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  • Take Care Of Your Trails 2024
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    Free Member

    It makes me realise that there are many people in the country that I will simply never understand

    This is why it’s important to try to understand others as much as possible. It’s a major flaw of our society, that socioeconomic divisions prevent positive and progressive socialisation between people, and this is why we have such a fractured and dysfunctional society. Instead of just shaking your head and ascribing negative qualities in those who behave differently to yourself, why not take the time to understand? That would involve actually talking to their people though, and the British really aren’t very good at that.

    I’m finding The Queue fascinating for myriad reasons. It’s not just ‘brainwashed sheep’ who are attending, it is a reasonably diverse collection. Although still overwhelmingly White, from what I’ve seen (admittedly limited). From that observation alone, we can extrapolate multiple explanations. But my main takeaway from it is that many people have experienced a sense of loss, and I don’t know if that void will be filled for them. So perhaps we should all be a little less judgmental and a little more empathetic.

    2 women sexually assaulted in The Queue. That’s messed up. 😱

    Free Member

    Stick. I’d be waiting until either the battery started to die or you stopped getting updates.

    This is sound advice. It’s all about want vs need. Sure, it’s nice to have the latest thing, but it’s expensive, pointless and environmentally damaging. I tend to get about 3-4 years out of any smartphone; all the little drops, bangs and hot/cold cycles tend to degrade the electronics, and the batteries also degrade. I replace when performance becomes a pain in the arse. On a 12 now; will probably not replace for another 2-3 years yet. Plus a big jump to new technology is far more fun than a smaller one from say one year to the next year’s model. I went from a Samsung S7 to my iPhone 12; a significant leap!

    Free Member

    Lordy. My wife has discovered ’Grievewatch’ on Twitter. 😲

    Free Member

    I think people talking about Police states, and not being able to say what they want are being more than a little melodramatic

    How do you think fascist dictatorships start? You are aware that you now have less rights concerning ‘freedom of speech’ etc, than you did just a few years ago? And that our rights and freedoms are being eroded, not expanding (as you’d expect in a progressive democracy)?

    ‘They came for X and I didn’t speak up, for I am not X…’

    Free Member

    Every one is free to behave how they want, if you act like a dick (and by any measure, opening a bottle of champagne to celebrate that some-one has died is acting like a dick) then other people might take offence

    The problem with that is, that there is no way of assessing dickishness; it’s simply a matter of personal opinion. One might think that someone claiming some absurd ‘divine right’ to rule is the very pinnacle of dickishness. And one might indeed have a fair point, seeing as how there would be no way for the dick to actually prove this.

    And here we are.

    Enjoying the surreal spectacle of seeing this incredible queue, from afar. Truly one of the most bizarre things I’ve ever seen.

    Free Member

    No defending the chip shop owner but that sounds like a fairly terrifying bit of mob mentality going on there!

    We’re seeing just how much ‘freedom of speech’ people really have, what with people being arrested for such, and having their businesses and properties attacked. This is quite disturbing.

    Free Member

    and what is wrong with inequality ?

    I think some people should perhaps take a step back from this thread, and take some time to reflect quietly on how recent events are affecting them. Because lashing out by saying stupid things isn’t really going to add anything to the discussion.

    Free Member

    Bless her, she was still sticking to her guns until we asked her to imagine rolling over one morning and coming face to face with my dad laying cable about 15ft away.


    My wife is asking me why I’m laughing so much. I suspect there will be eye rolling.

    Free Member

    I really don’t know why there is this attitude on here of ‘now is the time to discuss the future of the monarchy’.

    Try reading some of the numerous posts regarding such then. The fact is, that the death of Elizabeth has indeed sparked countless debates and arguments, and it appears this is actually quite possibly the very best time to be having such discussions. I certainly don’t think those who want to discuss how to move closer towards actual genuine democracy should have to wait until some others deem it an ‘appropriate’ time. Because we might well be waiting forever…

    Free Member

    To all those royalists who appeared to be triggered by any whiff of dissent; do you genuinely feel a sense of loss? Does the death of Elizabeth leave you questioning your own sense of identity? Much is being said about such, including g on this thread, so I’m wondering if it is a fear of the ‘unknown’ without a stable constant as represented by the Queen, that is unsettling some people? It would be interesting to hear your thoughts on this.

    Free Member

    A woman who spent the whole of her life putting other people before her


    Just checking in from a sultry, humid Marseille. Where quite literally nobody, even the few Brits we’ve encountered, gives a flying **** about the Queen, or the monarchy. The French and Germans just think it’s absurd that Britain still clings into such an antiquated anachronism. My wife is just happy she’ll now get an extra bank holiday off, meaning she’s actually taken less leave than before we left. 😀

    Vive la Republique!

    Free Member

    It feels desperate and increasingly out of sync with the views and attitudes of the public. It’s pedalling harder and harder. And achieving less and less.

    Is pretty much a spot-on assessment and summary, I’d say.

    Free Member

    Oh wow! 🤣 That’s mad.

    I guess Apple are still amateurs when it comes to extortionately overpriced, pointless smart watches after all…

    £849 now seeming like an absolute bargain, plus it does loads more. And works properly, or has Garmin software reached ‘actually useable’ levels yet?

