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  • The Trail Pot Launches: A National Mountain Biking Development Fund
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    I was at a festival in the summer watching Four-Tet and he dropped a bootleg of a Taylor Swift song and the crowd (notably younger than this aged raver) went ballistic. My GF and I couldn’t work out why, it wasn’t a particularly good track and it was a proper dance music festival so the crowds were mostly wasted clubbers, but the response was crazy. Her appeal is huge, just evidently not to middle aged grumps.

    Free Member

    I recently started a Veggie Patch and have now managed to completely quit vegetables altogether

    Free Member

    I feel really conflicted about whether the riders should be encouraged to take such a mental set of risks.

    Free Member

    Didn’t the Sun give them their coveted “Shagger of the Year Award” a few times. Wonder if they’ll mention that in their reporting?

    Free Member

    I have one of these and 2 teenagers – its always bang on!

    Free Member

    13 years ago my ex wife made me sell the ZX6R as I had managed to get her pregnant again and had promised it would go after child number 1 came along 3 years previously.  I had a 2 wheeled hole in my life and having hardly ridden a MTB since my teens decided to fill that void with one and have never looked back.   If I had the finances to buy either an E bike or a Motorbike I’d be struggling to make a decision as to which.

    Free Member

    I love it, its like the playground all over again.  Someone says something to someone else and then it gets escalated to a point that nno-one can back down.  Its just now its the global media standing in a ring shouting “fight, fight, fight” rather than a bunch of teenagers with their ties on backwards.

    Free Member

    I bought two pairs of the shorts for £24 or something like that a year oor so ago. I use them for running in the summer and the gym all year round so they have been washed a few times per week for over a year and they are still going strong. The liner short with the phone pocket works a treat with my gargantuan phone when running.

    I am pretty sure I signed up for a subscription. Bought the shorts then cancelled immediately so it was cheap.

    I may have bought a tshirt but I can’t recall so it must have been a)cheap and b)not a great fit or I’d remember for definiet. The shorts are really good though

    Free Member

    I really regret buying a V8 at the moment. I mean I love it and hate it. Its really hard keeping it fueled and feeding the kids. My only option is to sell a kid. The 16yr olds quite hard working if anyone is interested….

    Free Member

    I had my bike taken from inside my kitchen in a town house was inside a electronically gated car park whilst I slept upstairs. ***ts

    I watched someone in a convertable sat in a traffic jam on the Pariferique (SP?) have their mobile phone they were using stolen by the pillion on a moped. Just lent over and grabbed it. Perfect execution.

    Free Member

    (even left the wife and kids at home).

    TBH I like to keep my ex wife the same way as my coffee so shes ground up and in the fridge

    Free Member

    The fiirst place I worked out of uni had a CD player linked up to the phone system for hold music.

    I repurposed it one night when no-one was in so I could listen to music. Forgoot to remove my CD before reconnecting it.

    It was about 6 months later when someone discovered we had been playing pretty raucous Jungle to people waiting for tech support.

    Free Member

    This is a fortuitous thread as I had my course last Friday.

    I am still confused by the fact the instructor was adamant that the vehicle made no difference to the stopping distance. I thought she was very patronising but maybe this was necessary for some of the other attendees and I understand that a simple message is key to it landing in a 2hr course. However, the stopping distance must be variable based on vehicle weight, contact points ie tyre/wheel size, size of brakes, electronic aids etc…

    Free Member

    Its also worth noting fat loss isn’t linear. The body adjusts over time to the pressures being exerted, whether that be increased calories out or reduced calories in. If the balance is shifted to less in than out you will lose weight but don’t expect it to be linear and watch the long term trend.

    Free Member

    I wish I never started reading back up on remaps – my engine can be mapped to 821 torques and recieve 100 extra horses for less than the cost of a base SRAM groupset. Saying that when it goes bang and the warranty is invalid or more likely I boot it in the wet and end up in a ditch…..

    Free Member

    Ok so it’s not old, and its a bit more thn fastish but this is my bike transport. The worlds most impractical estate car. Noisey, unbelieveably inefficient, won’t take a towbar, gets through tyres faster than some cars get through fuel and I love it, but the eco guilt is hitting me these days, now I’ve scratched the V8 itch I think I need to go electric.

