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  • The Bossnut is back! Calibre’s bargain bouncer goes 29
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    Rapha made a huge difference when they started. Not just clothing but Rouleur magazine. Just think of the copycats and the high end clothing now available.
    I still have my first jerseys from them which are in great condition – along with all the collaborations like independent fabrications, Smithfield nocturne – can’t say that about some of the others. This was when £69 was thought to be a lot. They were still one of  the first to introduce goretex, insulation to ride gear.

    Yes they need to streamline – it has gotten a bit crazy- but they are still no1 on my go to list.

    Free Member

    Head to Garmisch Partenkirchen for the day . Good food and drink. Head up the funicular or gondola and have lunch on the mountain.
    Or head to Salzburg home of the Mozart kugel and visit his home.

    Free Member

    One party consent in uk – you don’t need someone’s agreement to record a conversation- but it is considered reasonable.

    I would take money and run – maybe ask for 5 months severance worth a go.

    Free Member

    Deckards restored unicorn dream. Deckards partner leaves an origami unicorn at the elevator- towards final shot of the film. Unicorn dream suggests Deckard is a replicant same as Rachel and it’s actually Tyrell playing games. This is followed through in BR2049 – Tyrell’s last secret.
    Shame there won’t ever be a third to complete the trilogy. Always thought we deserved a bit more of off world battles and the fight for survival.
    Perfect for Dave Bautista blockbuster.

    Free Member

    NHS are currently trying to get people off symbicort to use an out of patent generic brand because it is expensive. Tried it with me last year – I had such a bad time trying serotonide/becotide told them no.

    I use bricanyl as a reliever – ventolin was utterly rubbish – max dose and still no help on.

    Good to know about the MCA treatment – they kept that quiet!

    Free Member

    Forgot to say – check your on the 400/12 and not the 200/12 dosage for symbicort.

    Free Member

    If your coughing a lot – your asthma is not well controlled and you need a review.
    Have you tried bricanyl as a reliever rather than ventolin? I found ventolin was pointless.
    There are other routes to go – they’ll take a bit of fighting though – autoimmune meds.
    I had to abandon winter riding due to chest infections- took up winter hillwalking instead. One thing that did make a difference was protecting throat and upper chest by wearing scarf when outdoors.

    Free Member

    Talk to county council rights of way officer to make sure it’s registered. If not you’ll lose the rights to use in the next year. Big project on to get all these registered at the minute.

    Free Member

    Rockshox reba sl poploc 100mm 29er forks equivalent. Will have a chat with local bike shop. Thank you for the offer.

    Free Member

    This is difficult for me – it’s hard for me to even type this.Excuse the vagueness – its deliberate. My son has cerebral palsy – the circumstances around this are difficult beyond measure. Unless you’ve been there you have no idea.As a result my wife and I don’t get a lot of time. The 5-6 hrs I get at Cannock lets me get through the week. The last few years have been hell. I was just beginning to feel like my old self and having the bike nicked is just the icing on the cake. Getting back on the turbo is not the same as being able to ride forest trails with focus and concentration it needs.

    Free Member

    Thanks all really appreciate this. Quite down in the dumps today- guess that’s normal. Also feel like bit of a turnip— never normally leave my bike out of sight — frazzled after a rubbish week and hey presto.

    Think I’ll give winter a miss this year (just as well I hadn’t put my winter lights on yet!)and save some cash for spring. Boring turbo sessions here I come! Uggghhhhhhh.

    Ironically I have a 2013 cube 29er with some borked forks – that’s why I upgraded to the canyon. Seeing as it’s my anniversary next week and I fancy living better not spend any more on bikes.

    Anyway 2 names mentioned in posts elsewhere- passed to police before I name and shame. Contemplating reward- not sure how effective that will be.

    Setup alerts all over the place uk and abroad so it’s just a matter of time before it resurfaces or is abandoned.

    Free Member

    Camera footage is now on Cannock police website.

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    Free Member

    2mins in bike shop – not locked done it god knows how many times. Checking on insurance but suspect it’s not a good answer.
    Absolutely brazen.