    Free Member

    Stop moaning and get on with your lives

    So; people should just suspend caring about what happens in the rest of the world, just because some other people say so? Hmm. A tad dictatorial wouldn’t you say? What happens to free speech? What would your response be to someone telling you to ‘stop mourning and get on with your life’?

    Mourn Hub

    This deserves greater coverage.

    Free Member

    I still think a separate thread would have been better but hey ho. Here we are

    One for the sycophants, and one for the seditionists? But then you just get two echo chambers and no debate. 🤔

    Free Member

    I googled some smartwatches as a result of this thread, and found this:

    I don’t play golf. Could I still wear it on the Tube? Can I get one to go with my Hunter wellies? 🙂

    Free Member

    Porsche and Audi are both owned by VAG, so why would they want competition between their own brands? Seems a bit strange. But I suppose Ferrari and Alfa are owned by the same company too. Will VAG have a two-tier team system like that? ‘High end’ and ‘consumer’F1 brands? Skoda to come in as new back markers?

    Free Member

    Some responses! Praise the Lord!😀

    Thanks @thegeneralist; the last link is the place I found. My wife is particularly interested in the electric MTBs. That could be a lot of fun.

    I would remember that crime in and around Marseille is like parts of North london/manchester etc so be on your toes

    We live in north London. It’s not as bad as people who don’t actually live there think it is. I’m sure if we can survive here, we can survive in Marseille.

    Just out of interest @too bloody old; have you experienced crime in Marseille recently? On what information are you basing your advice?

    Free Member

    Well, perhaps they feel that this is not the time for these discussions

    When is then? I would have thought the moments after the death of a monarch were the perfect time to discuss such matters! If not now, when?

    150,000 people die in road accidents in India each year. Are you sufficiently interested to read about that in the news each day?

    Yes. Because I think such issues are of far more importance than countless accounts of ‘the queen came to our village and smiled’ type stuff. I want to learn about the world in which I live, to become better informed and more enlightened. The BBC has a duty, awarded by its Public Service Broadcasting charter, to ‘inform, educate and entertain’, and quite frankly, I see it doing very little of the first two things these days.

    Free Member

    Thanks @thegeneralist. My quest continues…

    Free Member

    people seemed to be very successfully hiding their woes with lots of jollity

    Just back from the pub as well. Had to reprimand some Young People for being far too joyous and irreverent. They invited us to a club night that had been arranged only today, to celebrate the life of our Glorious Monarch. Or something. A credit to the nation, they are.

    MTB hire in Marseille? Anybody?

    Free Member

    I am going to wear all black for 3 days at my office full of Republicans

    A kind of reverse Colin Hunt.

    So glad to be going abroad until after the funeral. What fortuitous and excellent timing. Thanks Liz. 😀 Oh; and if anyone knows of a decent MTB hire service in Marseille, I’d be grateful for any advice. Thanks.

    (Tried asking on the Bike forum but it seems nobody on here actually looks at that bit. 🤣 )

    Free Member


    Weird flex but ok

    Not really. The vast majority of such devices sold are never used anywhere near genuine wilderness areas, or in actual extreme conditions. Apple know this, and are masters at producing products that fit the market perfectly. Same as most 4x4s never see any actual dirt etc.

    I have an Apple Watch (S7). It’s bought it because I thought it would be ‘fun’ to have. IE; it’s a toy. I like it; it actually has helped me become more active and to exercise more. I’m use it on the Tube and buses, for the NFC ‘Oyster card’ function. I use the Apple Pay feature in shops. I can use it as a remote for controlling all sorts of other needless lifestyle gadgets around the house, such as lights, hifi, Apple TV etc. I love it. But then I’m not a Bear Grylls wannabe. Perhaps I’ll buy some Hunter wellies just to go on the Tube. 😀

    Free Member

    I wonder how much it will cost us to change all the banknotes and stamps, crests/badges on public and state institutions etc? Perhaps Charlie can go on Cash in the Attic see if he can raise a few quid from all her nick-nacks etc.

    Free Member

    Come on people; I’m off next week. Would be good to get some ideas for hiring decent bikes.

    Free Member

    it’s the watch equivalent of the hunter wellies worn on the London tube.

    Of course it is. But then:

    It’ll get as much adventure use as 99.9% of most fenix’s and instincts ever made.

    Most of the stuff made by the brands mentioned are simply lifestyle/status symbol items anyway. If you ‘need’ such things to toddle around Snowdonia or wherever, then you probably shouldn’t be there anyway. You should never be reliant upon any such electronic devices if you’re going to anywhere truly remote; proper knowledge of what you’re doing, the local terrain and environment, and being able to navigate without such devices will be far more useful in a proper survival situation. So this is no worse a gadget than most other similar devices really. Wearing a Garmin or Suunto etc watch because it’s more of an ‘adventure’ device doesn’t make your penis any larger.

    Free Member

    No ideas?? Perhaps people are too busy on the various politics threads! 🤣 Forgive me for thinking this was an MTB forum…

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