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  • Using an eSIM To Stay Connected In Remote Locations While Hiking Or Biking
  • compositepro
    Free Member

    He might not have actually hit anyone this time, but driving like that contributes to the feeling that the roads are unsafe, which means parents don’t let their kids out as much and don’t let them cycle to school.

    kids dont give a flying **** about going out anyway they would rather be wedged to their ipads safely tucked up at home watching you tube videos of cyclists nearly getting run over ,so essentially theres no harm done there

    Free Member

    Isnt the current go to device a hozelock backpack sprayer?

    is it , has the lidl far eastern origin for peanuts compressor fallen out of favour? the ones like

    Free Member


    Free Member

    i read on the internet, and it were a proper medical thing not some dodgy site

    Sex is one of the more powerful painkillers

    im not sure what you need to do with that information

    Free Member

    even a cursory look at the evidence would have shown the cyclist was going up the cycle lane the wrong way so we’re back to looking at all the evidence properly. No problem.

    …you honestly believe that? there will be money and legals (loosest use of word) involved

    Free Member

    your gonna need a smaller boat

    Free Member

    Whether or not the cyclist was in the wrong a good motorist should be checking both directions,for the unexpected not the expected .

    WTF are you on

    wether the motorist was in the wrondg a good cyclist would have leapt the car with cat like knievil skills

    on a serious note good job implied liability wasn’t in force

    Free Member

    OK, so it’s from the copy over on PB, but it rather sums up the problem….

    A tire intended for enduro racing should allow a rider to push their limits on virtually any type of trail, but at the same time not feel like a tractor tire on the way back up.
    So, you mean like a, erm, hold on, tip of my tongue, like a mountain bike tyre! The sort of thing that many of us have been using for years for all round trail riding?

    With a solid four years of development,
    So, was under development before the enduro concept had really taken off? A cynic might say they had rebranded an “all mountain” or (Insert marketing guff term here) tyre.

    Michelin’s goal was to balance a burly, versatile tread pattern with a compound and casing that would roll well, all while still offering top notch traction and durability in a variety of situations.
    Again, you mean like a mountain bike tyre.

    This isn’t so much a dig at the folks at PB, who after all are just getting suckered in to it all, but more to point out the silliness of the enduro fad, as after all, it’s just rebranding what so many of us have ridden for years as trail centre skill compensators, gnarpoons, all mountain rigs or overmountain sleds, braw.

    Niche out!


    And hence the reason CFH will never write for a mountain bike magazine ….you cut through the shit

    Free Member

    Composite pro. Do you understand presumed liability?
    The reason why it affects an HGV more is they’re bigger than everything else. So if a car drives into me, I’m at fault until I prove otherwise.

    well kind of but im very cynical of it

    for example if motorists were told we will fit a black box in everycar to monitor you driving like a tit and therefor have 100 percent proof of who we can apportion blame there would be a public revolt

    see that’s what its all about in my opinion finding the easiest way to apportion blame or beat one group of road users with a stick till they perform in a nicer manner and it kind of smacks of hypocrisy when cycling groups are saying education and respect for all

    ffs the circus stopped training animals like this a long time ago and even then you didnt educate the animal ,you made it fearfull to do anything else ,its not educationg anyone is it

    Free Member

    i think the only progress on this thread is some folks do realise some folks drive like tits and blame the others others cycle like tits and blame the others

    Free Member

    @compositepro – there is no money choice to be made here though. I’m not going to quit work altogether, as that would mean we’d have to live in a bin. For the purposes of argument, the two options are revenue neutral.

    OK take the money out of the equation some folks seem to put earning up on a pedestal and use providing monetarily as a reason for not having seen their kids grow up

    I considered which will get me the most time with my family (i fall into the wanted as much time as possible catagory and im not saying everyone wouldnt want that though i know some who cant wait to get the hell out of dodge monday morning ), but in the end it was a massive trade off there are no companies in yorkshire that need someone with my basic skills so i said to my oh if things get tight then sure ill have to get a proper job but then got sidetracked doing something else anyway so we just muddled through

    In all honesty im happier for seeing as much of her start in life as i have been able to

    Free Member

    I was in exactly the same boat when ours came along

    you have two ways of looking at it

    money is worth more than the time you will never get back watching your newborn grow

    money is not worth more than the time you never get back watching your newborn grow

    and when she/he gets to 2 or three and bcomes a little character of his/her own there is no amount of money that will buy what you will miss out on

    i took option B and went from being comfortable to skint ,but i wouldnt change it

    Free Member

    Is dying not a really poor way of freeloading?

    its probably a pretty poor way of doing a lot of things truth be known

    Are insurance premiums prohibitively expensive in Europe? Because virtually every country in the EU has such laws. How do they manage ( & why are drivers so much more considerate to cyclists in those countries?)

    we covered this last time round bay saying people in europe were more honest and less likely to screw each other over at every opportunity ,

    “Lifes not fair”
    No, but this will make it a bit fairer.
    As an HGV driver, this will affect me more, because everyone is more vulnerable compared to me. But I still think it’s a good thing, it might calm people down on the roads.

