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  • Interview: Lou Ferguson on ‘being alive and being happy’
  • creedy
    Free Member

    I posted regards this on the other thread.
    i see all that karin put down but added that in most of these cases so far there has been no blame attached to anyone yet. the main issue is Big things and little things dont mix on the roads well.
    The bow roundabout looks like it needs a serious redesign.

    Free Member

    Not to be to deep but Cycling changed me as a person.
    I’m late comer to this lark(34 now 36), started as a way to keep fit when told not to play rugby anymore. Bought a cx for general stuff did ltb with a few mates then my bro got bitten by the mtb bug. Did swinley with him on my cx and truly loved it. got my stumpy shortly after a trip to afan( first proper exprience. Not looked back!
    i now commute everyday and just look for any excuse to get out on the road or preferably on the dirt.
    fitness wise its strengthened up all the areas that stopped me playing. I’m now playing again fitter than ever(slower but fitter).
    Most importantly it brought myself closer to two of my bro’s.
    Alps next year cant wait.
    The anger thing as stated above, you have to ask what are you getting angry about? once you can ask that you tend to calm down. again i found biking has vastly reduced my anger issues.
    good thread.

    Free Member

    All very sad indeed. Thoughts go to the families.
    I’ve only been commuting in london 5 months and on the whole not alot of issues. I find black cab drivers(360 vision) to be the best at being aware of their surroundings and buses(just have to get to that next stop before you) the worst.
    However to echo what was said above the standard of cycling is often a joke. i daily see people risking their lives at red lights and cutting in and out of traffic to save a few seconds. if someones turning left don’t go up their inside! On the whole i obey the rules of the road and always end up having to re overtake these people who just have to get to the front. maybe they dont like being overtaken by a brompton!

    The saddest thing is a lot of the cyclists who are getting knocked off seem to be doing most things right.
    We all need to take more care out there.

    Free Member

    The Dog Poo lady got fined yesterday!(metro) Apparently she didnt realise the bag would split all over the proffessor. Too be fair if he was riding close enough to a pensioner with a dog to get hit in the face with a bag of crap, he was riding too close! I think its more she’d been abusive to lots of cyclists on a shared path. He just got in the mush. 😯

    Free Member

    balls Sunday looks like a decent day aswell! Playin rugby tomorrow so thats out! Hopefully the broken rib is healed properly!

    Free Member

    You know thats only every other ride!! You working sunday? cant remember what you said.

    Free Member

    to be fair to myself i dont have a problem with maning tfu. Just had some fork probs(service coming soon.
    It wasnt that i didn’t think the stumpy would be capable as it eats all i can throw at it. It was more the faff of taking a bike over as oppose to just picking one up there.
    Cardo i take it that was one of their Alpine fleet that the fork failed on. Tey do seem a great bunch out there and cant wait to meet up with them.

    Free Member

    Don’t know fella. Trying to keep the traveling down. not til after xmas. Just keep the rehab up and we’ll organise a trip out to some gnar place when your back on the bike!

    Free Member

    Ha HA HA. To be fair i thought andy would have waded in by now. ekul least i get to the bottom of runs with
    1- my face body in one piece
    2- my bike in one piece
    3- no flat tyres.

    Anyway hows the knee bro. I’m to old to shred anymore(ever)

    Free Member

    ^^^ I’ve just spent a tidy sum get bike set up, ready for big stuff. The 140 travel isnt the issue as im quite light on the bike, dont smash into stuff. I have done several dh black runs on it no problems.
    i could see myself getting an alpine frame before we go and transfering all the parts over. But on a spending hiatus. TBF the stumpy is a really capable bike, light and quick but doesnt ride through stuff as oppose to skittering over it. Might just be the way i ride(slowly)
    But yes its a slow burner to the new bike.(hints to missus)

    Free Member

    Cheers Doug.

    Free Member

    ive got 203 front 180 rear, so should be man enough

    Free Member

    Next thread. What dual ply tyres for Alps?! 🙂

    Free Member

    Cheers sort of confirming i need to stop being lazy about it and take the Stumpy i’ve taken 18 months to set up/upgrade to what i want!

    Free Member

    Kirroughtree was up there. But i’ve had some great rides this year so hard to choose one. My first full year of riding has been pretty cool and done loads. Gisburn always stands out but so does surrey hills.BPW deserves a mention also. Every ride is pretty sweet as its with good mates!

    Free Member

    The new details for the lid made me chuckle! STW forum designs OO web page. Love the ‘lots in stock’!
    I thought more would have picked up on it really.

