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  • 502 Club Raffle no.5 Vallon, Specialized Fjällräven Bundle Worth over £750
  • couchy
    Free Member

    The installer has to carry out and EV risk assessment in accordance with the regs before installing an EV charge point, part of that is risk of trip hazard. Also as mentioned above if you want the grant you need the off street parking. But the risk you have is one of someone tripping over your lead. An installer shouldn’t be installing one either like that but many won’t care as they won’t realise there’s an EVRA to be completed. I install over 400 commercial units a year and we always get some where walkways have to be blocked off for this reason.

    Free Member

    You’ll prob get some work in the domestic world as most apprentice trained electricians don’t touch domestic it’s seen as a much lower trade because basically it is. You can earn good money though. We are a commercial/industrial company and have had a couple of boil in the bag sparks and whilst they may have the qualifications they lack in actual experience for industrial work. It’s a shame tbh as there is work but I’ve no idea how you get experience without working for several years at a lower level learning. You could try and get a job as an electrical labourer whilst learning but other than that a few night school courses aren’t enough when you consider how long a proper apprenticeship is

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I use the same safety glasses we have at work, they’re around £1.99 each and we buy in bulk of 20 at a time. Fit is good and vision perfect.screw fix and places sell them. Always got a few pairs in bags and cars and no worry if they get broke or scratched, I get through 2-3 pairs a year.

    Free Member

    Have had a few at work, don’t recall any of them doing more than 30mpg average and most were in the 20’s. No storage in the cab, slow and interesting handling. Expensive tyres too. They look cool though and great for a bit of off road fun.
    We’ve got vans now, transit customs. Great interior and no scene tax. Fit normal sized people as the seats go back further than a VW.

    Free Member

    They list a non ebike mtb for £11500 too.

    Free Member

    It seems an ebike keeps a level of fitness and only increases that level if you try harder. His level of fitness was probably at that level which is why he bought an ebike in the first place. It’s certainly interesting as we’ve discussed before and having recently adding a HR monitor to my ebike rides I’m getting more of an insight into how hard I have to work on one.

    Free Member

    It does show there are 2 sides to cycling, riding for fitness and riding as you like being on 2 wheels/having fun/dicking about, some like one or the other and some like both. The ones that do it for fitness seem to struggle to understand why anyone would ride a bike for any other reason which always comes out in the ebike discussion, Ebikes are ace though :)

    Free Member

    Amazon Neos are good and fairly cheap, have them at work and home and pay the fee each month for recorded clips, around £3. Indoor use only but had one 7 deer the garage eves for 2 years now with no issues

    Free Member

    You don’t see it because ebike riders are fat, unfit, lazy, slow, untalented etc etc. I’m sure I’ve missed some of the cliches.

    I’m a proper ebiker, faster than any clockwork bike and I ride there and back to the trail centre so don’t need a car or van, but as I ride the whole trail in turbo and derestricted flying past the poor folk that can’t afford an ebike I do have to drive to the trail centre in the car to hide a spare battery and I then drive home. Of course I also have to fetch the used battery at the end of the day. But it’s worth it to claim all the KOMS from the clockwork folks 👍

    Free Member

    Just to add anyone replacing the distribution board has to do a full test of the installation to ascertain the type and size of protective devices, once they energise the circuit they are responsible for that circuit and only by testing will they know the circuit is safe. Anyone changing a distribution board and not issuing a certificate including the test results shouldn’t be paid 👍. Same goes for any electrical work always get a certificate

    Free Member

    I own a company that does EICR reports, if you want to send me a message I’ll have a look for you too :)

    Free Member

    Those that buy an ebike and ride it all the time in eco why don’t you buy a normal bike ? Eco mode about offsets the extra weight and gives you little against a much lighter normal bike. If it’s about getting fit then ?

