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  • Sonder Evol GX Eagle Transmission review
  • crazyjenkins01
    Full Member

    Have named all of my recent bikes, and the duck that rides some of them!

    There will be a pattern here too :)

    Bossnut V1 was Cali

    Triple B V2 is called Eleanor (was stolen from work and recovered within 24hrs, so unstealable! haha) and the duck on the bars is Memphis.

    Dark Peak is Donnie (as in Darko)

    Haven’t come up with one for the Sentry Pro yet, or got a duck for it….

    Full Member

    Ooooh, this is fun!

    Dear Mr Mercer,

    I’m sure you are aware of the recent news regarding the Met Police issuing fines to both the PM and Chancellor for breach of Covid Legislation. Considering this legislation was brought in by this Government, this is simply unacceptable.

    Now that the truth us known, that not only did the PM break the Law but also broke The Ministerial Code by misleading the House (AKA lied) on more than one occasion, I’d like to know when I can look forward to you insisting Parliment is recalled, withdrawing your support for Mr Johnson and calling for his resignation (and submitting a letter of no confidence to the Chair of the 1922 Committee) as my elected representative. Adding the call for the resignation of any other Minister found to have broken the Law or the Code.

    Obviously you do plan on this course of action as I’m sure you agree that having a Prime Minister who breaks the law and ministerial code, specifically through lying, would be an affront to the honourable reputation of the House. Especially considering that the PM himself backed a call for the boss of P&O to resign, due to his breaking of the Law.

    Knowing your armed services background, I am sure that you understand the importance of following the rules as set out by our leaders and that these rules must be followed by all to be effective in whatever strategy they form a part of. Also, considering the current situation in Ukraine, how could other world leaders believe what the PM says in regards to, well anything.

    I am also sure that I do not need to tell you about the depth of anger felt by myself and the rest of your constituents that the person currently “leading” this country and indeed other cabinet ministers, have shown such disdain and contempt for the people of this country in these actions.

    I look forward to your response in this matter.

    Yours Sincerely

    Full Member

    A lot of the Polygon spares will fit Calibre frames as they are a very similar design (Polygon manufactured the frames for Calibre).

    Calibre now have another frame manufacturer, but global parts shortages mean there aren’t any new bikes ready to sell, but will be soon.

    Look up and join Calibre Sentry Owners group on FB, loads of good info on there.

    Full Member

    I have to say I’m surprised (kinda) by the hate shown to them on here. Less cars on the roads, easy transport and gets you exactly where you want, potentially unlike a bus. Surely would create more pressure to change the infrastructure balance away from cars too.

    I see them pretty much every day on my drive to work (if I turn right instead of left!). While granted they are currently illegal, and its not a pavement but a shared use path thats used, but there are several that are ridden courteously everyday up the hill towards the hospital/business park with never a problem. People in shirts and ties with a brief case over a shoulder. I think that’s why they are left alone generally, because they aren’t causing issues and riding like morons. I really think this should be encouraged.

    Full Member

    Sounds like the cable isn’t tight enough to operate the actuater properly to drop it.

    For the return, needs more air pressure. There’s a rubber bung under the seat rail clamps with a schrader valve underneath.

    I have an Ascend 2 XL (internal though)

    Full Member

    Not sure what post you are reading Ernie, because you seem to be missing binners point quite spectacularly!

    Either that, or you are trying to put words in somebodies mouth to make your own point instead of debating theirs.

    He said the vast majority of Jewish voters he has spoken to <b>from that constituency,</b> not all Jews. Unless you read something I missed?!?!?!

    Full Member

    Thanks for the input people, keep it coming! 🤣

    Full Member

    I’ve been reading this thread for a while, but not posted.

    Those who could be vaccinated, but choose not to, need to realise there are consequences for actions and decisions. It is that simple.

    And I’m not being dramatic at all(limiting peoples freedom based on the what ifs of a minority is collective punishment)

    But ^^^ this along with underclass is getting a bit silly!

    Those who’s eye sight (or other medical issue) means they require a medical license to drive ONLY receive this license (or or comparison permission to do something) if they wear their glasses (or other treatment). If you don’t wear the glasses, you wouldn’t be allowed to drive because of the RISK of causing a collision. Does that make people like this an underclass? Those who could wear glasses but refuse to… I don’t know… because the person doesn’t know how glasses work and they might get a head ache from wearing them? They are an underclass for not being allowed to drive? Because of their own choice?

