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  • Trail Tales: Midges
  • crazyjenkins01
    Full Member

    Uber told me No, as that’s what I was looking at!

    Full Member

    Thats the advice a mate has given me @stumpy01

    Full Member

    Thanks for the input people, am starting to look at whats happening. Think we’ve got a forth so looking like the 24hrs may be a go!

    Full Member

    Keeping an eye on this, might have a go myself!

    Full Member

    Hopefully, I can put some of this into practice!
    Might need to start getting some more riding gear, and maybe a bucket of spares that i dont currently have!

    Full Member

    Thanks for the help people, loads of good stuff to think on!

    Full Member

    Thanks for the those guys, good start for me to have a proper look into organising bits!

    Full Member

    Haven’t decided where/how long yet but that’s my plan.

    Full Member

    That there is no such thing as boredom with access to the STW forum!

    …and someone popped up, “well, I’m a balloon pilot and…” It struck me…

    I read that and knew what was about to follow!

    Full Member


    I thought we were doing something nice

    I cannot fault you at all, this is a REALLY good thing and you should be commended for this kind of attitude towards your staff, as a person and a boss. The positives this sort of activity provides for your business is obviously worth the cost of the trip.
    I hope you don’t let the can of worms that’s been opened change the way you think, as we could do with more bosses/managers to have this mindset in all sectors.

    It is by definition a work activity, as its being funded and organised by their employer. Whether its in working hours or not is irrelevant albeit the attending employees have chosen to give up their non work time to attend.

    This is the main thing I am struggling with. If it is provided and paid for by work, and being called a team building exercise, then by definition it MUST be a work activity and attending the office/WFH on Monday, when others are travelling for work purposes, is completely fair.
    If its a “free weekend away perk” (bonus) and they are travelling back on Monday (doing ‘personal travel’ in work time) then an additional day of is not unreasonable.

    Full Member

    That’s kind of my point. Fairness.
    Either add something to the last member of staff (a day off) or the others give up a day off. Each has its pros and cons, but then its fair.

    If the other staff are travelling back from a non-work activity in work time and therefore being paid for it, and the boss/owner is happy with that (which seems John is) then expecting the last staff member to still work seems unfair. If the other staff are taking a days annual leave for travelling back, then expecting him/her to work is totally reasonable. The problem is, it sounds like whats being talked about is a mish-mash of both.

    Unless I missed something @johndoh?

    Full Member

    My main concern (as a trade unionist) is fairness.
    One member of staff not being treated the same, for what sounds like an unavoidable restriction, is the issue.
    If the weekend isn’t work/in work time, which sounds like the case, Monday is a normal work day for all staff and as such time not at work (travelling back from a free holiday) should be treated the same as having a day off to have a lay-in/take the kids out/go for a bike ride etc.

    Full Member

    They’re going with the boss. Surely it’s up to him ?

    If the weekend isnt work, then Monday is a normal work day. If they are travelling back from a non-work event (therefore in their own time) yet not having to book leave/are being paid for it, then the one left behind would surely be losing out??

    Full Member

    Well you know me as a boss baiter and I do not think he is doing owt wrong – even said it would be declared as a BIK for tax

    Must have missed that part.
    So if its a Benefit In Kind, and the staff going are paying tax on that, and johndoh isn’t claiming tax back (not work), I cant see any reason for the ‘cant go’ to not be in work Monday. That being said, all those going should book Monday as leave.

    Full Member

    We are going for a weekend away (travelling back on the Monday whichj will take most of the day)

    This says Monday will be travel.

    Full Member

    It is a social event which, by definition of getting the team together without the distraction of work, helps build team morale.

