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  • Trail Tales: Midges
  • craig5
    Full Member

    Thanks for the feedback folks, I think I will give one a go for £25. I do like the look of the wingnut adventure. But at £90+ its very spendy, and with it being so low on your back I wont have anything to rest my bike on when carrying it. I just cant decide on a stove/kit. If its just a rehydrate meal (cous cous/noodles/poridge) and coffee, then i think a meths burner, with wind sheild. Or if its proper food/cooking then a gas stove. Can you get a MyTi mug in a bottle cage? I want to fit all my cokking kit in that.

    Full Member

    Has anybody got a contact number for C&B seen. I want to “press the button” on a set but want to speak to somebody 1st

    Full Member

    I’m watching this witchcraft with interest. And shall find this Bing, and speak with him forthwith. The sorcerer that he is.

    Full Member

    Cheers for that fella, not sure about the Michael wife bit but we will make it work. Thanks agiain

    Full Member

    Steps of doom! I like that. Good shout big n daft. ” Left at the lights” are these the lights that take you down into rammy? So we come down off the bridelway to the lights then left and the garden centre being the spot on the left, a lit till bit further up the road (A56) going out towards the hotel and the motorway? The steps of doom take us down to the river yes?

    Full Member

    Cheers big n daft, any other descents worthy of checking out that will be worthy in in these biblical conditions?

    Full Member

    19 ninety, bummer just made a curry! Got lots of safety glasses, but deff want some decent riding glasses, I do like Oakley, but a bit pricy. Endura Masai seem well received, tifosi Dolomites look tempting to. Eyes have calmed down a bit now. Took 4hrs though is that right. And reading is no good now. Never had vari-focal glasses before.

    Full Member

    Yep, got back from opticians. With a bit more coaching, both were in and out in 10 min. Eyes feel funny, got another weeks supply for free. Any more suggestions for riding glasses?

    Full Member

    Dailies are what I’m trying to poke into my eyes at the moment. Half an hour of that, and my left eye looks like I have been rubbing her herroin into it. Cheapest prescription glasses ( photochromic ) i can find are £250. Off to specsavers now for another chat.

    Full Member

    Reverb. But I lost just under 1kg from my wheels by getting a very cheap eBay deal on some specialized roval traverse wheels and going tubeless. Totally transformed my ride, but once your used to them you don’t feel the difference much. A dropper however makes a big difference to every ride, especially at the bottom of technical descents that lead straight into a climb. No more stopping for me.

    Full Member

    work life balance? we dont get it right in the UK do we. my day starts at 6, dont get home till 7pm at best. On a crap salerie to boot, and I should be putting more hours in if i want to progress at work. Booked last friday off, ended up going in for half a day because I was going to be away for 4 days on a training course this week. god knows what mess im going back to tomorow. deff need to go to bed.

    Full Member

    Check this mother f****R out super fly hip hop MC playmobil rapper out. You should see the lady Gaga version out. It’s pimp’in.

    Full Member

    I got some from wiggle last year. Can trembler the type, but they click shut and stick like shit to a carpet. About £7 for 4

    Full Member

    2008 was the best pitch vintage by far. Only the brakes are original spec. They will be going soon, any sugestions?

    Full Member

    +1 for the pitch. I love mine. Had it nearly 4 years, pivot bearing starting to feel a little rough. Stripped it down popped the seals and flushed them out and repacked with grease. Not perfect but much better. I will prob replace them in the summer, they are only about £30/40 on eBay. That’s the 1st time I have ever touched them. Gone through one headset, one free hub, one BB, one mech hanger. Everything has been upgraded, except the brakes.

    It’s a rocket going down, ok going up depends what your used to. I’m the only limiting factor on what it can do. I’m 5,11″ and on a medium with 50mm stem 100mm reverb ( could have put a 125mm reverb on), fox36, 740mm bars. Fits me like a glove. Would like to try a large though to see what a slightly longer wheelbase feels like. I tend to plough mine through rock gardens down drops with no finess or skill, several big crashes etc and just the odd scratch or paint chip to show for it ( I wish the same could be said for me).

    Weighs in at a smidge over 30lb with a tubeless roval traverse wheel set and pedals.

    Full Member

    Oh god this is amazing news. I can upgrade my bike again. There is no way Mrs5 will notice this one. Win win

    Full Member

    Unfortunately my bathroom ain’t that big stu, though the carbon technology looks pretty trick. Not sure about the drop bars however. Don’t they do an Enduro version, cos that’s what i do these days. Yeh

    Full Member

    So it flows well then, and ain’t under 4ft of water. That’s a good start. Go to get some lights, now my appetite for night riding has been rekindled after a visit my masterwatson for a Rammy Ragg last week.

