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  • Reviewed: Ragley Big Wig – a steel hardtail classic
  • couldashouldawoulda
    Free Member

    Rockhopper – I’d say you’re nearly there. That’s the feeling you want – but just under control! A slight down slope helps a lot. When you get used to it you can do one in post places, except climbing.

    Free Member

    I can only add that I’ve had 2. A Pure (for a about 3 months before it died) and temorarily a used gravity dropper (via the classifieds here). The GD is far superior – just cause it’s simple, chunky, spares are readily available and easy to fit. Butt ugly though!

    I just cant justify buying one as it would cost as much as one of my bikes. But if I had the cash – then GD is the way to go. IMO.

    Free Member

    Well I can wheelie since a kid. But not to the standard of coastkid etc. But ok – ish. Manualing took a lot longer. I’m still far from getting it mastered, but the key things so far on my journey are:

    0: Look ahead (plan the move and what comes next).
    1: Its not about hands / arms / pulling.
    2: Preweight the front and move back.
    3: Heels down!
    4: Learn how to skim your ass over the saddle (just) as it passes toward the rear wheel.
    5: Push your feet forward toward the front axle (THIS IS THE CRUCIAL BIT).
    6: Maybe a wee twist on the bars with both wrists as you get as far back. Keep the bars straight.
    7: Cover the back brake with a finger. When it does work it can be really scary!

    8: Practice.
    9: Again and again.
    10: Repeat 9.

    Free Member

    Genuinely LOL!


    Free Member

    Oh dear James. Healing vibes.

    I was going to critique the video but it’s obviously tongue in cheek!

    If its any consolation I ended up in hospital after 3 minutes in Glentress – during a blue run warm up!

    Anyways, get well soon!

    Free Member

    The missing posts are indicative of you being declared a non person in a Stalinist way. Historical revisionism or something

    Oh dear. And even before I became a non-person my self esteem was flagging anyway 🙁

    Free Member

    I guess you’re referring to British Airways who “disappeared” (sort of) today. Became ICA. Sad.

    But slightly better than Ireland’s nation carrier (Aer Lingus) who decided to copy RyanAir in their business model and dont even do that well.

    Free Member

    Thanks Tom. Hope you guys arent still working on a Fri night?

    Free Member

    No, it wouldn’t have been a copper on the Motorway

    A copper (or even an AA man) will never stand on a motorway unless they absolutely have to. It’s too much like work (or dangerous) apparently 🙂

    Free Member

    Edit: Edit: Someone’s beaten me to it (skillz wise!)

    Free Member

    If you work for Eddie Stobart then this appears quiet normal :

    Otherwise (if it’s defn a motorway and not a dual carriageway) then be worried.

    Free Member

    Our Edinburgh solicitor (who we’d never met before) did it for free. I questioned him about his crazy price structure and he said it’s about getting a relationship with customers.

    I think it’s so that when we die he’s got the will and a certain percentage of folk will use “our chosen” solicitor for any probate work etc. Also we’d probably use him to buy a house etc.

    My real solicitor is my brother (Dublin). Like all lawyer types – devious, lying, …..

    Edit – sorry if that sounds too negative, but go for someone you or your family trust, then remain slightly sceptical.

    Free Member

    Wow. I dont think OP’s livelyhood depends on this choice. If it did he’d know the costs etc. He probably just want advice as an enthusiast. Well Im hoping anyways.

    I’ve own/ owned hardware from all of your suggestions. The cheapest option is the windows route. For hardware support I’d pick Mesh – ime when my workstations overheated and they fixed it quicker than I’d ever get to complain about.

    My Dell laptops failed with a “recall” problem – but they only recalled personal customers stuff and told business customers to **** off (uk consumer law etc) and I had to pay £400 for each laptop to sort Dells cooling design problem. Never again.

    The Macs are great but are more expensive for software and they still break. The main difference is that there’s less for you to mess with (which is probably a good thing).

    Mac screens are good. But the ones on cheaper machines are just ok. A good monitor is expensive. Either ways.

    To stop trojans on windows make sure everyone (even you) has a “user” account for day to day work. Not “administrator”. Ever.

    If anything tries to install itself you get major warnings (passwords etc). Since I did that I’ve not had one problem.

    Free Member

    Look lovely guys. Gutted I couldnt make it 🙁

    Free Member

    I cant make it. Looks lovely out too :(. Enjoy.

    Free Member

    One thing I did when young and feel the need to confess:

    Around the age of 12 my mates and I used to “hunt” rabbits and pigeons with air rifles and crossbows. One day the neighbours cat wandered in front of our meticulously baited pigeon flock. My mate acted instinctively and put a bolt in the cat. In through his ear and out through mouth.

    It didnt die – and this is bit I feel bad about. Instead of rescuing it and bringing it to a vet etc we decided to avoid all the hassle with parents etc and just track the ginger down and put it out of its misery. Chasing a badly injured cat is not a quick or easy affair. It didnt end well.

    We got away with it, but it still bugs me.

    Free Member

    I dont know about that one – it may well be better. The i850 is really poor. But it was cheap. Mine needed constant tlc to even half work so I just gave up on it.

    Praise on here seems to be heaped on Gravity Dropper’s and possible the new Rockshox one.

    Free Member

    I have an pure I850 and it’s 27cm min to saddle rail.