    EDIT: remove formatting

    Full Member

    I am in the position where I have a company supplied mobile laptop and tablet to allow me to do my job. So not only from the union side, but also from “ my work” side, I think it is unreasonable to ask an employee to load any work apps etc to a personal phone. It doesn’t matter if it’s something harmless or whatever. “Since you loaded this can you load that…” a personal phone is just that. The argument of unreasonable to buy everyone a phone to WFH, I also don’t get. The job has changed (due to external factors but still) so the tools required to do the job has to change.

    A company has a duty to provide you with the tools required to do your job. Due to current WFH guidance the company should set up whatever is needed to allow you to WFH if your job role is suitable.

    Full Member

    *Put on union hat*

    Short answer, tell them No.

    Companies are required to provide tools and equipment (and relevant training) to allow you to do your job. It really is that simple. If they don’t want to provide those tools, meaning you are unable to do your job, then that is their problem.

    *Remove union hat*

    Full Member

    I have the same name as an American Golfer, Labour Politian, and MMA fighter. At least 2 of which most people have heard of

    Full Member

    No mate….

    Thats fair enough. I used an Uberbike one on my last bike (Bossnut V1) and it was still going when I sold the bike, so got one of their DUB ones cos I wanted a pretty colour!! Plus I can change just the bearing without shelling out for a whole new BB

    Full Member

    Weeksy, have you tried an after market DUB from someone non-SRAM?

    I’ve got a DUB BB from Uberbike (in green!) on my Triple B and its been spot on. Good sealing from the elements, looks nice, haven’t noticed any play at all and (pretty sure…) replaceable cartridge bearing.

    My Mate has a Nukeproof DUB one on his Sentry

    Edit: remove formatting

    Full Member

    You, sir, are a legend!

    Full Member

    how @bikesandboats? I didn’t see any codes etc

    Might take a punt for that price!

    Full Member

    I am in kind of the same boat. I’ve used sealskinz and helps to keep the feet nice and dry BUT…..

    Once the shoes are wet, my feet get cold really quickly and just wont warm up again. The sealskinz don’t help with that!

    Really fancy trying the Trailcross but at that price its a fair gamble!!!!

    Full Member

    @Murray, thanks for that. Was told when I was an apprentice, and smoked, that it was 75% which was why they took out the bottom perspex panels of all the walls and both top and bottom of the front to meet requirement.

    Full Member

    Smoking shelters should be 75% open to atmosphere. If the bike shed isn’t, it cant be a designated smoking area.

    Dont understand why its ‘too hard/expensive’ to build another shelter to sperate the activities?!?! That sounds like a loads of manure!

    Full Member

    RSF suspension can replace the tapered steerer of a new fork with a straight 11/8” one, I think.

    That’s interesting. So I could get a new fork and replace the 1 1/8″- 1.5″ with a straight steerer?

    I mean, I will still bitch and moan about having to replace my 20mm hub with a 15mm hub but it sounds alright.

    Depending on the price, of course.

    Yes Dave does that! Its a 1 man band (atm) though. Not sure on price either, but a fair few photos of him doing it on his FB page.

    Full Member

    Was really hoping to give this a try (finally!) but alas we couldn’t find a last member to make up a team for the 24hr ;-(

    Might have to pop down and spectate though if I have a bit of spare time!

    Full Member

    Even after doing it a few times I still have to walk up to it and use a pair of sticks to mark the line I need to hit coming over it to make sure I hit the landing centrally. After that it’s all back brake and hope into the berm!

    Pretty similar here! always stop to have another look, go back up to just after the jump and then try to aim for a right to left line to hit the centre(ish) of the rock on the drop. Have been pretty far right on the berm a few times, and wouldn’t want to go over the top of it!

    Full Member

    ‘The Boot Drop’ on the trail ‘Fill Your Boots’ down on the Spanish side of Cann Woods

    My local haunt! Love Boot Drop. Scared the crap out of me first time down it, and ended up sat down on the berm for a “rest”.

    The landing into the berm is pretty short as well!

    My mate always pedal strikes the tree stump just after the berm, and usually has a sit down because of it. Every. Single. Time

    Full Member

    The Picture of Dorian Gray

    Damn, forgot about that one. Great read that one too

    Full Member

    1984, We, Brave New World (there’s a theme here!) Dracula, and I enjoyed The Count Of Monte Cristo

    Full Member

    Yep, the same highway code that the last time anyone read was when they were taking their driving test (being honest, me included!)

    Exactly why there should be MANDATORY retraining/renewal of motor vehicles every 5/10/15 years, including a theory ‘powerpoint’ session to go over changes to HWC etc.

