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  • crazyjenkins01
    Full Member

    Some of the points made by various posters are large parts of the problem.

    -Schools/uni’s still open and  “bubbles” that are pretty large, but cant then socialise with said bubble outside of school.

    -a lot more shops etc still open

    -Dom Cum being let off in lockdown 1

    -“I’m alright Jack” attitude

    -People absolutely HAVING to watch pro sport

    Etc etc

    Full Member

    Whatever could you be implying Cougar? Surely everyone knows how to use a face mask by now???

    Full Member

    This lockdown is bugging me already. I worked all through the last lockdown (electricity transmission) and didn’t see anyone outside of work, even my kids for the first half.

    I’m now in a new relationship, I live alone and she lives with her son. Because she is in a bubble with her mum and dad, I cant see her indoors, which is ok when the weather is good/ok. When the weather is bad the only way I can see her is a walk in the rain! We both have jobs where COVID controls are really highly followed, and we’re both trying to stick to the rules.

    However, I was at her house until midnight on Wednesday, we’ve only been together outside since then, yet I hear about all these gatherings being broken up by the police, a local café being fined for still serving ‘sit in’ service, seeing huge groups out and about together and I start thinking “why bother?”

    No wonder the rules seem to be less followed this time

    Full Member

    Went with the PR1600 in the end.

    Thanks for the input people, appreciate it

    Full Member

    Plenty of options for me to look at. Cheers guys

    Full Member

    Thanks for all the input guys.

    Will be mainly used for roads and bridleway/cycle path type stuff. I have a magicshine bar light for off road duties with a separate battery pack, so was after an all in unit for ease of use for the gravel bike.

    Do like the look of the Strada, and I’ve got a Diablo so know exposure are good bits of kit, just not sure I can justify the price tag right now!

    That rave man looks like a good option though

    Full Member

    Not a bad idea zippy, I do like Saunton. Funnily enough I was looking at google maps earlier and wondered if I could get to Croyde Bay and back in a sensible time!

    Full Member

    Thanks for all the input guys. May well be tarka trail this week. Wont get back to hotel til 5.30ish, so dont have all that long. Also, knowing me, exploring may mean a “late return” (read, I’ll get lost!) back for dinner. Same issue for Bridgwater/Quantocks (not working at Hinkley this time!) by the time I get back from site I wont have much time, and I dont know what times I can eat yet!

    Now just need to sort somewhere near Weymouth for the week there before Bridgwater starts!

    Full Member

    I got a Brand-X 170 for my Triple B and its ace. Cant fault it so far, set up was easy, and it just works.

    For the price, I cant see much else that can touch it.

    Full Member

    The Dark Peak isn’t out yet, expected in store in a few weeks though (got from Calibre and GO separately) so am holding off on deciding until I’ve seen one for real!

    I did consider doing a 29er rigid, but I fancy something completely different as well, and will most likely have more road miles than I’d like!

    , if I can work out how to do it, I’ll pm you the specs (although I think it is up on Calibre’s website, not GO)

    Full Member

    Thanks for the extra posts guys. I’m mainly of 2 minds as I don’t want to spend loads on something I’ll use less than I think, but at the same time, I dont want to wish I’d spent more to get something that little bit better! might go down the Calibre and bigger rotors route and see how I get on.

    (That plus a lot of places seem to be sold out of pretty much everything!)

    Full Member

    @FB no, an employer can tell you when to take holiday, however they need to give you notice of 2x the amount of time off. So if they want you to take a week off, they have to give you 2 weeks notice.

    Full Member

    Sounds like Nostrils company trying to take the pi$$

    Full Member

    Good you know about it scamper!

    Full Member

    @scamperjenkins there’s a Waitrose just over the bridge in Saltash.

    , I’m born and bred Plymouth and love the Southwest with a passion. I’ve worked in most of the England and South Wales (admittedly while staying in hotels) and there is nowhere better in my opinion.

    Full Member

    Thanks for all the input guys, will defo look at those links/brands suggested.

    Was the only thing stopping me with the Calibre, which is a shame as my bossnut was ace, and my current Triple B is all the bike I could need!

    Full Member

    Perhaps its yet again time to deluge local MPs, especially Conservative MPs, with emails about this issue?

    Full Member

    I have read a few bits about whats going on (pro-protest and all life matters view points)  and watched some of the twitter etc videos being posted here and other places. Also read some of the reasonings/explanations for why BLM and the protests are the problem, not whats being protested about.

    I can now honestly say that I am pretty ashamed of our species, that I am part of it and that I share a large proportion of the same make up as some of these people. How can so many people be so blind?

    Full Member

    As I said in the OP, this stinks of either trying to circumvent democracy (as some MPs simply cant get to Westminster under current guidelines) or simply complete incompetence on the part of the idiots trying to do something against their OWN advice and guidelines!

    Full Member

    Might just be me being dim but…

    “World leading” Test Track and Trace system by 1st June blah blah blah….

    If the App that was developed/being developed isnt in use with the population yet, how exactly are we doing the Track and Trace part of this? Forgive me if I’m wrong but asking “who have you been close to in the last 2 weeks?” cannot be a reliable method to say we’ve even got a Track and Trace system, let alone a World Leading system.

    Or am I just missing something?

    Full Member

    Focus on how it will prevent some MPs from voting if they don’t attend.

    Then wonder what the reasons are….

    Exactly my first thought.

    Full Member

    Well, as the amendment was voted down would be interesting to see how the Government propose to continue running parliament within the guidelines set by…..uhhh… the Government!

    Full Member

    I reckon that must be tyre buzz when uncliping

    Full Member

    Exactly my thinking as well purist

    Full Member

    Both points are on the money in my opinion. And I’d gladly keep it that way for a while! Doesn’t mean that MPs shouldn’t be able to vote though.