    Why will it affect you more? Im assuming as a cyclist your driving your HGV with a more cautious approach

    Free Member

    Redditch isn’t too near Hereford

    My Bad

    Free Member

    Why should I have to pay for life insurance.

    worlds not safe is it?

    some evangelists cyclists would blame shit drivers if they had a heart attack whilst taking a shit (more common than you think)

    Free Member

    Prisoner on the loose, reported sightings in Hereford. Boring but probably the reason

    Didn’t some convicted double murderer bloke just walk out of the nick down hereford way??

    Free Member

    if this gets passed im going to reverse over myself

    the systems already so **** stupid ill probably get a payout

    God forbid you get knocked of your bike and die. Do you want your family to go without

    God forbid people are sensible enough to get life insurance rather than freeload

    Free Member

    compositepro- think you are mixing up powdercoat and poster paint there.

    poster paint has created some awesome childrens works of art

    Free Member

    why do people think powdercoat is awesums

    paint = milk nice tasting and good for you
    powdercoat = powdered milk generally **** useless for anything

    Free Member

    Jings! that is a belter.

    no heres a belter

    Free Member

    OHHH ****

    Free Member

    I met the gamekeeper for north america some years ago (obviously could be a different one now). He blocked the trail, told me that the BW i was riding was a FP, claimed to be the landowner himself, then started throwing punches when I argued. A prize twunt all told. Luckily the ranger I had seen him talking to gave me his name to report to peak authorities and the local rozzers.

    Not sure he’d be going back to report that one to his boss: “I blocked a right of way, claimed to be you, then punched someone”.

    Was he scotiish and was he the keeper as theres also a guy wanders round up there with his border collie saying hes a keeper and also he sometimes plays a PNP ranger with a red coat on

    Last time i encountered him and his agressive attitude towards me on land that was’t his i wasnt polite

    Free Member

    new van its the only way to be sure

    Free Member

    I own more gore tex gear with Jahti Jakt or duck-dri labels than I do with endura on them…

    Awesome when did gore tex make you the landowner?

    Secondly he might not have said stop riding , he might be reporting back to the landowner saying we are all becoming a PITA

    Free Member

    thailand for the scenery…honest

    Free Member

    I’m sure it will bring a lot of joy to a lot of people.

    right before you cut their hair

    Free Member

    mine has an emergency door release hidden away behind the kickplate at the bottom its like a manual relaese in case the interlock gets stuck

    Free Member

    The one person who had a problem with you riding there is, sadly, the one person who has a legal right to say anything.

    Aye maybe not piss the gamekeeper off who might go back to his boss and say whats going on

    My next doors the gamekeeper for langsett moor and the other guy runs north america from what i can gather they can and will throw the teddy out the pram if you start affecting their land and can and will shut it down regardless

    Free Member

    sad way of the world where female riders are unable to get any media attention without flashing tits.
    Do you expect Kelly Holmes etc. to do the same?

    i dont expect it had you said kelly brook …**** yeah

    Free Member

    and the one from llleton or wherever

    Free Member

    [/quote]compositpro, can you please explain the nobber bit?

    Ill blame the kindle for that but its not waht it seems

    Free Member

    Pubs use better ingredients, for example their potatoes are often King Edwards or Jersey Royals – you know Royal varieties. Chippies on the other hand use Alan Greens or Jonathan Agnews – you know common taters……………….

    this has the makings of a thread all on its own

    “which potato for”

    Free Member

    unpretencious nobber being ripped of by city that caters for pretentious nobs shocker

    Free Member

    how the hell do you know its post 100 or who has replied to a thread i only read whats on page 1

    Free Member

    Yeah, the great thing about the Concorde incident is that the SR 71 guys were in effectively spacesuits and the Concorde pilots BA shirtsleeves.

    Danny again covered in the book, leaving in a hurry had been proven by an SR71 driver in a pressure suit at mach 2.6 or something dont think a BA shirt would protect ?

    Oh god, my one bat “fact” gets it’s annual outing…

    I know nowt about bats….are you singletrack dave? if not it was his fact

    Free Member

    ill see how the two gay sailors in a dinghy comment goes

    Free Member

    That is ace. And the dinghy stabber – that’s thinking of everything

    why did this conjour an image of two sailors man loving stuck in an inflatable boat

    Anyone just read the recent article on the BBC news website?

    Apparently a few years ago, UK air traffic control informed an SR71 Blackbird pilot (travelling at full chat,) that he was going too slow and that he needed to move over and let a faster aircraft continue on its journey.

    Yes.. you guessed it…… Concorde!

    Nobody does it better.

    i believe the real version and reason they let it go was outlined in the book “sled driver” as an SOP for civillian aircraft if a faster aircraft was in need to descend through civilian airspace below FL600

    It was mentioned to me last night as i read my how to build your own stalth bomber in your garage book book that bats were casualty in hangars around stealth aircraft , a chap who knows a man who knows lots about bats pointed out they navigate by memory so it was more of a nice anecdote possibly than fact

    Free Member

    NO definitely not …its our fault for wanting having a requirement for money

    if we didn’t they could quite happily keep it all and we would be unaffected

    Free Member

    Made the forks from scratch, modified the rear triangle quite a bit – the main frame and stem are standard.

    awwwww man i asked this on the other place…you might as well make the whole schebang if they complain send them my email address….lol

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