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  • International Adventure: Big Mountains, Small Details
  • crispybacon
    Free Member

    Hi Scraprider how u doing after your op mate & when are due back on the bike again?

    Free Member

    if you have already been refunded the money which you didn't owe them in the first place then morally you should tell them you have already got it back & repay them.

    Free Member

    are you in Oz or something cos it's still Thursday here in pastyland 😕

    Free Member

    a Jethro DVD or the Cornwall Monopoly edition 😆

    Free Member

    Name and shame.

    easy to do if you check t-taxi's user activity.

    Interestingly the other person hasn't posted on STW for the last two weeks, is he running scared or scarpered off?

    Free Member


    Free Member


    Rather than put Slugwash's contact details on the open forum I've emailed him your request & your addy, so hopefully he should contact you direct idc.

    The 'new' ridge trail at Haldon isn't as good as the old trails up there (so I'm told – going up after Xmas to find out for myself) however the unmarked stuff (if it hasn't all been trashed by the Rangers) is the way to go & St Andrew's lane never fails to put a sh!t eating grin on my face.

    As Si says the E.Dartmoor rides are good fun and rideable most of the year & from what I've heard they are a fun bunch……..

    Free Member

    two that spring to mind are Rose & Crown at Nether Stowey or the Hood Arms at Kilve [/url].

    Sharki is the man you need to talk to tho…

    Free Member

    Yes, as it's your first year of trading HMRC don't know your level of profits until you submit your 2010 Tax return & payment will be due on 31/01/2011, however you will also need to make a payment on account for the following year which is based on half of your current year Tax bill.

    So if your 2010 tax bill was say £3,000 then you will need to pay the £3,000 by 31/01/2011 plus a further £1,500 on account of your 2011 liability a total of £4,500. You can reduce your payment on account if you know your profits in 2011 will be less but that's best left to your Tax advisor to sort out.

    Free Member

    but how do I pay myself as self employed?

    You can pay yourself as much as you want as long as you/the business has the money however it may be prudent to pay yourself within the level of the profits you are making. Whatever you do keep a record of your drawings from the business as this will assist your accountant when they draw up accounts.

    And how do I pay tax?

    As you have registered s/e with HMRC you will get a Self Assessment Tax Return through the post after 06/04/2010 which you need to complete. Once the return is captured by HMRC you will need to pay any outstanding TAX/Class 4 NI that is due by 31/01/2011.

    In this respect you may wish to start putting some money back now to pay your future tax bill, a good accountant should advise you to do this anyway.

    Free Member

    She'll thank you for it honest 😉

    It's this years must have pressie for 23yr olds

    PS you may need to buy a bigger stocking to put it in…..

    Free Member

    Hi TM & welcome.

    Just to clarify Knottie & Sharki ride on the Quantocks so don't ask them about any Newton Abbot/Teignmouth routes 🙂

    The guys you need to speak to are Trailmonkey & Slugwash to name but two, there are possibly others on STW who live in the area but they are the two who I know live round that way.

    I would suggest that you post a request for help on routes in South Devon on the bike forum as it will possibly be seen by more people.

    Have you been up to Haldon & ridden the routes up there?

    Free Member


    Free Member


    Free Member


    But that's not a monkey….

    Oops……… it is now 🙂

    Free Member

    the King of Sweden's imaginary friend

    Steve Peats little sister

    Lady Gaga………… that'll get the STW massive in a lather 😀

    Free Member

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I've got some K24's & I've had a similar problem with a squealing front brake rubbing.

    Are you sure the rotor is not bent ever so slightly? have you got another 'straight' rotor you can put on to check?

    Anyway I solved mine quite by chance when I found out that I was over tightening the QR ……..Grrrr. Not sure if you have a QR on your Enduro but may be worth checking if you have.

    Free Member

    as above take some fluid out of the reservoir & try to prise the piston back – should be Ok then.

    Free Member

    I believe Trailmonkey off here did some Dartmoor routes for STW mag 49.

