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  • Classic Ride 139 – Salisbury Plain
  • couldashouldawoulda
    Free Member

    Yep = you’re probably fine.

    The first digit represents how viscous the oil is when cold – the second when hot.

    My understanding is that in a cold country (UK) you’d tend toward the lower of the recomendations and a hot country (Dubai) the higher.

    The main thing is the SAE. More reading here:

    Free Member

    There is a link on ebay to report posts. Worth a click imo.

    Free Member

    If you’re not working / living there I’d go for airflow. Lots and lots of draught.

    Our cellar used to occasionally flood (ground water level) and a sump pump sorted it out. To get rid of the damp though was a bigger issue and what worked in the end was a big draught!

    Free Member

    right place wrong time 🙂

    Still a brill film!

    Free Member

    I’ve been reading the classifieds about this and (btw I never heard of him before never mind met him) he is either:

    a- a total theiving scheming lying devious ****
    b- is actually in / just out of hospital and is really really shit and incompetent at keeping folks in the loop and has never had anyone **** HIM over.

    I’d go with b. I know it’s a wheel. I dont know how much you paid. He’s still posting and all. Let’s be hopeful.

    On the other hand I’ve been fecked over for a few grand over the years (I’m old and had even more expensive hobbies). In the worst case scenario if it’s an amount you could possibly afford to loose and chalk it up to experience then its not worth getting an ulser over / loosing a nights sleep. And your new found sceptisism will probably save you a few grand down the line.

    That’s my very valuable life experience with buying used – distilled to it’s minimum!

    I know you want justice / revenge. That costs extra. Lots and lots extra. Thats why my lawyer (also my brother!) drivers a 7 series. IME

    Free Member

    In my experience (Snow Stud) the spikes only give extra grip on ice – not snow.

    I read somewhere it’s like the difference between walking on a sheet of bare ice or ice that’s been sprinkled with sand. ie a small but nocicable difference. You still need to be careful.

    What they do however is give me the confidence to go out when it’s snowing / icy. For straight forward snow – good mud tyres are really good.

    Free Member

    A good few years back we spent a couple of months travelling from SA, through Namibia and Botswana in a small group. You’ll have a great time!

    In Botswana the main thing to consider for animals is the time of year – I cant remember off the top of my head when this is but when there’s lots of water and food the animals are quiet dispersed which is bad for finding them. In reality when in or near the reserves hardly an hour will go past without you bumping into something.

    I’d recommend camping if you’re travelling in a group. There’s nothing like the sound of a hippo wandering past your tent in the middle of the night followed by the sound of lions roaring!

    On our trip Namibia had a kind of NZ adventure feel to it – dune bashing, bungee jumping, cheap beer etc. Still the scenery was fab.

    In comparison to other parts of Africa it feels pretty safe – but obviously common sense is required. The general population are poor – but far from the worst in the world (eg basic health care etc) and we found them friendly and helpful.

    One of the best ever trips for us – cant wait to go back.

    Free Member

    That was indeed very enjoyable – cheers Bruce.

    As I was too lazy to bring a camera the only photo I can produce is the route summary:

    Free Member

    I’ll be there – hip flask at the ready!

    [Edit] forgot to say I can give lifts from the city

    Free Member

    Never mind the bike – what mobile did you get such good photo’s from?

    btw the bike is nice in a subtle understated kind of way 🙂

    Free Member

    Perhaps the total workload is overdoing it and you just feel it on the bike more?

    Free Member

    You havent left your mobile phone near one of the speakers?

    Free Member

    they hiss and oil come out with the air.

    Mine leaked a bit from new too and also hissed.

    I found a solution to the the hiss on mine – I turn the u-turn back a notch from full travel and they never hissed since. Dunno why.

    As for replacing the seal: I dont know your exact model but this guy on ebay sells aftermarket O-rings in a kit for £8 that seem to work well for me:

    Free Member

    Bunnyhop – yes he sorted it out. Actually the fix was really impressive. Rather than ripping it up and starting again he took an angle grinder thing to the left side and cut an S shape. Then he dug up the unneeded bits of the S and laid new grass. Aparently he’d already done this earlier to undo the S so was really pissed.

    However he eventually laid the right side by properly cutting the flags to fit.

    What really pissed him though was being caught out!

    Anyways who fitted your stove?

    And sorry to the OP’s optimism / praise.

