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  • Fresh Goods Friday 727: The East 17 Edition
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    UK-FLATLANDERFull Member
    Out of interest I wonder what folk’s responses would be if it had been a kid on the bike and the injury was life threatening?

    I’d like to see the answer too as it was completely overlooked when posted! this very much seems like a case of, as in more and more walks of life now, people misplaced “entitlement” to ignore/unable/unwilling to take personal responsibility for their actions/inactions.

    That sucks MB, hopefully you’re on the mend now and can get back to full health and get back on the bike.

    Full Member

    Once my daughter was ready for gears, got a 2nd hand Frog 55 in purple and she loved it! (I did swap out parts with a new stem and SDG Jnr Pro set though), when she out grew it the boy had it (another SDG set for him and her’s went onto her new Cube). When he outgrew it, sold it for about 80% of what I’d paid for it in the first place. Only thing I needed to do was a new cassette/chain and mech hanger when the boy had it but by that time was likely nearly 4 years old at a guess!

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    Cafeside MTB | Exeter | Facebook

    These guys local to me are in progress of trying to do the same down here!

    Been ‘unofficial’ with Forestry for years but they’re now trying to expand it

    Full Member

    The easy solution to that would have been for her (or me) to just to go out with everyone else a few days later

    This is the main thing I’ve noticed hasn’t been mentioned. Lots of her/new bf may not feel comfortable after the ‘big reveal’ yet if that’s the case why wouldn’t she just say “I’ll come for the main holiday, (other bods around) but not go days early anymore (the 2 on their own)”

    Also, I’d never just invite an extra person on holiday without asking the others in the group I’m going with if they would mind. That’s just rude

    Full Member

    F*cksake! The odious prick is in my city tonight and just happened to be where our Scouts (my daughter being one of them) are having a climbing session tonight. He spent time with/talking to the troop and I’m not there to ask some questions to make him squirm! 😠

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    Magnusson Hickory Axe and Hatchet (B&Q)

    Same here for campfire wood, but usually only use axes for throwing with the Scouts so, Coldsteel Norse hawks and Throwing Angels here!

    Full Member

    @shakleton, I had to go onto the bike forum for it to appearnothing on overview.

    That’s what I thought TJ, but doesn’t hurt to check!

    I’m sure she will want to bling hers up like daddy does, and I have a coloured BB so just getting ahead of the curve! 

    Full Member

    I’m not sure the promise issue for adults is as big a factor as you think poly, although I’ve been wrong before! And that might just be down here in the sunny South West.

    Most of the reasons I hear from adults for not becoming uniformed is the amount of time commitment, perceived lack of skill/ability/nothing to give, “fear” of responsibility and requirement for training.

    Maybe in other areas of the country the perception is a major factor.

    Full Member

    You’re right, some people are happy to moan about nobody else doing it but then pitch a fit at something different!

    It most likely is habit/tradition, and it might just be because I’m younger than a 30-year-served leader but tbh the beginning part of the promise is more important to me rather than saying God when you don’t believe. We spend a lot of time in sessions pointing out the “kind and helpful” aspect but not so much the God bit. It’s also framed more in a “spiritual” term than a religious one.

    Out of interest if you think the King/God aspect might put off adults to become leaders, what would you do to encourage them? Would be really helpful for us to pinch some ideas! 🤣

    Full Member

    Just read your * bit again poly, must have missed it first time 💁

    We only do church service once a year, on Remembrance Sunday, St George’s day is a scout event at the football stadium (for the last couple of years at least) and I took our beaver colony to visit the city’s synagogue last week which they loved! Which the cubs did last summer as well.

    It unfortunately sounds like the traditional church going leader you mention may not be modernising themselves

    Full Member

    I obviously can’t comment on other groups ‘default’ but ours, for all sections, is Our World. We aren’t based in a church though, neither are a lot of the other groups in our district so maybe that makes a difference?

    if you’re going to have different versions of it, so different people are promising different things

    While I see the point here, the only real difference in the “versions” is the name of the deity you personally believe in, and if you don’t believe in one the our world makes it more inclusive. I do agree with the King/Queen point though, but as BP came from a military back ground it at least makes sense.

