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  • Nipple shufflers and new rubbers: products and prototypes spotted at Sea Otter
  • crispybacon
    Free Member

    I placed an order with them a while back but I never will again.

    I ordered tyres & tubes which were on their website as in stock. They then sent the wrong type of tubes – I ordered schrader they sent Presta. They also said the tyres I ordered were not in stock & would need to order some in. I needed the tyres & tubes now not when they bothered to get them in.

    I rang them to tell them they had sent the wrong tubes & that I was cancelling my order for tyres as I was in a hurry. I spoke to someone who said I needed to speak to the sales manager who was already on the phone. He asked for my number & said they would ring me back. After over an hour of sitting in & doing f-all waiting for their non-existant return call I rang them back on the same number as before only to get their answerphone message saying the office was closed & the office hours were Mon to Fri.

    To say I was not impressed was an understatement & the worse thing was to fob me off on the phone. Why didn’t they tell me when I rang the first time that I had to ring Mon to Fri. It was so unprofessional I’ve never used them again.

    Free Member

    A tad late on this but tonights night ride up to Kit Hill & the woods behind in Cornwall with 4 mates was another great ride in superb dry weather. It was a bit windy tho but mainly we were out of the wind in the woods.

    I’m new to night riding & this was only my third ride but I must say what a fantastic experiance night riding is & I’m hooked on it 🙂

    Free Member

    Bucko – I wondered why my emails to you were returned 🙂

    Julioflo – I have added you to the email list & have sent you an email so you don’t think I’m spam 😉

    TM etc – I have wished Jon a speedy recovery from his injuries on behalf of everyone on the Dartmoor ride. He is one tough bloke.

    Free Member

    Bad news i’m afraid guys i’ve just found out that Jon has broken his arm & wrist :o(

    On the plus side his bikes fine ;o)

    Free Member

    Some pics from today’s moor ride

    the start & things were going so well

    Si showing us the correct line

    Jon did not get things quite the same as Si

    Jon making sure his ‘dominant’ hand still works 😉

    Bowerman’s Nose

    TM getting air!

    It was another cracking ride today. Thanks to those who came along & special Thanks to Trailmonkey for guiding us on a top ride (again).

    Free Member

    TM – matt txt me to say Jon is OK if a little sore 😕

    Free Member

    Forum HELP [/url] is your friend 🙂

    Free Member

    Local to me in Kernow tomorrow for a blast.

    Dartmoor on Sunday with a few STWers off here.

    Free Member

    I got back into cycling in 2000 & started off road MTB riding in 2006. I loved every minute of it getting out as much as I could. A year or so back I completely lost my riding mojo for no apparent reason, I just couldn’t seem to find the motovation to go out riding always finding excuses too cold, too windy too wet etc. My lowest point was getting up one Saturday & putting all my riding kit on, sorting the bike out in the garage & just as I was about to set off the Mrs came home & I prompty put the bike away & stayed in.

    I then had a serious talk with myself as to whether to continue riding or not, then I went out for a short blast with a mate & bang I found my biking mojo again & why I love riding off road.

    I’ve recently got some lights & I’m now night riding too – ain’t night riding superb I love it 🙂

    Free Member

    A Q’s moany/bitchfest ride with non-racing oldboyz …… I’ll have some of that 🙂

    PS any chance of starting @ Staple plantation car park @ 10.30 instead 😉

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Foxy – you weren’t wearing those bright yellow spiderman knee pads were you ? might explain why they didn’t stop 😉

    I always stop to enquire whether a rider needs help with their bike & I always carry both types of inner tube just in case. I had a puncture on my HT about a mile from home on my commute a few years back. I couldn’t be @rsed to stop & fix it seeing as I was almost home so started to walk. A chap with a Mazda Bingo-bongo van stopped & gave me lift to my door. Top bloke & he was a roadie 🙂

    Free Member

    Lustleigh is where it’s at over there on E.Dartmoor. Start from either Houndtor car park or Yarner wood car park.

    Post up here for a local guide for Sunday there is normally someone from that way out riding.

    I’ve got a GPX route of a loops I’ve done over there, if you want me to send them to you pm an email.

    Free Member

    Not me Thank God but 20 mins into my first ride with the Cornwall MTB club the legend that is Stuntman Steve[/u] was born.

    Click on the link above to see the incident & the Cornwall air ambulance was called in to take him to hossy. I always donate if I see a collection tin around, fantastic service & all run on donations.

    Free Member

    I’m assuming that you didn’t turn up on your ‘Winter’ bike then ;o)

    Free Member

    yup, that’s the wet season bike

    *hopes that we have the driest winter on record*

    Yep me too 🙂

    anyway not lining up your valves & logos is gopping too 😉

    Free Member

    very ‘erm metrosexual TM do you also have a pink cycling top too 😉

    Are you bringing that out on 20th ?