    Free Member

    If you think dog walkers are entitled you should see what a bellend my dog is when he drives

    Free Member

    Its not a Dub bb. The frame currently has a dub bb and cranks but it’s LX I want to swap out the crankset to use the X01 one but it’s bb30 so I assumed I just need a different bb but there is no way that the crank will fit. They are just a fraction of a mm to big.

    Free Member

    I don’t understand why people have to pay a lot of money to subscribe to Spotify or even Youtube. What pisses me off is that you paid money for an annual subscription, and advertising plays every two tracks in your headphones.

    I think the idea is that by paying a subscription the artists get paid (even if its a pittance) for what you listen to.

    Also a paid Spotify sub. means no adverts.

    What Scotroutes suggested should work nicely.

    Free Member

    MY mum had a Golf GTI mk2 when they were the current model. They tried nicking it, older models could have their steering lock snapped by applying some leverage to the wheel and just turning it. Turns out later models had a bolt rather than a split pin and the leverage applied resulted in the whole dash ending up getting ripped up. At this point they decided to steal the stereo, but not before they took her Cliff Richard cassette out. Even scumbags have some taste.

    Free Member

    indeed its actually hard to find impairment in driving after cannabis.

    My best times on Gran Turismo….

    Free Member

    If anyone knows where I can get an XT cassette then can they tell me please?

    Free Member

    I also shook Joe Strummer’s hand when he was at a gig once (watching Pulp). Handshake went fine, but what I remember most is that he had tiny little hands.

    I once shook ex Irish goalkeeper, Pat Jennings hand. His hand covered mine up to about the elbow…. hands like a hobbits feet!

    Free Member

    As a method to increase their bands exposure it was pretty effective and by that I don’t just mean her dropping her kecks

    Free Member

    Not quite the same but a few years back sat in the hotel lobby at a conference on a big squishy sofa talking to some clients. A female employee of said client who I’d worked with on a pretty intensive project a few years back approaches from behind saying hello to me so I start to stand and turnaround with my hand out to shake hers but she leans in to give me a kiss on the cheek which was not what I expected. Somehow as I twisted around and outstretched my hand to shake hers it all got out of shape. So she kissed my cheek and I ended up placing my hand on her boob.

    Free Member

    I had some dirty ******g lowlife junky ***t break into my place while I was in bed to steal a bike he saw in my kitchen. Managed to jenny open a sash window without waking me. I woke when he was just exiting the front door and I heard the clicking of the hub unfortunatley he rode faster than I run wearing just a bath towel.

    My house is in an electorincally gated block so he must have jumped over a 8 ft wall surrounded by CCTV to do it. The CCTV picked them up wandering around the car park, trying doors and windows etc… and then seeing my bikes in the kitchen they went off got a suitable lump of metal from somewhere and popped in to help themselves. Thankfully they took the hard tail and not the new Yeti next to it.

    This is in Lincoln city centre so not exactly Newham or Toxteth. Junkies everywhere though and they have habits to feed.

    Free Member

    I’m not defending sex with kids.

    Phew! Things could have gotten awkward if you were.

    It is really obvious that as a society we treat a female teacher having sex with a boy very differently to a male teacher having sex with a girl (or boy). There is an assumption that most teenage boys are “probably up for it”. I remember what it was like when I was at school and it was probably true, especially with a few of the younger female teachers. Are teenage girls any different though if they have a suitably attractive young male teacher? I don’t think so. Its all irrelevent though because teachers are in a position of trust and its illegal so thats that.

    I guess the ultimate question is should an offender be able to restart their life after they have been punished. I’d say yes but in the case of a sex offender they should not be put in a position of responsibility which would facilitate them re-offending.

    Would I continue with a PT who was guilty of this but had served their time. Given I am unlikely to be the victim of any sort of child abuse (I’m 45) I’m not at risk. Would I leave my teenage son with her? Probably not, he’s already not a great decision maker when he’s thinking with what is in his pants and not his hat (no idea where he gets it from).

    Free Member

    Out of interest does a (properly mixed) pre-workout help in the gym? What about on a pre food ride around the trails?

    If you’ve used them does the caffeine keep you up half the night?

