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  • Fresh Goods Friday 716: The Icelandic Edition
  • crazyjenkins01
    Full Member

    People using a DFF for this, what temp do you set it to? I’m giving mine a go in the next few days and thought I’d see how smelly, smoky etc it was (plus I couldn’t wait so had to have a go at something!) so I’ve got the wax in the fryer now ready to sort the chain before the weekend. Only thing I don’t really know is how hot to get the wax? It melted at a pretty low temp but don’t want to balls it up first time by it being not hot enough!


    Full Member

    Bumbag? That looks massive! More like a small rucksack that slipped down to your ar$e

    Full Member

    Have you thought about visors as opposed to face masks?

    Full Member

    Thats a good point chester!

    Might go down the ‘really cheap’ coil route instead anyway, its only for a hack bike after all…

    Full Member

    Am planning on swapping to Uberbike disks once I know when they’ll be back in stock, just keeping centreline (current disks) as a back up option but they seem to be sold out most places as well!

    Full Member

    trouble is, I’d rather like to go back to a job than redudancy…

    While I get it, as had been said, if you’re ‘working’ its fraud. If they start to take the piss, how much farther will they take it?

    Full Member

    Kryton, a) I don’t believe they can do this b) that seems pretty acceptable to me, just no replies!

    natrix, if you do work for them on a voluntary buisness, will the employer voluntarily pay you an equivalent ‘bonus’ equating the time taken to do the work, when you return off furlough? If the answer is no, then they can jog on…

    Full Member

    Defo get the bars

    Full Member

    Awesome, awesome, AWESOME!

    Really good bit of kit, my boy loved it. Was a shame to sell it…

    Full Member

    @IHN that was my first thought too!

    Full Member

    Like I say, its not a definite yet. Just thinking it might give me something to do over the lockdown period. May not bother with this frame and get a half decent one in a few months instead, just flinging ideas around at the moment.

    Full Member

    Nobeer, is that a guarantee? Awesome if it is!

    Why didn’t I think of TipEx!!!

    Full Member

    I’m gonna do putoline soon as I have the extra cash AT!

    As I’ve already washed it, I might have to just live with it

    Edit: ALWAYS through puddles Alpin, no fun else

    Full Member

    @bails, it’s not a small mark! Cant believe I didnt see it before, its massive!

    I might try the elbow grease spray. I seem to remember its pretty cheap…

    Full Member

    Didnt think of white spirit! Got loads in the van…

    Full Member

    That’s what I’m afraid of Simon :(

    Full Member

    JoB, I’ve thought of vanish already. Just wondering if anyone has any other options to try, especially if they know it works!

    Epic, I’m using mucoff wet lube, it’s all I have in stock at the moment!

    Full Member

    Fantastic STW. Improved my day that has, and I didn’t get the box!

    People, get those Ps sorted asap if it means this place keeps going with compassion like that from HQ

    Full Member

    Seems a few enjoyed The Expanse as much as I did!

    (Im)patiently waiting for Season 5

    Full Member

    MTB – Klunkerz, MTB the UK story, Steve Peat Doc, Deathgrip

    The Expanse (Sci-fi awesome) American Gods (Fantasy? seriously good) Lie To Me (oldie but a goody) The Boys (great concept)

    Full Member

    I find just gently taking the foot off of the accelerator a couple of times usually gets the message across.

    While yes, I do tend to brake (slowly and controlled) as well a lot of the time as they still don’t get the message. I hate impatience in a vehicle with a passion.

    Full Member

    Always funny if this happens to slow down more!

    Full Member

    @johndoh couldnt disagree more. (warning anecdotal evidence coming…)

    I haven’t had to for a while, obvious reasons, but I drive a lot for work/union meetings all over the country. I drive a Transit, so not the fastest vehicle in the world, but on motorways limit is the same as everyone else. I have barely left the county (Devon) before I lose track of the number of vehicles that do this, in this order, every. damn. time.

    1.Quite happily stay behind me in the left lane

    2. Pull out to over take as I do

    3. Sit as close to my rear bumper as they can even though the right hand lane is empty

    4. Once I’ve moved back left, stay in the middle lane

    5. Decide they want to pass me and do so by speeding up

    6. Pull back left and SLOW DOWN meaning I either have to slow down too, or over take.

    7. 5 miles down the motorway, go back to step 1 and repeat.

    Moral of the story? (Some of? A lot of?) Drivers want to overtake any and all traffic in front of them, whether they “need” to or not.

    Full Member

    Good to hear she has plenty of evidence then Kryton!

