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  • Orange Switch 6 Factory review
  • couldashouldawoulda
    Free Member

    Total hijack here (hangs head in shame)- but I’ve got Leku’s old ASR-SL above that I’m thinking of selling. My main bike got replaced under warranty so I’m thinking (actually missus is telling me) of selling it. Its a small.

    Anyway unbiased stuff: small is up to 5’9 I’d say. They do seem kinda long. Unreally light – under 2kg. I love it – its proper well made – and it does feel proper “racey”. If I could afford another – I would. But I cant.

    Free Member

    Website in profile

    Did you have a link earlier?

    Free Member

    So 18 bikes tried to fix a bike and took cash from their customer who then came up with the name junkyard. Is that some type of anti spam?

    Free Member

    user-removed – Member
    Top end wedding photography in the North East? Stop me and buy one.

    Others might see that there as top class spam right there! But that’s relevant to me. Top job (accidental or not!).

    I dont want a premier (and associated sub premier) clicky through thing. I joined here a few years back – asked some daft Q’s, got some half sensible answers – others that were (at the time) off the wall. But I kind of trusted the answers. There was F all spam / ‘turfers.

    Surely it’s a risky strategy, as has been proven here, in that the tools that are used to promote a company can be used quite effectively against them possibly causing greater damage than good. If said company is offering something good, why worry?
    In fact why worry about any of it?

    I laugh when folk are caught out. It’s rare though. In the mean time I dont worry about it – it just niggles me and some odd sense of community.

    Free Member

    Ok – HOW????

    Free Member

    Just to be crystal clear – I’m not talking about bike companies / distributers who promote their products openly. That’s fairly obvious.

    But paraphrasing an imaginary post history here:
    – Reply- Best films you’ve seen: avatar! OMG
    – Reply- Recommend me a ….: XXX
    – Recommend a chain lube (from another new member): Jeepers – you’ve not tried Spank All Conditions Chain Lube, its the dogs!

    #Edit – I guess in my round about way there are some stuff that its clear as day to me that some folk are ‘turfing. My OH never heard of it. Theres lots of stuff I’m no expert on and if I asked on here I wouldnt be bothered clicking on everyones history to see if they joined yesterday.

    On the worky forum – its never ovbious til someone has wormed their way into “the helpful” books of someone else and then the links are already there much to others annoyance.

    Free Member

    I know – I do know. We’re all getting more sceptical like. Probably in every walk of life. But as online commumities – what can / should we do? My worky forum is the worse – Mr A offers advise on problem, 2 days later Mr A is plugging his company big time and still offering “help” to others.

    Now if only I COULD loose weight!

    Free Member

    My first one. I cant see anything beating the achievement of getting to and through the first one though.

    I’ll keep chipping away – but your first is always special and all that!

    Free Member

    Shimano or hope or avid in my experience. All interchangeable. Utterly reliable. Until you go floating. Then thats more research for you (rotor vs your calipers).

    The only real hassle I ever had with rotors were ashima (pulsing) and superstar (warping but replaced under warranty).

    Someone will be along in a mo to contradict me.

    #Edit – too slow already!

    Free Member

    The enclosed amount is overkill.

    I’d be impressed if you’re still using 5 bits after a month. 3 is probably fine. Cable ties will come you way eventually. And a craft knife so you can make a clone for your other bike.

    Great little bits of plastic imo.

    Free Member

    94 can take more than 91?

    Yes. Google is your friend. Each tyre takes X kg at max speed kind of thing. The higher the number the bigger the tested load.

    #Edit – beaten to it.

    Free Member

    druidh has nailed it. Edinburgh is crap. Everywhere near Edinburgh is crap. The folk in and near Edinburgh are awful. We should all move back to London. Never been to Bristol but that sounds good too!

    Honestly I’m chuckling reading that list (having lived in a few of those towns on the list) – I’m guessing the guys came up with v1.0 and the editor came in and said – WTF my home town is missing – then the subs manager came in and said – 50% of our readers are from London, then …..

    Pretty pointless really.

    Free Member

    Forgot to say – Humax Direct have some real good bargains with full warranty. That’s where all ours came from (Google them if interested).

    Free Member

    I’d guess direct from a battery then 180w is fine. A starter motor uses way more (but that’s not fused #edit but real short term). The thing is that as the washer starts up it will draw a LOT of current.

    BTW Our car as a 10A fuse for the 12v socket. The van 15A. Thus my Q.