    Full Member

    think you’ll need to do an NSRA course for air rifles rather than time served on the activity.

    no, I meant I got to have a go, not running the activity!

    , (I’m surprised no other leaders have said this!) there are several versions of the promise, for different faiths and the one you’re interested in, no faith. Can’t remember the wording for Cubs, but Beavers is “I promise to do my best, be kind and helpful and to love our world (instead of love God)” the beavers/parents decide on which they want to use before investiture.

    Full Member

    I went along to another groups weekend camp (local) on Saturday to run a tomahawk throwing range for them as they don’t have the kit/permit to do so. Free lunch for me, contacts made with another group and the cubs and scouts had a blast. Got chance to have a go at air rifle shooting too which I haven’t done in a while!
    Currently planning a joint beavers/cubs summer camp to get my permit for that too.

    Full Member

    What evidence do you have than testing every 5 years makes everyone a better driver?

    Not against the idea as loads of people would fail meaning less cars on the road but it wouldn’t make any difference to my driving just as doing my test 40 years ago didn’t as I drove like a 17 year old **** within a day of passing and thinking back to how I drove is quite scary.

    I’ve said this several times on threads like these. As part of my job, I drive Mobile Elevated Work Platforms on almost a daily basis for a large part of the year, within a secure locked compound with only other trained staff on the site. I have to be retested every 5years to keep my licence to drive them. If I was seen driving one like a prick after testing, I’d have my arse handed to me “you only had your test last year!” Regular retesting would either improve general driving standards, or could be used as reasoning for tougher punishments if and when people are caught driving contrary to Rule 1. which when we’ll published would force other drivers to be better for fear of big fines/long bans.

    Full Member

    What? There’s a bike forum?

    Nice variation of a well known saying! 😂

    Full Member

    Also, thinking about it, get the angle of the legs right, that will help with rigidity

    Full Member

    Rock backwards? Is the rubber stop underneath the seat in direct contact with the top tube? I never had this problem when I had one!
    Only other thing is do you have the “quick release” and foot peg threaded bar tight?

    Full Member

    There’s a comedy duo named Jollyboat (who are excellent and you should all go and see them) who for origins unknown to me have acquired #NotASexCult as a running gag.

    Thanks for that, I’ll be posting that to the group very soon!!!

    Full Member

    We need a secret code word or expression for such situations.

    On the Calibre Bossnut Riders Group on FB we accidentally made one! After a bit of a flounce a member who then left wrote the immortal words “this group is like cult!” hence the birth of #NotACult

    Full Member

    What if those voters know that nothing will change as a result of their vote and so stay at home? Are they morons as Kerley would have us believe, or are they rational people who can’t see the point in doing something that will have no effect?

    As has been previously said (by you I believe but apologies if I’m  misremembering) re: Brexit some people were duped and voted for change, any change. Now that’s not the best example granted, but if you dont like what is happening (re government) then voting for another party at least gives the chance of a change that may be positive. To not vote is giving up on even the chance of a positive change.

    Full Member

    I think this is my first post on this thread?!?!?!?

    I agree with Kerley, those who don’t use their vote (for whatever reason) are, by default, ‘voting’ for status quo as they aren’t voting for change. So, other than to point out these people could have an effect on results and dont, cannot be counted in the “X% voted for the tories/labour/free coffee for all” type statements. The only number that matters is the number of those that voted.

    That would be a terrible assumption, and totally ignores the concept of <span style=”text-decoration: underline;”>voter disenfranchisement</span> and the reasons that drive it.

    I think we all know how this (my underline) could be changed in the future, and we all know exactly why it wont happen. Basic politics, economics and critical thinking must be taught and from a young enough age to ingrain and male it useful. Meaning the electorate would have the tools needed to make informed decisions and help to stop the disenfranchisement of so many.

    Full Member

    Oh dear, more bad news for the MET

    Full Member

    Quick/Easy but fun ‘board game’ (card game) I’ve had for a while… Exploding Kittens. Great fun especially with the expansions. I’ve got the EK party pack (2-10 players) plus Zombie, Barking and Streaking Kittens expansions. Just Imploding to go!
    Back before Christmas (black Friday I think) I ordered Plague Inc. (reverse Pandemic) but never turned up and was refunded :( and Gyrating Hamsters. Another card game like EK but that’s also great fun.
    My 10 and 7yr olds love both.