    I am relicensed every 5 years at work for a piece of motorised access equipment that I use on basically a daily basis, yet will likely never sit another driving test as it currently stands.

    Add to this increased ease for reporting, increased fines, longer bans for sanctions and real jail time for higher end offences and people just might get the message that driving like a cockwomble is not tolerated.

    Full Member

    TJ, I haven’t said so yet but very sorry for your loss.

    Thank you very much for posting this thread though, and everyone else for the input. As per a previous poster, situation similar due to separation and imminent divorce and other than weekends when the kids stay, I’m finding it very difficult to do the whole cooking for one thing. Especially as I used to do a lot of the cooking previously.

    Will be keeping an eye on this thread for some more gems from you lovely people!

    Full Member

    Thanks for the 5 day explanation guys. Makes sense now. Was notified from the app (I think, may have been text wasn’t awake when she called me at 6 this morning!)

    Thanks for the Link Kryton, I had been looking on the website but couldn’t find a definitive answer.

    What I don’t get, is its been 5 days since last ‘contact’, she’s had a work-required PCR test (that I would assume will be negative like all the others!) yet still has to finish the self isolation. So what would be the point of a person like me, who doesn’t have to PCR, getting a test to then still self isolate full term anyway?!?!?

    Full Member

    Depends on what you mean by ‘close’.

    Haldon isn’t bad and the off piste is really good, with a lot of newer trails popping up. Cafeside is currently closed for felling :-(

    Could get a day pass for Scadson Freeride park (near Torquay) which is small but fun.

    If MrsReady is there ALL day, you could go down to Cardinham near Bodmin. Is a nice place for a ride, but Hells Teeth is a killer of a climb to add the red extension!

    I know there is loads more in the area, but I dont know of any of it (yet!) as I’m in Plymouth so don’t ride the area as much as I’d like.

    Edit, remove formatting!

    Full Member

    Depends if you’re just replacing the bearings or the whole BB

    Full Member

    I don’t disagree with a lot of what you said Steve, and I’m in no way suggesting that pushing more females (or anybodies!) onto bikes is a good idea, or banning males (or anybody) at certain times/days etc.

    The question that has been raised and debated is actually more around inclusivity in general, but given a gender slant this time. I suppose the real question is ‘is MTB inclusive?’ and much like the “person is smart, people are stupid” type sayings, on a personal level throughout the sport, absolutely it is inclusive. But how many women grace the pages of MTB publications? How often? Do companies like, I dont know, Red Bull for example use their female sponsored athletes in equal amounts as their males?  How often is it really shown that MTB is for all, including females.

    and this point

    say we do this and it turns out less than 50% of people that want to do MTB are female what then???

    then there can be no remarks about ‘its not for girls’ ‘its a males’ sport’ etc etc. and that would be fine by me.

    Full Member

    Gnusmas, easier said than done, but you really need to remember… you are doing such a great job.
    I’ve read all your threads and can honestly say that you really are a super dad. Reading your threads has given me a lot of perspective over the last 12-18mths with what is happening with me.
    I know a lot of the regulars are always around for you, and while there will be dark times I’m sure, the memories of Lyanda are the most important thing not the stuff around you. Small steps my man, but you’re always going forward and taking the kids with you. Keep going, no matter how slow.

    Edit: removed formatting

    Full Member

    but there is nothing wrong with a woman (or man) saying I just don’t fancy it or I don’t want to get badly injured, I don’t like the heat/cold etc..

    I don’t want to do hardline because I’d die…

    Exactly Steve. I’d argue these are reasons, (and, with my skillz, very good ones!) but they actually are reasons. And there is nothing wrong with that. Whereas IMO “it doesn’t appeal to me” isn’t, in itself, a reason, but a symptom of what the reasons are. Like you said up there (I believe you said it, apologies if not) sewing doesn’t appeal to you, the reason being it feels like a chore. What’s being said though, is there is a possibility that it doesn’t appeal to some men because its subliminally seen as a female activity. Like possibly, MTB is seen as a male activity. Maybe it isn’t the only/biggest reason, but is it one easily changed to maybe help it to appeal to more females?

    My point really is so long as people find something they enjoy does it matter?

    If they enjoy it, no absolutely not. However, if there is even the chance there is a message/signal/conditioning whether intentional or not, that you cant/shouldn’t do/try this because of your gender, surely there should be people trying to change that message….

    That I was robbed of being a ski-jumper by an accident of geography… is it a big deal?

    This isn’t completely accurate though. This is a slightly more difficult thing to quantify because you being born and growing up somewhere this isn’t readily available is a very hard thing to change, and IMO not comparable.

