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  • New Second Generation Geometron G1: Even More Adjustable
  • crazyjenkins01
    Full Member

    Not Christmas jerseys, biking Christmas jumpers!

    Full Member

    Should have realised someone would mention a mirror!

    Full Member

    While i hope to be pleasantly surprised on Saturday, I just cant see much past a schooling by the ABs.

    Youngs is too slow (Care always ups the pace dramatically) and kicks too much possession away, I think we’ll miss Nowell’s work rate/strength and defense from the off (would have started him then unleashed Ashton in the second half), we need a fullback that IS a fullback (Daly to wing or centre for me) and i still cannot fathom why Armand isnt in with a sniff.The bloke is a machine.

    Full Member

    My claim to fame is that myself and a couple of work friends where staying in the Hilton at Wembly for work a few years ago, and spent most of the evening on the beer with Mark Coleman of MMA fame.

    There was a show (not UFC, might have been BAMMA or someone else) at Wembly Arena the next night and all the fighters and coaches, which was MCs involvement, were staying in the hotel. My mate was/is a big UFC fan and recognised him sat in the bar. He wanted to say hello and we ended up sitting with him until last orders drinking and chatting.

    Nice bloke, f***in’ massive he was, hands like extra-large shovels!

    Full Member

    Thought that tin was the one. That’s pretty much my approach Spoon!

    I used to use far too much, but now after cleaning (park tool chain cleaner) one drop per roller. Had no issues since doing it this way,  Might give the wax a try once my supply is out.

    Full Member

    We really need a cleaner in this place, the amount of dust is embarrassing!

    Top work from all involved, maybe humanity can be saved….

    Full Member

    Just looked up Putoline as I’ve never heard of it!

    Q1, is it the Chain Wax you’re all talking about?

    Q2, it says its for motorbikes, but I suppose that makes no difference?

    I currently use MucOff wet lube all year round, just more often in the winter. Seems to do the trick for me

    Full Member


    Exactly what I did. Yes to all the questions first, then changed to No for all.

    I did explain why in the comments boxes but as said, I doubt they’ll get read.

    Full Member

    Filled in earlier today.

    Would like to think ‘they’ would be interested enough to read the comments. I wont hold my breath.

    Full Member

    Youngs is there for the box kick.  That is all.

    Which is used far too often due to his lack of speed at the breakdown.

    Full Member

    Te’o just hasn’t played, Shields done nothing to justify place in my opinion and Youngs has gone off the boil for a while, even though he CAN produce magic on occasion its whether he WILL that concerns me. Care has always been the quicker 9, to the breakdown and distribution IMHO.

    As a Chiefs fan so I’m biased, but I hope Slade can show why he should be there at 13, I think Nowell offers a lot more than ‘just’ gas a winger and I cannot fathom why big Don doesn’t get a look in. Baffling.

    Full Member

    Really don’t know what to make of that team atm :S

    Full Member

    Thanks for all the input guys.

    Only looking washer now as we have a separate drier in the conservatory. May try and keep this one going to post-Christmas unless it dies before then.

    Will have a look at your suggestions though thanks!

    Full Member

    @Richie, that sounds great and if it works then there’s no reason to keep it up. What I don’t agree on is the fact that it is discrimination. “For this action, this is the consequence” nice easy message, easy to understand and if you don’t want the consequence, don’t do the action.

    If anything you could almost argue that the alternative system you are talking about could be classed as positive discrimination, due to the punishment for the same offence being different. that being said, if it works then so be it, that’s the required outcome at the end of the day!

    While you are correct, the fact that those with the best lawyers tend to be the ones who make use of the defense usually don’t need to, the fact that the defense even exists, IMHO, is totally wrong. Which is exactly the same viewpoint I am using on this issue.

    Full Member

    If you are able, or willing, to wait (for how long, god only knows) I believe Calibre are currently prototyping a 29er.

    If its as good as my V1 Bossnut and at a similar price they may well sell out pretty quick again if and when it comes out!

    Full Member

    @Richie, what you mean like somebody not losing their driving licence due to the ‘hardship’ it would cause them when somebody else with the same offence loses theirs as they cant use the ‘hardship’ loophole?

    I have to disagree. If I knew I would have to pay more bus money/walk instead (consequence) due to my own misbehavior (action) then I wouldn’t do the action! If this eventually gets through to the school kids perhaps they may think about their actions a little more.

    , thanks for that, got me good there! :)

    , while I understand, and actually agree with what you are saying to a point, in this case I think this needs to be worked towards. Yes it is a good thing to question authority where reasonable (I am a union rep after all!), but at this point a base line has to be set where the set rules are obeyed by everyone to begin to fix the issues that are present. I also don’t think in this case you could argue there is any misuse of authority as what is happening is to bring the school back on the right track, not simply to punish for punishments sake.

    Full Member

    I seriously cannot understand the negativity on this thread. WTF is wrong with instilling a bit of politeness and understanding of rules and how to follow them??

    This school sounds like it has issues, that are trying to be fixed. Giving it a new baseline is a good thing.

    Is there a reason for standing when a teacher enters? Yes, its a lesson. There is a rule and you follow it. We do not get to only follows Laws (rules) which we agree with (although watching a lot of drivers you would think they are optional!), so teaching kids this at an early age makes it become ingrained.

