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  • Interview: Lou Ferguson on ‘being alive and being happy’
  • Cubed
    Free Member

    Whatever you do don’t cut the seatpost off.Bikeshop would need to use this for leverage.
    Have u tried plus gas?
    If this doesn’t work – it will need to be hand milled out.
    Aluminium and alloy don’t mix – you need to re grease regular – if you don’t they ened up chemically bonding together!!!

    Free Member

    You shouldn't use a tens machine on the neck or skull really. You might cause some unwanted effects spasms etc.
    There are alternatives to amitryptyline – not every drug agrees with everyone – got to find the one that works for you – unfortunately it takes time.

    Free Member

    Have you tried an ice pack to the back of your head to see if this relieves symptoms? Also at night try a wheat bag warmed up as this can help too.
    Headaches – are strange things – no one understands what they actually are – they just try and manage the discomfort level.
    I would also ask your doc to rule out primary headaches – such as hemicrania continua – i suffer from this and you really don't want this.
    Then there is also things like trigeminal neuralgia – very uncommon. Both the above have very distinct diagnosis.
    Finally analgesic pain killers are fine short term – long term ask them to try amytriptyline – anti depressant – but used in the treatment of headaches. If this doesn't work there are heavy duty tablets like gabapentin used for epilepsy – again used for headache control.
    Plenty of options out there – but you may need to prod your gp in the right direction.

    Free Member

    They love the romance – then treat you like an alien when they've had enough.

    Still life gets better.

    Free Member

    Happened to me – ex moved away for a course – was then going back to Germany for summer. Frosty on the phone, didn't want to talk etc – lost my temper and dumped her in the end. Regretted losing temper for months.
    A year later had the time of my life – partying new friends. Met new missus.

    Also found out she was shagging a flatmate. Frankly they deserved each other.

    Hard when you are treated badly – technology sucks sometimes.
    You have to move on in the end ven though it leaves a pang of regret.

    Free Member

    Do them both and see for yourself – can do both in 3.5 hours. Whites more technical – but definitely more fun on the way down – alternatively go to coed y brenin.

    Free Member

    Top Gun

    Con Air

    Free Member

    How much does an issue 1 – mint condition go for these days? Last one i saw was ridiculous price on ebay.

    Free Member

    Must be something about that song – still can't listen to it without thinking of her. You just need to remember that beneath the regret – you went your own ways for a reason – good or bad.

    Alternatively stalk them on facebook!

    P.S i drive a toyota hi lux – and belive i don't have to make up for anything!!

    Free Member

    I ran a refuse fleet and recycling fleet for a local authority – and all i can say is joe public is a proper pain in the butt.These guys do a thousand properties upwards per day, run equivalent of a marathon a day, get paid crap, and treated like shiite. Some of them are difficult some of them are great just like evertwhere else – only difference is you see them every week. Beware these guys know what you had for breakfast, know what you get up to and can tell you your deepest darkest secrets!! Always worth a good tip at xmas.
    Just as an example we had one guy who couldn't fit his rubbish on one bin – went and did an audit – turned out he lived on hampers from Harrods and didn't see why he should recycle!! Then there was the guy that recorded me and threatened to sue because we'd missed his bin for a week. God i hated Joe Public. Always hated the vocal minority!

    Free Member

    Rootbeer at McDonalds!!

    Free Member

    I've had both median nerves realeased and both ulnar nerves released – left arm done twice due to scaring. Now glad to say i can hold handlebars again, and i sleep through the night!

    Doc should refer you for nerve testing – this isn't definitive – doesn't work on everyone!!

    Free Member

    Enforce comminity service

    No benefits for those that don't do above – thereby aiding local authorities to provide services. Litter picking street cleansing gardening etc!!

    Scrap passports and roll them over to biometric id cards and make this our passport system – No ID card no benefits no NHS assistance.

    Money for core services only – i really don't want to pay for some minorities project that gets scrapped every 12 months.

    Tax banks and salaries above 100k, then tax bonuses as well.

    Reduce cost of loans for start ups especially manufacturing.

    Cap immigration for low level workers and encourage teachers and doctors.

    Bored of minority factions taking over everything and bleeding hear liberals. Lets give rights to those that benefit our society and take them away for those that abuse them.

    Free Member

    Score 0f 34 – could you all please keep your typing neat – it's beginning to bug me!!

    Free Member

    According to Nostradamus we all get blown up in 2012 – enjoy the biking whilst you can.

    Free Member

    Oh and by the way here's a good example of good customer service.

    Rapha damaged jacket – sent for repair, email confirming reciept, weekly update on status, returned in two weeks, repaired.- and this was for stuff i bought in a sale 2 years ago!!

    Wiggle – ordered items, tracked, advised of delivery date, confirmation of order delivery.

    Amazon, updates all orders, advises of change of dates for deliveries, tells when parcels on way out, advises of any delays.