    I’m struggling to see what the company will be able to do then to be honest. If she has been recording her time on a timesheet (which I assume, like me, would need to be authorised?) and if the work she has done can be produced to prove she has done it, then she is fulfilling her duties. If the company aren’t giving her any more duties due to CV19 that isn’t her fault or problem. They have also given a number to book against for waiting time, so they know she isn’t doing a lot, and are recording that for their budget.

    She ‘should’ be safe from redundancy as if she is made redundant, when everything goes back to normal the company cant just fill that position again, and there is nothing to suggest a disciplinary and dismissal would happen either. that doesn’t stop furlough being used as an option though.

    Union advice is the best bet next, but she’d need to be a member first!

    Hope it goes OK.

    DONKS, ask for the signed record that you were informed and agreed to this.

    Full Member


    1. Is the wife in a union? if not, sign up sharpish.

    2. Are there any unions recognised by the company? If yes, pick on of them for question 1.

    3. “asked to find some herself” is this in writing/email etc?

    4. Does she have evidence of her completing work within her job role and authorisation? If yes, keep copies. How can she be not performing her duties if she can prove the work given to her has been completed on time etc.

    5. Does her company have a grievance procedure, if so find it and read it. This may be an option to use later.

    She could also speak to ACAS if she believes HR are not doing their job correctly. Make sure all emails are copied/printed and kept to back her up if the Management decide to play silly buggers.

    Full Member

    While I agree it would be great, and hope this happens too Graham… dream on.

    Full Member

    Thanks MR, knew it would happen at some point ;)

    Seeing some of the pictures floating around, I kind of like the idea of a gravel bike but I don’t really know why…

    Full Member

    Nice one, thanks guys

    Full Member

    They stand out a mile, looking awkward in nature….

    This. So much this!

    Also, it must be OK to congregate in the woods where you’re less likely to be seen/caught by anyone who could do anything about it. Seeing big groups out in the woods, obviously meeting up where they think they’ll get away with it.

    Been enjoying riding to my local spot instead of driving there I must admit :)

    Full Member


    1984, We, Brave New World, Lord of the Flies, Dracula, The Hobbit, The Count of Monte Cristo, Of Mice and Men, One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, The Picture of Dorian Grey.


    anything by Brandon Sanderson esp, the Alcatraz series of shorts (so funny!) and Mistborn series.

    Currently enjoying some Sarah J Maas myself

    Full Member

    @northernsoul, Jesus H Christ! Some of those comments are nuts. Although some of them are also actually right on the money having a subtle dig at the dumb-dumbs in charge…

    “Why should anyone take this virus seriously when we’ve been told all it takes to get better if you have it is “strength of character”? (as Raab said about Boris).”

    …but seems some people have rated them low because his followers cant have the mighty BoJo and his mates, I mean Party, being criticised!

    Full Member

    Thanks for the input guys

    Full Member

    @Trimix, no chance of knitting, I’m hamfisted! Leotard sounds fun though ;)

    Thanks Tom, From Tom :)

    Full Member

    Time for my 2 pennies…

    i agree with what convert said, there needs to be physical interaction for the virus to spread. (So don’t tough anything/anybody outside the home!)

    I also agree with bushy, without movement it won’t spread far.

    Anecdote coming!

    I’m still working, I go to my van in the morning and touch nothing but the door handle. I then drive to site (atm one of 2, with no other staff on site unless breakdown/fault repair) gloves on when opening the padlock and gate, gloves in the bin. I clean my door handle and wash my hands. I’m still travelling (approx 20mile round trip for each site) but there is no physical interaction with anything else between home and work. If OP took similar precautions I can’t see why he couldn’t go to his other house (although I’d suggest staying there!).

    Stgeorge is right, we are being told to not travel however I think this is to have a simple message that makes it easy for people who…perhaps would not think their actions through completely (trying to be nice)

    Full Member

    Surprised there hasn’t been any arguments yet :(

    Some good pointers so far though.

    Full Member

    Bit advanced for my kids Simon (7 and 4) but thanks, that looks pretty cool. Might try some of the easier ones!

    Full Member

    No photo unfortunately, but lovely to see the wild deer in the sunshine around the wrigleys factory today.

    Saw some last wekend too…

    Think I need to learn how to do pictures now :(

    Full Member

    Thanks Glenn, right up my street that is!

    Full Member

    Dont you worry T, you can show me up on the trail soon enough! (I hope)

    Full Member

    Thats the problem though isnt it. When the PM says on thing then the Secretary of State for Health say another. Then you add in other things like “if I stop somewhere on my way home from work”. Is that travelling for excersise or not? Is that allowable (obviously is it’s not 20miles out of your way or whatever) no wonder there’s differening opinions!

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