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    Could be the stuff – obscure 80’s american film. Sentient yoghurt takes over the world.

    Free Member

    No radios = old school = people at side of road with radios and white boards on ground at intervals. Everyone forgets what they used to do without radios.

    Free Member

    Thanks folks.

    Free Member

    If you are found to have cheated – your wins should be wiped – doesn’t make the other 2 winners. Placing should be left open and winners money not paid to anyone who has doped.
    Bored of all this histrionic revisionism.

    Free Member

    why do they always announce these allegations two weeks befor the tour – that then end up in court for years..

    Why don’t they go after some footballers and the pathetic sanctions they are given, let alone the non existent level of testing.

    Free Member

    Had and still have the same problem.

    To quote my consultant – physio is useless for this problem -it either resolves or doesn’t.

    The NHS treats it with conservative therapies – painkillers/physio etc – mostly because the treatments are really where they need to be.

    It is scary surgery but it is done regular by some amazing surgeons (neurosurgeons are better)

    Look at – this is the page the surgeons put out there.

    Free Member

    erm?? wouldn’t a brace between frame and cage make more sense. Protect the frame, reduce vibration and help spread load. Nothing worse than bottle cage wobble noise.

    Free Member

    I run a quarry that used to be an airfield.
    Anyway oldboy turns up and asks to have a look at the old control tower thats still there. Normally i say no, but he was distraught at not seeing it. So after a bit of banter – he explains that he’d been to a reunion at Normandy and got chatting to another oldboy who served – where i now work. He’d promised his friend that he’d have a look and give him a call to let him know if it was still there – knowing that there not going to be around much longer).
    Turns out the guy that came to see the tower was a gunner( he had gunners twitch – not able to keep his head straight always looking left and right).
    All i can say is, that if hadn’t taken a breath and realised what these guys and gals did for us. I would have missed an interesting hour of war tales.
    It was almost as good as listening to my grandad and his tank tales from africa – which is probably why i like war films.

    Free Member

    oh no – what am i going to do saturdays evenings?? And i have to wait til wednesday for the killing.

    Free Member

    Okay – so they’ve ruled out what they call secondary headaches – tumours, blood vessels etc.
    That leaves what they call primary headaches. Migraine, cluster headache etc.No physical cause.
    It sounds like he has been referred to neurologist – most likely he will see a neurological nurse. they should be working through the drug treatment range to find a means of prevention and control. You need to realise sometimes it takes time to find the right treatment. You do need to work through what they prescribe and as you can imagine this takes lots of time and patience. Easier said than done.
    Chase that neurology appt – they are very time pressured and very specialist – so the demand is high. Ring and say you’ll take a cancellation!
    The other posts are right to suggest about food diary and activities – the neurologist will ask you to do this as a matter of course. Things like sugar intake, caffeine can have a big impact – people don’t often realise how wired they are!! Also taking things like ibuprofen and paracetomol consistently and long term can cause headaches according to new research – only use them when you have too.
    Don’t focus on looking at webpages – half of them suggest your brain will explode in a scanners stylie. Hope all goes well.

    Free Member

    I know it’s a bit daft – but part of it is having confidence in your kit as well. I find checking bike after each ride and before i go back out helps. If it’s a downhill issue inest in some better brakes and good all round tyres. Hopefully this might help bring your confidence back up.

    It will be fine – just takes time, and maybe seeing Jedi isn’t a bad idea.

    Free Member

    Put in formal complaint requesting an explanation on why they have not met the 18 week guideline, and give them a deadline to respond by. (by the way if you are outside of 18 weeks -they should have contacted you and informed you of the options available). This is not uncommon with elective surgery and the case load most consultants carry.
    You do have the right to go to another hospital or the use of private facilities where the NHS have not met the guidelines.
    Remember private isn’t always better if the surgery is routine – consultant that does 100 a year is going to be better than one who does 10 a year – as in private sector.
    The 18 week guideline is one of the proposed NHS changes – this missing deadlines seems to be more common as the changes are being implemented lately.
    It is worth checking the NICE (national institute of clinical excellence guidelines) – good to know what excuses they are going to throw at you and the rights you have under the patients charter.
    If you don’t speak loud – they’re not going to hear you!!!