    Folk seem to have some confusion over how an ebike works, you can still put in 100% human effort same as on a normal bike. If you ride an ebike and only go the same speed as a normal bike then of course they require less effort but if you go much faster than your normal bike you get a similar workout but the reward is much more speed. At my local trail centre I can compete the 6 mile blue route in 34mins on my normal bike, on my ebike it’s 19mins….that’s with me trying 100% so the motor assist gives me the extra speed it doesn’t reduce my effort. It also makes the trail very exciting and let’s a 50+ year old man go round at the pace of the quickest normal bike with a young athlete on it. I see no downside tbh

    Free Member

    Derestricting doesn’t make any more power, you can load and stress your motor just as much in a restricted one. All the motor does is spin no matter what speed you are doing it doesn’t make any more power with the limits removed. I agree on a lot of trails 15mph is enough. But some fast trails are a lot more exciting at 25mph I can imagine 👍

    Free Member

    My bosch gen4 is on 1000 miles, my previous gen3 still in use with a mate at 2000 miles. Neither have been jet washed and the gen3 was regularly repacked with waterproof grease. They’re not designed to be jet washed and you see loads of folk doing it.
    I briefly had a specialised levo amd that toasted it’s first motor at 150 miles, the second went shortly after and the bike was rejected.

    A lot of ebike problems are poor riding technique, changing gear under load and poor washing technique.

    Free Member

    @poah it’s a kiddimoto one 👍

    Free Member

    Absolutely awesome 👍. My daughter is 7 and just moved to a Hoy Bonaly 24. She’s small for her age and is right on the limit but she loves it

    Untitled by Tony H[/url], on Flickr

    Untitled by Tony H[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    This thread has changed my whole view of stw, from reading lots it seemed it was full of poor eco friendly cyclists that didn’t like change or waste, reality is it’s full of middle class consumers pretending to be the former, awesome 🤣🤣

    Free Member

    2003 Nissan Elgrand 3.5 V6. Had it 6 years now it’s a great family and bike bus
    Wife has a new Mercedes A250 plug in. 5 weeks in and no petrol used.
    Also have a transit courier van for work and mtb, 55-60mpg and I like vans 👍

    Free Member

    Ebikes can also be for normal fit people that like the extra speed they bring. I can ride a normal bike round the local trail centre red course in 55mins or I can take the ebike and go faster than anyone on a normal bike and enjoy the extra speed and Adrenalin it brings. Unsure why non ebike riders even care tbh.

    Free Member

    I do all my work on my bikes but when I’ve seen friends take theirs to the local bike shop I’ve always been amazed how cheap the work is. I’ve no idea how bike shops make money as lots of jobs seem to be £5 or £10 plus parts. If I didn’t enjoy working on mine the cost of using a shop wouldn’t be a consideration.
    Seems to be a STW theme that everything is expensive, ebikes, bike parks etc etc or maybe cyclists are just tight and like moaning about spending on anything.

    Free Member

    Yes, they are faster than a normal bike at trail centres and faster means more fun 🤣

    Free Member

    I’ve given up motorbike Trackdays and replaced them with emtb’ing so I’ve prob done the environment a favour, but that wasn’t the reason for getting an ebike it was so I could lap the local trail centre quicker than any normal bike and get the adrenalin buzz that comes with it, it’s all about the speed 🤣

    Free Member

    Thanks for the replies. She enjoys the riding but doesn’t enjoy being beat and I can see that takes some enjoyment away. So long as she keeps wanting to ride we’ll be out. Once covid is ‘over’ I’ll look into a club or a race series as she’d enjoy riding with other girls as few of her girl friends ride and those that do don’t go off road or can’t keep up.
    There’s no pressure on her and as commented it may be me over thinking it but as dad that’s my job to some extent. 2 wheels has been my life and it’s great she is showing interest too 👍