    Full Member

    Joy of joys, Mrs5 has accepted, with the slightest bit of resistance. The new bathroom accessory, the closest thing approaching any DIY in 4yrs. Let’s hope the new hack bike she doesn’t know about, blocking access out the back door doesn’t disturb the domestic bliss.

    Full Member

    Glad you enjoyed it gov, hope Bob is all good after the face brake episode. Never done my local runs in the dank and dark before. Got to get some lights, pronto. I have more of the same gnarr planned for next time. We gota let it dry out for the best. Just go to keep putting the miles in so I can keep up with you boys on the ups. See you in Kendal for some of yours soon.

    Full Member

    Looking at this

    Full Member

    Keep the good stuff coming fellas

    Full Member

    My mistake, I thought it was footage of his last massive life threatening crash where he also smashed his hip up last year I think. Nothing stops that man. He is a legend, glad he’s ok.

    Full Member

    Cedric has long recovered from this accident and is still riding like he always has. Flat out with style. Our sport is dangerous, as any mountain sport is. If you have a stack miles from civilisation with no phone coverage what do you think will happen? Oh ride within your limits they may say. But the unexpected is around every corner, even trails you know like the back of your hand change week in week out ( unless you just ride fire roads or trail centres), miss a key line and you can be in trouble. If you don’t push your limits you don’t progress. Watching that film made me think, how would you contact help in an area with no phone signal in a similar situation. A bar, brake lever or branch could cause similar damage if you got it in your groin. Obviously if your face/limbs/organs are impervious to rocks/trees and you have mad skills then crashing out as you hoon along the canal towpath to the post office, there is never any danger. But that’s no me or anybody I know, or who have ever met on the trails.

    Full Member

    I know but it will only send an SOS, it won’t give any details of the emergency and won’t allow you to communicate with them, what will allow communication?

    Full Member

    What about killer sex? Is that ok, hoping for a bit at the weekend. Yes pest control is ok. I wouldn’t kill little mammals if I could help it, just trap them. Would like to eat a squirrel though, they taste nutty apparently. If chimps and elephants were bred for hunting then that would make them fair game. Don’t agree with it, but I don’t expect to agree with everybody. Vice versa. Let’s not get our knickers in a knot. Toys19 have you read the other title ” Guns, Germs & Steel” sounds like a craker :wink:

    Full Member

    I don’t take a moral high ground over the woman. she is a human and we as humans use animals for our own uses. I don’t take pleasure in the act of killing (except wasps, but that is a survival thing for me), I have blasted birds out the sky and little bunnys, bashed fish in the head. I have greatly enjoyed the act of hunting, but always feel a bit remorseful about taking the life. I don’t lose any sleep over it because humans are omnivores and we are apex predators. Always will be. In the future when we are 3d printing meet commercially the only difference between those who eat (real) meat and those who don’t will be wealth. the life of that lion is not worth any more than a cow, it was bred to be shot. The fact that its death served no purpose pisses me off. But if you look at the big picture, the revenue generated by this hunting supports the breeding of rare breeds which could be used to increase the gene pool in conservation areas and by providing big game hunters the opportunity to hunt big game may help prevent poaching in conservation areas where wildlife populations need to be in balance for the hole ecosystem to survive.

    Full Member

    Good man. Just finished my kitten sandwich. Very nice it was as well. Nighty night. Frosty ride tomorrow. Super. After a bacon butty obviously

    Full Member

    I need no justification in my choice to eat meat. I can eat meat and still believe in animal welfare. There is no contradiction. If your a vegetarian where dose your moral high ground stop? Do you have a pet dog/cat, what the f***k do you feed that. Do you know that animal based stearic acid is used in the production of bike tyres as it helps them hold their shape. Animals are a resource we use them, its our responsibility to use them responsibly. Fact of life. Chickens may disagree

    Full Member

    Have a read of Nature’s Keepers; The new science of nature management, by Stephen Buudiansky. You might enjoy it.

    Full Member

    Well we could get rid of gates stopping us on descents, but we would be buggered for a pint or something to eat in a country pub because they would have closed because all the country folk would have moved away. Every area in the countryside is managed by man to some extent the health of our habitats is dependant on it.

