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  • A Spectator’s Guide To Red Bull Rampage
  • compositepro
    Free Member

    the ‘perfectly good’ trails in Greno’ were fine when nearly 7 people a week went there.

    have you not noticed things only get popular when some one tries to build a **** trail centre the 7 folks going were quite happy then someone dug it up then more folk came

    oh then no one could be arsed anymore

    im very **** off ill ride where the hell i like orientated

    jesus christ if you need to have a trail built for you go and buy a road bike

    Free Member

    crashes in europe are rare and statistically are two things which make for comedy gold

    i can tell you some right stories about very very expensive subassemblies for aircrafT, and enginE components that as they neared the end of their process and got more and more valuable in terms of “holy shit we can’t scrap this value” you know stuff that gets bodged before it gets to the inspectors so it doesn’t fail

    would i get on a plane with certain engines on it would i ****

    and to be honest neither would you if you knew


    terrorism isn’t even a dot on the landscape compared to whats hidden mechanically waiting to go wrong

    poof here one minute dropping out of the sky the next

    holy **** dont even get me started with carbon jets…jeeeeeeesus

    Free Member

    can you hear the roar of my 4.2 thorium reactor….oh you cant ..gutted

    maybe if i put one of those loud exhausts on it

    Free Member

    my tungstens have thorium in them goes off to empty dust collector onto floor

    this was more interesting but dunno what the scalability (chances of oil related economy destabalization) for the automobile would be

    Free Member

    raise 8.5k dig a wood up so someone can say gerorf our land when it gets really busy and annoying for the landowner = genius if you ask me

    its a bit like dug up when there was no real need, and now sits crumbling away ..waste of time

    Free Member

    i have one, i would love to say its awesome

    but its for sale and has been used once…thats about my opinion of it

    Free Member


    + 1 minute to spray the wall wash away the evidence……surely you dont just leave it sliding down the tiles

    Free Member

    Not to worry about contamination now. We were all probably well and truely contaminated when at school…

    I always wondered about this , the amoiunt of asbestos garage roofs we used to play on , fall through when we were kids and then when they used to demolish them there was the smashing of any sheets or flourescent lightbulbs we could lay our mindlessly destructive hands on

    Free Member

    I am on minimum wage, work 50+ hours a week, doing two jobs, just to keep my head above water, but I would not swap my life at the moment for any of my friends who are considerably better off than me, but some of them are deep down, bitterly unhappy with their life.

    ^^^^^^ this same boat…i know one guy who would jump off a cliff if he didnt have money to go out and impress his friends with

    me im happy 99.9% of the time i get to spend it with my kid, sure we might have to scrape the £5.10p together to go swimming some weeks but hey the little things cancel out negative thoughts

    if your going to get angry i suggest vigilantiism (and yes im being serious) to get out your system just be careful you dont get caught pummelling the face in of some scrote who just robbed a little old dear
    is a reason to get angry

    Free Member

    I mentioned it on your other post you can nip down t motorway if your the lad in wakey and see all this for yourself it might be easier than using tinternet

    Free Member

    No mention of what your using

    A lot is down to experience

    Free Member

    Can I raise a practical question at this point?

    If you could have your lunch written into a legally binding contract, but it has to be the same thing every day, what would you have?

    I’d have a chicken tikka kebab, on naan, with everything on, delivered to my desk every lunchtime. It’s got to be from Hunters Barbecue though. Or equivalent standard

    does this come with free onsite paramedics for the impending congestive heart failure

    Free Member


    Free Member

    and a swing to the left

    Free Member

    think like an MP and if HMRC question your expenses use an MPs expense claim morality …you can easily afford caviar on your chips instead of vinegar

    Free Member

    No, I was banned, as in BANNED. They do enforce it, especially as they know my name and I only ever join under my real email address.

    I have to wait at least two years before sticking my head above the parapet again. Even Lance will come back. Just you wait and see.

    so its more like a do not darken our door holiday

    btw i actually reported you on the first post for trolling but hey i get reported for swearing and upsetting sensitive little flowers so its all fair in my eyes

    Free Member

    I think I’ve been banned three times.

    sounds like the motoring system, your banned but never really banned

    **** me i think lance is the only bloke who has ever been truly banned by any standard

    Free Member

    **** me i just had to scroll through loads to get to the bottom


    nope still no wiser

    Free Member

    holy shit!!

