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    Free Member

    Thats what you said. It’s wrong (sorry)

    Ok then you believe that if it makes you happy.

    Free Member

    Your choices here were clarify or snark – I think you made the wrong choice.

    Thanks for your opinion. Thank you for making the effort to conceptualise and post it. Your contribution has been noted.

    Free Member

    Well yeah because you said the govt has to collect more tax to fund the NHS.

    It’s fine if you don’t understand what I actually wrote. But please don’t make shit up. Thanks.

    Free Member

    I’ve worked in a couple of such places, and the advice I’d give is to ask them what they actually need, rather than just dumping boxes of stuff off. Far too much of our time was spent having to sort through stuff, then dispose of a lot of unusable gear. Some of the most useful items are chains, cassettes/freewheels (in good condition obvs), tyres, stuff like grips, brake pads of various types, saddles. Consumables, basically. Because these are invariably scarce (in any decent state at least) and need to be bought in, which saps resources even further.

    As for ‘BSOs’; even some of the cheapest bikes can be made serviceable, as they are simple and basic. Full suspension BSOs should just be taken to the nearest recycling centre; we refused anything like that, unless it had other serviceable parts. But things like Shimano Tourney 5-6 speed mechs and shifters are absolute staples in being able to get basic bikes up and running. Posh stuff like XT etc, we sold on Ebay to raise funds for consumables.

    Please think about ‘donating’ carefully; don’t just dump off your old shit on someone who lacks the resources to deal with it all.

    Free Member

    You seem to be struggling with how govt finances work

    Oh I do, do I? 🤣 Bless.

    Free Member

    But it’s wrong to say big business should pay more tax so that we can fund the NHS. The govt can fund the NHS with as much money as it wants tomorrow. But it will then have to tax that money back later

    **** hell. 🤣

    A lot more of the money that is taxed should come from big business rather than working people

    Unbelievable. Arguing, yet agreeing, in the same post.

    The French also like it up the arse, as do most other sensible nations. Brits however get all anal-retentive about such issues. I blame Nanny for being over strict during potty training.

    They don’t like it up ’em, Mr Mainwairing…

    Free Member

    I can see an able politician and am not blinded by ideology


    Free Member

    Sunak is going to meet Sturgeon and Drakeford.

    He is about to meet two far more able politicians than him.


    Great comedy value, this thread.

    Free Member



    Free Member

    A decade ago an extreme xenophobic view was grumbling about Polish builders in the pub, shift that average point over a bit and now it’s firebombing refugees. The Daily Mail didn’t tell him to do that, but it does push the bell curve that way.

    Nah. A decade ago, asylum seekers and refugees were still being targeted by racists, mosques and community centres were being firebombed, women were having hijabs etc torn from their faces, racist attacks were still happening. They’ve always been happening. They just get more coverage now. The ‘bell curve’ hasn’t moved at all.

    Free Member

    He’s right

    Another one! 🤣

    That’s just how the money system works

    Lol! Except it doesn’t, because those big businesses (which benefit form having a healthy, well-educated workforce) exploit the inadequacies of the system to avoid paying tax, in order to give the money instead to shareholders etc. Thus enriching the rich even further. Read the post above about HMRC defunding.

    Spend first tax after

    Except this isn’t happening as it should. Hence my comment of taxing effectively.

    Free Member

    Taxes do not pay for infrastructure. – they don’t pay for anything.


    Free Member

    How would you like to do it?

    How about by taxing big businesses effectively? IE, actually applying the same existing laws to them that apply to the rest of us? That would be a start….

    Free Member

    Throwing eggs is such a waste of food, especially in this time of crisis. Why not throw poo instead; recycling, and Charles is all about organic stuff.

    Free Member

    I use a Draeger X-Plore. It gets sweaty but keeps me and my snot clean. Beats the shit out of any disposable.

    I have one of these (3300 series half-mask); I bought it to respray a bike frame. Works well, even with nasty fumey stuff like Acetone and Evo contact adhesive.

