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  • What Can This New Orbea e-Road Bike Teach The e-MTB Market?
  • Coyote
    Free Member

    Still got a crush on Nicola though…

    Free Member

    Seem pretty tame and unremarkable offerings from a company responsible for the Metal Head.

    Free Member

    Not sure about chili chocolate. But chili jam! Oh Yes!!!

    Free Member

    Just what I was thinking Samuri. The Annie Lennox comment that is.

    Free Member

    For those who comment that some people to appear to be more concerned about animals than people, I would suggest that cruelty to animals often leads to very high emotions because animals are particularly innocent and undeserving. And often very trusting. Contrary to the views expressed by some, no animal is ‘evil’. Cruelty to children often leads to similar very high levels of emotions, for precisely the same reasons.

    Grizzlygus sums it up perfectly for me.

    Although high emotion in the defence of innocence is definately frowned upon by certain factions on here.

    Free Member

    D: Leffe Blonde
    E: Nice selection of cheeses and crackers
    L: Atomic – Blondie

    Life is sweet.

    Free Member

    Nicola everytime.

    Free Member

    I think it is interesting to see the wide range of opinions on offer. Has it ever changed my mind? Of course. I’m not arrogant enough to assume I have all the answers.

    Free Member

    “Mod Justice”?

    “Mop justice”?

    Free Member

    TJ, re-read my post. I disagree with animal testing for cosmetics. I believe it to be wrong. However I did say that it *could* be argued that there is a scientific purpose, not that there was a scientific purpose. The scientists doing the work are being paid by cosmetics companies to try and ensure that they don’t get hit by law suits when someone has a bad reaction to shampoo.

    Free Member

    What is the moral difference between what he did and what cosmetics researchers do?

    I don’t subscribe to using animals to test cosmetics. It is wrong. It is also a pretty dumb comparison. It *could* be argued that the scientists are pursuing a scientific purpose. What this guy did was for his own amusement.

    Coyote / cylebuilt / other members of the lynch mob?

    I’m not part of a lynch mob, although I do find it upsetting that someone can inflict such suffering and walk away with little more than a slap on the wrist. I’d be interested to hear what form of punishment the “hug mob” would advocate. A nice sit down and a cup of tea? Primal scream therapy?

    Free Member

    Cool. According to SFB and BD it’s fine to commit an animal to senseles torture. After all we eat animals so why not?

    This guy is a danger. Anyone capable of putting a kitten in a microwave and pressing the big button has crossed a line.

    Still, at least he is free and as such “in play”.

    Free Member

    It’s an absolute tragedy. However despite the sentence and any potential “deterent” it will happen again. As whytetrash witnessed you can’t legislate against idiocy. How many people do you see using mobile phones, either talking or texting, whilst either manouvering round town or caning it down the motorway. As TJ says, what’s the point of the driver receiving a longer punishment? He didn’t intend to kill them. He is guilty of gross stupidity and arrogance. If he had received 50 years, do you really think that “white-van-man” or “school-run-4×4-mom” will either ignore their phone if it rings or not just make that quick call to let someone know they are running a micro-second late.

    If someone *is* found guilty of causing death by dangerous / careless driving then the first thing I would do is ban them for life from any form of driving. Maybe a few life bans would help focus the minds a little more.

    Free Member

    I’m with Nutt on this one. It’s the only sensible option.

    Free Member

    I liked it and would like to see it on national TV at peak times.

    You never know, it may actually get through to the needle-dicks who think that speeding is big and clever.

    Although reading the responses above, I sadly doubt it.

    Free Member

    Eating: Nowt
    Drinking: Sneck Lifter
    Listening: Slade – Come on Feel the Noise (Arrow Radio)

    Very happy Coyote!!!

    G’night all.

    Free Member

    I agree with TJ, there is *no* evidence that private education is generally “better”.

    Like miketually said, rather than pay for unecessary education, use the cash to give your kid(s) some fun life experiences, which incidently you won’t be able to if you give all your cash to some private school.

    Free Member

    Another vote for E45.

    Free Member

    A well trained dog with a responsible owner who understands that not everyone shares their love of all things canine – absolutely no problem at all.