    Anyway if you were really trying to maximise the gains surely a monster line would hit the spot fastest!

    Free Member

    My feet are fairly wide and my Shimano boots (SH-MW701) are really comfy, keep my feet warm and mostly dry allthough if you submerge them below the ankle the water does come in the top but even then they stay fairly warm.

    Free Member

    No – and I have learnt the hard way that this was a mistake. Now they want more £££s to insure my bike than my car…

    Free Member

    Before some bastard stole it.

    Free Member

    I’m on the opposite side of this equation.

    I recently seperated from my wife and am looking to get back on the ladder with my own place. The fact I am a cash buyer seemed to have little impact on whether my offer was percieved favourably.

    I have however agreed with my vendor that they will move into rented in Nov (when my current lease expires) so I can be in by Xmas. Hope that they don’t see the above advice.

    Our prices are going up faster than I care to consider given I am currently shelling our £1k per month on rent and effectively restarting on the ladder.

    Free Member

    Earlier this month I found myself wearing nothing but a bath sheet chasing my bike down my road after some scrote broke into my kitchen. I had not considered what I’d have down if I caught up but given my attire was so limited greco-roman wrestling would have been on the cards…

    Free Member

    Personally I don’t think it’s speed so much, inappropriate speed yes, aggressive driving yes, inconsiderate driving yes.

    I think I agree with this. There are times when 20 in a 30 would be dangerous (school kicking out time being an obvious example) there are other times when 100 in a 70 is safe (motorway in the early hours provided you’re not tired).

    Do I think we need compulsory speed limiters? It undoubtedly would prevent some accidents, might make some people less attentive if they feel the car is doing the consentrating so they may be some offset there. Do I personally want one? No thankyou – just make everyone else get them…

    Free Member

    One has a key, alarm, tracker? and apart from an organised gang shipping it to eastern europe its pretty unsellable.

    The other can be easily removed from your kitchen, car rack, or even just pushing you off it and riding off. Only the frame has an identifying number on it, thousands of pounds of parts from it can be removed with an allen key and sold

    One driven at speed may hurt a pedestrian. The other driven at speed could kill a number of people. The car includes liability insurance should I drive into someone. The bike is theft only. Surely a claim from me disabling a coach full of children would ouytway a few grands worth of stolen bike. I guess they have done the sums, just seems illogical.

    Free Member

    Allthough my quotes for the Yeti to get covered are a 3rd of what I pay fully comp for my 2yr old 500+bhp Merc. FFS How can they justify that?

    Free Member

    Quick question.

    Seems my home insurance with my wife is going to cover up to £1k -£250 exces so at least I get £750 back (it was worth notably more but better than nothing). The insurance claims advisor has asked me to list parts (it was custom build) am I going to get told its worth more than the coverage so go do one or will they cover up to the £1k limit and no more.

    PS I know I’m an idiot not insuring and the Yeti is now being insured

    Free Member

    Hit target and have lost 2stone since the start of Chubb Club and 3 in total since March. Woo Hoo.

    Celebrating my new lower BMI by learning to SkyDive. At least the crater will be smaller when I screw up 🙂

    For ref. I have been going to the gym and lifting big weights, lots of compound excercises etc… took up kick boxing for a bit of HIIT and Hit and have done a bit of running when I couldn’t get out on the bike. This was coupled with a really strong focus on high protein/lower carb diet, intermittent fasting (24hrs at a time and for most of the week eating window of no wider than 6-8hrs) However, I have eaten/drank what I want at weekends when with my kids or if going out with mates.

    Currently look and feel my best since my late twenties (whihc is a long time ago) Sorry if this all sounds smug but I am feeling smug today and thought it might be motivational for others to see being a 45 year old 16stone glutton with a desk job isn’t a barrier.

    Free Member

    Its really horrible knowing they were in my house while I was upstairs. I was so drowsy it took a while to realise the noise was inside downstairs and not coming from outside. They were really quiet getting in but must have banged into something leaving.

    Free Member

    Got a picture of it? Where in Lincoln?

    I live in the centre of the city. Just behind Strait and Narrow. It really is tucked out of the way and I thought quite secure.

    Stolen Orange Clockwork

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