    Outwith the car – I’d go for a spare battery (still with a fuse though -maybe 20A – if you’ve ever seen a tractor battery go bang you wouldnt mess with 12v current too much).

    ##Edit 2 – I got a 140W heater as a present for my van for the 12v socket (It’s a real slow bugger to warm up on a frosty morning). The hottest parts of the heater are the plug and the cable. I dont use it as it doesnt seem good for the electrics.

    Free Member

    Another Humax happy customer here. So much so – they replace stuff obviously- but when you report bugs – they thank you and ask you to test the fixes. I couldn’t be happier and our second box is also (you guessed it) a Hummer, and when my mum needed to go digital – yep, you guessed it.

    TBF – like anything – some will fail etc. The backup is great though.

    The programme guide looks a bit clunky compared to sky until you get used to it.

    Free Member

    For a normal car (eg civic) 91 is probably loads. Check your owners manual. I’d bet £1 you are fine with 91.

    It really only comes into play for heavy cars (eg 4x4s, bentlys) and most importantly – LCVs.

    It has nothing to do with wear or life.

    Free Member

    So’s I know where to keep my pinkies away from

    Spokes. Maybe we shouldnt tell you so you can post up next January with some mangled digits.

    Free Member

    Not something you’ll do again I bet!

    I worked in a ham processing place as a student. Cleanliness is next to godliness was pretty much their motto. Nobody would ever be daft enough to put their fingers on the slicing machine blade was their health and safety talk.

    I still have a proper lump on the top of my left finger after absent – mindedly cleaning the slicer. Fortunatly they found the top of my finger (otherwise the whole days work was going to be binned)

    Still have a daft looking left forefinger to remind me. So you’re not alone! Hope you get better soon!

    Free Member

    180w / 15A

    is pushing a cars 12v adapter for any length of time. Are you sure? Does it have a proper chunky cable / wire? Does the cable / plug get hot?

    A mobi uses 6A.

    You could use an old car battery – and a 12v socket and croc clips on the other end. Make sure its fused. Then charge up the battery after use.

    And cheekyboy – yes they really do work. My ‘maintenance’ routine has improved massively since I got one – the bike doesnt go back in the car until its roughly cleaned and the chain has had a spray. That’s it til the next time it gets to see the light of day.

    Free Member

    rab- mine has started doing this (bought 2nd hand and worked perfectly for about a year ago). You need to send yours back as obviously defective.

    I’ve added more air regularily and oil (up to the point where it wouldnt go down at all).

    I suspect that an air seal has failed / worn and that 2pure are the ultimate answer – or selling it on pinbike 😉

    The “pump up to 75psi” bit keeps mine going for about 2 weeks atm and I carry a cable cutter (for the remote cable ties), a 10mm socket and shock pump now in case it goes mid ride and I feel like “fixing” it.

    The real mid ride interim bodge is to use the seat clamp to get over the 1 inch floppy bit and drag it up by hand. Not exactly what it says on the tin and all that ;(

    Yours doesnt even last that long – let us know how you get on.

    Free Member

    I think Crikey maybe has missed the point so far.

    Folk did what they had to do. They had no / less choices. Now we have MORE choices. Sure some folk cheated then, some now, but in my parents generation cycling 100 miles return to see a loved one was “normal” – doing 100 miles in X time was normal, doing Y was for the elite.

    I cant comment on the elite – its not in my family!

    Free Member

    Mmmm. Worth a bump.

    I’d guess the cable is at too acute an angle where the ferrules are failing.

    Free Member

    Dunno about the nails thing but…

    Before marriage my mum lived 30 miles away from my dad. He cycled (a black raleigh steel single speed 2 ton thing) to see her, then they both cycled to the “local” dance – maybe 8 miles (sometimes she got a backie), then he cycled home.

    Twice a week, he never ever saw himself as a cyclist. Just getting the job done.

    Thats what his and hers generations did. Just glad to be able to get about and his mates all did something similiar. Whats different for us is that cycling is now a choice (against driving) – they didn’t.

    Free Member

    Martyn – cheers and apologies. I got the wrong end of the stick there big time (champagne and all that!)

    I’m going to go and edit out my comments as they are obviously erroneous. 😳

    Free Member

    plonker comment removed 😳

    Free Member

    Mine – to pass on the kindness / generosity of others without expectation.

    Free Member

    Happy New Year from Ireland!

    While you’re in Holland can you ask them why so many English words mention Dutch in a negative way – dutch courage, dutch act, elm disease, widow, flying dutchman etc etc.