    Free Member

    Buy local, I’m on my 4th ebike with bosch motors now gen4. No problems so far and 2 of my older ones are still with friends. I did have a new Levo last year and it had 2 motors in 6 weeks so was rejected.
    Never jet wash them which I’m sure is part of the issue with a lot of failures, when riding don’t change gear under load and one gear at a time. Change chain every 300-500 miles and cassette 600-1000 miles. I use basic GX cassettes and cheap 1130 chains.
    The big thing for me though is keeping them away from the jet wash 👍

    Free Member

    Always surprised by those not worried about getting it, I’ve always been concerned despite not being overweight and fairly fit but I am 52. We’ve been careful but wife had to visit grandad in hospital who later passed away from it, she was only there for 20 mins and wore full PPE but a day later we all had it. I went from being well and healthy to laid in bed in 2 days, it’s taken me 6-7 weeks to get back to anything like normal, spent 9 days in bed with zero energy. Resting HR at 45 but a walk to the toilet had it at 140. Gotta admit it scared me. With this in mind I won’t be going anywhere with people this year, I think teachers should get the vaccine, at least in primary school where distancing isn’t possible. Other front line workers should get it as well. I can see a big change in how life is from now on but we have to keep it under control. Who knows what the buffoon in charge will do it’s a definite worry

    Free Member

    LOL I won’t be in your way on the downhills, tbh I’m not in the way of any normal bike at any point but I guess some of the fat ebike riders are. I might not change my ride type tomorrow and claim a few ‘normal’ bike KOMS, I can have 2 sausage rolls then :) :)

    Free Member

    LOL, if you’d read my previous posts you’ll have seen I was nothing but polite both here and when out riding, I added the bit on the end as tongue in cheek as someone else decided it was better to assume I was a fat rubbish rider who hassles non ebike riders. I was living up to their stereotype as they would prefer it that way.

    TBH with a lot of the attitude here towards ebikes is it any wonder some of them think **** it and fly by, seems a lot of normal bike riders are more inclined to judge an ebike rider first and react first without knowing how the ebike rider is. TBH my own experience at pines bears this out as I’ve caught folk before and been told to **** off when asking politely to pass.
    I’m a firm believer of treating people with respect until they show otherwise it seems a lot of people here need to live like that rather than jumping to conclusions.

    Oh and **** off :)

    Free Member

    I just love this place for the closed minds on what sort of people do many things, once applied to ebikes it makes some great reading. I’m not fat or overweight but do eat mcdonalds once a week and I love the sausage rolls served in the cafe at pines, they’re proper yummy :)

    I’ve only been riding a mtb 3-4 years now but even on downhill sections and cornering bits I manage to match speeds of much more experienced riders on normal bikes without falling off, it must be a miracle I can do this on a 25kg bike when we all know 1/2 kg makes such a difference to a cycle.

    I guess it sits better that you think ebike riders are talentless fatties, in the same vein I could say all normal bike riders are poor people and tbh should let us that can afford ebikes have the trails to ourselves then we wouldn’t be tripping over them, what bell would you recommend so I can let the poor folk know I’m coming through much faster than them ?, thanks

    Free Member

    Lol long for Sherwood pines, not long for anywhere else 🤣

    Free Member

    Couchy, I’m a regular on my clockwork bikes at Pines as it’s very local, you aren’t the problem, and it sounds as though there are plenty of eejits on both sides.
    I’ve had grief off people for a cheery “can I squeeze by when it’s safe?” if they don’t hear me approach, but most are fine. Can’t let the odd @rse spoil a ride.
    Conversely I try to sprint to a safe overtake spot if I realise someone is catching me, it’s basic trail etiquette.
    Sadly I think a few people need reminding, but for those who never knew some signage at the trail head might help. Yes, I’m being optimistic.