    I think its an i850 : not sure as the etching is worn as I had to keep moving it up and down with the seat clamp! that should give you an idea about how reliable it is!

    If you were thinking of buying one – save your pennies for something better (more reliable) unless you want to try a dropper for cheap and then buy a proper one.

    Free Member

    Kit – I might be out in the morning – but wont know til first thing. I’ll post on here if it’s a goer.

    A GT / Inners trip sounds good though!

    Free Member

    Oh – this brings me back to my old job.

    The most likely thing ime is that there’s a problem with the chip. A UK ATM is allowed to “fall back” to using the mag stripe (allows for Johnny foreigner’s cards) and this is getting approved no probs. Prob works ok online too?

    Most high street retailers arent allowed to fall back to mag stripe anymore.

    Edit – it may be the chip has got some covering (gum, oil…) but in any case I’d just report it as lost and they’ll send you a new one.

    Free Member

    No you dont need to change them til you move address or have another reason to have them reissued.

    Free Member

    No worries couldashouldawoulda – don’t suppose you’d be prepared to answer a couple of questions just out of interest? Well, there’s an element of “may be using these guys in future” about it too!

    How long did they take to arrive?

    Sorry for the delay in responding.

    I ordered cranks, derlailleurs, cables, and some bits on a Monday.

    They arrived on the Thursday. All retail packaged (except a derailleur that was in plastic bag).

    I’m in the same boat about price – it’s unreal what Merlin charge now.

    Anyways, Im a convert!

    Edit -just to be clear- the stuff arrived earlier than expected, cheaper than I ever hoped for, and had all the bottom brackets, chainrings, no vat/duty etc…Anyways, they are my first port of call in the future…

    Free Member

    Practical-ness-ish. Common-sense-ish-ness. Does it for me.

    What turns me off is the mentalish-ish-ness.

    For each their own!

    Free Member

    Sorry to all concerned.

    I’ve been out of touch web wise for almost 4 weeks with only brief intermissions. On and off. ~Anyways its good to be back. It only frustrating when STW crashes every time I remember I have something to say!

    Free Member

    Oh ****. Youre wife is the same???

    I wont sign up the fb / twatter as long as it’s as unrelialable as here!

    Free Member

    OMG. Did I actually post that? Fecky feckity ****.

    Sorrz. Etc.

    On your way. Nothing to see here.

    Free Member

    is this a thread about pulling out your fingernails with pliers ?

    No- it about getting on the only **** forum that I’d ever dream of paying for to keep my sanity intact! It’s FUBAR!!! Honestly.

    Free Member

    i Tunes.

    MS Media player.

    All with Plusses and minuses.

    Free Member

    I’m being sarcastic like.

    I cant get my fix. Up. Down. Database unavailable. Dont feel like it.,

    Sounds like my wife. 🙂

    Free Member

    No worries. Glad to be of assistance. I’ve just put one in an envelope. I’m a big fan of the kindness of strangers etc etc….

    Free Member

    Wish you’d posted this *before* I ordered an SLX triple from a UK supplier yesterday. It’s been a couple of years since I’ve bought cranks – couldn’t believe how much prices have shot up.

    Sorry about that: tbh given they were £50 cheaper than merlin I honest thought there’d be something dodgy about them (no chainrings/bb etc) so I waited ’til they arrived before posting 🙁

    Free Member

    JollyGreenGiant… That’s what I have. Drop me an email and I’ll send it in the post on Monday. No charge – they’re no used to me anymore.

    Free Member

    You might be in luck. I did the same some years back and had to buy a replacement: but they came in packs of 10. If you measure the diameter of the disc and let me know I’ll pop one in the post to you.

    Free Member

    If could be Elfin – but even then you’d still get even a moderate amount of lock.

    I’ve had this leak problem on 2 RS forks so I might be jumping to conclusions here tbf.

    Free Member

    That sounds like the seals in the rebound damper may be leaking oil into the lowers which stops the lockout working.

    The other symptom of this – do you get full travel on them (eg if you let the air out of the plus and minus and press em down)?

    Free Member

    Friday Q and A 🙂

    What do you mean exactly – the poplock doent function? When you press the lever does the dial on the crown turn?

    Can you turn the dial by hand? If it does turn does it have no effect?

    Free Member

    That would have me very suspicious.

    You can check the mot mileage history here with the V5 number:

    But even that doesnt stop the first owner or subsequent dealer clocking it before the first mot (which is the most common apparently). Most lease & hire companies sell their cars before the first mot is due.

    Apparently 1 in 12 cars can be proven to have ‘adjusted miles’, the actual figure may be higher.

    Free Member


    I hit one at 50mph 3 years back. She did a kamakazie jump over a fence right in front of me in the dark but fortunatly had landed and was trying avoiding action by the time I hit it (1 sec later).

    She magaged to do me out of a bonnet, bumper, wing, headlight and a ncd. Of course she had no insurance!

    The really strange thing was even with the speed I hit her and her spinning across the road legs up, she still got up and limped into the trees. I could hear her twitching initially and tried to find her but if I had I dont know what I’d have done.

    I’m sure she was dead by the time I’d collected the debris from the road and drove on so didnt feel the need to phone anyone.

    Free Member

    SBZ – If this is for the puffer I’m happy to lend you a Schwalbe Ice Spiker and a Snow Stud. Email in profile.

    Free Member

    Colin -wtf?

    Explain please?

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