    However my experience suggests that they are very much in the minority.

    oh, and don’t get me started on those who treat dogs like little people…

    Free Member

    Simple really. If your car is so important to you, park it out of the way. If you really don’t care what happens to it abandon it ad-hoc. Just don’t moan it someone sctraches it trying to get past it.

    Free Member

    Another vote for Theakson’s Old Peculiar here!

    Tanglefoot and Old Speckled Hen are always a pleasure.

    Free Member

    Islam is a peaceful religion. Yes of course it is. That’s why they turn the other cheek whenever someone dares to critisise.

    It’s a tolerant religion. Tolerant of women wearing what they like. Of course.

    Always amuses me that whenever Christianity is mentioned 99% of the posters are quick to heap ridicule on anyone who expresses belief. When Islam comes up many of those who condemn Christianity come running to it’s defence.

    Free Member

    NEVER had a problem with CRC. In fact only this week I ordered a Helly Hansen base layer and Endura Humvee shorts liner on Tuesday, just before lunch. On Wednesday morning my postie handed me said parcel. Always had good service.

    Maybe they have set the bar too high and are now a victim of their own success?

    Free Member

    If there car’s been ‘accidentally’ damaged, whilst parked illegally, they wouldn’t be able to claim off the insurance anyway

    Apart from the obvious grammar errors I agree with Rudeboy here. If s/he hasn’t taken the trouble to park their car properly then they can’t care too much about it. Therefore I wouldn’t bother leaving any details. Unless of course you are setting a trap and have the intention of bumming them senseless as a lesson for their inconsideration. Dry, of course…

    Free Member

    What sootyandjim and crazy-legs said.

    Free Member

    Was it an accident or a malicious act?

    All things considered, probably not. There may be a very valid reason for them parking in such a way as to cause an obstruction but somehow I doubt it.

    However prepare yourself for threats of being owned by bombers or being beaten to within an inch of your life by Hora and other petrol heads who seem to view cars as sacred objects with considerably more value than *anything* else.

    Free Member

    They BENT OVER?!!?!?!!?

    Missed that bit.

    Free Member

    steve_b77, I think that should be in the classifieds.

    Free Member


    Did we ever find out which one of our keen amatuer strippers was MissGulliver’s sister?

    Free Member

    Simon. I like it. Can I just have a couple of days notice *before* the amnesty?

    Free Member

    snaps, if molgrips ain’t interested I might be. What sort of money are you looking for?

    Free Member

    Likewise GrahamS, that is also pathetic.

    Free Member

    Fully agree with you Rudeboy. That is just vile.

    Free Member

    Could always “slum” it and use Deore or LX till prices come back down. Poor little darlings, how do you cope?

    Free Member

    I’m not sure how tall I am, about 5’9″ / 5’10” I think. I pontificated over this long and hard. I also exchanged serveral emails with Mike at Dialled Bikes (a man amongst men if he doesn’t mind me saying so). In the end it seemed that I was right on the border line between 15.5″ and 17″. In the end Mike recommended the smaller frame with a longer seat post.

    So, just riding along, well I think that the 17″ would have been a better bet (my other bike is a 16″ Coyote Dual) however…

    Climbing? Oh yes. It climbs like a goat. Plenty of room to move around.

    Now, the best bit. Descending. OMG!!!It goes down like a tramp on a kipper. I sold my FS to fund this bike and I have no regrets. The only change I might make is a lay back seat post. Picture? Go on then.

    Free Member

    “but Jen on Milkshake (Ch5) has a certain something…”

    Naomi brightens my mornings…

    Free Member

    Nico, is there something you’d like to share with the group?

    Free Member

    Wenslydale with orange and cranberries
    A nice nutty Emental
    Good stong mature cheddar
    Camembert with a smear of red currant jelly

    Free Member

    Not fail, just reality.

    Free Member

    If your business is succeeding, making profits to or above targets and all in the garden is good, then great pay bonuses.

    If your business almost went to the wall and had to be bailed out by taxpayers money then be thankful you’ve still got a job.

    FWIW, the company I work for used to pay bonus every year of between 7.5 and 10.5% . Times were good and profits were plenty. Times are now not so good and profits are below targets. Guess what, we don’t get bonuses. That’s the really real world. Welcome. Make yourself comfortable. Get over it.

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