    Free Member

    but the fact is the NHS needs buildings

    Some years ago, I had to go to the Royal London to pick my mum up after she’d been having treatment. I got off the lift on the wrong floor, and was amazed to see an entire floor of potential wards space, empty. Meanwhile, downstairs in A+E, people were lying on trolleys in corridors, as there were no beds available. I asked a doctor about these empty spaces (several floors worth in fact), and he told me those floors had been allocated for private health care suppliers, but none had taken them up due to them not being profitable.

    Let that sink in as you advocate for more privatisation of our NHS.

    You know, I hear that sort of stuff constantly, I’ve never seen it.

    Free Member

    Well, it is really. More or less every GP is a privately owned partnership, as is every optician and dentist. lots of the NHS is and always has been privately owned. If they aren’t part of any “reforms” then it won’t work.

    Spoken like a true tory.

    Didn’t we do why PFI was such a terrible failure, some pages back?

    I don’t PFI was the best thing ever either, but it’s not (by a long way) the biggest threat to the NHS right now.

    So, what is then?

    Free Member

    slather on the Frogging cream

    Scoff Crudle! Ho ho; five pounds!

    Free Member

    it doesn’t have a jack for earbuds

    What ‘phone is it? You can get adapters for iPhones (Lightning to headphone), and for Android ‘phones. The Apple ones are £9, I think the Android ones are similar. You can then use any wired ear/headphones.

    Free Member

    I think she is an extremely unpleasent and selfish person

    It’s easy to judge, it’s much harder to understand.

    Have sympathy.


    Free Member

    We can all sleep tonight.

    Free Member

    Newcastle United what a change! What a transformation! Wahey!

    It’s as though the conversations about human rights abuses and dirty money have never happened….

    Free Member

    Too small? So nothing to do with their dreadful human rights record?

    Jesus **** Christ..

    Free Member

    Ooh, I’d quite like the 24-120. I have an F-mount version but it’s a bit bulky with the FTZ. The 24-70 is so small and light though, so a nicer combo to ride with. I can get that, plus a 50 1.8 and the 14-30 into a pretty small camera bag, which is excellent for travelling.

    I have used holsters strapped to a backpack straps, at the front. Works ok. Sweaty back AND chest though!

    Free Member

    The Queen Mum. I saw her in the TV section of John Lewis last week, watching the horse racing.

    Free Member

    Agreed, especially in light of their woeful lack of maintenance and repairs in the decades they’ve been a private company making vast profits…

    Free Member

    How about a front mounted pouch? I’ve just carried mine within a decent biking backpack; although it’s a bit of a faff to have to stop and get it out when you want to take a pic. A decent bar bag should be ok. I’ve carried mine in an Ortlieb Mini-O Bag (with camera insert) on my Brompton, and it’s been fine.

    And how big is ‘largeish’? I use a Nikon Z6 with the 24-70f4, that’s quite compact, but obvs something like a Z9 with the f2.8 version is a little chunkier.

    Free Member

    Not you!

    Free Member

    Are you saying it’s Aliens?

    Free Member

    Somebody forgot to put the plugs back in?

    Free Member

    Jokes need to be of a higher calibre… 🙄

    Free Member

    My mum was at the extreme end, it was a pathological condition. She was in denial about it her entire life. When I was a kid, it was mainly just bits of material (she was an avid clothes maker) and books (she was a voracious reader). Sadly, in her later years, it progressed into not chucking anything away, bar food waste. Her bathroom was filled with empty plastic milk bottles, many of them unrinsed. You literally could not get into her flat, as the door opened like 6″ (being tiny, she could squeeze in and out, but nobody else could). Eventually it became a safeguarding issue for social services, who rehoused her in sheltered accommodation. Her flat was deemed a ‘serious fire hazard’ (she was a heavy smoker). How it didn’t go up in flames, what with all the paper etc around, is a **** miracle.

