (i.e. more than half) leave the poo out and about then we are talking at least 316 billion poos in varying states of decomposition on the ground at any one time.

    If it really was most dog owners who left their dogs mess lying about then there would be a hell of a lot more about than there is.

    Free Member

    Maybe the demographic on here is not the same one that has dogs who kill children?

    Maybe the owners who like to take their dogs riding with them and subsequently select suitable breeds and then have to train them better so they can both enjoy the experience and therefore there is a bias towards better behaved dogs/owners.

    Alternatively this is the internet and we can say portray ourselves however we like without worrying about being caught out so maybe we all let our Cerberus clones leave ostrich sized dog eggs on blind corners just for our own bitter amusement.

    On that basis maybe we are actually not mountain bike enthusiast at all and are really a bunch of perverts trying to groom middle aged men with a penchant for wearing Lycra tights…

    Free Member

    I periodically will take my dog around my local trail centre but only if we hit it before 06:30 AM as there is unlikely to be anyone else about. I pick up his poo and have a plastic tub in my camelback for putting the baggie wrapped crap into so it doesn’t require me leaving it anywhere other than the proper bin.

    When you all burn me at the stake can I ask you add some hickory chips to the fire so it smells nice?

    Free Member

    Cold cut were rather adept with a sampler and if you like Kung Fu films then Depth Charge is/was excellent. For film samples UNKLE edit music for a film is really good as well.

    Free Member

    Mine does that if you pause – don’t pause it and you can do both fine

    Free Member

    You were lucky it was just your brakes, I had a similar incident with a hand grenade*

    *this may not actually be true.

    Free Member

    Just watched the preview and it’s a glove puppet away from being like the Broom cupboard on CBBC.

    Free Member

    Just like riding in Lincolnshire…

    Free Member

    Quite fancy a go on one of these but could totally see it causing huge problems in most places I normally ride my mtb.

    Free Member

    Strippers vs Werewolfs! Complete waste of a great title!

    Free Member

    And then when your phone battery dies you also get to walk home!

    Free Member

    Prime candidate for the second edition of this masterpiece

    Free Member

    and speshpaul please stop trampling on the shrubs…

    Free Member

    I don’t normally take a tabloid influenced stance on stuff like this but why run off if all I said was excuse me. I wasn’t being confrontational or agrresive. Just felt wierd and was playing on my mind a bit.

    Anyway I best go make some hats out of tinfoil and get the cotton wool I wrap the kids in washed ready for tomorrow.

Viewing 40 posts - 441 through 480 (of 603 total)