    Full Member

    Molgrips, I was not referring to arable farmland. Which is often a chemical fed monoculture but pasture. Without a managed grazing regime by different types of livestock habitats for loads of invertebrates birds reptiles and small mammals would be lost to succession. Yes this would lead to new habitats for other species some would win others would be wiped out. Farming methods have a great impact on conservation and have often been dictated by the CAP which has a lot to answer for. Recent changes however in the CAP have encouraged farmers to preserve habitats by changing the way subsidies are paid. The point I was making is if we stopped farming, hunting, fishing then what do you think would happen to our countryside? Who is going to pay for its management/preservation? Who is going to provide a rural economy?

    Full Member

    If you have eaten all your lunch (including your fruit) then yes you can care about mass murder and rape but not at the same time. Is that fair? :-)

    Full Member

    If somebody wants to pay big bucks to shoot big game that has been bred for hunting (in any sense) so what. I don’t see the pleasure in it or the point, in this instance its not been done for conservation management. The example of the campfire conservation model has been mentioned (in Zimbabwe)which theoretically means the local population can benefit from conservation of game hunting (wide spread corruption makes a mess of the model). Conservation reserves and the income they generate in Africa dose not generally filter down to the local population who have to live with all the big fluffy animals we love watching on TV. The tourism operations are owned by foreign companies, all the profit goes straight out the country, or to the government to spend on guns, London property, luxury goods. The even distribution of he revenue wildlife generates (in any way) is the most important aspect of conservation to ensure its success. People in the west (us lot) have a very romantic view on conservation, animal rights etc. The bottom line is animals (all of them) the countryside (all of it) has to have an ecanomic value, or it wont be around for ever. Dose anybody think that the countryside we enjoy is natural? The African grass lands are natural? They are not. All of it is managed by man. If hunting brings revenue into the area and the local econnomy then its OK by me. The same can be said in the UK. I bet that lion had a better standard of living than the bacon, chicken curry you just ate. And how free range is venison or pigeon? If we stopped hunting, farming meat our landscape would be very different and many species would lose their habitats. If people want to get on the anti hunting rant they had best get on the factory farming/animal welfare/pet industry rant first, and if your going to do that, I think the welfare of poor of the developing world, corruption of governments, financial institutions, capitalism, racism etc, are more important issues to rant about. Where would the ranting stop? So best shut up and eat your sandwich. Go for a bike ride :wink:

    Full Member

    Top post I’m getting in on this when I have time to assimilate it. Bed now

    Full Member

    North wind, how did you get you tyres to sit tubeless . I have just got some traverse wheels, could not get my storms to seat with a track pump, the compressor at the petrol station was pants ( not a steady blast of air). Trying to get my purgatory on at all on was a half hour battle. Tried seating both with tubes first. Still no joy. Bought spec Prestatyn valves but Wrexham in the process ( old thread content ). Do the vales con out of these. Got tubes in now, bout if I ever flat the front am done for.

    Full Member

    Dose any body run a bike packing setup that’s more refined for very tech riding as opposed to mile munching. ie, long travel FS with a reverb. I can get a RAB bivvy on my top tube, 3/4 thermarest inside my frame (specialized pitch) and then hope to fit the rest on my bars and in a pack. I’m looking for a wing nut adventure pack, a light down bag and jacket. A few other bits and bobs ( brew kit, lights etc) to get started. Running a sadle bag doesn’t seem to be an option. Advice would be appreciated

    Full Member

    Can’t wait. I’m booked in on the uplift middle of sept. just starting physio on my wrist after big off 8wk ago however and I will be going down the day after a stag night in bath. So I’m gona take it easy. Just hope my wrist holds up. Didn’t last 5 min at lee quarry last week with a 661 brace. Fingers crossed

    Full Member

    You need to be running a minimum of 160 mm seat post extension to run a 100mm drop reverb. That’s what I run, 30.9mm dia 355mm long. In hindsight I could have got a 125mm reverb just about to fit me. I’m 5,11 and run a 50mm stem, may try a 70mm stem as the reverb has no layback and the original seat post had about 20mm layback. So I’m a little bit cramped but it’s no big deal. Best bit of kit I ever bought, had it about a month. Still getting used to it. Bike discount £210 approx delivered was the cheapest I could find it for. Remember the remote is left or right specific.

    Full Member

    What cranks are you using? Had the same issue 2 week ago. I thought it was my pedals, I knew the bearings were shot. After 100m it was getting worse & on closer inspection found out my crank had come lose very very slightly on the drive side axle. Race face cranks attach to the axle on the drive side and the movement has mashed ( only slightly) the splines inside the drive side of the crank. Now my crank is a write off, as no amount of tightening will stop the wobble and it will only get worse with every pedal stroke. I’m gutted

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