    Uniforms? Most people (not many on STW by the sounds of it) work in an environment where you have to wear a uniform and thats it, end of, again why not teach this earlier in life with a simple where the uniform stated.

    Are detentions a good thing or bad thing? Well as in THIS case there is an agreement in place which says no prior notice then guess what parents… suck it up. You agreed, end of.


    The problem with after school detentions is the differing effect it has on kids:

    Live close to the school and it means being 30 minutes late getting home.

    Live out of town and it means a mile and half walk into town down badly lit roads to wait for an hour for a bus you have to pay for (bus passes are specific to the school bus) so you’re probably looking at being two hours late.

    Detentions should kept to lunch times and breaks to level the effect it has on the pupils.

    This is called consequences. Every action has them and some are good, some not so good. I wonder if there is a lesson in this???

    Full Member

    Odds of kids falling of on their first few rides and damaging their squishy skulled heads – quite high

    Odds of grownups crashing at walking pace and getting a head injury – about the same as walking*

    *made up stat about head injuries, but per mile the fatality rate for cycling is lower than walking, so I’m happy to stick my neck out and say it’s in the same ballpark.

    Smacks of ‘do as I say not as I do’

    Full Member

    ^^^^ I’ve noticed this a lot over the last 12 months.

    “I’ve pulled out, must overtake” then pull back in. A mile further I over take them, we both move out to over take a lorry, I pull back in and “I’m in the middle lane must overtake.” I very much like playing leap frog like this, quite often for miles on a journey.

    I hasten to point out my van is limited so my speed on a motorway is pretty much (maybe 1mph variance) constant.

    Full Member

    That was the start of the phone in oldman. Cue the usual lets have a talk with a cycling UK person and loads of anti-cyclists on the phone!

    Full Member

    Stupidity seems to be a prerequisite for the ‘cars good bicycles bad’ camp.

    Full Member

    New law considered “bring in tougher laws, death by dangerous cycling” what do you think, give us a call…..

    Cue all the mouth breathing car drivers

    Full Member

    i cant believe that woman is serious!

    Insurance…..road tax…..

    All there!

    Full Member

    What’s the deal for spectating? I’m only 20mins from Newnham so might pop down for a bit to cheer you all on (hurl abuse!)

    Full Member


    I just want my Nikolai Dante netflix series

    Damn that would be AWESOME!

    Full Member

    Hopefully This will turn out  to be in the same league as Dredd 3D and the start of a few more 2000AD films!

    Full Member

    Thanks Joe,

    I knew about Ashton Court but couldn’t remember the name!

    Have no idea when/if I’ll be riding as I tend to play things like that by ear due to ‘actual’ finish times etc. While I am thinking I’ll get a chance, it does depend on what happens though.

    Full Member

    Make sure you are wearing one yourself!

    the number of people i see making the kids wear them without doing it themselves is massive!

    Lead by example :)

    Full Member

    Wouldn’t know, I only follow Rugby and I’m a Chiefs supporter  😃

    Full Member

    Was just about to start a thread about this very thing!

    Have just stripped/cleaned/greased the BB and headset on my Bossnut V1 and still have the fekking  annoying creak when I pedal, and not sure what to try next!

    I share your madness robidoo

    Full Member

    Rodent, that picture is frikking awesome!

    Gave me a prope rgiggle it did (I’m a sad bugger)

    Full Member

    Mate of mine at work properly spins a yarn for a bit and when asked what happened, as they always do apparently, he tells them that he died…. at which point the call ends.

    Has even had a ‘manager’ from one of these places phone him back and try to give him a b0ll0cking for wasting their time and upsetting the caller!

    Full Member

     And a Druss (David Gemmell) film please.

    ANY David Gemmell would be ace if done properly. Legend, Swords of Night and Day, The whole Regante (spelling?) series…..

    Full Member

    Kinda funny in that it was (mostly) typical ‘anti-car meme’ cyclists VS all cyclist are tw*ts and should not be on the road/run over/pay road tax etc.

    Full Member

    Thanks JimJam, I might get around to seeing if I can watch it at some point as the trailer looked pretty good.

    Same I’ve found with a lot of stuff though, as a ‘strand alone’ film they can be pretty good, but compared to source material are not great (controversial but I think that about GoT, Hannibal Rising etc)

    Full Member


    Pretty reasonable comments (as usual) on here. As I stated in the comments a few times, like a few have said here, without seeing the build up it’s impossible to know who is at fault.

    Did you actually weigh in on the Facebook comments?

    @ JimJam, Yeah I did, trying to balance and educate and all that! Also, stirred up a few of the more “precious car” posters which was also funny!

    Full Member

    No mate, don’t have prime or whatever needed to watch it!

    Full Member

    No JimJam, I mean the Ennis and Dillon graphic. Genesis (entity) bonds with a Texan preacher giving him “the word of god”, Irish vampire best mate, hit woman gf and The Grail.

    Full Member

    +1 for Kobo. Great reader, fits in my pocket, get books through WiFi from the store direct.

    Full Member

    Pretty reasonable comments (as usual) on here. As I stated in the comments a few times, like a few have said here, without seeing the build up it’s impossible to know who is at fault.

    He was a bit of a donut with his actions but as jimjam said, if that sort of $hit happens all the time eventually most people would get to the “I’ve had enough” point and do something silly.

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