    Trek – their are serious lessons to be learned here.

    Free Member

    I am not arguing about the gestures Trek have made or the facts.

    The frustration at being told two weeks on the trot that it was in the country. That they were so busy they struggling to get the wheel out of the warehouse. To this weeks that is priroity delivery and still no show.The point is do what you promise to do? And if you can't don't promise what you can't deliver.

    I stagger with disbelief.I can send a parcel anywhere in the country tracked for a reasonable fee. Yet trek can't get a rim out of their warehouse on time.

    I run a business that relies on my customers being satisfied everytime they use my services. If i was this bad at it – i'd be out of business pretty soon.

    Free Member

    Why should i rebuild with borrowed parts and then have to adjust everything again? I get what your saying – but yet again druid way off the mark.

    The point is bad service from Trek.

    Shouldn't matter if its a Trek Top fuel or Race X Lite rim – in this day and age customer service is the be all and end all.

    My customers wouldn't accept it – why should i?

    Free Member

    Coventry Cycles have been great – they have offered a replacement for the meantime. Think your missing the point. I want my wheel rebuilt and on my bike – not just a loaner.
    Rubbish service from Trek/ Bontrager and feel like i'm being fed a bunch of lies now.

    Free Member

    Hi Treksimon
    I use coventry cycle centre – listed as John Atkins on the bontrager website. Any help apprecited.


    Free Member

    I had the same problem – but was being kept awake at night by it – eventually went down the surgical route. I had all the nerve tests done which didn't show much – something to do with muscle density – honest. They decided to try and free things up up anyway. Consultant was amazed i hadnt had more problems.
    Made a huge difference to me. I can now hold handlebars properly for the firts time in years and hold a book up to read. Most important – i now get 8 hours a night uninterrupted sleep.

    Free Member

    Stuck at home recovering from an arm operation – feel fine – but been told no mountain biking for a month, nor road biking for a month and if i want to use the turbo 10 minutes max at a time. I hate my physio!!!
    Raging sunshine outside – it's killing me not going for a ride – let me out – i want to ride!!!!

    Free Member

    I find that the back restraint of most new helmets sit right on the nerves on the back of my head which can be quite uncomfortable. I tend to ride with a lighter road one as the rear restraint is more flexible. Alternatively a beanie underneath helps a bit.

    Free Member

    Could always try a rotring?? Faber castell have some nice ones at the minute, cross are ok but for crossword posers. Have to admit i do like parker sonnet though. Try checking out The Pen Shop or Websters Pen Shop.

    Mont blanc
    Yard o Led

    All way expensive and only for those who like writing or keep a journal and are going to use them every day – just rember its painful losing a really expensive pen!!Especially if some school kid is going to nick it!!

    Free Member

    Harlestone and Irchester – tiny and rubbis compared to Cannock. I think theres trails in the national forest Nottingham – should be on the Forestry commission website.

    Free Member

    A 3 and a half feet long Millenium Falcon – i've wanted one since i was 8. By the way it's really cool.

    What an ace missus!!

    Free Member

    Whats the name of the pub – grub looks good?

    Free Member

    POsted on the forum but still no joy.

    Free Member

    Lets put put some real perspective on this.

    Doper or not – all the new new tests are based on normal values – whatever that means.

    Reality is he hasn't been normal since he was diagnosed with cancer. One testicle removed, brain surgery – whose to say there isn't a physiological reason for so called odd values.Has anyone looked at brain function on recovery and physical exertion after this kind of surgery.

    I'm no Lance fan – but i would be peed off(bad pun) if someone tested my samples without authority and hadn't followed the protocols as a cyclist i would want them to get it right the first time. Lets face it you only have to mention drugs tests and probikers pee their pants these days.
    If it was EPO they can still sanction for the previous seven years.

    How many times has the guy bee tested this year?

    As for blood transfusions they can test for autologus and homologous transfusions.Bored of hearing that one.

    Lets face it no one knows what normal really is!

    Free Member

    Just had a relapse and spent 3 weeks on crutches just to stand up, referred back to orthopaedic consultant, currently caught in the not bad enough to operate and not good enough to train. Wish i'd had the op when it first went saved 10 years of hell.

    Free Member

    Prolapsed discs L4/L5 and S1 with degeneration shown throughout the spine.
    Initial hard part was getting back to exercising at the pre prolapse intensity.
    Truth it just doesn't happen unless you are very lucky.
    Number of relapses – but i find the intensity and severity has changed for the better – but it's taken 9 years.
    Do expect relapses for no particular reason – you need to learn to manage them. Heavy on the drugs for 24-48hrs and quck remobilisation are essential.
    I ride hard tail and road ride – but the amount of money i have spent on saddles and getting position right is hilarious. Highly recommend getting measured properly – i think there are people who will look at the biomechanics of your position (saw a company at the last bike show in London)
    Highly recommend the charge spoon saddle and steel frames. I ride a cubed ltd team with reba sls no real problems there, and a condor acciao with carbon forks – heavy but incredibly comfy for those longer rides, and think how fast you'll be on a carbon bike!!

