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  • Concern for Kona as staff take down stand at Sea Otter
  • copa
    Free Member

    What do you want it to do, kill them with flowers, chocolate, hug them to death?

    Personally, I choose not to spend my free time killing things for fun.
    That’s always an option.

    Free Member

    What a nasty device.
    I don’t buy any of the stuff about doing it for ecological reasons.
    You found a ‘cool’ gadget that kills things and you want to play with it.

    Free Member

    Find this thread profoundly depressing.
    It’s like some horror film.

    The glee and joy with which people are informing on neighbours to the police.
    For the crime of using their garden.

    It has very little to do with preventing the spread of a virus.
    It’s a celebration, an outpouring, of a particular brand of British toxicity.

    It’s an irate hatred of everything that isn’t you or your family.
    It’s the product of an atomised society that’s dominated by a right-wing media.

    Free Member

    Kona Lava Dome. Never gets old.

    Kona Lava Dome

    Free Member

    Find it unwatchable.

    An inane, shrill and histrionic ‘review’ in which the only thing you really learn is what shade of ‘outrageously awesome’ the bike he happens to be riding at the time is.

    Free Member

    This should have been posted on the general forum, it has nothing to do with bikes.

    Free Member

    Stopped using Wiggle because of Yodel.

    Free Member

    I watched a guy climb it a couple of years ago & I thought he must be on an E road bike but he wasn’t, he literally raced up

    Always impressed with this video. The way he attacks the climb and also the in-car comments.

    Free Member

    Prefab Sprout: The King of Rock ‘n’ Roll

    Free Member

    Do a Little Dog 26 version

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Sorry Elvis but I prefer the original of American Trilogy by Mickey Newbury.
    Simpler and less bombastic.

    Free Member

    These kinds of opinions – the complaints about bilingual signs – are the emotive remnants of the British Empire.
    It’s an arrogant and infantile view of the world, one which still dominates British/English life.
    It’s sold as being pragmatic and economic and all about ‘common sense’ thinking. But it’s not. It’s mostly a feeling.
    It’s about the past – the glory days of empires and wars. Something lost.
    When life was simple and the whole world undestood the superiority of British/English language and culture.
    It’s what UKIP, Daily Mail, ‘Tommy Robinson’ et al succesfully tap into.

    Free Member

    The soothing sound of Cate Le Bon singing ‘O Am Gariad’:

    Free Member

    I wear one when I think it makes sense and based on where I’m going and what I plan to do. Probably 70% of rides without, doing CX style loops.

    Free Member

    I’ve had the same in Cardiff.

    Sometimes I wear a helmet and sometimes, I don’t – depends where I’m going.

    But it’s like a mania, a hysteria, that impels people to reprimand you.

    And it’s all done in the name of safety. But a helmet fundamentalist would like nothing better than to see you injure yourself – to prove their point.

    Free Member

    I was thinking of another Kate Pierson, her backing vocals to Rock Lobster.

    Particularly the ‘here comes a stingray, there goes a manta-ray’ bit:

    Free Member

    Something like this is pretty much all stoney trail/fireroad:
    Route: Easy does it…[/url]

    Free Member

    I heard 2 blokes switch from speaking English to speaking Welsh.

    Why is that concept so hard to grasp?

    Because, like all of these claims – it’s absurd.
    You heard people speaking Welsh in a Welsh pub.

    Free Member

    I walked into a typical S Welsh boozer with about 3 men in it. Within a minute or 2 I heard a switch of language by one bloke – after we left I commented to my Lancs mate, who lives there, to check it just happened & he agreed.

    So you were in a pub in Wales and heard somebody speaking Welsh.
    Am I missing something?

    Free Member

    But don’t kid yourself that there’s no such thing as a chippy Welshman.

    Aye, of course.

    But that’s different from the story that’s being claimed here ie that a pub full of people will switch to speaking Welsh after an English speaker walks in, as a show of hostility.

    It’s absurd. It’s an apocryphal tale.

    What may have happened is that you’ve been in a Welsh speaking area and an environment where you feel uncomfortable; where you felt it would have been polite if people had switched to English.

    Free Member

    Love the way that copa’s only response to people seems to be ” I don’t believe You, when did that happen

    The general trope is that English speakers go into Welsh pubs/shops and everyone suddenly switches to speaking Welsh – as a sign of hostilitiy.

    Despite the various claims on here, I don’t think this has ever happened…in the history of the world.

    It’s rooted in people going into Welsh speaking areas and feeling uncomfortable when not everyone in their vicinity switches to speaking English.

    Free Member

    No, I`m perfectly used to that, but when you walk into a shop and they speak to you in welsh and you politely say “sorry I dont speak welsh” and they continue to talk to you in welsh even when you again say you dont understand it can be a bit annoying.

