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  • Singletrack MegaSack Countdown Day 15 – SKS Bundle
  • couldashouldawoulda
    Free Member


    “OOPs crashed” – sounds like a virus / malware.

    Pressing “ctrl -alt -delete” : starts what’s known as a ‘non-maskable-interupt’ (usually so you can see what tasks are running – or to devious fecker’s going their ugly way)

    I’d thououghly recommend starting in safe mode and running avg / avast.

    Do not plug it in to your home / work network when anything else on your home network is awake (inc phones/ipads etc).


    That PC has the virtual version of HIV.

    Free Member

    We had a A3 2.0 140 for 4 years (same engine I think). Wife picked it as it was far less ‘dieselly’??? than the 1.9. Every year for a service we got a 1.9 as a courtesy car – every year we thought it was about to die – noisy, rattly, on it’s last legs (they were new cars). The 2.0 averaged around 30mpg mainly town driving.

    BTW Our computer was wildy optomistic about mpg – dividing the miles driven (optomistic) by the litres we’d put into it was very different to the comp.

    Free Member

    IME you can get burnt – but as said above worst case is putting it back in the aution next week. You can loose money – but not a fortune.

    Best safe bet is buying ex LEX, police (or other fleet). Avoid multiple owner cars with unwarranted miles and or service history.

    As above – I only sell cars at auction that have major problems (eg headgasket).

    As a half day out it’s pretty entaining! Most weeks there are cars for sale with no keys / remote (usually repros), cars that disgruntled partners have vandalised, cars that are obviously fubar, and stuff that goes for silly money.

    Go along for a look see the first few times. There are some bargains.

    Free Member

    We bought a ‘starter’ set (probably not the right name but aimed at jumiors) for a 4 year old. He just didnt get it. Even after a few weeks it’s all either full speed – crash. “GO GET THE CAR BACK ON THE TRACK!”. Full speed – crash. 2 weeks later we took it apart and will get it out in maybe 2 years time. All kids are different though.

    The cars took a real battering. The track was worse though as he just didnt get that it’s not like a train set track he can just yank apart and walk over at every opportunity.

    Free Member

    Admiralable – with your interest / knowledge of naval history you should change your name to AdmiralAble 😉

    Free Member

    Depth Junkie – you are so right! I checked last night on the met office site and we were due a dusting. Major error / inaccuracy there then. Still it’s only a forecast (aka best guess).

    Free Member

    Well on the positive side – you are THE news headlines on the rolling news.

    Give us a wave then! I’ll see if I can spot you 🙂

    I feel for you after 6 hours on the m90 a week back.

    Free Member

    I gotta say Bruce that until today I was a bit sceptical like of your titanic sized bike. But TJ and I had studded tyres on but they were too thin for the slightly crusty snow. A real big – fat – floaty tyre; perfect!

    Free Member

    This thread is useless without photos. So here’s one of the love of my life (not really):

    Free Member

    Ooooh onion you are one devious ****. Just you wait. Its one thing making us ride for hours up a snowy bloody mountain to meet you and you arent even there – but to think you are playing away from home with MY woman.

    Edit – actually, you’re welcome to her. Or you got anything to swap?

    Free Member

    Whatevers got the widest tyres. And maybe let some air out of them as there wont be any hard edges?

    Free Member

    Or she found someone thing better to do when you’re out??

    Oh ****. You got me worried. You’ve not been calling round our house recently have you?

    Free Member

    Tis ace. But word of caution – my missus used to freak!

    Generally I didnt tell her. But when I did – I never saw so much pleading! No No you’ll die etc.

    But then I got snow studded tyres on (that make **** all different in these conditions). She just looked at the metal studs and nodded sagely. All’s good now! Never a word since (she always knows where Im going now though!).

    Free Member

    In regular shoes I’m normally an 8.5 – got some MW80’s in a 44 and when they wore out I got them in 45 so I could get some thicker socks in. Toasty.

    Some more opinions here:

    Free Member

    Sorry Druidh! We did try.

    Best bit was the WoL which was a joy to ride on – as far as Currie where it started getting silly.

    Free Member

    I have em and they’ve taken more abuse than my Hope/DT 4.2d with far less dings. I’d highly recommend them – but I got them cheapish.

    Free Member

    10.30 it is!

    Free Member

    I’m near Blackhall Sainsburys. Im flexi on times – but need to be back 4pm ish.

    Free Member

    You’re on the right track. To greatly reduce the amount of cable I needed I used a spoke arrangement downstairs into a simple 8 port switch, a single calbe running upstairs into the broadband router (6 ports) in another spoke arrangement upstairs.

    Free Member

    TandemJeremy – Member
    Daytime ride tomorrow in the pentalnds?

    I’d be up for that TJ.

    Free Member

    I’m out for a spin tomorrow afternoon (2-3 hours) so if anyone wants something reccied please give me a shout, Please. I need some motivation after Monday’s sideways slushfest.

    Plan A for Wed was WoL to Balerno to Maidens. Plan B was Dalmeny. Plan C is a bottle of Gin and paracetamol.

    Calls cost 90pence per mimute. Please vote A or B. 🙂

    Free Member

    lookout weirdo on the forum alert

    ok – true – but if you ever met george such language is tame – even highly edited to meet the strict standards of this forum.

    Is his common sense weird – yes. Based on experience – yes. Will everyone follow it – no. will his kids ponies and horses go hungry this winter? No. Why – someone will buy a petrol freelander – fixing it keeps his family of 5 and 3 horses in food and holidyas in Florida!

    Free Member

    My mate runs a big landy business in falkirk (gemm 4×4). His free advice to all – dont buy a petrol – never.