    Free Member

    Cannock 2011 just bought a new zesty – wasn’t tuned quite right(excuse for rubbish skills). Hit the rock pavements went over the bars and landed on hands and knees. Bit sore – finished the ride. Over the next few months slowly became unable to walk without being in agony.
    One MRI later showed severe prolapsed discs requring surgery. Now off for 4-6 weeks recovering.
    Best part – this is the second time.
    Missus and i still discussing me keeping the bike – or not.
    Only bonus – managed to watch 6 seasons of criminal minds.

    Free Member

    Thanks guys and gals.

    This was the second opinion, unfortunately i have a compression of the nerves and have suffered nerve damage from the fisrt prolapse. It seems that i seem to be prone to this and scarring.

    Stupid i can sit on the bike ok, i can pedal for hours – but walking is hell. The damage when i come off is disproportionate.

    The first guys opinion was grin and bear it. |Hey ho.

    Free Member

    Rode it yesterday – it was fine. Nice to see one of the sections reopened – i do miss the end section that was fun.

    Only one question really – why aren’r chasetrails a registered charity? Loads of companies asking employees to do volunteering in the community at the moment as part of their corporate responsibilty.

    I wouldn’t mind giving up a day to build a trail and maybe ride after!! Just a thought.

    Free Member

    My sympathies – second worst pain ever experienced!!!
    I was diagnosed with L5/S1 in 2001 and followed all the guidance – physio / lose weight etc(i was superfit when it went) . Did not work for me and the disc did not atrophy.
    I was on painkillers for nearly two years – try to avoid this as now i have a neurolgical condition caused by poor pain management. Being referred to apain management clinic may help – most GP’s have to be pushed to do this.

    The NHS (NICE)changed it’s guidelines last year – advocating passive therapy. If the pain is affecting lifestyle and you are having continued relapses – you have a hard decision to make and will have to push for resolution.

    Checkout – this is produced by spinal surgeons and gives you good advice.

    There are a number of types of op
    Discectomy – part of disc is removed – this can be done twice – if they have to do it a third time you will be looking at a
    Laminectomy – full disc removal and spinal fusion – this is the one to avoid as 10 year outlook is poor – most have to have it done again.

    I had a discectomy last year – all went well until may this year – where i now have been diagnosed with spinal stenosis and probably another op!!

    Either way you will have to make some lifestyle changes.

    Free Member

    Don’t do it – look for some old school engineering workshop local if possible – try getting it reamed out – and you may still have a usable frame afterwards.

    Free Member

    Go see your GP – or if your surgery has a respiratory nurse they can be prescribe much better stuff. I take fexofenadine and rinatec spray – works much better than otc junk.

    Free Member

    Cleam mine after every ride – and not had any of the bb problems or headset problems. First full suss bike for me – taken me a while to get it all set up right.
    Overrall it’s not the lightest – but hey it makes you spin goiung up, and makes you grin on the way down. Only gripe is it seems a bit front end heavy when hitting jumps – uppy downy seastpost and getting weight back more will cure that.
    Compare it to the new bikes – 7005 ali against 6061 – no real difference. Weight wise – it’s upgradable if you want too.
    Why spend over 600 quid more with barely a kilo in difference between the two bikes. Save the money and upgrade in the sales.
    Overrall a great bike(by the way i paid 1200 for mine but not many places got them left).

    Free Member

    I know what you mean Qurrel – i seem obsessed with watching it too.

    I do wonder though if they will keep the visitors centre at Sellafield open now?

    By the way friend of mine got thrown out of Sellafield -as part of his job he carried a radiation detector. When it started going off and explained to the tour leader – was promptly escorted off the premises. In fairness though he did get a written apology back.

    Strangely enough he also came into contact with medium level radioactive waste that hadn’t been disposed of correctly – as a result he was quarantined for two weeks – and to this day still has to go for an annual screen, and yes he does have helath problem too.

    Free Member

    Prefer to tazer the owners really – way more fun. After all as the owners put it there just dogs.

    Free Member

    I had the same dilemma. Bought the zesty. X control just didn’t convince when test ridden. 214 Good upgrade potential and is a sweet ride. Changed the wheels over and just getting to grips with it. Definitely a better bike if you want to ride cannock and fancy a crack at wales.

