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    Free Member

    I did smile when I saw that :)

    The thing here, really, and it’s seemingly common with these sorts of cases, is that she’d been up before the beak beforehand and told to knock it off.  If you disobey a direct order from the courts then it’s only ever going to end one way and there’s only one person to blame for that.

    Free Member

    I think I may have posted this before, people who cut corners at junctions.

    I go out of my way to position myself (without risking a collision) so that it’s as awkward as possible for them to complete the manoeuvre.  Like I’m going to go out of my way to give way to you when you’re driving like a Jeremy Hunt.  It falls into the Bullying bucket for me, “coming through, out of the way, I’m more important!” and I’m fu- damned if I’m giving the bastards an inch.

    Free Member

    Some hurty words, earlier today.

    Free Member

    At least be honest.. A ‘powered by Prosecco and Starbucks’ sticker would be fair enough.

    I’ve yet to see a “powered by fairy dust” vehicle driven by someone who didn’t look like she’s eaten them all.

    Free Member

    I agree on the own brand Vanish, but it’s not enzyme based, it’s sodium percarbonate, aka oxygen bleach (as opposed to chlorine bleach). It kills the bugs that cause the smell.

    I did not know that.  Thanks.

    I do know that it’s the most effective thing I’ve found, including so-called specialist cleaning products, to deal with cat piss.

    Free Member

     I suppose we all do about a whole load of things that we then don’t do much because it’s no fun….because we can’t do it very well.

    I think I strive for competency.  Once I get much beyond “adequate” I lose interest.  As regular readers will perhaps attest, I know something about a vast array of things, my knowledge and my practicality are generally a mile wide but an inch deep.  I’d consider myself an expert in very few disciplines.

    I can read music, in so far as I can look at a stave and go “that’s a B.”  I can play the bassline to Another One Bites The Dust.  I can play the opening bars to Layla on keyboard until it gets complicated.

    Party tricks could be a thread in itself.  I can juggle, for maybe 5-10 seconds.  I can solve a Rubik’s Cube, eventually.  “Is this your card?”  I can stack coins on my elbow and catch them.  An outlier perhaps, I am unbeatable at beermat flipping, fight me.  I can touch-type, badly, but I don’t do so because my hacker hunt’n’peck approach is faster and I never took the time to properly learn it despite spending half my life behind a keyboard for forty years.

    Crucially, I have catastrophic commitment failure.  As soon as I can do something to a vague degree of competence my brain goes “yup, that’ll do, we could be doing something different instead now which might be more interesting.”  Half an hour after picking up a guitar and realising that I wasn’t the ghost of Hendrix, I put it down in a sulk and went to do something different.

    Free Member

    There was no comeback and it was glorious.

    I once told a lass by the name of Danielle Curtin to pull herself together, and got away with it.

    You’ve got to do these things, it makes life worth living.  In my tech support days the lad on the desk across from me curated a list of Cougarisms in the front of his notebook.

    Free Member

    Was it also powered by fairy dust?

    Free Member

    only slight issue may be 2 remotes rather than just the one

    Assuming they have the buttons and support HDMI-CEC, you might find that one remote will suffice for both devices.

    Free Member

    Didn’t make sense to me, but after googling it, the scam is on amazon or ebay or whatever to create a sales history to scam people later, can’t remember the exact details.

    It’s called “brushing.”

    If they leave a message then you use your judgement. i.e. if they say their names are

    I had one one time, a near-incomprehensible heavy Indian Subcontinent accent, “ello, my name ees Kevin.” It’s not, is it.

    If it was a real card put through your door by the postie, it would say to go to the local sorting office 24h later, and it is there and there alone you would pick up the item and pay the additional fee.

    If its asking you to pay via email/paypal or however else then its a scam


    The worst part of it all is I can no longer laugh at people who get conned by dumb scams as I am now one of those people.

    Same. I got stung by a honeypot at work. We were told to expect a third-party email, a third-party email came through, my partner was talking to me at the time so I wasn’t paying full attention when I opened it to find it was a phishing test. In my defence it was a shitty stunt to pull but that’s not really an excuse, the bad guys don’t play by the rules. And without meaning to sound arrogant, if I can get caught out then anyone can.

    I blogged a little about this, if anyone is interested.

    You Do Phishing Tests? Redux

    Free Member

    As a long time Android user, every time I pick up an Apple based device, the OS makes my teeth itch. Hate it

    Same.  That’s not to say that one is better or the other, I simply don’t get on with it.

    I had the same issue buying a dSLR.  I picked up a Nikon and it made no sense to me, picked up a Canon and it just (ahem) clicked.  Is the Canon better?  Of course not, it’s just different and comes down to personal preference.