    Free Member

    It is HIM!


    Free Member

    If i close my eyes for long enough i can just about imagine the headlines…

    do you mean if i squint??

    Free Member

    did you complete the STW ethnicity questionairre when you signed up , i think you might be in the wrong hidden sub forum ,if you had completed it and told the truth you would be in the correct hidden sub forum

    they keep them hidden to stop disagreements between people

    if you send a message to a mod quick they might be able to move you otherwise once you have been here 7 days your stuck here in this one forever

    Free Member

    Well, strangely, yes I am. And not just because you’ve written ‘your’ instead of ‘you’re’.

    i dont have a **** clue what i write half the time

    Free Member

    as a statement however its very accurate yes indeed some in the west dislike the chinese…but then some dont like mexican…. or indian…

    some people also have an intolerance to wheat and dairy products

    Free Member

    only 5 days and your upset already

    Free Member

    I’m with molgrips on this one, as someone who has to work away a lot. If the company wants you to be staying away, with limited access to fridge/food cupboard and often nearby shops, they should pay for three reasonably priced meals a day.

    I suppose its better than the companies real thought process or policy of “think yourself lucky you have/can get a **** job”

    Free Member

    molgrips is either a massive troll

    or hes going to become a much slimmer one

    Free Member

    17 minutes is actually very amateurish by this standard

    Free Member

    was there a man dipping nything in a jar of honey…i hear it has anti bacterial properties

    Loss of interest after 2

    the first two minutes contain the incredibly elaborate storylines and usually worth watching as they set up the whole film seriously even if you miss them they all make sense in the end

    Edit: shakes fist at winston and composite.

    whatever you can get away with it at work go for it HERO

    Free Member

    what does “XXX” represent

    there are video of 17 minutes using xxx in the title somewhere

    Free Member

    every morning when my little girl cries when i drop her off at nursery

    Free Member

    from what i remember when cotracting there was a big whoo har from HMRC saying if you were an employee you would have to fund or provide lunches yourself as you would any other working day

    this was countermanded kind of by the worker who whilst working away say they lived in scotland but were working in london did not have facilities to make dinner ta breakfast etc

    The HMRC GUIDLINE is 5 quid was allowable as a single meal payment rising to double that for a dual meal payment lunch and breakfast with you having to provide your own evening meal regardless of where you are even then if HMRC are in the mood they will redact all that has gone before and say screw you guys

    Free Member

    we have our own opinion on frame fixtures

    if your in wakefield drive down to junction 34 and bob in and say hi

    Andrew denham of the bicycle academy does welding courses and building courses

    No, he has a Bikemachinery frame fixture and I do not.

    Free Member

    8″, 10″ and 12″ half-round second cut

    you are richard sachs and i claim my voucher

    Free Member

    i was tempted to start a topic asking how juan king was going for some people as there were also stroking and streaking threads at the time

    Free Member

    Also. You may find you put on a ton of weight.

    Both my wife and her sister found they had underactive thyroids pretty much simultaneously. Both now on treatment. My wife’s weight has remained roughly constant due to her becoming extremely careful about what she eats but her sister has really put the pounds on.

    Some folks nibble more often like that ratadog bloke says its complex

    as for se3lf medicating…see a medically qualified person

    Free Member

    you will also find you become the worlds foremost expert on thyroid disease

    Free Member

    i have a slow thyroid…its no biggie chief …you just take a tablet a day and after a while the balance returns to normal ,as CG says some folks are better on a more natural regime than the synthetic thyroxine

    however it might be a glitch in the system endocrinology is quite complex so wait and dont sweat it if it s still the same in three months then its fixable

    only thing is it doesn’t happen overnight eg you wont magically wake up tomorrow with lead erupting out of your pencil its a careful balancing act and it takes a wee while to bring levels back into the range they should be

    your thyroid affects pretty much most of your metabolic functions but be safe in the knowledge normal service resumes eventually

    Free Member

    I did the original electric generators for the car i always wondered what happened when it went to hybrid power did williams can the gas turbines

    Free Member

    what happened to the turbine powered jag?

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