    Free Member

    Bubba Ho tep – Bruce Campbell in a zimmer frame chase scene – hilarious.
    The producers – new version – just for Uma Thurmans legs.
    Clerks 2 – Kevin Smith at his best.
    Jay and silent bob strike back for Matt Damon and Ben affleck doing lemon face/ scary face.
    Weekend at Bernies – oldie but a goody.

    Free Member

    +1 for the zesty.
    Good spec, highly upgradable. Still a few mediums around.

    Free Member

    Don’t sell your bike.
    Mines the one thing that has kept me going over the last ten years. Depression from health issues that haven’t all gone away.
    I live for those few hours at the weekend – all that baggage gets left behind. It’s the best part of the week.

    Free Member

    Just bought a Zesty 214 2010 in the sales. Thinking about what to do with the cube ltd team hardtail – keep or sell.
    Now thinking i may replace my old road bike frame with a planet x carbon as well.
    Projects to keep me busy as i’m still not allowed back out on the trails in case i fall over over and mess up the consultants good work on my back.
    Lots of walking and 15 minutes a day on the turbo at the moment, and no cake!!

    Free Member

    Get the back fixed?

    Just had disc removed myself and been off the bike for 3 months and likely to be another 2 before i can start to ride proper. Not too bad as i miss all the wet and cold part of the year.

    Investing in a new FS myself – specialised camber looks good – no other real competitors at that price range. Did look at lapierre x control 210 – but no one has a good word to say on them.

    Free Member

    Cool scar cheesybeanz – almost body mod territory.

    Getting over having disc removed at l5 – s1 – legs are killing me.

    Free Member

    Just had a disk removed – 4 weeks of enforced nothing – thank god for lovefilm free trial streamed straight to PS3. Might just be back on the bike by xmas.

    Free Member

    You won’t end up with the right clearance for your sprocket.
    Better to get the right BB rather than mess up your chainset.

    Free Member

    Mimi can i suggest you read my full posts here – you seem to have grasped the wrong end of the doggy stick.

    I am not a dog owner
    I am not a fan of dogs on trails after being knocked of my bike, forced to stop 3 times in one session at Cannock this summer.

    I made it very clear about trail usage based on dedication in my earlier posts.

    Free Member

    FC land is working land but where the trails are clearly marked there is normally a designation of shared/ bike etc. Doesn’t always apply. But where i mostly ride at Cannock they go to great effort to make it clear.

    I’m sure everyones dogs are well trained. But i won’t be paying any vets bills when your animal gets caught in my wheel or if i land on top of it.

    Sometimes – all i want to do is whip round sections in total burnout mode and not have to worry about the pooch in front of me that i spotted on my way round.

    Is it a responsible owner that puts their pet in that position??

    Free Member

    The issue is the status of the dedication of a trail.

    Shared trail – shared use
    Dedicated bike trail – bike use
    Unmarked trail – free for all

    Anyway – my cat rules the universe flatfish.

    Remenber we are all allowed an opinion without name calling. Doesn’t mean any of us are right. Except my cat as emperor of the universe.

    Free Member

    The issue is the status of the dedication of a trail.

    Shared trail – shared use
    Dedicated bike trail – bike use
    Unmarked trail – free for all

    Anyway – my cat rules the universe flatfish.

    Remenber we are all allowed an opinion without name calling. Doesn’t mean any of us are right. Except my cat as emperor of the universe.

    Free Member

    Flatfish – i’m actually not a brat or selfish. Keep the make it personal vibe to yourself please.

    Free Member

    Expect the unexepected – from a pink panther movie – says it all.

    Free Member

    Cannock chase – is clearly signed – dedicated bike trail/ shared trail.

    The key issue is dogs not being where they shouldn’t be.

    Free Member

    It’s simple really.

    BIKE trail

    Not bike and any old pet trail.

    Dog owners get over it – you don’t rule the universe – and no we don’t have to be considerate or expect the unexpected. We are there to ride.

    Bit of reality folks. When you ride on bike only trails – we don’t expect to see a labradoodle in the middle of trail waiting for it’s gormless owner.

    Free Member

    Only in my mind – currently stuck on the floor recovering from an L5/S1 discectomy. No riding til after xmas!

    Free Member

    obviouisly it would be the badger – like it would drag the baboon into the middle of the road and wait for the lorry driver to run it over. Natural road cmaouflage vs opposable thumbs. i go with the camouflage.

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