    Free Member

    it must be glacial for them…

    It was in the order of 30 seconds per page load, when it loaded at all.  Logged out it was instantaneous, even with adverts.  Logged in with the new temporary (I hope) account it’s about a second.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I can’t swim.

    That is to say, I know how to swim in theory, but I’m seemingly dense and all my efforts go into just staying afloat.  On holiday in France one time with my then-partner, she had me lying on my back in a high-salt pool whilst she held my shoulders.  She said “I’m going to let go and you’ll just float.”  I held my breath, she let go and I sank to lie flat on the bottom of the pool thinking “I told you so.”

    Free Member

    Supermarket own brand version of Vanish.

    You need an enzyme-based cleaner to kill biological unpleasantness.

    Free Member

    Finally there no such thing as a bad reference anymore, there all standard, “yes they worked here”, or they can refuse, but most won’t even be that passive agressive

    There are professional and personal references.  After 16 years at the same place including working closely with HR, my official reference from the company came from HR and was little more than “he worked here from [date] to [date] and we didn’t have any problems.”  A former boss wrote me a glowing reference but that was at a personal level, outside of HR or C-suite no-one is allowed to speak on behalf of the company.

    Free Member

    That is at best awkward and worst case means she’ll get all the crap jobs / non of the interesting career development stuff because she is not planning to stay.

    Is this not happening anyway?

    If I got wind that a valued report was looking to leave, I’d sit them down and ask what we could do differently.  Of course, not all minions are valued equally.

    Free Member

    She wants a new tablet for Kindle, Spotify and Wordle?  What does she have currently, an Etch-a-Sketch?

    The best device for Kindle is, weirdly enough, a Kindle.  That’s where my money would be going.

    Free Member

    1) You’d be naive to think this doesn’t happen, it happens all the time. Not all that long ago I had a phone call from an old friend who’s the Head of IT at his work, he’d had a job application from one of my colleagues, clocked where he worked currently and rang me up off the record to ask if he was any good before offering him an interview. This was not a unique incident. Industries are incestuous, everyone talks.  There’s three degrees of separation in the OP.

    2) Her current employer now knows she’s job seeking. So what? They can’t stop her. Worst case is she can’t have a surprise attack of food poisoning next Wednesday.

    3) She’s leaving. Who cares what they think, she’ll be gone soon.

    My first thought is to see if they new school has broken any GDPR laws.

    I’d wager that’s unlikely.  It’s not a data processing issue, for all anyone can prove, someone saw her going in as they were walking past.

    Free Member

    Do we suppose that display is reliable?  I’m tempted myself if so.  My school-issue Antex is probably 40 years old (because it was, ahem, school issued in the first place).

    Free Member

    people who bag their dogs poo and hang it from a tree

    Genuine responses I’ve had in challenging this:

    1) “I’ll collect it on my way back.”  Liar.

    2) “The council employ someone to collect them.”

    still p1ss on seat of toilet

    I genuinely don’t understand this.  I have, over the years when I was young and (more) foolish, found myself absolutely ratted to the point of barely being able to stand up.  Yet I’ve still always had the presence of mind to lift the seat out of the way before doing my best impression of a carthorse in a pub toilet.  Meanwhile, go to the bogs in a supermarket at noon on Tuesday and you have to run the gauntlet across the traps to find the one which is least piss-soaked.  WTF is wrong with people?  “I don’t want to touch the toilet seat because it might be dirty, so I’ll cropdust it instead”?

    Free Member

    cant remember what the other 5a fuse is powering

    Well, I’m filled with confidence.

    The convertor was bought from here and they have sold 100’s according to ebay

    Well, I’m filled with confidence.

    Stop buying random cheap Far Eastern shite off ebay and go see an auto-electrician.

     its connected to an Alpine Halo 9in display headunit

    This should go without saying I know but, please tell me you’re not watching telly whilst you’re driving.  Even if you aren’t, that configuration is likely illegal if it’s able to be visible to a driver whilst in motion.

    Free Member

    Or just use a bit of string and a carabiner to make your own.

    Before I took a rucksack to the shop (which is the actual solution to the OP’s issue), I used to carry a carabiner with me.  Snap the crap through half a dozen carrier bag handles, it stops them falling open and you can lift up the lot in one go.  Checkout staff used to look at me like they’d just witnessed Moses parting the the Red Sea.

    Free Member

    I’ve done that several times in the past and stuff been gone in an instant.

    It’s amazing what shit appeals to people.

