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  • Specialized Power Pro Mirror Saddle Review
  • compositepro
    Free Member

    erm here goes this is a big cano of worms when it comes to welding a frame up and i think people are getting parralel and concentric mixed up

    bb shells are mainly blanks and when they are put on a jig theres often extra material in the wall but they do have a thru bore which could be described as a datum

    welding distorts the shell so even if it was turned as a round tube it wont be after its welded in Most cases a machine is used to firstly remove the extra material down to the threads minor dia then the actual thread is put in whilst the frame is mounted in the same position

    the ideal way to to make people and bearings happy and get the threads concentric is to thread in one operation from one side of the frame

    due but due nature of one thread being lh and one being rh this is harder than it would seem unless you have a stubby tap and releived internal shell so in production world the frame will need turning over…this may mean a loss in concentricity as you need to unclamp the frame and turn it over and reclamp it

    there are machines which do both sides in one op but this relies on the concentricity of the two guides as they go in

    invariably despite the best efforts frames are not always straight
    so when it is replaced opposite side up the faces which whilst parralel may be out of line with the frame and when its clamped back down the axis mof the shell may be off

    the bb30 spec calls for the shell to be bored in one hit ensuring concentricity on both bearing bores so theres no loss in concentricity of the bearings cannondale have a cnc machining centre dedicated to keeping the head tube and BB at 90 degrees plus or minus a gnats cock to each other….i have seen it

    facing a frame will allow parrelelism of the faces of the shell and hence the design of the tools will mean it should be parrallel to the thread bore but this will only be relative to each side

    the two sides could then be considered seperate datums

    when an inline tool is used one side will be happy to go down the thread and sface the shell and the other may just take a little bit of material from one side of its bore and maybe a lot from the other this could mean the thread axis is not inline with the shell bore …in most cases you wouldnt really notice but some are just dogs and you end up with a weedy thread or in the hands of a beginner a shell which was worse than when you started

    the worst case is that you will have parralel faces and one bore thread being on axis with the other side again on axis but being unconcentric in the reference to the other thread

    it gets complicated after this and is more than you could go into on a forum the correct term i believe would be the axis runout and perpindicularity of the faces to both or in the case of thru bored single axis

    Free Member

    firstly dont worry about a thing ….i went through the mill with all sorts of intestinal problems and they thought it was coeliac disease ..antibody tests were positive

    the gastro will probably stick a endoscope down the procedure lasts minutes and the worst part is the awful anasthetic that numbs your throat …it is the gold standard for diagnosing coeliac disease and really the only way of confirming accurately…well thats what my gastro told me

    if it does come back and your little intestine is indeed taking some hammer you will simply need to eat gluten free i did this for a while and it improved my condition no end though i am not a coeliac i merely had a very overactive immune system

    theres a much bigger range of food that is about that is gluten free now. and it isnt as bad as a lot of people think it is!!!in fact i quite enjoy making my own bread…but don t expect the shelves to be piled high with stuff your used to …the supermarkets havent got the ranges of food the specialists have.

    its just a learning curve and like in my case i was diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder not coeliac so theres a chance you may not be

    Free Member

    wharncliff is ok …i actually live up by cut gate and langsett tbh its pretty shit now as far as im concerned…ruined

    but you can get all the way to wharncliffe along the bottom side of penistone..wombwell wood is ok and so is high green high green used to be a good ride through to wharncliffe if you didnt want to go down into the deepcar side you could just turn round at the top…if you head further round than cut gate to dunford bridge its good riding though we try to keep a lot of the trails quiet round that part over to holme moss way

    Free Member

    nearly as good as their very recent scientific brake test!!!!

    Free Member

    never had a problem with basic round discs….but if you head over to mtbr to the hardcore never wrong about brakes section theres a lot of opinions (some very interesting lol)

    Free Member

    worm can opened

    Free Member

    treks abp is pretty neat in terms of isolating stuff…wait for shock technology to advance a bit more it'tl come down to geometry and a clever little processor in the shock

    Free Member

    news from someone whos inside the the virgin camp (me)…the noises are pretty accurate

    redbull are not late again but if you work inside redbull like last year theres method in putting your car out late .

    Free Member

    its rained all night from about 9pm and its still raining now if the track down across vera's field is anything to go by i would say theres going to be a fair bit of mud around

    Free Member

    wonder if they can weld it yet?

    Free Member

    the channel guide has been fixed with a mark 2 version of the rollerthis is out now and i believe it just got released…for the UK frames

    Free Member

    could always phone em

    01226 762 337

    but for the record iirc its open sundays though lately i havent been down

    if not the flouch inn is open sundays i go cos its closer to my house

    Free Member

    anyone been to

    Free Member

    spotted on sunday

    Free Member

    i stand corrected must be a bit of a different scale

    Free Member

    dunno but the motors too big for the marshmallow ferry…engineering fail

    Free Member

    thats the one on guy martins page

    Free Member

    wern't the one on the website ..