    Free Member

    Forgot to say thank you to everyone who stopped to let me check.
    To the gent who bought me coffee and cake your a star.
    To the bike shop for having ace cameras.
    The police for turning up and having good try.

    To the thief – your face is going to be plastered over social media by the end of today.

    Free Member

    Take it steady and build fitness and make sure you work your core separately.

    Dropper seatpost to take some of the compression movement out.

    Saddle – I went through about 10 before I found one I could ride more than an hour on. (Fabric – dense foam which helps).

    Free Member

    I give you one word:

    Blosters (AKA blisters)

    I received a handwritten note from employees wife – detailing that he had really bad blosters – my supervisor at the time was on the floor peeing himself with laughter unsurprisingly. Needless to say emp. didn’t last long.

    Free Member

    You need to be referred especially if it is cluster headache. There are other forms of headache out there that can be treated but you need to see a good neurologists some of these are not widely known. Getting an appointment is hard unless you end up in A and E. Be warned a neurological nurse is not the same as a neurologist – go figure. Some GPs still in the dark ages.

    Drugs you listed are pretty brutal and not everyone can not tolerate them – especially duloxetine. They should be trying basics – amitryptiline/ nortriptyline etc.

    If it’s migraine have they tried sumatriptan – short term immediate solution.
    There are conditions that where paracetamol is liking eating candy – does nothing. Sometimes paracetamol is the cause of problem. We are one of the few countries that allows general access to paracetamol. Learn to de stress instead of the tablets.
    GP won’t normally prescribe certain drugs unless told to do so by a neuro.
    Hemicrania continua – don’t google it very depressing. Can be treated with old school anti flammatories.
    Pregablin – again only prescribed by neuro normally. Be wary very difficult to come off.
    Posters are right don’t neglect lifestyle – stress, bad food caffeine all triggers. Also get yours eyes tested even you have mild prescription it may be worth it.

    Free Member

    Severe bout of flu few years back left at below 350. Tried all the inhalers with propellant and reacted badly- could not talk without wheezing. Given symbicort daily and briccanyl instead of ventolin. On a good day peak flow between 650 and 700. Took ages to get back to riding at decent level. Try to hike in winter rather than ride these days.
    My asthma is the horrid cough guts up with mucus type. Rather than strangle me own throat dibbler type.
    Doc was pants – eventually saw asthma nurse who is awesome.
    Annual review few days back– been to see doc for feeling lousy- pain in side when I get a chest infection. See docs takes 3 trips to get them to do anything. Asthma nurse treats it like a military assault. Will now take 2 lots of antibiotics when it could have just been nipped in bud. Flu jab each year. Pneumonia jab every 5. Normally works well. But not this year. Not cold enough to kill off the nasties.

    Free Member

    I would suggest that method of construction has not been considered either. To make a path you need more than 100mm angular stone, you also need smaller material to fill the gaps and create some stability.
    Anyone asked them from which quarry – that would highlight origin of material and whether it is limestone/ gritstone? that whitish washed out look suggest it is limestone.

    Free Member

    18 copies for sale. Shame it’s gone under. Some pretty good articles about London raceway.

    Give me the ride mag any day.

    Free Member

    Honestly – get over it. It’s too easy to feel slighted – but it’s not worth the anger.

    I was the same with mine – then I got a call to tell me my mum had 6months to live. Sometimes we have to put the petty stuff behind and move on.

    Free Member

    Check out prestige cycles in Brighton – sure they do budget steel and titanium for that kind of price.

    Free Member

    That should be kwik fit fitter. Thanks iPhone.

    Free Member

    Another fortnight and we will have the annual unveiling of this years doping scandals. I wonder who it will be this time?

    The French hate Wiggo and accuse him of doping, but they love Froome – don’t get it, and he’s a plastic brit with a really annoying accent, which for me is a good enough reason to dislike him.

    Also he seems to think he can win a 3 three week tour by grandstanding – the team tactics are going to eat him alive.

    Free Member

    Deepest condolences to the family.