    I would recommend staying away from skiing for a while due to the fall factor.

    Painkillers are evil and addictive if you can live without them do – growing evidence that paracetamol can cause asthma and prolonged use of ibuprofen bad for kidneys. Diclofenac just nasty.

    Finally lets not forget food. Painkillers affect appetite, weight gain equals relapse. Hard to grasp if you comfort eat – try puttin on 2 stone and then working it off when you can't walk. Remove all temptation. Additionally i find some foods as triggers not sure why but i do watch sugar content and i eat as few wheat products as possible.

    Remember the pain goes away honest.

    Free Member

    Had decompression in both hands and have also had decompression at both elbows. To quote the consultant – tendons were so tight he was amazed i didn't have more problems.
    Nerve tests don't always give the right answer – especially if your well built.Had mine done on NHS- 3months diagnosis to surgery.
    Amazed at how much better it is – i can now hold my handlebars – always a bonus.
    It's looking like i'm going to have to have the left hand done again – as scar tissue can cause complications.
    Best thing is i now sleep 8 hours a night – bliss.

    Free Member

    Chill Guys!!

    Everyones allowed an opinion.

    I was diagnosed with prolapsed discs at L4/ L5 9 years ago. From experience i find that docs have little concept of the pain this type of problem causes. I also find that most docs give poor explanantions on drug use, length of drug use and the uncomfotable side of coming off them.Unfortunately i react to ibuprofen and diclofenac so the normal drug regime is out, although i can highly recommend pethedine and diazaepam. I also find that docs rarely tell you of the resorces available for pain management – ie pain management clinics, back reabilitation units, physio etc.

    Having gone down the conservative treatment route as advised at the time i have had multiple relapses and further prolapse at l5/S1.

    The only real method of diagnosis is an MRI – but sciatica/ numbness are indications of diagnosis and not a full diagnosis.

    I am empathising with chakaping as after a bad month of being ravaged by every bug going i spent last weekend being fed morphine due to a relapse and am currently awaiting a referral back to the orthopaedic consult. Currently i am stuck at home on crutches as i can barely stand let alaone get on a bike. ( Yes i was having a good year getting the miles in – now frankly i'm going to be lucky if i can walk properly by the end of september).

    The point i was making is that NICE the NHS treatment guideline body has changed the suggested methods of treatment – and as such you may have to push to get the right resolution for you.

    Free Member

    diclofenac is an anti inflammatory. Diazepam is a muscle relaxant. = reduce swelling and relax muscles. Normal basics for prolapsed disc.

    You may have to push for more agressive tretsment if it doesn't improve as care policy has just chasnged for backs.

    Believe me you don't want to suffer for 9 years like i have.

    Good luck.

    Free Member

    Sorry to hear that man. Modern science is samazing these days. You gotta hope for the best – hope all goes well.

    Free Member

    Feels like an elephant has stomped on my ribs – i just don't have the usual gunginess of what is normal for chest infection for me. Although the missus apprecites the fact i now sound like lint eastwood.

    Free Member

    I guess its a bad idea to try Cannock tomorrow??

    Anyone tried neovite – it claims to help the immune system?

    I'm liking the oxygen mask – and the nurses might be cute. I'll obviously have to avoid the garlic or they may put me in isolation.

    Oh by the way i already use symbicort twice daly for asthma and montelukast to help with the exercise induced side of things. Have to say since i started the montelukast my biking has gotten way better – in between chest infections and the 3 months it takes me to get back to the norm.

    Free Member

    Broke my arm over there falling down a mountain few years back – cost me over 500 dollars efore they would even look at me? Frightening if you don't have 500 dollars!

    The point of the NHS was that all society contributes to provide treatment for all – yes it's going through transition as medicine has changed from 10 years ago and i imagine it will be a while before it settles.

    What we need to do over here is make those that currently free load on the system pay – its simple too many people don't contribute whether they be tax avoiding pikeys or health tourists. No payee taxes no free healthcare – yes there will always be exceptions. don't think it's too harsh.If your employed go be a porter in a hospital or clean the toilets etc – everyone can ontribute someway!!

    Free Member

    First one took 3 course of antibiotics and sterioids.

    Second one took 2 courses

    Currently on second course for the current one – chest feels ok – but apparently i have pluracy?

    Biked saturday and felt great – within 12 hours stuffed up ears chest the lot. Feel like i need to put down.

    Sinuses are currently the size of gnats poohole -awesome headache.

    Free Member

    When it come to replacing a wheel on a road bike – disc calipers are not ideal in race conditions too fiddly and not enough immediate adjustmrent. Traditional cantilever brake design wins. Otherwise valuable lessons could be lost.

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