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  • Bike Check: Ministry Cycles CNC Protoype
  • crazyjenkins01
    Full Member

    ^^^ love that @Dez!

    edit, other posts above

    Full Member

    Agree some of the 2000AD stuff would be brilliant.

    Such as?

    Shakara! Would be cool, I really liked Nikolai Dante as well and it’s a bit different. My definate fav though would be Sinister Dexter

    Not 2000AD, but the JD Megazine… I would sell my leg to get a good film series of Preacher.

    edit: wrong button

    Full Member

    Drac, That Scotland spot looks awesome! Could lose hours sitting there…..

    Full Member

    That depends angeldust, which scenario are you talking about?

     A dog under control on a lead 20 feet away can bark in the opposite direction and scare someone who is afraid of dogs.

    Page 2, Yes in breach according to the Act.

    He wasn’t barking.  Just walking along.

    Page 3. No not in breach according the the Act.

    AA, yes if we aren’t talking biting then its a bad analogy, as licking his hand and biting aren’t the same action. What I was getting at though is, say, doing 35mph in a 30 is going to get a warning/points/fine. Doing 80 in a 30 would get a ban. but both are the same act, just to differing magnitudes!

    edit: angeldust’s point, I am only going on the evidence posted on this thread. I haven’t read the Act itself, or any guidance. I could be wrong in that this scenario is dealt with within supporting documents and it clarifies what the Act says.

    Full Member

    He’ll then blather on about a dog can be destroyed for not being controlled on a cycle path etc its pretty tedious tbh.

    While I get your point, the Law does state this, but (guidance on) sanction MUST depend on outcome I would imagine, so quite possibly nothing short of a bite would warrant destruction.

    Its not a very good analogy as speeding can be life threatening

    So can being bitten by a dog!

    edit: removed formatting.

    Full Member

    What if they are say picking their child up from school, and there’s another incredibly well behaved dog on a lead with another parent also waiting for a child. Neither can move away, they need to wait for their young kids. Is the dog owner breaking the law by remaining at the school gate even if they’re asked to move away?

    Good question Jon, I’ve no idea! I would say that according the wording of the Act then yes they are. However if the dog is sat next to their owner, not barking and not moving away then they would not be in breach (all guesstimated but on the wording of the Act they’d be fine I think). Of course that would raise the question of are they being responsible by taking the dog with them in the first place? Up to you what you think about that!

    …into posts that aren’t there (evidence above)

    Sorry dust, pot and kettle I’m afraid. You’ve been shown evidence of what the Law says. To be clear I’m not taking sides with either of you as I haven’t decided what I think of the argument yet as its complex in my opinion, but while I agree TJ is getting worked up (IMO), that doesn’t mean the evidence presented is false.

    edit: onewheel beat my last point!

    Full Member

    Edit ok p2 said this

    a dog dangerously out of control ( which legally means scaring someone) can be put down

    Not would, could. Also that would be the maximum sanction, for at a guess, attacking and seriously injuring.

    Speeding can result in an instant driving ban. That’s not a sanction used for every speeding violation.

    But to claim someone’s breaking the law because of an irrational fear is stretching it, surely?

    To be honest, I agree. BUT the wording of the Act does not preclude this. That being said, if a person has a phobia to that magnitude and becomes scared of the barking I would imagine they would leave the area or at the very least move away. While technically the owner has breached the Act, if nothing else happens I would imagine that everyone would carry on with their day.

    edit: removed formatting

    Full Member

    While I agree this seems a bit ‘too over the top’ in this scenario, as TJ says, this could be a breach of the Act. It is WHOLLY dependent on the person who is scared. Whether this would be understood and excepted, say for example by a jury of peers or a police officer, is a different question.

    Also, ‘real world perspective’ as in what the Law ACTUALLY says then?

    You do seem to have gone slightly off-piste from the OP though.

    confronted with a rather angry collie… I stop and try to skirt round said dog, but he then goes for me and bites my leg…

    This is a breach of the Act.

    Yes, of course it’s the owners fault the dog is there (assuming it has an owner) but that doesn’t help the person trying to avoid being bitten in that instant does it!

    Everything post far has hinged on the fact that dog owners should be responsible, if the owner was not present that is irresponsible. This should be fixed.

    I’m guessing you are not too familiar with dogs judging by your description of trying to avoid it, and how much it shook you up (inc passing out).

    Firstly, this is patronising, and quite frankly insensitive. Does that mean if you get bitten by (pick another animal not a dog…) a shark you wouldn’t be shook up?