    Free Member

    goan did you go bankrupt personally or did the buisness go bankrupt

    Free Member

    i live just across the road from the flouch inn…you know where the people go over mickleden edge t get to cut gate

    moved there to go riding …thought it would be the best bit

    the actual best bit is theres few and far people for at least 5 days

    worst bit

    everyone turning up at weekends

    oh forgot to add the woman who NOW owns the pub now does B&B

    I am spending lots of time in bicester now though so the quiet week became a moot point

    Free Member

    you get paid more working in f1

    Free Member

    IIrc it was the enterprise act that made it easier or less stigmatic to go bump…it used to be six years of being labelled a complete twunt now it can be as little as 3 to 4 months for simple cases of not enough money to meet your liabilities…providing you haven't run up 20 k on the old columbian marching powder…hookers ,or a punt on the gee gee's

    as for the stigma attached as someone above pointed out there are a fair few successful buisnesmen that have been bankrupt or at least used the legality of bankruptcy (playing the system)to make sure whats under the bed can be put to use later … other half deals with things like this and some of the stories (cases) make you wonder how people actually grew balls big enough to do some of it

    some consider a year of having to live and die by what the Official reciever a godsend (just make sure on paper your outgoings and earnings after you have submitted your paperwork mean you have nothing left extra)

    this can result in a Undertaking to provide a certain element of your future earnings for up to 3 years back to the official receiver or with an IVA struggling for 5 years paying off the debt …depends where you are and what you think about paying off what you owe..but if your struggling to pay your creditors then chances are you have a default or something on your credit file so a BR order isn't going to change the fact that in this day and age a blemish means slim chance of getting anything from anyone..

    im not going to say i would jump on it but if it came to it an the chips were down and i had no assets i wouldn't lose any sleep over getting the banks to add a bit more onto their tax write off for the year.and sticking my two fingers up ..they win either way.

    Free Member

    been down this road myself

    I use a lot of engineering software and it did take a while to get this sorted but in essence im running a mac pro dual processor for a desktop (and it flies)and a dell m6400 for a laptop, considered the mac but hardware wise the dell kind of just tipped it in its favour

    however they are lovely i couldnt buy an equivalent dual nehalem desktop for the same money as i got the mac pro for so the rumour macs are more expensive depend on what you are using it for

    honestly the mac pro was always running bootcamp untill a birdy told me i could still run windows without it or osx ….parralells for my kind of usage is a hog….but for the average consumer it does mean you get the best of both worlds and its worth it for that flexibility alone

    i would love a little 13 in macbook pro however they just seem so small and covetable

    Free Member

    italian cry babys

    Free Member

    spoon its already been done bikes dont need to be 6 odd pounds to pass cen either …however price is what sells and i wouldnt expect the queue to be very long for steel frames over 600 quid

    if a bike is designed for racing it doesn't have to comply with cen either
    big loophole first page of document

    Free Member

    yes you can get one without forks 2008 one is about 900 quid

    Free Member

    hydroforming another buzz word which is mucho misunderstood
    orange could press their monocoques for absolutely less than they bend metal for they are just asking the wrong people how to do it

    when we were building the san andreas bikes the process was so simple and cheap it was unbelievable

    Free Member


    I hear pee is actually sterile ?

    Free Member

    lol ………kipper jackson…now frequents wombwell i think he has an ASBO for the town centre

    Free Member

    i have a question do women squat down to pee in the shower like they do behind pubs and bars

    oh well if its good enough for paula radcliffe!!!

    Free Member

    oh believe me greggs isnt just an upper class eatery its now a "spectator sport" venue tis the best part of my night round t'old tarn

    Free Member

    men have rights too

    its obvious you have never been to barnsley if you had the word woman is just the two letters wo tagged on to the word man to describe what can only be a deviation in the theory of human evolution

    at least you know men are going to fart burp and generally be a bit crude

    however when the first words you hear from a lot of females round the town centre is buy us a f***ing dring cock followed by you f***ing w***er when you don't take up the charming request…only to bump into said female whilst shes stuffing a greggs or chicken and gravy into her face whilst letting the odd burp and fart go at 3 am ..still she manages to fit in a few swear words in your direction "what you f***ing lookin at cock!!

    i wonder??

    you learn to think some things are just meant to be left alone

    Free Member

    i got into this boat racing lark in a big way at one point
    little known fact

    compositepro designed boats at one point…well did the composites on em

    i still believe one of them holds the volvo ocean race record and won it oh and the other came second….

    confidence in abilities shocker was when a main spar snapped on an americas cup boat…however that was ultimately down to shoddy argentinian workmanship

    Free Member

    zone well done for hitting nail on head

    i do have concerns though that someone may have either tipped you off about something or you work in a very similar industry to me

    Free Member

    how on earth would you get an accurate result from any tests

    bearing in mind drug companies dont really need (ahem) accurate test results

    Free Member

    Brooksons are shocking…Vinney H has the best advice here

    I laughed my head off at brooksons when I was in the same situation

    Free Member

    definitely blame the ganglia

    Free Member

    yes yoou can get it again

    mates young un has it at the moment and i havent so i did some research

    apparently if comes bag as shingles if your immune system didnt get rid of it completely…it can lie dormant in your ganglia apparently which are something to do with your nervous system…when it comes back it can reactivate as shingles

    Free Member

    theres an agency in sheffield called kinetic ask for a guy called chris carter he usually woerks one to one rather than the usually bandy your cv round to every chuff.

    Free Member

    druid the new ones are from lynskey

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