    Right, so the people in the shop were speaking Welsh. You told them that you couldn’t speak Welsh and they continued to speak to you in Welsh – forcing you to leave.

    I don’t believe you. Where and when did this happen?

    Free Member

    Im welsh and lived here my whole life but dont speak welsh and the one time I visited angelsey I was made to feel like a foreigner

    Doesn’t that just mean that they spoke Welsh in your vicinity?

    Free Member

    1) Welsh ‘The Media and Arts’ – their are certain areas in which you CANNOT work unless you speak Welsh. I was offered a Job, which involved picking up and moving things in a bi-lingual office and the offer was subject to me taking Welsh lessons in my own time and becoming fluent within a year.

    I understand about the first point as I’ve worked in the Welsh media and there were lots of jobs that I couldn’t do. But that’s not the fault of the language or Welsh speakers.

    In my opinion, that’s the fault of a country which only teaches a minority of its people how to communicate in the national language. I was taught Welsh as if it was a foreign language – how to ask directions to the post office etc.

    Free Member

    Another English speaking Welshman here, there is a tiny minority of Welsh Speaker who have a bit of a chip on their shoulder – but don’t worry English Men and Women, they’re chippy with us too.

    I find these kinds of comment depressing. I’m not a Welsh speaker either and I understand how complex things can be in Wales in terms of language and culture.

    But it seems virtually impossible for Welsh speakers to use their/our language in public areas without sparking accusations of being ‘chippy’ or as a way to secretly abuse non Welsh speakers.

    Free Member

    Group of lads slagging us off as English speakers didn’t know one of us was fluent so yes even as a Welsh man it does exist in my experience.

    Very sorry to hear this. It’s not right that you should have had to listen to Welsh people speaking Welsh in a public area. Make no mistake, the only reason they’ll have been doing it is to connive and plot against you.

    It’s a bigotry that us English monoglots have to endure throughout the globe. Wherever we go, we have these locals babbling away in their primitive languages, when everyone knows they can speak perfectly good English.

    Free Member

    I’ve had experience in the past of walking into a Welsh pub, with people talking in English, and then switching to Welsh when they heard my accent.

    It’s weird how many people have experienced this exact same thing[/url].
    A whole pub full of people speaking English and who immediately switch to Welsh.
    Do you have the name of the pub and the date of this?

    Free Member

    I reckon 97/98 are the classic Konas.
    This is still my main bike:

    Free Member

    I’ve been following this for a while.

    I remember seeing the original news report and thinking it looked fake.
    And the meticulous work of Robert Stuart provides enough evidence to reasonably suggest it was.

    Some of the Channel 4 reports from Syria have had a similar feel to them – particularly ones purporting to show victims of chemical attack.

    Free Member

    Some fascinating insights here. Never realised it was all so simple.
    Basically, valleys people are either strivers or shirkers.
    The shirkers need to get on their bikes to find work.
    Great stuff.

    Free Member

    Always loved this Victor Lewis Smith prank call to Brian Sewell:

    Free Member

    Daft title, horribly over played at the time and now mostly featured in one hit wonder lists but a beautifully understated dark/weird song:

    Free Member

    It’s not about some divine right or the out of date arrogant English argument. It’s about England’s place in the pecking order of world football .

    Hmm. It kind of is about that though. It’s the burden of believing that England is a great footablling nation and it’s demeaning that you don’t win everything.

    It’s the angst of self-entitled fans who follow a side which qualifies for just about every major tournament.

    Free Member

    I reckon England should create a royal Brexit tournament in which Prince Harry gets to choose a selection of Commonwealth countries for England to beat every four years.

    With an oversized trophy and the guarantee of triumph, it would be a great way to avoid ever having to be reminded that England is just another country.

    Free Member

    I used to ride a 21lb Kilauea. My 26lb inbred (rebas, 1×10) is much faster everywhere except road climbs….

    My other bike is a Scandal, weighs about 24lb, and the Kona is much faster for me on pretty much everything apart from rocky downhill.

    Free Member

    The bike I ride most is a 1998 Kona Lavadome.
    £99 with a few new bits added. Weighs about 23lbs.

    Free Member

    And next up, we have the University of Ghana postal workers.

    Take it away lads:

    Free Member

    We are not allowed to, it upsets our less fortunate neighbours. Odd really.

    What I find odd is how people who claim to love Britain can have such a poor understanding of it. Welsh and Scottish nationalists aren’t opposed to English identity, they’re generally supportive of it.

    Free Member

    Why are you so ignorant about humour?

    Aye, I do struggle with that Boris Johnson brand of British humour.

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