    Now we are getting somewhere.
    Its not ‘work’ its a jolly. Its being called a “Team Building” event to, lets be honest, have the company pay (no problems, good on you for looking after your staff) and with ‘creative accounting’ write it off for tax reasons (unless I misunderstood this bit? I also think there might be word for this starting with F?)
    While you haven’t said why they’ve said they cant go,you have said they cant instead of wont so they are missing out on this social event that the company are paying for, perhaps, for reasons beyond their control?
    So the Monday is part of this jolly (not work) yet the staff going aren’t expected to use a days leave for travel back? So why should the individual in question.
    If I’m correct about those tax purposes I spoke about above, then this weekend is work. Then those going are working the whole weekend and their Monday working day is travelling for company business. This is where the TOIL or O/T issues crop up…

    Full Member

    Yeah I get that @tomparkin, and that’s what I try to do (most of the time!) but I won’t get forced to move if I can’t do it safely. I’ll move to protect my self and others from idiots, but I won’t move just cos someone’s on my ar$e and cant wait 10 seconds

    Full Member

    Unfortunately Cougar, not much you can do when while overtaking a lorry (overtaking another lorry) and said lorry gives it an extra 1-2mph and you now can’t get past! It’s why I’ve been trying to convince work that setting the limit at 80mph still stops the excessive speed but gives you that little bit extra as an option if needed. Ive lost count of the number of cars who seemingly “don’t want to let that white van man over take me!” and I then have no choice but to drop back a whole car length to pull back behind the them, or keep going till they’re forced to slow due to other traffic in front if I can’t drop back. Also, leap-frog with the same car for half an hour or more sometimes because my speed is constant and theirs isn’t!

    Full Member

    (I am NOT a driving god)

    I have to agree with some of what maxtorque is saying. Good observation is the first step to Avoidance of a hazard. Or in H&S speak Elimination of the hazard. If you can eliminate the hazard (as he says avoid conflict) this isn’t the best option in hierarchy of control so for risk. That being said, mini driver was a weapons-grade “C-bomb” for his/her actions.

    , I know a guy who most definitely would have been safer with a bit more speed (restricted vehicle) which would have helped him when the lorry he was overtaking drifted into his lane and nearly rammed him into the central reservations. Different circumstance I know but it does happen.

    Full Member

    On a point of order how does this work, crazyjenkins posts this.

    Quite frankyly @exsee, you seem a bit of an Ar$ewipe.

    A couple of posts later cougar posts this.

    play the ball, not the man.

    Have I missed something ??

    Edit: posted just the quoted!
    Unfortunately that is the way his posts are coming across. It stinks of “you lost get ver it” whether he is a leaver or not.
    I believe in democracy, I believe that an issue that has been so dividing and corrosive as this should not be left to one referendum from 3yrs and no facts ago. To say that because remain “lost” it should be completely discounted I find reprehensible. The posts that have been written by this member are either trolling for shits’n’giggles or show a profound lack of empathy and critical thinking or one-up-manship

    Full Member

    I normally only read this thread and not get involved, but unfortunately that has now gone out of the window.
    Quite frankyly @exsee, you seem a bit of an Ar$ewipe. Leave only options referendum, you cant seriously believe that? You must be trolling.
    As has been pointed out to you, several times, a statically insignificant opinion poll (read this as ‘non-legally binding’) means that “the will of the people” bollox forces one option that can be given to the electorate to be taken off the paper? And you still have the temerity to talk about democracy?
    Heres an idea, how about we show the world our democracy in action (you know taking back control and all that) and put the available options on a referendum and allow the people to choose from all three options, namely: No Deal leave, leave with BloJo’s as yet invisible Deal, or Revoke A50. Those are all the options that could be proposed, there are no other options, so give the people a chance to confirm/overturn this “largest democratic vote in British history” since you are such a fan of democracy.
    And to say you think that a compromise deal will make ‘most people happy’ is talking out your ar$e I’m affraid.

    Full Member

    About 18months or so

    Full Member

    @damascus its a KS Rage-i, so its the same brand and internal routed so I could stick with it. Only real issue is the Rage is a budget option and the Lev isn’t!

    Full Member

    That seems pretty good Kryton, I like that idea :)
    Dirt cheap too.