    Other half paid for me to buy the newest game as a birthday present, but haven’t played it yet (next Friday at games night!) namely Bonfire. Looks proper cool but cant comment on game play yet.

    Edit: spelling

    Full Member

    Oh, and ANYTHING by 2Cellos is simply ace

    Full Member

    Considering which band he is a part of, what their musical style is and how his voice normally sounds this completely blew me away!

    Full Member

    Merlin have not only cheap Maxxis, but also extra reduced prices.

    Thanks Weeksy, that just cost me £85!!!!!

    Full Member

    He put it on Facebook as well. Very damning.

    Didn’t know that! He must be pi$$Ed 😳

    Full Member

    Well now, I didn’t expect that! Camouflaged by other emails….

    My Tory MP (Jonny Mercer) sent and email a couple of day ago, I assume to all who have corresponded with him, absolutely ripping in to the goverment.

    Towards the end was my favourite “they can do what they like with the whip” whether he means it is a different story but jeeeeeesus!

    Full Member

    I’m a Beaver leader, and help with the cubs too (child in each)
    Beavers and Cubs are full, and scouts gained 10 new young people after the summer holiday (I think another troop folded).
    As has been said up there ^^^ its the lack of regular volunteers/parents treating it like child care. We have 2 leaders and a young leader for Beavers, 2 and a young leader for cubs, and 1 leader for Scouts. Our GSL helps with cubs and Scouts but shouldn’t as she is a GSL!
    We have a few parents who will help as much as they can, others are more interested in going to the gym instead of the summer camp meeting arranged even though they are the main person with concerns (the place we went had an incident a few months ago investigated by the HSE)

    Full Member

    @Mark, I’ve tried to email Zoe as you said. I’ve used the subs@ address and received a mail delivery failure reply. I tried again to make sure and the same happened.

    Anything you can suggest?

    Full Member

    I think it’s when payment has been received from the employer, regardless of when the “acceptance” happens.

    Hence the issue of my voucher taking nearly 3months to come through as there was an issue between our benefits provider and cyclescheme (which turned out to be unpaid invoice by my employer)

    Full Member

    I used Uberbike valves on the little bike, worked fine.

    Have nukeproof valves on the big bike, but haven’t done the rimpact yet. Side holes on the base as per uberbike/Peatys etc so should work fine too.

    Full Member

    Thanks Mark

    Full Member

    I’m currently on a digital sub, paying monthly.

    Anyone know if I can I upgrade to Print and pay the rest of the year sub in one hit?

    Full Member

    Thanks again for all the input people!

    Ended up on eBay as suggested and picked up a warranty return (faulty charge cable) Fenix5 for £99. Turned up just in time for Scout camp too.

    Linked it to Strava and tried the walk tracking when we took the Cubs for a wander round the lake. The step count was interesting to look at each day just to see the 15K, 20K, 30K going up each day!

    Full Member

    Thanks for all the input people!

    Some interesting points made there, so I’ll have to have a think about my priorities and go from there

    Full Member

    Thanks all, sounds like the card payment would be worth letting go!

    Looking at the Samsung watch 4 as I do t want to spend out on the 5! Just because it should be the easiest option as same brand.

    Does anyone really use the phone capability on a smart watch? Though it would be useful while on the bike so dodnt have to take my phone out of my bag, but I can’t decide if receiving calls is worth the extra ££

    Full Member

    What do you call a sheep with no legs?

    A cloud

    Before/after the “whats brown and sticky?” Honestly, my kids love my jokes 🤣

    What do you call a dinosaur with no ears?

    Whatever you want, they can’t hear you!

    Full Member

    I found the endura “commuter style” boxers were far superior to the click fast liner. They are my go to, although exact match isn’t available anymore but…

    Newest version

    Full Member

    I’m not entirely convinced anyone else on here would appreciate my addition judging by some of the above!!!

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