    At the old house, I refitted the bathroom.  It was a 1960s? 70s? Armitage Shanks suite in bronchitis yellow.  We pulled out the toilet and threw it in the skip.  By the time we’d got the bath out, the bog had gone.

    Here, the old boy next door has his own ‘car boot sale’ outside his house to raise money for charity.  A couple of trestle tables full of junk, never the same thing twice, his house must be full of the stuff.  I was stood there one time feigning interest, thinking “who TF wants a used washing up bowl?” when a woman came past, went “ooh, just what I need!!” and bought it.  Whether it was an actual requirement or a sympathy purchase, I don’t know.

    As they say.  One man’s meat is another man’s pornography, or something.

    Free Member

    I’ve just seen a bloke on a mobile phone.  Phone held flat horizontally, screen skywards, microphone against his ear with the speaker end jutting out into space off to his side.

    Is this some sort of John Woo guns-held-sideways “cool” that I’m unfamiliar with, or is it the case that after a hundred years of telephone evolution we’ve forgotten how they work?  Prat.

    Free Member

    ‘My dog doesn’t like bikes’ isn’t an excuse on a shared path when it’s used by commuters at that time of the morning.

    ‘My dog doesn’t like bikes’ isn’t an excuse regardless.  Walk it on private land or keep it on a lead if that’s the case.  Or, heavens forfend, take some responsibility for learning how to train the f’kin thing.

    Free Member

    Arse of Gowrie?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    As for teaching kids to masturbate in class…. That’s bonkers.

    Different times.  Back in my day we got told off for chewing gum.

    Free Member

    More seriously,

    That converter looks nasty and it’s hardly filled with reviews.

    I’d also question what you’ve connected it to, is this ‘piggyback’ capable of providing the power you need in addition to what it’s already powering?  Are you ahead of or behind the fuse?  Is there an inline fuse for the converter?

    Free Member

    You’re insured for fire, yes?

    Free Member

    If I survive then I will start on them next and do the same.  I’m sorry to say that I nearly lost it.


    Free Member

    What’s this “converter” exactly?

    Free Member

    My understanding is, in the UK chickens are vaccinated against it so no need to wash/sterilise the eggs before sale. UK eggs can be kept out of the fridge. In the US they don’t vaccinate and wash the eggs to kill/remove Salmonella instead. This means though that the eggs have to be refrigerated because the eggs are now permable and various bacteria can get inside.

    Exactly this.  Plus eggshells are semi-permeable and we package them in card rather than plastic, which is why we shouldn’t put them in the fridge – they can absorb tastes / aromas from other foods.

    Someone asked earlier ‘why do fridges have egg holders then?’  I’d guess that either it’s one design for multiple markets, or there’s a fear that customers will go “I’m not buying that, there’s no egg compartment.”

    Free Member

    Don’t know what lenses you bought and what price they were but the more you spend the larger the areas can be.

    Specsavers “SuperDigital.”

    Free Member

    I doubt I would have threatened to kick 2nd dog off the steep drop if the owner didn’t leash it.

    It’s not the dog that needs kicking off the edge.

    Free Member

    I’m a couple of weeks into my first pair of varifocals.  I think I’m going to send them back.  The area of focus is too small, it’s all well and good saying “move your head around” if you’re walking about, but that’s a fat lot of use when I’m on the Xbox and half of the screen is blurred.  Reading distance is no better, and arguably worse, than with a pair of £3 readers.  I think the left lens prescription is actually wrong, I cannot get a sharp image at all when reading.

    It sounds to me like you want a pair of riding glasses which sit higher on your face, so your focal area is higher and you can look under them for reading.

    Free Member

    The cost was one of the main reasons, along with the dodgy decisions leading to fatalities, the US  cut back on funding space exploration and why we haven’t been back to the moon since 1972.

    We haven’t been back to the moon because the entire reason for going there in the first place was political.  In short, there’s no point.

    What fatalities are you referring to?  Apollo 1?

    Free Member

    I’m at the point where the cost of a cheaper slide scanner breaks even with the cost of sending them off to be scanned.

    Then what next?  If you’re likely to get more slides in the future then a scanner may be a worthwhile investment.  If it’s a one-and-done then you’ve just expended a load of man-hours to achieve an inferior result and are stuck with a lump of plastic in the cupboard.

    I bought a Veho slide scanner with a view to scanning in a load of slides from my childhood and earlier, then selling it on.  The results were rubbish, I got bored after about a dozen and gave up.  Assuming I can find it you can have it for postage costs plus a donation to a charity of your choice if you like, but I really would advise against it.  Sending them off to a professional seems a no-brainer to me if the cost is similar.

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