    No idea what to say. Easy to blame muslim community, and for all the BNP/ EDL to jump on the bandwagon.
    It’s never that easy though.
    Difficult to preach tolerance in these circumstances.

    Free Member

    I agree some interesting tactics to come. Uran might have been the bait to push the climbers and test recovery over the mountain stages. Lest we forget Nibali was dropped by wiggo at the Dauphine last year.

    Just remember you can be a strong guy on the bike, but really it’s about the ability to suffer when it gets tough.

    10 years ago we were all cheering on doped riders (not convinced contador is clean yet. Seems like an improvement to me.

    Free Member

    It’s simple – to win a grand tour- you have to be consistent in the mountains. Bradders isn’t without good support – and all the other teams know it.
    Indurain was able to attack in the mountains – it was never exciting to watch because all he used to do was up his cadence and eventually everyone cracked. Pure climbers like froome and uran are exciting to watch – but they do crack. Wiggo needs to keep doing what he is doing and limiting time loss. Sky need to keep him paced and let him crack the others by upping cadence instead of chasing off all the time like froome or Uran.

    Even after today – Wiggo still only a second behind Uran on general classification. In the mountain time trial Uran is likely to lose 2-3 minutes on wiggo. Still all to play for.

    Tactically wiggins has lost 30 seconds on a top 10 finish in the mountains. Not a bad effort.

    I still reckon a top 3 finish.

    Free Member

    Heavier weight tubular – maybe they should add some more stans goop if they are running tubelss?? Risk with race tyres – they always go for the lightest weight – but it’s a trade off with ability to cope with punctures, especially in wet weather where the grit can work into the tyre and cause slow punctures.

    Also allowing new tyres to cure for a period helps – dare I type his name Armstrong use to keep a stock of tyres and hang them to cure for years!!

    When your race favourite these little gains count.

    Free Member

    Cadel Evans to fade – also has his own internal contest with Phinney.
    Nibali – probably the real contender – but has been shown up by Team Sky tactics before.
    My money on Wiggo to rise to second against Nibali by end of next week as long as their is no more incidents. If i was team sky mechanic i would be changing them tyres for soemthing else.

    Free Member

    Why not give the condor super aciao a go steel frame with amazing ride if the normal aciao is anything to go by,approx £1300 weighs 1.1kg. Condor leggero – impressive pedigree – as a carbon alternative.
    Personally i would get a decent frame for under 2k and invest more in my drive chain.

    Free Member

    None of them are clean until they ban all supplements, feed them bread and water and then see how they do.

    Supplements for this, supplements for that. Energy drinks all over the place.

    But then how would the sport earn money!

    By the way ‘Bertie is no way clean after his mountain stages in the vuelta – acceleration and recovery like i have not seen since armstrong!’

    Free Member

    Had mine 3 years and all i do is layer up in winter – amazing jacket the classic softshell = alos come off a few times – sent it back for repair no problem.

    Free Member

    So basically Lance was using his Lance on hot blondes after riding 160 miles a day. Awesome.

    By the way – Alberto is probably doped as well.

    Free Member

    Just finished reading the death of marco pantani and the fall and rise of david millar. As much as i wish i could believe in Lance – i don’t think i can anymore.

    Pantani book fascinating – some of these guys in the 90’s onwards were riding with 60% heamatocrit levels – amazing they all didn’t just drop dead really.

    By the way the pantani book has one of the best overviews of doping bloodwork i’ve ever read.

    In other words – let’s see his bloodwork – if it is anomalous – game over.

    Free Member

    ummm!!!Ridley Scott has stated that Deckard is not a replicant.

    Free Member

    Anyone know if Johann Bruyneel has decided to fight decision – net strangely quiet on this one.

    Free Member

    Julian May – Non born king or any of his later polity series.

    Ready player one – ernest cline – great if you love 80’s retro non alien sci fi.

    Peter F Hamilton – Void trilogy

    Free Member

    Open up the lever and try WD40, you may need to drown it in the stuff. If it hasn’t been looked after there may dirt and grease interfering with the mechanism. If this doesn’t work – it’s stuffed, as a second hand mech – it will cost more to get it rebuilt.

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