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  • FGF 601: Fort Bill is Back Edition
  • couldashouldawoulda
    Free Member

    Saxon – a combi leak really stinks ime. Of really metally – acidic – yeuck. I dont know – but when you smell it (and it doesnt take repeated gob fulls to know) you know its central heating.

    That’s in my limited expeierce.

    But it’s distinctive. If I walked into your gaf – I’d remember that smell for ever!

    Free Member

    Hi cfinnimore – welcome.

    “What would we be riding?”

    If you mean in Innerleithen, I would suspect the XC route, unless someone comes along to suggest otherwise.

    If you mean in GT – usually it’s a mix of the red and blue.

    Either way we usually arrive around 7, finish 9.30 ish.

    Free Member

    Photos only – or some video too?

    Free Member

    Does it smell? Of what? Any chemically hints (central heating leaks smell metally ime).

    What sort of boiler do you have – combi etc. If you’ve not but got a tank to top up the CH then try turning that feed off and if your boiler notices a reduction in pressure that’s your problem (assumuming its got a guage?).

    That there is the limit of my experiece of leaks. Otherwise I dont know.

    Free Member

    Wed night sounds good! Havent been out on one for ages.

    I can drive and got room for 2 more bikes on the back.

    Free Member

    Well that was fun in a muddy messy kind of way!

    Heres some photos – I’ll try and get the video up later (I forgot to get one of the path before we started).

    The drain that disappeared and caused the damage:


    On the other (muddy side):

    The pipe after being cleared: if I’d seen this beforehand there is no way I would have been putting my hand in there!

    Job done: maiden voyage:

    On to the next section: “Paul – are you in there?”

    Free Member

    If you’ve an iphone then memory maps has a phone only licence (so no printing etc) that allows you to buy “tiles” of maps in advance – so once downloaded you dont need a signal to use them but it does tie up with the gps signal.

    This “allowance” doesnt have to be picked in advance – I paid £10 on a special offer – (its now 12.50) and that was enough to download the best parts of the tweed valley, pentlands and some bits near balmoral (when I got lost!). I’ve still got around 30% of my “allowance” left.

    I dont know if there’s any better out there – not tried owt else to compare (except paper).

    Free Member

    We had this a few years back after surviving with one car.

    Missus eventually talked to a broker who did a bit better than online but we then spoke to Admiral (ie a rang them) and explained we’d both been driving the same amount for the last few years. We didnt get an ncd but an “introductory” discount. After one year this got converted to a 40% ncd.

    So my advice – use the phone. The web cant cover all eventualities and if youre seen as a good risk someone will offer a reasonable premium (usually).

    However you mention an accident above – I dont know if that throws a spanner in the works.

    Free Member

    nice grammar Craig..!

    Carl – as a (an un-) usual pedant for grammar and spelling – even I’d allow that one. Why does everyone want a row!? FFS!

    Free Member

    oliver – I dont’t know your lady – but ime – if you make something for them – and crucially involve / ask at every step – its 10000 times better than buying off the shelf. Dont get obcessive. Take a few decisions. But. Explain that its a gamble and that it can be changed. Major brownie points. Etc.

    My lady is / was a bit lost but realises thats its important to me, so makes an effort – and vice versa.

    Judge her response. She may be on a different “planet”.

    Free Member

    Oooh, I was interested in the thread title. Not any more!

    SLX brakes are good though! I got 4. Until the temp drops below 0 and then I remember to pray! The calipers hate freezing temps and leak like sieves afterwards.

    btw Merlin are doing full sets inc rotors and adapters f&r for £120 ish! For vip customers (which is free).

    Free Member

    Well – if you’re loaded then a recent Garmin 310 etc.

    But it all depends on what she wants and what she does!

    EG for a biker on a budget – a 305. Unreal spec for £100 – ish cash. But if she runs then a 405 is way smaller (and looses some spec). If she swims / tri’s then thats 90% of the range out.

    Anyways back to you 🙂

    Free Member

    Ambrose is probably right above. What’s your bike got? 7 or 8 speed? how old is it?

    Free Member

    Thanks for the follow up.

    Well the new stuff narrows it down by about 90%!

    How old are the cables? Outers and inners.

    That’s the cheapest and most probable next source of your problem.

    Free Member

    Something has worn out beyond what its meant to deal with.

    Shifters almost – almost! – never wear out. Also derailleurs rarely die except for jockey wheel wear / crash damage.

    Do you have a chain wear checker (if not get one now).

    How old / 1000 miles is the chain, cassette, chainrings?

    ##Edit – start with the obvious. Sheldon Brown has some good advice. If you are still stuck – or find the usual or an unusual problem please let us know. Cheers,

    Free Member

    Dont worry about crossbows. There was a high profile case recently of a woman who used a wheelie bin to try and kill a cat. Much slower than a crossbow too.

    I have also seen cats killed in a plastic bag. Thrown off a bridge. We could ban both those too. And the number of cats killed by cars! OMG. Ban them!

    There are sick feckers out there.

    Free Member

    OK so it says 15 minutes ago there was a reply but only one 3 weeks ago is showing????

    Spammer from or some such adult site for sunburnt people – his post got deleted making you look like a noob 🙂 (not a real site btw)

    Free Member

    @Redthunder: I guess you just got photoshop for that second post;)

    Actually the second pic in the first post is better imo.

