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  • Lust Is Not A Sin: Paul Brakes for Bromptons
  • croe
    Free Member

    Anyone who doesn’t see riding like this in these areas as a problem need only look at the camping bans to see where it can end up.

    Free Member

    Or do i take it, then still go to the second interview then if i get offered that job I leave the first one, possibly after only a few weeks?

    Yes, do this. Might seem shitty but always keep in mind that the employer would drop you without a second thought if it benefited them.

    Free Member

    Some questions are best left unasked.

    Free Member

    Prepared to be surprised by how busy it can be compared to available facilities along the route. You might have left it too late to book accommodation.

    Free Member

    Go for it, it might end up being the job of your dreams and I can’t see what you have to lose even if it doesn’t work out. No point waiting for something else to come along, it might not for a long time and it’s easier to find another job when you already have one if that time should come.

    Free Member

    Adoration of the royal family.

    Free Member

    From trumps (and supportes) point of view this is a great move. These 4 women had started causing the democrats problems and the view amongst the more established democrats was they were getting too big for their boots and needed put back in their box. A couple days onslaught by trump later and the democrats have been forced to back the 4 women to the hilt and they have now become the face of the party in the run up to an election. How many floating voters will now be put off voting for these ‘commie’ democrats compared to voting for trump cause he is racist? I’ll bet a lot more.

    Free Member

    What’s with all the criticism? The guys only posted a video he made of a trip he took.

    Free Member

    The lack of a sufficient soil base means that there are no trees on the hillsides, except at the lowest levels.

    The tree line in Scotland is only around 600m.

    Free Member

    If she is in West Midlands and isn’t a white man she might be top of the list.

    By 2021, West Midlands Fire Service wants 60 per cent of new recruits to be women, and 35 per cent to be from black and minority ethnic groups.

    Free Member

    But surely the fact the dogs descended from the pack of wolves then that DNA must still be in them – certain traits that have been kept in the background ready to come forward once again? They aren’t going to evolve into foxes?

    And the apocolypse only took out humans everything else is fine, plenty of deer, hare and rabbit to eat.

    Free Member

    nature has already designed the best dog….a wolf

    That’s along the line of my original thinking – humans couldn’t have done a better job than nature could they? Maybe a handful of similar yet different species would come about at first due to different terrain and climate but with a lot of crossover in locations bordering different regions a dominant species would eventually emerge.

    Free Member

    Credit score is linked to individuals, not addresses, AFAIK.

    The last time I looked at my credit report online fairly sure it had a linked addresses section.

    Free Member

    Shouldn’t be dropping anything.

    Free Member

    I’ve thought about it myself on occasion but can’t help but think the amount of time I’d save painting would be spent cleaning up instead.

    Free Member

    Access rights extend to cycling. Cycling on hard surfaces, such as widepaths and tracks, causes few problems. On narrow routes, cycling may cause problems for other people, such as walkers and horse riders. If this occurs, dismount and walk until the path becomes suitable again. Do not endanger walkers and horse riders: give other users advance warning of your presence and give way to them on a narrow path. Take care not to alarm farm animals, horses and wildlife. If you are cycling off-path, particularly in winter, avoid:

    •going onto wet, boggy or soft ground; and
    •churning up the surface.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    or I just don’t see an issue in calling a take away a chinky.

    I wish you luck. The last time someone made that assertion on STW, the Professionally Offended By Proxy comments ran to about five pages.

    It’s instant dismisal at my place of work for using that term in the same way.

    Free Member

    This is not an example of responsible access. Neither are the bits going off the edge of the clearly defined made up path onto softer ground during the earlier descent.

    Free Member

    And the South China Sea islands,china obviously has no claim to them

    Out of curiosity, why are they called the South China Sea islands then?

    Free Member

    Wait until after the next election and certain states begin talks to secede (doesn’t matter who wins the losers will be sore). The resulting civil war will weaken them and they’ll be ripe for an invasion. Too bad it will be Russia doing the invading though – they’ve got to help their friend – a humanitarian intervention.

    Free Member

    England leads the world again in tolerance!

    In 2013, he was given a posthumous royal pardon for his 1952 conviction for gross indecency following which he was chemically castrated. He had been arrested after having an affair with a 19-year-old Manchester man.

    Does not compute…

    Free Member

    Should have bought a different house!

    Free Member

    “I was screaming and shouting and no-one came to help”

    Surprised his owner didn’t show up saying ‘it’s ok he won’t touch you, he’s just being friendly’

    Free Member

    What about a normal fan sitting blowing air over a huge ice cube?

    Free Member

    Not going to win any awards for style or quietness but it doesn’t half shift some air and will cool a room down quickly.

    Free Member

    That’s the most unenthusiastic horn sign ever, must be an automatic reaction to a camera appearing!

    Free Member

    Why did they invent the robot lawn mower before the robot jack russell?

    Free Member

    Plus the cost of the machine…

    Free Member

    But for the velcro sanding discs do all manufacturers conform to the punched 8 hole pattern?

    Vast majority yes. Never actually used one that doesn’t – but then I haven’t used a festool one but you are not going to be worrying about them they are £££’s!

    These are cheap and work 60, 80, 120 and 240 grit available in packs of 10 for £1.76.

    Free Member

    Will it be easier to get pads for the Makita?

    If by pads you mean the velcro sanding discs they will both take the same 125mm ones. If you mean the actual base the sanding discs velcro onto then you will be able to get spares from makita easy enough – no idea about erbauer though

    Free Member

    I never trust a passenger. Do people actually use their passengers to help them drive?

    Yes, rarely but it happens. Can’t quite see to the left at a junction, passenger can so lets you know it’s clear – proceed with caution.

    I’d guess that most people have or will at some point.

    Free Member

    My alexa has developed selective hearing and is about to be put to sleep.

    Me: Alexa, turn off the lights
    Me: ALEXA, turn of the lights
    Me: FFS, I’ll turn them off myself then
    Alexa: Sorry I don’t recognise that
    Me: Now you can hear me?

    Free Member

    Tracy Moseley. Could be an interesting event – a decathlon for bikes.

    Free Member

    Aren’t they one of the biggest manufacturers out there?

    Free Member

    We wer reading car number plates today at 100 metres and he was at least as good as me

    I struggle to see the cars never mind the plates at that distance.

    Free Member

    49/50. Apparently if your view is blocked by other cars when emerging from a junction you should rely on the reflections in a shop window to see traffic rather than ask a passenger!

    Free Member

    We got a load of branded mugs at work a little while ago. They were removed again shortly afterwards when it was discovered that when filled with boiling water they had a propensity to explode (with hilarious consequences). I’m guessing yours are of a similarly high quality.

    I’ve seen this twice before in the same office, two batches of branded mugs were all garbage and either handles cracked off or whole mug broke up when hot liquid was put in. One lady was wearing open toe sandals and badly burned her foot.

    Free Member

    There are 790,000 named roads and streets in the UK. How many are you scared to take a stroll on?

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