    Free Member

    Hi Benny

    Stick up a picture of your bike but don't forget:

    1. cut the grass
    2. Tyre logos & valves matching
    3. pedals horizontal

    24hr solo – prepare to stuffer big time.

    PS don't ask questions like 'what tyres for………'

    Free Member

    2009 for me has been a real roller coaster both on & off the bike

    Lows 😥
    Being diagnosed with skin cancer in April
    Having a high speed crash on Dartmoor resulting in a granite facial in June

    highs 😆
    having a 'clear' biopsy after removal of a fair old chunk of skin – I'm now in remission.
    riding in Wales & the Quantocks twice this year
    finding some great trails on my doorstep meaning I can ride from home

    Free Member

    just found another interesting shot from yesterday………

    Free Member

    48 – civil servant in finance

    Free Member

    Many thanks to all those who turned up today for Oldfarts Q's birthday ride. It was nice to meet some new faces & meet the Q's crew again too.

    Here are a few pics I took today:

    some people had Tea & tiffin before the ride

    Oldfart flashes off his new homemade 'beef flap' to those who couldn't escape

    Bobsoff2 & his mate (who's name I forget – sorry)

    Chipps making sure he's still got all his fingers

    even the Sun came out at the top of Weacombe

    Dinnertime at West Quantockshead car park with Sharki & his kids

    OK one for me – my bike at the Bicknoller post 😀

    Free Member

    did she look like this by any chance ?

    Free Member

    when I had a Dartmoor facial in the Summer the practice nurse told me off for picking the scabs on my face 😕

    I left them be but kept moisturizing them & a week later they were gone. Leaving them dry stops the skin from reforming underneath & can leave deep scars.

    I do pick the ones I get on my legs tho 🙂

    Free Member

    is it redthunder's whiskey delivery from Morrisons ?

    Free Member

    krag – I'm glad to hear that the Employer is willing to offer you a 3 month contract – you must have been doing something right 🙂 – at least getting paid direct should solve the problem of going through the agency. Just keep on top of them there invoices!!

    Fingers crossed mate that they extend your contract after the 3 months is up & put this setback down to experience.

    Free Member

    Krag – I feel sorry for you mate this is a pi$$ poor position to find yourself in just before Xmas 😕

    FWIW HMRC is no longer a preferential creditor in bankruptcy cases.

    You need to get all your outstanding invoices into the administrator ASAP so they can review your claim. You could take them to the end client & ask them if they will pay them but they will probably tell you to go forth & multiply as their contract was with the agency – but hey ho no harm in trying.

    It's a very hard lesson to learn but keep on top of your invoicing & don't let things slip into arrears in the future. If invoices aren't being paid don't do anymore work until they are, then make a point of chasing them up quicker.

    Free Member

    can't we seize the directors assets?

    people operate as a Director of a Limited company so that if things go t!ts up they only have a limited liability normally their own stake in the business.

    As above why did he keep working for them if he wasn't getting paid for 3 months???

    I'd have been off after 1 months missed pay.

    Free Member

    I think he will have to register his wages claim with the administrators & hope to see something sometime in the future but don't get him to hold his breath tho 😕

    Free Member

    Ton cobbles together a 'new' steed from the spare parts lying around in his garage………

    Free Member

    bump for the evening crowd

    Free Member

    Actually, is it the the one where we all met up last time (in March?)

    Yes it is the one from the last meet.

    Free Member

    Personally I would wait until after Xmas & pick up a bargain in the Jan sales, perhaps give them an OIU gift note (homemade) for a TV in a card for Xmas day & then get the TV later?

    Free Member

    you do pay the price now & then though – I've had to miss a chance for a quickie plenty of times because of a flat/niggle when I needed to get on & get going without any delays

    you can get some purple pills to sort that out mate 😉

    Free Member

    Water wings & rudder on order 😉

    Looking forward to meeting up with everyone & having a fun ride on the Q's once again.

    Free Member

    locked up just in case someone try's to nick it…………

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