    Full Member

    I did consider selling nwmlarge. The triple B comes with a stealth, but I really like the Lev!

    Full Member

    wzzzz, that is a great idea! Now I’m looking at the Triple B, the colour does mean I can hide zip ties a bit easier!

    Full Member

    Kinda like the look of those green ones Tracey! Cheers

    Full Member

    Well, the problem will be the same(ish) but on the new Triple B instead!
    It does come with a stealth dropper, but I like the Lev and it was a bit more expensive than the one provided on the build!

    Full Member

    Thanks fozzy, I might have to do that.
    Lev terminates at the collar @tomparkin that’s why I bought that one (had the e-ten before which terminated at the post end) I did think I could use the cable guides on the down tube, but I reckon I’d still need to secure it (with a bloody cable tie!) somewhere on the seat tube 😔

    Full Member

    Real shame you cant use the vouchers at Go Outdoors as the NEW Bossnut has literally just been released (as in less than 2 weeks)!

    Hoping my local store will have one built by the weekend so I can see one in the flesh, but the pics I’ve seen and the upgrades (for an extra £100) I’m seriously considering changing from my Bossnut V1…

    Full Member

    Thanks for all the ideas guys.
    Where’d you get the blackout lining wwaswas?

    Full Member

    This one IS a new tent!
    Sleeping mask might be worth a try, but doubt the boy would keep it on…

    Full Member

    Thanks for all the input guys, knew I’d get plenty of advice here!

    Full Member

    ^^^^ that (first bit) just made me smile!
    They’re not biased, honest!?!?

    Full Member

    Thanks for the input guys, really appreciate it!

    Didn’t realise they were standard size bars too, Every day a school day and that….

    Full Member

    Thanks for all the input guys, really helpful!

    Full Member

    @DanW – The Youngs of the first half, while not perfect, was a damn sight better than I’ve seem him for a while. And I’ve never been Te’o’s biggest fan, but when he plays well puts big dents in the gain line, just doesn’t seem to be happening at the moment, maybe due to not enough game time!

    While glad Ashton got his score, I cant help but think Jones played him too soon. Having Nowell and May on from the start (1 <span style=”font-size: 12.8px;”>strength 1 </span><span style=”font-size: 0.8rem;”>speed) then bringing Ashton on when the legs started to get heavy would have been a better tactic IMO (although with hindsight he wouldn’t have got the ball much due to momentum shift to the ABs)</span>

    Full Member

    Might see if I can get along! Sure I ‘interested’ that on FB….

    Full Member

    Well, was happily surprised on Saturday but also, sadly, was correct in some of my predictions :(

    Positives first, for the first 35 England looked ferocious. I don’t believe it was an under-strength/jet-lagged/whatever ABs (just look at the second half), they were simply outplayed and pressurised.

    This was in no small part down to Youngs and Farrell. The forwards made the yards and big the hard work with Youngs being the best I’ve seem from him in a while. Really fast to/from rucks and lightning fast delivery to runners at pace. Gave Farrell time to make the right calls and passes. Great box kicking.

    Ashton got a nice try for his first game back.

    Underhill is the new Mad-Dog.

    Moon impressed.

    Pack were animals.


    Youngs reverted to type after the first 35. Massively slow, let the pressure off the ABs, box kicks became a bit aimless, no runners at pace.

    Subbing of Hartley really damaged the lineout (although due to injury). Not all Georges fault as the ABs piled on the pressure at lineout time but does make you wonder what might have been if the sub had been later…

    Barely heard from Ashton and Teo after the first 10.

    Daly, while doing not a lot wrong, is wasted at fullback.

    Lineout calls not changed enough when it started to creak.

    Second half ABs did school us, they looked dangerous as hell, when the pressure wasn’t put on them like the first half.

    All in all, a good shift and an impressive game from the men in white.

    Men in black showed their class as the didn’t crumble. Fantastic game if you happen to be a neutral!

    Full Member

    Awesome idea!

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