    We’ve probably passed at some point, tbh ebikes at pines are least of the issues at the moment especially at weekends. During first lockdown it was chaos, everyone all of a sudden had a right to be out and exercising and were vocal about it as it was essential, now it’s cold for some reason their exercise isn’t as essential…. But pines at a weekend is a no for me, families with tag alongs and seats on red, people stopping for a picnic and blocking routes, people walking and riding the wrong way. There’s a whole new group of people who have no idea of trail etiquette and no idea some of us can be doing 25-30mph on the long down hill bits, it’s pretty dangerous and tbh it’s no surprise some of these new folk are dickheads and some are on ebikes. Luckily as soon as restrictions are lifted these folk should mostly disappear back to the all day pubs and retail parks 🤣

    Free Member

    There’s plenty of slow folk on ebikes too, when I drag a friend round on his human bike we pass plenty of ebikes as he’s one of the quickest human riders and he likes the challenge of chasing me on my ebike. The look of confusion on some ebike riders faces as an XC bike passes them is ace, no aggression though.
    Maybe they’re confused riders on both bikes can be friends 🤣

    Free Member

    In the same way a car is faster than walking.

    In all the years I’ve been riding, all over the country nobody has ever reacted badly to being asked if I can pass. So either it’s a reaction to the ebike or its you or its bs.

    You only have to look at replies here some folk really hate an ebike, I don’t care tbh I just ride my bike and I’m always polite. If someone has a problem with me or my bike it’s just that it’s their problem, they won’t get a reaction from me.

    Free Member

    Wow, i best be careful Sherwood pines is my local, I ride an ebike and I live in Mansfield.
    When I catch a slower rider I wait behind till they acknowledge me and let me past, what is the proper etiquette ? I don’t have a bell so can’t ring that, do I shout excuse me please ? In the past I’ve tried the good morning can I pass when you’re ready but I’ve had replies from no, to **** off to yeah no problem. So now I don’t ask in case it’s someone aggressive, maybe it just proves there are idiots on all sorts of bikes. It can be a problem as pines is very suited to an ebike and fast in places and clockwork bikes are always slower, but idiots will be idiots it’s not related to the bike they’re on.

    Free Member

    £10k will get an 18/19 Kia ceed diesel with warranty till 25/26. We had them as company pool cars and they were fine as transport, comfy and economical 👍

    Free Member

    Entirely possible, on an ebike same as a clockwork bike you can put in 10% effort or 100% effort, its just you get that effort amplified by the motor.

    Free Member

    Cannondale trail neo, HT mtb that would do the trick

    Free Member

    Great advice here, when baby is old enough to have a comforter…ours had a bear head on a towel buy two of the favourite one they never put down. Our little un who is 7 now still has hers and still takes it to bed. When she was 2 it got lost, the shop we bought it from had discontinued the line as well. She wouldn’t settle without it and I found 2 new ones on eBay….at £25 each….I bought both and have kept the spare one just in case. If you look people are always selling these things on eBay for 5x what they cost so it must be a common thing 👍😂

    Free Member

    It shouldnt take much more than 2 hours to get some extra lighting fitted, much less if there is easy access to the cables in the attic.
    The worst case scenario is the need to cut holes in the plasterwork to get cables in. Even then, its a morning job for a sparky and plasterer together.

    Do you want a job as that is some quality assumptions ;)

    Free Member

    Our 03 elgrand has a 5 speed auto and it works fine. With 3rd row of seats up at the sides I can get 4 people and 2 full size bikes wheels on in or 4 bikes front wheels out. Road tax is import tax so £240 as it isn’t done on emissions. Mpg 20-27 depending. Depreciation has been zero in 5 years. We also have a transit custom that averages 33mpg. Over 12k miles a year the elgrand costs £11 a week more in fuel than the transit custom. The transit depreciates more than that and costs more to maintain, there’s also the chance of problems being a modern diesel and of course the transit costs more. But if you worry about mpg instead of depreciation an elgrand isn’t for you. The middle seats spin to make a lounge and use as a day van, a camp bed and portable stove make it a camper. For £5k ish there’s no better vehicle.

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