    Full Member

    Didnt get past 6 minutes of that.

    While some of the points were worth thinking about, there were so many contradictory themes running side by side in a Double Think style that it was a mess.

    Full Member

    Maintenance killed my reply!

    but I ended with the point that why should she be bullied into a waiver of her legal rights?

    As far as I am concerned, this is the most important point. And once it happens once, companies believe they can get away with it again.

    In my mind its incumbent upon them now to tell her it’ll stay as is on the basis she’s the exception and doesn’t mention it again

    This could be a bit dangerous “one rule for some, one for the rest” ala Mr Cummingstain and can cause issues in future.

    under the taking holiday section is does say that employers can require you to take holiday

    If this is what they are actually trying to do and making a hash of it, then it cannot be mandated due to notice periods and would need to be by mutual consent, paid at 100% for those annual leave days.

    Full Member

    Its difficult Kryton. I get that causing issues now means she’ll be more likely towards the top of the list for the next round of ‘there’s the door’  however I am a FERVENT trade unionist and companies cannot be allowed to get away with flouting the rules. If they get away with it once, they’ll keep doing it.

    Everything I have seen from my Union, which is all checked by their legal department before sending to the millions of members, says they cannot do this. I seem to remember MrsK works for a smallish company (which is where I believe the vast majority of these problems occur)

    The thing is, if she doesn’t stand up for herself, there are others who will be effected in the same way as well as her. This is the nature of unionism, stronger together, to make sure things are done correctly and fairly.

    The fact that the company is attempting this tells me their HR dept. may not be as good as they think.

    Full Member

    As you have said regarding a worry of lose of employment, you’re best bet for an initial email (written record) is a request of information on why they are asking her to do this, and what they believe allows them to do so.

    Best case is the company realise they cannot do this and rescind the request, worst case is you get some BS words that mean absolutely nothing and gives you more evidence if it does turn into a dispute.

    Full Member

    Mooman, TJ’s example is the best of a bad situation i’m afraid and is not bad practice. The mental health of the staff and patients is part of TJ’s duty of care. If patients are unable to control their actions/words (due to dementia, which is understandable) then controls MUST be put in place to protect the patients and staff members mental health (part of a Risk Assessment process). Using the hierarchy of controls in the HASAWeA1974 (TJ and the other staff are at work remember) then Elimination of the hazard is the first, and best, control. This is followed by Reduction, so reducing the amount of time a staff member has with that patient. This is exactly what TJ has done.

    Full Member

    Kryton, from all the info i have been sent from my lot, it appears they cannot do that as holiday accrues as normal (therefore pro rata in her case).

    Is there a friendly union rep (of any union) in her work place she can have a word with off the record and ask them their advice/to look into it? If its being expected of her, then it will be expected of others who may be members.

    Full Member

    Any source for that?

    Just found it, but I was slightly wrong I’m afraid (My Mum was asking about it…) that was if you are isolating due to Doctors Letter and not furloughed. My mistake.

    Just bear in mind, that if you book any holiday during furlough (with the appropriate notice from the company) this is taken from your AL entitlement and therefore is 100% pay.

    Full Member

    I seem to remember your wife was still working (not furloughed) is that correct?

    Did you also get her to join a union as I suggested? Depending on the union, this would give her free legal advice from the unions solicitors.

    If so, they cannot remove holiday entitlement that forms her T&Cs.

    From the latest Q&A I have received from my union (I am a Rep), Holiday entitlement continues to accrue during furlough regardless. (I believe they can make you use some annual leave if they are topping up your pay to 100%)

    Your wife’s Company can make her take holiday whenever they wish (so during furlough, if she is) however they shall (<- legal definition) give double the time of leave as notice, eg if they want you to take a week off, they need to give you 2 weeks notice. Therefore they cannot do this retrospectively.

    Full Member

    Might have to try some of these, for science purposes obviously!

    Full Member

    While I hate to say it MOAA, if a friendly chat and impression of ‘this will cause more problems for all of us’ isn’t enough to make somebody think about their actions and tone it down/go somewhere more segregated/stop completely then perhaps a call to the local bobbies to go have a chat and maybe a (legitimate) threat of prosecution is the only real step that can be taken next.

    It’s great seeing so many more people out walking/biking/scooting/rollerblading whatever in the great outdoors than usual and I hope it continues, but sometimes those extra people need to have a think about what they’re actually doing.

    Full Member

    I have to admit, I was massively surprised in the number of comments on the riders side!

    However, I was massively unsurprised by some of the more venomous replies against this obvious spawn of the devil cyclist.

    I think I may well have lost my $hit not long into that video, good on the lad

    Full Member

    I think what3words can send your location as a text message to the emergency services, and a text takes a lot less signal than a phone call.

    Full Member

    I quite like the smell if I’m honest, although I work with oil and grease on a daily basis!

    I’m still doing it at work though where there’s more room so I can leave it behind afterwards and not have it linger for hours on end .

    So seems like anywhere above 140 should do me fine then. Might get chance tonight, if not tomorrows job

    Full Member

    Thanks TJ!

    Daft question then, say I whack it up to max (180-190 I think) so its proper hot, would that cause any issues? Other than extra smell and maybe a bit of smoke!!!

    Full Member

    Jesus H Christ, that reply from BloHard!

    Question: Were you too slow?

    Proof of what the government DID say provided, which later turned out to be wrong going forward (as it was then transmitting in the community) and changed accordingly, by Starmer and Mr Prime Mopheads’ reply is “this is what is said” with an extra bit in bold, which STILL says what Starmer said it did.

    What a c0ckwomble.

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