    Free Member

    ARCH EX tubeless.
    Purg 2.3 front(new) purg 2.2 back(old)
    The new 2.3 seems to come up massive compared to the rear. Great grip no roll or burps. run at 28psi +-

    Free Member

    The woman from trek, who was talking sense, has a obvious pause. As she goes through the travel size wheel size in her head. the good lady has to stop herself 26″ is best for flicking around. Definate look of conflict on her face!

    Free Member

    I delayed to name check the toon. I seem to remember it as G-Force but then remembered the two names/rebrand! great Toon! fugly helmets

    Free Member

    Nice one IamSam!

    Free Member

    Is that Whinlatter? Sorry had to look past the helmets that look like something from Battle of the Planets!

    Beaten to it 🙂

    Free Member

    When i wear my AM41’s to bike to rugby training i usually get ‘ do those come with calipers?’ my stock retort is ‘does that gut come with scaffolding’. Its always the fat props!

    Free Member

    I think when discussing these sorts of socio-economic debates it all starts with role models and aspirations. Peer pressure plays a part also in positive and negative ways. If their in place people will find a way to emulate their hero’s/mates

    Free Member

    Build it up slowly. Go for comfort. I wear what I like on either depending on mood. My wife laughs whatever. If she doesn’t laugh I change until she does. Makes me go out with a smile 🙂

    Free Member

    Yeah that ring of metal on the chain tool is the rivet head. Once that goes then it will always come out. I know as ive just had a absolute nightmare with my chains(all self induced)

    Free Member

    Try these i got mine the next day.

    The 9mm front is that a dt swiss? thatll be the through axel converter.
    if in doubt give em a call.

    Free Member

    Brakes yours is the same brain as mine. I meant if im out and about not moving, as that would be very hard. Also for the travel of the bike, How light is it! mates cant believe the weight.

    OP mines the 140 ive done afan, cymcarn, aston hills, 7 staines blah blah. Always the black runs and DH runs. Taking it to the alps next year. Then when recently did the LTB off road, set it on full firm and it was like a hardtail. But this has been my only MTB so havent really got anything to compare with. But i just know i climb better than all my mates and that just cant be superior fitness. It does stick when fully locked out if you leave it there.

    Free Member

    I have one on my stumpy 2011. i think its great. i probably adjust that on the fly more than i mess with the shock. It does seem like its locked out and stiff when on the flat but its just doing its job.
    i find if i’m doing singletrack xc stuff i just turn it a couple notches firm and if doing uplift set it soft and forget about it.
    Generally i just set it in the middle and forget about it. It does really help with the climbs though and get hardly any bob on the pedal stroke.
    There were apparantly some reliability issues with the earlier ones.
    When i change my bike this will probably be the thing i miss the most. Although the newer rear shocks seem to be better at coping with this sort of thing.

    Free Member


    Human nature to doubt presented fact with no data to back it up. Otherwise its just claims. I set my own personal goal and achieved it last night just dont feel the need to tell everyone about it.

    Free Member

    This guys cv fits a personal development coach in the north west. His riding achievements fit someone in the south west. The only thing in common is they’re all called Rich something. I had a very slow day at work! I sleuth on the side!!

    Free Member

    Andy it could be Hicksy!!! It’s not but its the type of @”&£ he comes out with!

    Free Member

    Hmmm i may know who this is! but i may not so cant comment

    Free Member

    If they were heavy handed they would have breathalised him. Probably got away with it tbh. They would have been in a bad mood because it was saturday night. unlucky/lucky at the same time.

    Free Member

    As above i show my 5 yr old daughter clips of RA and TM. She absolutley loves it. The fact until they finish their ride and take the helmets off she has no idea they are women. ‘But Daddy they’re girls’ gets the response ‘so what!’ A big smile and glint in her eye appears. Great role models for young women and men alike.

    Free Member

    I honestly think this is the funniest thread ive ever seen!
    Flame away!!

    Free Member

    Funny as my Bro sent this clip to me on Saturday night, after i did something quite similar on a ride on saturday afternoon! However i landed mine but wasnt as extreme!

    Free Member

    CrC are doing discounts on the Shinamo stuff atm. I just got a wide range zee+ for £48 and i think the slx is a similar price. also merlin are knocking out the clutch mechs on offer but check which ones as the difference between the narrow and wide range on the zee was £15.
    I know as i did a comparison spreadsheet yesterday before ordering!!!

    Free Member

    Cheers for that’1l Def also on my to do list. Walked that trail a lot and the head cam never gives justice to how steep some of that stuff is, or how jagged the rocks can be!

    Free Member


    Cheers Rick

    Free Member

    Although you have ruined a good lot of conjecture and stopped the thread. 🙂

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