    Free Member

    Whyte 19? You dont find many owners looking for another xc bike (inc me!). Actually to call it an xc bike is a bit limiting – you can tailor the geom / wheelbase a bit with the adjustable dropouts to favour short (race) to longer / slacker( &bigger rear tyres). My med frame weights 1.51 kg (3.3lbs) inc hs races and hangers.

    btw – I’m not selling mine!

    Free Member

    Good to see you’re not using gears: that saves you ferrules, cable end crimps, cable inners and outers and a cutter.

    Assuming Hydro brakes – olives and inserts to shorten the cables and a usable way of bleeding brakes afterwards (inc fluid / oil).

    Copper grease? Skewers?

    Free Member

    Those cheapo muvee clones are great for the price. They arent durable though. I got one for the mtb and 2 for my cart racing nephews as chrimo pressies. 2 of the three have died but were bodgeable repairable with silicon selant- mainly the lens shakes itself off the motherboard. Given they are so tiny repairs requie a real steady hand.

    Also they’re poor – really poor – in low light.

    A poor quality bar mounted video: Warning – unedited mincing – dont watch for the entertainment!

    Free Member

    I’ve had a few hrms in my ongoing fitness battle. Best by a country mile of the ones I had is a 305. You can also get a cadence doofer for £30ish from amazon.

    By best I mean it always “registers” the strap. A mobile phone within 10 miles doesnt stop it working. The strap stays on. The batteries last more than a month. They dont whiff after a week.

    Worst was a cateye (double wireless??). Second worst was a Velomann. Never had a Polar. But that would be my second choice.

    Free Member

    After careful consideration that there gt is worth exactly 2 & 6.

    The tv is indeed crap!

    Free Member

    Grannies ride coast to coast in issue 20.

    Coast to coast the malt loaf way in 34.

    Trans cambrian in 51.

    After that a shop called “coast to coast” started advertising in every issue so I cba to search them all individually 😉

    To find a string I’ve got the downloaded issues in a folder and a right click (windows) allows a search for a string.

    Free Member

    I used to have to faff with juicy’s and oro’s (esp changing wheels) but now have slx on 2 bikes. Noticably less faffing. Different “feel” though.

    Only downside was that one caliper’s seals went after 13 months. A new caliper was about £25 iirc.

    Free Member

    I placed 2 orders with crc last week. One took 2 days to despatch (and was sent parcelforce 48) the other was 6 days before despatch (RM). All in stock items.

    Merlin always arrives next day for me, wiggle nearly always arrives next day (assuming I order in the morning).

    Free Member

    has it always done it?

    Yep. I thought it was part of the full sus experience!

    I can live with it – but from a physics / materials point of view it cant be good for the frame.

    Free Member

    Send it back.

    Fair enough – but I got a good relationship with these guys. I’d just like to understand whats up!

    Free Member

    Somethings not happy… rebound too slow?
    What shock does it have

    Its an Rp23. Rebound approx 3 clicks from slowest. but I dont see how that would cause a twist?

    Free Member

    Thanks for the replies.

    The most obvious time this happens is freewheeling into something like a bombhole. To me it does take a definite action to stay in a straight line. So I really doubt it’s drivetrain related. The headset it totally fine.

    I suspect the backend is fubar – but its my first bouncy bike and dont want to make a tit of myself with my lbs (where I bought it).

    ##Edit – I’m sure its a rear suspension problem – If I hit a slow speed bump and the front reacts as expected but once the rear hits Im feeling a twist / steer.

    Free Member

    This here did my 3’s and 7’s and also Forula Oros. No oil / fluid but top quality and from a reputable source etc.

    I’ve just noticed it says it doesnt work with 3’s but mine are just fine!?

    ##Edit – just to add that rutland photo doesnt show that it comes with 2 syringes and different adapters in the box.

    Free Member

    Try an extra headset spacer?

    I had an issue where the base of the headset topcap was recessed and was touching the top of the fork steerer, thus not allowing me to tighten the headset properly

    I was typing up a long winded explanation to explain that exact problem but Leku is clearly more eloquent than me!

    Check the topcap. If its not totally flat on the steerer side – that caused similar symptoms for me (ie the recess used up the 2mm ish between the top of the spacers and the steerer).

    Free Member

    The x-minis are good for the size. Bought one as a present for a teenager and was so impressed went and got some for myself! Obviously small so no mad bass but impressive for the size. We use them for movies and music with the laptop mainly.

    Free Member

    I need to be home early so I’ll have to miss this one 🙁

    Free Member

    I just got an xml/18650 based torch as a birthday pressie and its an order of magnitude brighter (and runs cooler) than the SSC P7 based (eg Tesla clones) bike ligths (that I have 3 of). I reckon by next autumn XML is where the light wars will be at.

    I am a cheapskate though so others will be along to recommend premium brands.

    If I had your budget to spend I would defo talk to trout or one of the other uk builders.

    Edit – goddamit – my link doesnt work. But do a search on here for xml / xm-l

    Free Member

    a leag span of 28cm-30cm.

    I used to love these threads but surely, hopefully, please god, you mean mm not cm (or some mistype of inches).

    Free Member

    Hopefully I’ll make tomorrow – see ya’ll at the wee shop. I’ll know for sure nearer the time.

    6pm at cargo

    That means you’d be even slower than me! I think it’s around 6.30ish usually @ Cargo (not that I start from there).

    Free Member

    I’ll be there – hopefully make it for 10.

    Free Member

    5-10 ish here and have a Super 4 in large. The medium was a tad short for me. So if you’re boderline I’d size up.

    Fab bikes by the way – just be aware of issues with some 09 frames.

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