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  • Bike Check: Ministry Cycles CNC Protoype
  • copa
    Free Member

    I’m done with these political threads – anyone spots me posting in them please shoot me in the face.

    Yaaass!!! Get in.
    Back of the net. Arise Sir Binners!!!

    Bye bye looser
    Go back to your six form and read some social worker books.
    Thats what happens when you take on the smartest and funniest forum user on the plant
    Binners is a winner. And winners back winners.
    Thats why Binners will always back Special K. 500%. End of
    He sees the genius
    He sees how Sir Kee Kee is reclaiming our party for decent working people
    How he’s fighting the cancer of lefties and focusing on what matters and that’s protecting us from immigrants and rape gangs, supporting our brave boys in the military and respecting our HRH etc

    Free Member

    getting used to a heavier bike that’s the issue.

    You said it yourself. Buy another one – this one isn’t working for you.

    Free Member

    This will be a problem with the bike.
    Get a better bike.

    Free Member

    Profit and reputation before human life.
    What a bunch of despicable scumbags.

    Businesses are good guys.
    Of course, you’ll always get the odd bad apple but most are brilliant.
    What you need to understand is that their only reason for being is to make profits.
    So sure, sometimes they do things that kill people. Sometimes many people.
    It’s not them being bad, it’s just how they are.
    Instead of having a pop, I think it’s best to support them.
    Let’s stop pointing fingers and just get behind our business boys.

    Free Member

    While you’re toning it down a bit, do you think we also can we do away with the hysterical militaristic references as well. You’re starting to sound like a leftie Boris Johnson 😉

    Brilliant as always Binners. You absolute ledge!!!

    These lefties don’t like it up ’em.
    They hate that Sir Kee Kee is a politics genius who plays on a 4D chessboard.
    Just like Sir Winston, he’s a fearless fighter waging war against a Nazi threat.
    By slagging Special K the lefty sixth form types have outed themselves as Jew haters.
    Case closed. Get rid!!
    No, we won’t have that in our party.
    We are decent people who just want to get our country back.
    To stop the immigrants, to get behind our military boys and support HRH.

    Free Member

    I should probably delete all that because I don’t do Personal but bugger it.

    Nah, I think it’s healthy to talk about this stuff.
    Wasn’t having a go, just challenging some of the ‘man up’ style responses to somebody who expressed something similar.

    Free Member

    At the risk of repeating myself, you can’t catch suicide.

    What’s the relevance of that?

    There are things you can do to mitigate the risks of suicide and depression, just as there are with an infectious disease.

    And if the two are linked, it seems reasonable to take them both into account, rather than dismissively joke about one and fixate on the other.

    Free Member

    You poor thing.

    I’m not talking about OP but generally, do you think that levels of depression and suicide should be factored into any decisions about COVID-19 related restrictions? Do you think some avoidable deaths are more important than others?

    Free Member

    “Wouldn’t you say that’s what we’ve been trying to do though?”

    It’s not the impression that I get.
    Policies seem to be guided mainly by scientists; by stats and graphs.
    It’s not that they’re unimportant, just that there’s no balance with more complex and messy side of things – impact on communities, society, mental health etc

    What is the long term impact of a society in which everyone treats each other as a threat?
    Where’s that discussion?

    Free Member

    So, social distancing is doing two things to help the other 70s… reducing their risk of catching the virus, and making sure hospitals can offer them care by reducing the number of others competing for care should the need it (which is very likely, and not at all close to zero).

    All of that needs to be balanced against some of the other things it’s doing.

    Removing social activities – stopping people from attending clubs, groups and activities.
    Increasing feelings of depression and isolation.
    Stripping away things that make life worth living for many.

    People like statistics and lines on graphs because it seems to make sense of everything.
    But the impact of a virus is not neat – it’s messy and qualitative as well as quantitative.

    The total focus on stats and the failure to have a balanced discussion has allowed right-wing groups to effectively use COVID-19 to generate support.

    Why is it that it’s only Daily Mail types who seem to be talking about some pretty reasonable issues?

    Free Member

    Police and military jobs attract similar types of people.
    Mostly poorly educated and with authoritarian and right wing views.
    When they act badly, which is often, they receive support from likeminded people.
    Lets support our brave boys.

    Free Member

    I do think we shouldn’t be pigeon holing and digging at whole groups of people who hold different views and lumping them in with Mr F or calling people stupid on issues like masks and attitudes to lockdown.

    I agree with this.

    I have left-wing views, can’t stand Farage and don’t think COVID is a hoax.

    But I do have serious concerns about the general long term impact that lockdowns and restrictions may have on society.

    Looking at the problem in the round and balancing the health considerations against the impact on people’s everyday lives – on jobs and mental health/well being.

    I don’t think these are irrational concerns to have. And yet, the only people I’ve seen who are broaching these topics are right wing commentators, the likes of Farage and co.

    I understand what they’re doing and why they’re doing it. They benefit from this being a binary debate.

    Free Member

    And yes, people who don’t employ basic critical thinking and speak in cartoonish diatribes deserve to be patronised.

    A despicable attack on one of the smartest guys on this forum.

    Free Member

    Or a purist forum, keep all the bawbags in one place.

    I would be fine with that.