    Free Member

    The gritter drivers will strike. The ambulance crews will strike. The firebrigade will strike. It will get frosty.

    So dont drive till May.

    Seriously – my neighbour returned from France this evening. He spent days trying to get back by car / ferry. The unions appear to have shut the country down effectively (not that I blame them really). No diesel, toll operators, planes,….

    But the Frenchies were always chickens eh?

    Free Member

    Every day someone else lines themselves up to be spontaenously combusted. Actually the flame / burning threat just ads to the excitement. Normally you just pay extra for such kicks but it’s free with the magicshine.

    I’m jerking your chain!

    Here’s some pointers.

    Overall – really good. But as a practical bit of advice buy and learn how to use a soldering iron. Seriously. It comes in handy for other stuff too!

    And buy a spare extension lead you can use to fix the cable connectors when they short / fray /break.

    [Edit] – I’ve only got the first, second and Mickey Mouse versions. They have probably improved since. And as they may / do fail at the worst possible moments – dont use one (or any light probably) as your only light source. ie use a bar and helmet light (or pay lots).

    Free Member

    My flag laying / British workman impression was getting a local chap to put in a new path to our front door. We didnt want it straight – evertything else in the house is bent / curves – so laid out some white stones on the grass in an S curve to give him an idea. Discussed and agreed.

    Anyways we came home that evening and he had nearly finished. The path was straighter than a Roman road. His excuse was that he’d installed it all (in concrete) in an S shape and decided it looked crap. So off his own bat he dug it back up and put it back in straight as a die! Whats really impressed me was tht he did all this digging, concreting and installing and uninstalling without disturbing a single blade of grass on either side of the straight path.

    Flipping genius I say. 🙂

    Free Member

    @orangesoul : my summary is a bit different to yours. The thread isnt out of control.

    The seller describes an “excellent condition” Reba. This has many variants but all of them have lockout. The buyer possibly wasnt too worried which variant it was – fair enough. They all have lockout one way or another. But when the buyer got the fork – it is impossible to lock them out.

    Personally I think the stw buyer having to go 50% on rectifing the sellers “mistake” (possibly when he bought them on ebay) is just not cricket.

    I know the buyer can take the fork apart and partly rectify the problem but they’re not exactly a bargain. And aparently this fix is non reverisble so the resale value (if the listing was honest this time) is considerably less.

    Overall – I still wouldnt buy anything from the OP. I rarely get on my high horse about anything on here – but the OP posting on here first in his defence (in a sneaky way imo) is out of order.

    In summary – he sold something not as described / you would resonably expect. Ok it’s only a few quid either (after TJ’s offer) way but it still smells bad.

    I’m off my high horse now…

    Free Member

    Splitters! Then sub-splitters 🙂 FFS it’s worse than the Life of Brian clip. No wonder someone got left behind.

    Hope Tom’s(?) wrist on the Orange is ok.

    I’m fecked. And apologies to those that had to follow my wimpering ass on the downs.

    Still a real nice evening out – especially the latter parts.

    Free Member

    Beautiful but thick as mince ime

    I was trying to put it nicely but Heather Bash has summed it up perfectly! Seriously – they dont get on with bikes.

    Free Member

    6:10 ish? I’ll be on a blue mmmbop.

    Edit-6:10 at the Sainsburys junction.

    Free Member

    We grew up with them and my lasting memory is that they are a bit daft. And a bit dangerous around bikes. Otherwise – lovely.

    Free Member

    Zulus – previous meeting points have been where the WoL crosses at Roseburn terrace or at the Gorgie road crossing where the Fiat garage used to be.

    Peronally I start on the North Edinburgh cycle path (is that the correct name?) at the Sainsbury’s ‘junction’ (south of the red bridge) and then carry on to the WoL. Let me know if that suits you.

    Free Member

    As you can probably tell I wasn’t too impressed at receiving a set of forks that can only be locked using a pop lock without the actual pop lock

    Some Rebas have crown operated lockout, others need a poploc (or the dial just springs back to to the unlocked position).

    Selling Rebas “in excellent” condition that cant be locked out is bang out of order. IMO the seller should refund and apolgoise. Personally I wouldnt buy anything from him.

    Free Member

    The same / similar has happened to me and others. I posted some details on fixing it here:

    Free Member

    I’ve got some compact fluorescent GU10’s in the kitchen, they take a minute or so to get up to full brightness but then the light output isn’t too bad and they’re a lot cheaper than LED’s. They’re a different shape to normal GU10’s though so may not fit all types of fitting.