    Full Member

    If I say I don’t like Marion Keys because I read the first few pages of one and it just doesn’t appeal to me that is accepted without question. But if a woman says it she is assumed to just need some mansplaining to help her see the error of her ways set her on the right track.


    Rather than telling women to change, how about setting an example and you start doing the stuff that doesn’t really appeal to you?

    Shows you didn’t understand my point, so I’ll try to be clearer.

    Your first example, you read something by her, you tried it, and it didn’t appeal to you (language use, content, storyline etc etc). Fine, no issue. What if you hadn’t read it and when asked if you would, said it doesn’t appeal to me, the question now is why doesn’t it appeal because you haven’t tried it? If a woman said she’d read it and it didnt appeal, the reply would be exactly the same. So for the MTB question this started on, why doesn’t MTB appeal to more women (who haven’t tried it), and can the industry do something to change that to see if uptake increases?

    The second point, is completely irrelevant. I didn’t say change women, or make them do something that doesn’t appeal to them, much like I wouldn’t make men do something that doesn’t appeal to them. I asked why it didn’t appeal to them, as perhaps this is something that we could do something about.

    Full Member

    Unfortunately OOB and Steve have both fell into the trap that should have been obvious from page 1, and that you both have even mentioned yourselves! Yes, there are other reasons females may not ride bikes, but the fact the there are others surely suggests that the societal reasons are still valid. The horse riding example has also derailed the thread slightly (cost).

    Some of the points you both make (about choice and happiness) are spot on and cant be argued. However something you both seem to be missing, that has been pointed out several times, is that just maybe females don’t try cycling because

    it just doesn’t appeal to me

    Isn’t actually the reason, the reason would be what has been seen/heard whatever to make them think it doesnt.

    I also liked Steve’s instrument example up there with the Oboe and Flute. But has been said, if up until that point of being able to choose to try it, if they want to, those males and females had seen ONLY males playing the Oboe and Females playing the Flute then chances are the split would be exactly as suggested.

    Full Member

    Ooooh, that’s a bit sneaky.


    1. Your T&Cs say 24hr notice, so the original “noted chat” should never have happened and all notes should be removed from record.

    2. That word ‘may’ is interesting. “Can you do this?” “I’m afraid I cant that night”, this is not a breach of contract. If you say the same every time then this ‘may’ be a breach of contract. I’d suggest you get a copy, and read, their Disciplinary Procedure. Forewarned and all that.

    3. Explain that, while you may be happy to work extra shifts you don’t expect to be doing it all the time as you have other commitments etc.

    Full Member

    I did think that a bit WF. I would imagine though, that if you are “showcasing” trails, they are likely to be well know in the area.

    If you wanted to show off some of the secret stuff, maybe there would be a way to give a very general area for the location with a ‘go have a look’ type thing?

    Just thought that would be a good way for the members and Singletrack to have a

    closer connection

    as Mark put it. More of what the members want, a bit of chance to feature in the mag. Gotta be a win win!

    Full Member


    You must be new here.

    This reply never fails to make giggle like a little school girl! 😂

    Full Member

    I’m a rep.

    1. It is not compulsory unless stated in you T&Cs of employment, this will also have a number of hours attached, not just “plus overtime”

    2. As intheborders said, IIRC it’s not technically overtime, even if it is over your hours due to you being part time.

    3. Join a Union.

    4. Next discussion, inform them you are willing to consider additional hours when you can but you need more notice than they have given you this time. You can even say you need 24/48/72 hrs if that makes it easier for you. (Do this even if you won’t work extra hours!)

    Full Member

    Definitely get the threads in the overview!

    I’m on the side of the people who think this (a separate members forum) is a bad idea.

    Members will bitch about non members (already started above) , non members will bitch about members. Diversity will reduce, forum content will get spread more thinly.

    Don’t quite agree with this.

    I also think, might need a bit of work mind, that Free Members should see the threads but not be able to access/only see the OP or contribute to them. This would work especially well if there are some ‘exciting’ threads going on in here. If people are put off by Full Members willing to contribute financially to STW getting something extra above and beyond what they as Free Members get then perhaps they need to have a word with themselves.

    IIRC there’s a rather large banner saying Members Area on the pages that take you to the log in pages, and nobody has bitched about that yet.

    Full Member

    If I was left petrified by something I was likely to encounter regularly, which in 99% of cases are more annoying than dangerous I would hope I would be seeking help

    Good point, I’d imagine though it may not be so easy? Access to services/cost etc

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