    Dogs are usually friendly if you know how to approach them (yes, I know you shouldn’t have to know, but this is real life)

    This is not completely accurate, Dogs are like people and can ‘just’ take an instant dislike to a person/anybody at this particular time. however for the OP he didn’t approach the dog, it approached him.

    Of course, if the dog was genuinely mad, there was probably no avoiding it.

    Then this dog should not be off the lead or out of control of its owner.

    edit: removed formatting

    Full Member

    Having read the whole thread (very entertaining) I’m not really going to contribute much (not a dog owner) but…

    Don’t be ridiculous.  That is an idiotic, pedantic, misrepresentation of the law in all but the most extreme situations.

    Yes, its pedantic and maybe a bit ‘woolly’ however it is NOT a misrepresentation of the Law. That is the wording of the legal Act. The sanction for being in breach of this would be in proportion for the breach, but that doesn’t change the fact that TJ is correct in his application (not interpretation) of the Law. While a dog on a lead at a distance might be difficult to prove ‘reasonable apprehension’ but if somebody could say “that dog barking is making me anxious and I believe I could be injured/attacked” then that is a breach of the act, and therefore unlawful.

    To give it a good comparison (sorry Cougar, don’t think self defense on its own is completely comparable) think of it as Bullying and Harassment (most workplaces would have a policy on this). The INTENTION of the person ‘bullying’ does not matter, if the ‘victim’ feels bullied, they ARE bullied.

    If a person feels apprehension that a dog may harm them, then the owner (or guardian at the time) of that dog is in breach of the Law. not once has TJ said that a dog in this situation would be put down/any sanction levied, other than maybe a quiet word, on the owner.

    Full Member


    Full Member

    Not quite but nearly. MAX 210mm

    Don’t forget you don’t have to slam the collar to the frame so if B + C + D (= G) is less than 210, you can always raise the post up to get to the magic figure.

    edit: remove formating

    Full Member

    Right. No idea where I got the 150mm measurement from. It’s closer to 200/210mm

    There you are then! Get yourself a Lev 125mm!

    To be honest, I cant see past any KS post as that’s all I’ve used but that being said, I’ve had no problems with either of them and the Lev has the added bonus of no cable growth on the drop as the cable terminates at the collar, not at the top of the post.

    Full Member

    What distance do you have between the seat clamp and saddle rails mate?

    At a guess (going with the figures in table above) about 190ish as the collar on the post flush with the frame, so maybe a bit too high for your needs. Nothing stopping you running it not fully extended but might be a bit of faff.

    Previous to the Lev, I had an eTen which is 100mm drop. Good, cheap dropper BUUUUUUT damn it can be slow to actuate!

    Full Member

    I’ve got a V1 medium frame and my 125 drop KS Lev fits fine

    Full Member

    Apologies, but wheres the fun in that!

    Just saved you 5 secs of time where you might actually have to do work (shudder at the thought!)

    Mind you, i didn’t even think of the annoying factor…

    edit: cheers dmort

    Full Member

    Doesnt really really fit the ‘roots’ criteria but some family friends have 3 boys with awesome (IMO) names.

    Raphael (spelling?!? – think artist / hero turtle) – Raph

    Ezekiel – Zeek

    Zephania (spelling again?!?) – Zeph

    We went to the other extreme, so short you can’t shorten it! Eli

    edit: missed some letters on a couple of words. Fat fingers!

    Full Member

    Just tread through the wife signal. That has, quite frankly, made my day!

    Full Member

    Especially when it stops your wife going to work Kelron, absolutely no problem whatsoever.

    Full Member

    Other than my yearly Night Rider Series where its a ‘race’ i generally don’t ride with anyone. Work/Kids/House work/Laziness/away from home mean I cant always commit to riding. Summer is easier as i’m off once the kids are in bed! But I’ve only ridden with others, outside the ‘racing’, maybe 4 or 5 times in the last couple of years, and twice that was met somebody on the trails and tagged along as it was a new place that I’d never ridden.

    Although I am trying bloody hard to arrange something with tdog as he isn’t far from me but its a megafeckin nightmare I tell ya!

    Edit: balls, cant write f e c k i n g without the swear filter kicking in. when did that happen?!?!?

    Full Member

    Never looked at mumsnet before but might have to drop in every so often. That thread was ridiculously funny!

    Full Member

    Looks like calibre are stepping it up.