    Free Member

    This one was quite good on lights & I have decided to dip my toe in the night riding pond and I went for the Deal Extreme light @ £30 delivered (it hasn’t arrived yet but is on it’s way). I didn’t want to pay £100+ for something I might only do once or twice.

    Free Member

    but is there a mountain biking equivalent of pacing and timing to calculate distance?

    Yep it’s called a GPS 😉

    Seriously I always take a map with me just in case but I also run ‘My Tracks’ on my phone which shows my position Lat & Long.

    Free Member

    2 x

    HTH 😉

    Free Member

    This just turned up on the classifieds maybe what you are looking for?

    Free Member

    Kenda Nevgal Stick-E i was riding them F & R last Sunday & I’m still here 🙂

    They are grippy on just about anything which is what I like on a tyre, others may say they are draggy but that’s really only on tarmac IMHO.

    Free Member

    Don’t forget to take your bike with you, it’ll be much quicker for taking them big books down the post office ;o)

    Free Member

    Be strong, be positive & never give in.

    Good luck

    CB – 2.5yrs into remission

    Free Member

    Would love to Les ….

    Lol – i think you mean Woody ;o)

    Free Member

    Sounds like my kinda ride, a slow moany bitchfest with cake ;o)

    Free Member

    If you want some W.Dartmoor routes either word docs or GPX files then pm me – addy in profile

    Free Member

    Blindman went for a job in a wood yard saying he could identify wood by smell alone.

    They tested him out on different types of wood & he guessed right everytime.

    To catch him out the secretary lay naked. He sniffed & asked for the wood to be turned over, he sniffed again.

    ‘You can’t fool me’ he said ‘it’s an old sh1thouse door off a fishing boat!’ 🙂

    Free Member

    I was shagging this bird over her kitchen table when we heard the front door open.

    She said ‘It’s my husband! Quick try the back door!’

    Thinking back afterwards I really should have legged it but you don’t get an offer like that everyday 🙂

    Free Member

    A few more pictures from today’s Dartmoor ride 😀

    At the start

    Foggintor Quarry

    riding the Hidden Valley

    A Horse & Hounds

    the climb to Sheepstor Common

    riding up the Widowmaker

    heading back to Princetown

    at the finish after 4 days of riding together

    Free Member

    You said this was a PAYE debt then presumably it was Tax & NI you deducted or should have deducted from the guys pay & you forgot/didn’t pay over to HMRC.

    If this was the case then this has nothing to do with earned income included in your accounts & any subsequent profit/loss.

    Give HMRC a ring & see what they say. If it’s due then better to pay up now rather than rack up more interest.

    Free Member

    If HMRC have written to you about the debt & you agree that the amount is due, then it will be on your record & interest on the late payment will be accruing.

    As you asked for time to pay then you should really settle up. You might want to contact HMRC & ask them how much you now owe, they might have written the amount off – then again they might not.

    Free Member

    Lol – where have you been hiding?

    The area was tarmaced/sanitised earlier this year & there was a shed load of talk on here about it. Give it another year or so & the rain/water will have washed it all away again & the steps/drops will be back.

    Free Member

    When i saw your track log i did think you went the wrong way @ the top- Lol. As per TM stay on the road up the hill, over the cattle grid & take a right over the gate past the phone box, up the hill & keep the wall on your left. Maybe next time i’ll be along too.

    Free Member

    as above I had the same noise on mine. Changed all the bearings & lubed/greased everything so far no noise ………. hmm probably just jinxed that then 😕

    Free Member

    Slugwash you KILLER running over Peter rabbit 😕

    Actually it probably died of fright or laughing after seeing those Mary bars on your bike 😉

    Free Member

    perhaps they couldn’t understand your accent ? ;o)

    Free Member




    Free Member

    [cheeky hijack/] Hi Raymond, are you local to Kit Hill? I’m billy-no-mates around here in E.Kernow & could do with a local riding buddy. Email in profile if you want to hook up sometime [/cheeky hijack]

    back on topic – I also vote for sunsets as next week’s challenge 🙂

    Free Member

    I had a very cheeky after work bimble up to Kit Hill the second highest place in Cornwall after Brown Willy – Yes, the highest place in Cornwall really is called Brown Willy 🙂

    Anyway at 334m high with a stack festooned with mobile phone antenas here is Kit Hill

    The view looking East towards Dartmoor, North Hessary Tor with the Tv mast & waves @ OCB

    Looking South towards Plymuff along the Tamar valley

    Looking West into Cornwall & Caradon Hill TV mast on Bodmin Moor

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