    We went down this route too. From our batch of 8 £10 each screwfix ones, 3 died within 6 months. As each dies I go back to good old fashioned high energy to save some money.

    Free Member

    New installs have a limit of 3 minutes or something.

    When we had ours done we had to provide the local police station with a form with the name of 2 keyholders who live locally (ie we had to give keys to our neighbours) along with our mobile numbers.

    Anyone who doesnt do this deserves their alarm to be fubarred – all imo!

    btw expanding foam might be a less violent way of quietening the problem?

    Free Member

    Me too – hopefully.

    The “usual” seems to be 6pm at TBC or 7pm at the Bonaly shoppe.

    I was out tonight too and there was a definite chill in the air – my favourite time of year! Tomorrow might be a bit different though?

    Free Member

    a well ventilated bag

    Search for Vaude Air (or Aero): the bag is kept away from your back by a trampoline type frame. The one I got has some replective bits and is also waterproof.

    Somethis like this (they do all sizes / shapes).

    sweat like a pig

    might this to be more to do with the jacket or do you not sweat in it without a bag?

    Free Member

    +1 for air leak in one of the hoses.

    Otherwise a duuuuuuuuullllll reliable car.

    Free Member

    BR has its good points.

    But if you ask a tech question – only 2 people are allowed to answer – nicklousy and sub-supersonic.

    I’ve given a couple of very bike specific answers to newcomers over there (eg what size bearing balls are in the headset races of a GT avalance 1.0 2008). I replied 1/16th – 0.1678mm or whatever it was) to which the OPs answer was – supersonic / niclouse: can you please confirm. FFS over a 99p replacement.

    I stopped after that. Here is better, you’d get an answer to the same quesion and folk wont post unless a: they’re taking the piss b: they know what they’re talking about.

    Free Member

    2009 Tektro Auriga brakes2009 Tektro Auriga brakes

    Overall the build sounds like really good value. But the brakes are a real budget faff-fest IME. Slightly more money gets way more feel, less squeal, more reliable. They dont lack stopping power even at 160 but 203 should have your eyes popping out – but you may find them a bit on-off.

    Bleeding them is easy, but I think you could spend more time on them than is worth it. On a budget I’d consider upgrading the front only.

    Free Member

    Yep – that was a real nice way to spend an evening especially as I thought I wasnt going to get out at all today.

    Good to meet some new faces.

    And Steven – you’ve managed to convince me that tea drinking is more dangerous than mountain biking!


    Free Member

    I’m sure debbie does dallas is a romance


    “Eat love pray” is a nice thought provoking film. I’m not saying it’s the best film ever but it should give you some stuff to talk about over a coffee afterwards. But maybe not if you’re young?

    btw – its probably a “girly” film. If you like car chases and explosions – then no.

    Free Member

    When we came to Scotland we picked Stirling to live in. It’s nice – but the Edinburgh commute by train was a real pain (that was 14 years ago tho). Driving (to the Gyle) was surprisingly ok 99% of the time – but in bad weather / accidents etc obviously it sucked.

    We left Stirling (after 3 years) to move to Edinburgh for the commute reason and also we didnt enjoy it as a town – even though we both love the outdoors – walking, biking etc. It’s hard to describe why – but possibly the cliquey nature of folk, the relative lack of nightlife / entertainment, the “roughness”, getting mugged, and eventually always choosing to go out in either Glasgow or Edinburgh.

    That may all be different if your SO is from there. Personally I wouldnt consider going back.

    Of course that’s all IME etc etc, and not meant to slag the town or it’s folks off. We have many happy memories and friends there.

    Free Member

    Kit: I wont know for sure ’til later so if I’m at the shop by 3 great – otherwise don’t wait.


    Free Member

    Inflated then deflated, we call them

    LOL! 😆

    Free Member

    @Kit – what time you out? I probably cant make the evening posse unless things change about, but fancy a spin afternoon-ish.


    , the ground may not actually be that wet – was drying nicely on Monday.

    It was pretty dry this afternoon – only a few soft spots – but overall very nice, sometimes dusty conditions!

    Free Member

    Tescos do half decent ones for a fiver each in most common sizes. Mine are lasting ok so far.

    Free Member

    I like his attitude – “It wont stop me getting back on my bike”!

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