    Wonder how long it’ll be before they start expanding the range a bit more…

    Full Member

    Do you have a link to a source for that TJ?

    I am a Union rep, so that sort of information would be helpful for me to have in my file!

    Full Member

    Depending on which Union you go for they may help you even if you haven’t been a member for long, but you’d have to check.

    However, regardless of how long they have to sack you for whatever they want, you need to find the companies Bullying and/or Harassment Policy, and use that to build up a picture of what is happening against you.

    Constructive Dismissal is very hard to prove in a tribunal so I wouldn’t bank on that. However if you do continue to have issues, ensure you report them through the appropriate channels, referencing the Policy (keep all correspondence, but if its the MD being the bully that might be difficult to report to an impartial person!) but if you have a log of what/when/where/why, I’m pretty sure you can get advice from somewhere without a Union (ACAS maybe?) on proving they are not sticking to Policy with regards to Bullying behavior, which would help a constructive dismissal case if you deice to go that way. May also help to stop the behavior and make your life easier!

    I’d always advocate Unionisation in any industry for exactly this sort of situation.

    Full Member

    Sorry for late reply, been working away!

    Thanks for input guys, will have a proper look later when I get back from the bro-in-laws

    Full Member

    Something will be there soon…

    Full Member

    Motorists are t*ats and I am one so I can say that!

    Full Member

    Thread resurrection!

    So another question for the forumites…

    Why do some people driving round in a 1 tonne metal box (BMW) think it’s a good idea, on a mini round about, to go (when they shouldn’t) exposing themselves to a side on impact from me driving my 2.5 tonne metal box (Transit)? Do these people have no sense of self preservation or what!!!!

    No wonder cyclists get so many problems when they can’t even look after themselves!

    Full Member

    RSF suspension specialists, Plymouth (Dave does postal work all the time) well regarded in the Southwest

    Full Member

    To be fair Carl, while it may not be the best it’s still a damn site better than some stuff around. And certainly better than nothing!

    Full Member

    Nice one Carl, I might go for a look too. Haven’t been Spanish side yet.

    Full Member

    While the Tank has dropped in form a bit recently and isn’t always the Chiefs starting 8 he’s still a bit of a power house. Not sure he’d make the cut for country anymore, mainly due to playing styles, but I’d love to see it!

    Full Member

    A perfect example of why driving behaviours need to change and mandatory re-tests are required.i have to ‘retake’ my IPAF licence every 5 years to update on operation and safety issues. Why not for driving?
    This added to the, quite frankly, stupid idea of having a ‘jury of peers’ (who would most likely do exactly what the defendant in most cases is charged with, would do) for motoring offences, is the reason this will NEVER stop happening.

    Full Member

    Who is Thomas the Tank? you $hitting me???

    Think Simmons will only get better (though I am biased!) Billy is a big loss.

    Would like to think Scotland can show their mettle this year (as I always say…) and I just cant see why Armand isn’t in with a sniff.

    Marler been a naughty boy again, but lots of options starting to come through in most positions (although I have been BT Sport-less since going to sky so no watching rugby for me atm)

    Full Member

    Ice cream van one side of the bridge, coffee/ice cream/snacks the other in summer. Coffee van there most of the time.

    Full Member

    Thanks all

    Full Member

    Thats my problem. Its a new pack, only used pre crimbo and not put it in the freezer yet :(

    Full Member

    Seems the right kinda area bwizz. Not sure where the XC routes are (partly why I’m doing mud and sweat), but all the jump lines are off to the left from the top of the hill from the kissing gate.

    Full Member

    The Prem is looking really interesting. Some ‘bigger’ teams not as high as they want to be, some surprise high fliers and The Chiefs are looking pretty damn awesome which is fine by me!
    What a second half to get the 5 points.
    Really interesting year as far as I am concerned.

    Full Member

    Will be. I’ll be on my Bossnut, almost at the back and blowing out my ar£e after the first climb. Might have to wear something flashy and/or written on so you can find me! Well that is if I can find how to get there, I usually park at plymbridge on the Wrigleys side.
    Did you do Haldon?

    I didn’t realise the walking trails were marked blue? Thought they were green or white or something!

    Full Member

    The blue trail isn’t in Cann woods (Forrestey Commision). That part is Plym Bridge Woods (National Trust). Cann is the other side. Do you follow the Drakes Trail up from Coypool/ Plym Bridge or down from Yelverton/Clearbrook?

    You doing the Nigh Rider on Saturday dabaldie?

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