    Fortunaly lot of folk dont listen to his advice. Makes him a wealthy man 🙂

    EDIt – I should try and reiterate his words more exactly: Never ever even if your life depends on it and even if I fall out with you and hate your guts and you rape my wife and in your maddest dreams would I ever recommend you buy a petrol – I’ll just have to shag you up the ass….. but I’ll make so much money etc

    I’ve never owned one but you should get the drift…..

    Edit – his name is George: if you need impartial advice give him a ring

    Free Member

    OMG – I’ve never seen so many photos of naked women, how do you guys do that on here and get away with it?

    Free Member

    Not very useful but – apparently less than hiring a power boat for the same journey. So I had the misfortune to discover recently.

    Free Member

    I think mrmo has it nailed! Vredestein Quatrac 3 are proper 4 season tyres. Maybe even m+s rated?

    Anyways – maybe he was lucky enough to have to buy tyres in December so snow was in the back of his mind. Or he lives in the highlands?

    The rest of us buy tyres from Jan – Nov and just live with whatever wide low profile stuff comes on our new cars, or get whatever branded stuff kwik fit etc happen to have in stock without asking about snow / winter.

    Then we get stuck in the snow. So we start a what tyres thread, buy even more tyres, need a shed to store them in, and a torque wrench to make sure they’re on ok…..

    Gosh – that sounds like mountain bikers!

    Still – I was out tonight digging out a neighbours car. He saw me drive off this morning in 8″ snow (on winter tyres – he didnt know) with no fuss – thought I was mad but decided to try himself. His car was blocking the road 5 foot from his house all day ’til I rumbled back up the hill tonight.

    However when the current tyres die I might buy some ‘all season – m&s’ like the Quatrac’s (if I can get them in size) and see how I get on year round.

    Free Member

    WOL path was rideable at Currie yesterday, very defined squashed line from walkers (and skiers!) which was actually lovely to ride on.

    Cheers! I tried yesterday but kind of lost the will to live along the way! Another stab tomorrow afternoon then. I want to see this 5 foot snow on Puke hill!

    Free Member

    Last night I rode out and in (reverse commute!) along the WoL. Ice tyres. Long patches (esp on the N cycle route) were a crusty layer over slush so lots of “jackhammer” effects and sideways motion. Wasnt much fun. Cant decide if today is any better so decided to stay indoors. The roads are better though.

    Until I had to dig out the neighbours who’d seen me drive off this morning.

    Free Member

    Easy Dave – you’ll be in the helicopter right?

    Free Member

    I probably wont be able to make this one 🙁 – but I’m wondering if anyone has been along the WoL today? Is it rideable ATM?

    Free Member

    In Scotland the average temp is 7 or less from November to March. Probably October to April if you only drive at night 😉

    As above – if you want to keep moving and a bit safer in the winter then winter tyres with the mountain snowflake symbol are the ticket: improved traction in all cold conditions.

    Possibly a fwd car with winter tyres will get stuck less in snow than a 4wd with summer tyres.

    Our hill has about 7″ snow atm – a mix of compacted, ruts and fresh and my old primera is getting about no problem (despite the snow scraping the underside of the bodywork). I only put them on the front this year and the back does swing roung when provoked – should have got 4.

    I’ve only used Pirelli Sottozero’s and Conti Winter Contacts. Both great. BTW – if you cant find “proper” winter tyres, some places (eg Farmers) have stocks of Bridgestone A001’s – which are listed as 4 seasons but are mountain snowflake AFAIK.

    Free Member


    I had an intermittent coolant loss (maybe twice a year) usually after a really long journey. Most cooling parts got replaced over about 2 years, only thing left according to my long term garage was a small leak in the head gasket. The cost to repair was more then the car was worth so I sold it at auction.

    Free Member

    Kicking the oven door…….whats going on there dude….?

    I think the mod’s have been at that answer or someone has seen sense and done an edit?

    Free Member

    My missues gets this sometimes. Apparently something to do with iron. She take some tabs when it happens. But I didnt listen too closely to the details. Sorry I dont have more details.

    Free Member

    SPAM alert – beware that StevenAusten above post.

    Nice to see this thread reawoken though!

    Free Member

    Cycled from Edinburgh through Dalemny (watched a grouse shoot for a while) then on to South Queensferry. Beautiful couple of hours. But got some really strange looks and comments for being mad enough to be cycling in the snow!

    Free Member

    the journey feels like an adventure when that happens,

    You’re right! I havent seen so many snowmen in ages! And never one on a motorway.

    We were “lucky” though as we had no real deadline. In our ‘car park’ there was a couple trying to get a flight with hours to spare (so they thought), a couple on their way to a wedding, and the commercial guys wondering about their overtime!

    Most folk turned quiet socialable after about an hour, offering around drinks and snacks. Some folk northbound even stopped to compliment some of the snowmen! Small stuff but it made a difference. Anyway’s I’m home now and it’s now longer the end of the world. For me. I’m sure there’s others still out there.

    Free Member

    I tried just what you have.

    You’ll need shorter chainring bolts. IIRC Charlie the Bike Monger does them.

    Also IME you will need either a chain guide (ala Superstar £16 one) or a very tight chain to stop it jumping off at the first sign of a bump. Or you could maybe try a chainring with taller teeth (I havent tried that).

    Free Member

    For the 4 hours we sat stationary the ploughs went up and down the northbound carriage (including against the traffic which impressed me!).

    One did go southbound on the hard shoulder – but most folks assumed this was for the emergency services so didnt use it.

    The problem was that (according to the Tescos drivers I was chatting to) was that when they drove north during the night there were no ploughs and and until 10am the snow was allowed to accumulate. But just on this one big hill! After that point it was fine. Bastards!

    I really felt it for the police. Freezing, red faces but patient, even good natured.

    Free Member

    +1 for JP on Abbeyhill. Not too quick, but reasonable costs.

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