    Not for purists but for people who ride bicycles on mountains.
    I’ve nothing against ebikes and understand the benefits they bring but when you add a motor, it becomes something fundamentally different.

    How you ride, where you ride, what you ride. It’s all different.
    The similarities between them are superficial.

    Free Member

    …they provide assistance to those who want more out of biking

    A bicycle is a human-powered machine. Ebikes have an engine.
    It’s fundamentally different. Nothing wrong with it but it’s not the same.
    Should have a separate forum for it.

    Free Member

    Yes 😟

    It doesn’t matter what you buy.
    The problem isn’t the bike. It’s you.

    Free Member

    I’m starting to think it’s time for an ebike forum to get these sI’d ding repetitive threads out of here.

    I agree. Should be another forum.

    Free Member

    Burnham is the new Tom Watson. He’s so cool.

    Free Member

    Nothing of any relevance to 99.99999999% of people lives, that’s for sure

    Absolutely typical!

    Well said indeed.

    The thing these loosers hate about the K-dozer is that he’s 110% win mentality.
    Decent, normal working people couldn’t give two hoots about any of this lefty stuff.
    What we want is protection against the immigrants, funding for miliary and respect our monarchy.
    Sir Kee Kee is smashing it.

    Free Member

    Slay the Spire.
    It’s like Solitaire but you use the cards to battle monsters.
    It’s easy to pick up and relaxing to play.

    Free Member

    Don’t you just love to see it.

    Absolutely wonderful scenes today. Well done Sir Kee Kee.

    I’m still on a high tbh.

    Another total blinder and BoJo was literally KO’d by the brilliance of the K dog’s bodyslams.

    Free Member

    I expect that PMQ’s will be a bit lively today.

    Oh yes. Lovin it, lovin it, lovin it.

    Sir Keir Starmer KCB has been literally smashing it out the park recently.
    Guys, lets get a play-by-play going for this one.

    Free Member

    He has been. You must have been asleep.

    You’ve just repeated it and I still haven’t got a clue.

    Free Member

    Very, very, well played I’d say.

    Some more wonderful analysis on the thread that just keeps on giving.

    Politics is bascially like Top Gear, I think we’re all agreed on that now.

    The idea that Sir Keir Starmer, Knights Commander of the Order of the Bath, should be banging on about ways to improve people’s lives is quite frankly infantile.

    Policies are best left until a few weeks before an election. In the meantime, we have four more years to contribute hilarious banter and brilliant analysis to this glorious threat.

    Bravo chaps!!! Let’s get it to 100.

    Free Member

    Enjoy checking this thread out every few weeks.

    55 pages now. No ideas. No humour. No hope.

    Free Member

    Well done for accepting a gong off the British Empire.

    Free Member

    They have a really basic problem in that anything that’s good for Scotland is perceived as a threat to their Britishness.

    It’s really stifling. So they should change their position on independence.

    Free Member

    It was rubbish first time around and it looks like they’ve maintained that standard.

    Free Member

    Ah, you’re right kimbers.
    97 looks like a darker green.

    Free Member

    97 Kona. Still the bike I ride the most.

    Kona Lava Dome

    Free Member

    I agree with OPs sentiment.

    It’s something my mum, who’s in her 80s, mentioned recently. She’s still really active but obviously knows that her time is limited. Having to cancel all of her activities and spend months sat on her own in a large empty house has done nothing for her mental or physical health.

    What needs to happen, but is impossible within the UK, is a public conversation that weighs up the relative risks and benefits of various strategies. That should look at health and mortality but also the social and psychological impact of becoming a society in which everyone is perceived as a potential danger.

    Free Member

    Wonderful images guys.

    No need to bring politics into this. Lets just marvel at these majestic killing machines.

    They represent everything good in the world.

    Free Member

    It did happen, in 1707 and also in 1283.


    Free Member

    But hey, crack on with your them and us politics.

    A British nationalist accusing others of ‘them and us’ politics. Good stuff.

    Free Member

    Merely pointing out that if you lot down there continue to ‘know your place’, nothing will ever change.

    As a Welsh person, I agree. It runs deep.

    Sometime around the 1850s, we just gave up.

    Free Member

    Actually, I can think of quite a few names for them. Some of them quite sweary. None are complimentary

    I find your political banter hilarious.
    It’s so funny and outrageous with all your hilarious nicknames and all that.
    What’s brilliant is that you treat politics like supporting a football team.

    In many ways, you do for politics what Greavsie did for 80s soccer chat.
    And like Greavsie used to say – politics is a ‘funny ol’ game’.
    Well done.

    Free Member

    The Speed King Supersonics have last quite a while on my Epic and haven’t been particularly puncture prone

    Aye, they were great. Had some that lasted ages.
    Last time I looked, they were all ‘out of stock’.

    Free Member

    Rocket Ron’s in 26 x 2.1 look like they’re 480gr and probably the best available option

    I stopped using them because it’s like they’re made of papyrus.
    Might as well just use an inner tube.

    Free Member

    I really like the Vittoria Barzo that Planet X sell for cheap.
    Light but not the lightest.

    Free Member

    You make it sound like he’s running around the woods with cheese wire garrotting squirrels.

    Aye, he’s just lovingly setting up a device that bludgeons animals to death.
    He’s recording it and sharing it on a public forum in the hope of getting some clicks.
    All totally healthy. Not weird at all.

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