    Free Member

    v8ninety – the very best of luck to you and yours! That must be the best new years possible.

    Round here it’s like a kids puking competition. Good humour is still winning through though!

    Free Member

    OK – daft question. Do you weigh fireworks as they take off (obviously heavier) or as they land (again – heavy from impact) ?

    Free Member

    Someone will mention polar bears – so I’ll start: approx one polar bear per day. That should cover it. 😉

    Free Member

    From the above I’ve got a list of all those I’d choose never to round to for a rice based meal.

    A rice cooker (or a decent steamer) has a one great advantage – one the rice is cooked – it never overcooks.

    So you time the rice to be cooked early (it sits hot and happy for ages) as you continue cooking the curry or whatever.

    IME almost everyone in asia uses one (or a steamer) – using saucepans is for gypsies.

    I cant recommend one particular model though. All the popular ones have unpronouncable names. A veg steamer does a proper good job though.

    Free Member

    Some additional info to fluff your brains further-

    Glanbia is by far the biggest dairy company / brand in Ireland.

    The main industrial process involved is shaking the booze and the fat/cream- industrial style til they settle their differences and just get on. The “whisky/whiskey” content is dubious tbf. Whatever cant be sold under its own name.

    “Fake” Baileys (under other brands) exists but uses coconut milk instead of cream, thus leading to some well publisised cases of anaphylactic shock for nut allergy sufferers.

    Otherwise – yummy. I like getting in touch with my feminine side once a year 😉

    Free Member

    nonk – that’s interesting – but in reality CRC still have to stand by the warranty. And the SOG act – fit for purpose etc. If a frame fails I guess CRC could offer to repair and if they cant do that then the OP should get their money back.

    Free Member

    You bought the frame from CRC – the warranty is with them. Apart from that there is the SOG act. You’re covered. Also Yeti seem like nice folk to deal with. Maybe a bit slow at times, and they’ve changed distributer, but you shouldnt be loosing sleep.

    The LBS may be nervous as there was a big manufactuturer who changed distributer recently and the warranty process became a royal pita. That shouldnt happen to you.

    Free Member

    Servant sounds like a working man and working folk dont need tv’s.

    It’s only those in council houses / on benefits that get new tvs these days.

    Just remind him how posh he is not to have a tv.

    Otherwise I’d guess power supply. Are you / him a dab hand with a multimeter / soldering iron?

    Free Member

    Re Chinese lanterns: I’m in Ireland atm and a chap from the AAI was on the national radio news with a firm voice and a warning to ring a certain phone number before you launch your lanterns.

    Basically you now need air traffic control clearance before you light the cuties up. Somehow I dont think they’ve thought this one through.

    Otherwise – will be with family (basically lots of puking kids atm).

    Free Member

    No it doesnt stink of piss – it stinks of sewage. Especially if its rained in the last few days (I guess Ivan is being ironic but thought I’d check!)

    Apart from that – I chuckle at how badly thought out it is.

    But it is clean, modern and warm. I love the showers. The new car park was designed by a monkey in a cage who has never had to park anywhere busy. I imagine once the hub portacabin carcass has gone the original car parks will re-open. Hopefully.

    Free Member

    You are sure you did the lefty loosey righty tighty thing?

    Otherwise – if its under warranty – I’d say it got delivered that way.

    Not under warranty – well lots of options!

    Free Member

    Well for that sort of budget – you’re a bit limited.

    However – if you’re a bit adventerous this link will turn a cheap (£35 ish) grinder into a much better one – but it null and voids any warranty.

    It’s given here as specific to a Starbucks Barista – but that’s just a rebranded krupps, and braun, and lots of others. They all look the same.

    Note that mine died after 8 years of thrice daily grinds. My other half then got me one from ‘hungy donkey’ (?) that cost 4 times as much but just does the same job with no mods.

    Others will be along to flame me in a minute!

    #edit – the iberital (??) from the donkey crew feels much better quality to be fair. It will probably last well past 8 years. It is LOUD though.

    Anyway – any Q’s – let us know

    Free Member

    as it don’t half reflect on the rest of the industry and not in a favourable way..

    Amen brother.

    I dont work in the family / kids area at all but get asked by clients about their kids etc and they always seem to mention Venture in a negative / rip-off way. I try and point them to a local “indy”.

    marsdenman – where are you based? Have you looked at any other franchises (I’m ex Barrett & Coe from 10 years back).

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