    It can be an extremely debilitating condition; remember Mr Trebus on that Life of Grime documentary? My mum’s was on that scale. The roots of it are very complex; but many hoarders are in fact deeply creative and highly intelligent people. There is meaning to everything they keep. Deep set trauma is likely to be found at the root of it as well. Hoarders can be incredibly defensive to the point of violence; my mum would never let anyone help sort it out. ‘Leave it alone; it’s just a bit untidy’. She physically attacked me on a number of occasions, for trying to get rid of useless rubbish.

    ‘Treatment’ isn’t easy, or in some cases, possible. My mum did show signs of returning to the same behaviour in her new place. She was trying to create a ‘nest’ in which she felt safe, where she could hide herself away from the outside world. Her things were her ‘power’.

    Hoarding is a condition where, at the extreme end, people can suffer ridicule and abuse. There is not enough understanding of it, or any effective form of treatment. We found support in a local hoarders self-help group. That was truly enlightening. I now see ‘hoarding’ as being at one end of a spectrum of behaviour; at the other extreme end are people who cannot have any clutter whatsoever, and end up throwing away things they actually need. Most of us are int he middle somewhere. I have hoarding tendencies; learned behaviour? My dad was also quite a hoarder, but nowhere near as bad. My wife is much more of a minimalist; she’s helped me get rid of loads of useless stuff, and was incredible in getting the right support and systems in place for my mum. Very organised mind. I do sometimes have to persuade her NOT to throw some things away though! No; I need those old football boots from when I was a kid, because reasons

    Perhaps for some it’s a form of transference; my mum was very solitary for most of her latter years, so perhaps she gave things some form of sentimental ‘value’, thus forming an ‘attachment’ that she couldn’t have with people. She got very upset if we threw actual rubbish out, without her first checking the entire contents. Just in case something ‘useful’ was in there, like a practical jar or container etc. She was the bane of social services and carers.

    So when you talk about ‘hoarding’, think of where you are on a ‘spectrum’. Is it hoarding, or just ‘collecting’? There is a big difference.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Starmer’s a political chameleon. More than happy to completely change his colours according to the currentn environment. Right now, he’s around about a John Major shade of grey. I suspect once Uncle Rupert tells him to prepare for government, he’ll become a little more colourful. More a shade of purple than red, though. Things Can Only Get Better.

    Free Member

    I know I’d be out the door without my heels touching the floor

    Why would you only be walking on the balls of your feet? 🤔

    Free Member

    maybe when somebody in their 60s starts waving a firearm around they have an underlying mental health condition

    Or maybe not. People do daft things, it doesn’t have to be more than that. Don’t ascribe fictional conditions to a situation you know nothing about, as this doesn’t help anybody.

    Free Member

    There’s a ‘creative space’ near me that has a bar where I sometimes go for a drink. Sat there one evening, and a group come out and start loading a bunch of film making gear into a van. Part of it was a trolley with a stack of computery looking stuff on it. I asked one of the guys loading it what it was, and he told me it was a Raid 10 array they’d been using for shooting and editing. About a couple of dozen or more SDDs, 4Tb each apparently. Fast! Possibly a little overkill for most domestic use though.

    Free Member

    Bugger; for a moment there, I read ‘Melanie Phillips’….

    Free Member

    Print off Section 5 of the Firearms Act and leave it on her desk, that should hopefully scare her into handing it in to the police

    This is the best bit of advice yet.

    Set it in jelly.

    This is almost as good.

    Also; you might want to be mindful of the fact that not reporting it might in itself constitute a crime. Joint enterprise? That might only apply if you’re a Black kid who just happens to live in the same town as a suspect though…

    A gentle reminder that firearms offences carry a minimum of five years in jail, might be the nudge the woman needs…

    Free Member

    Well, he is ‘working class’, after all….

    I actually went past his house recently. Some friends live not too far from him. It’s a very nice area, with lots of very expensive houses.

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