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  • How to Thrive, not just Survive, this winter
  • comedyphil
    Free Member

    We’ve recently been looking to do something similar – we decided that the chariot was also a bit pricey, but went for a Thule Coaster instead. Seems to be a “lite” version of the Chariot, but certainly seems sturdy and well thought out. Plus, becomes a pushchair if required.

    Bought from here: Thule Coaster XT

    Free Member

    Only one game would have the appropriate level of difficulty, whilst also tieing in nicely with other Olympic events:


    Free Member

    Like eskay, I’ve got one in my Mondeo – fits very well, and to date (3 years use so far) has shown no real signs of wear and tear, and the interior underneath the lining is still in great nick.

    Free Member

    For those saying magnets – this still blows my mind

    Free Member

    But don’t they have ordered turns?

    I suppose you could play it with ordered turns, but I never have. Normally have someone “3,2,1”-ing so that everyone passes/picks up simultaneously.

    It is all about the dummy grab though, I agree

    Free Member

    I know that game as “spoons”, where once you get four of a kind you all have to grab a spoon (or some other counter) from the center – there’s one fewer spoon than player though….


    Free Member

    I use Runkeeper on my phone – there’s a “challenge” on there called the ASICS Pace Academy (Link[/url]). Mixture of intervals, target times etc. Worked for me – has taken my 5k time to the mid 23s from mid 24s. Looks like you can just use it through their website rather than the app too

    Free Member

    Like these?

    Free Member

    Seems like there’s quite a lot of variation in recovery times. I broke mine 18 months ago following an unplanned dismount, had the op to plate it the following afternoon. Was discharged the morning after the op with what felt like almost full use of my arm – drove the day after that.

    Don’t think my fracture was too severe though – didn’t need pinning, just plating as it was so displaced. Couple of weeks until it was properly back to normal though

    Free Member

    Has anyone ever had any problem with their ski bag being too large, rather than too heavy? Some airlines (BA, for example) seem to specify a size limit of 190 cm for ski luggage. My skis are 186s, so I figure that when packed up they’re going to be over that limit, although I can’t imagine they actually measure the bags – anyone had any problems with this?

    Free Member

    Broke mine in April in an unplanned dismount from my bike – had the op the next day and had a plate put in. Mine was quite severley displaced – very tented, to the point of almost breaking through the skin.

    36 hours after the break, I was discharged from the hospital with what felt like complete use of my arm. Able to drive, felt like I would’ve been ok to cycle (didn’t risk it though), it was as if the injury had never happened. So from that point of view, it’s excellent – meant the break had minimal impact on my day to day life.

    However, it can now be a little uncomfortable when wearing a rucksack, for example. Rubs on the thin skin over the plate and causes an admittedly small degree of discomfort. However, without having the plate put in, I doubt I’d be wearing a rucksack at all yet!

    So if they’re on the fence, I’d personally be pushing for the operation

    Free Member

    I bought one of the those bikes recently – very impressed with it. Feels very sturdy without being overly heavy, can’t really go wrong for the price. Would buy it again.

    Word of advice – if you’re not used to fixed gear riding, don’t immediately swap it to the fixed cog, then go to the pub. Had a small unplanned dismount on the way home, resulting in broken collarbone. Don’t think I can fully blame that on the bike though…..

    Free Member

    I suspect some of you can empathise with this!

    Free Member


    We would have won if not for the dodgy 6 that turned into a 2.

    It’s actually the other way round – given as two runs during the innings, changed to a 6 in the interval. Because the last point of contact the fielder had with the ground before he touched the ball was outside the field of play, he’s classed as being over the boundary. If he’d jumped from inside the pitch, pushed the ball back over and landed over the rope, that wouldn’t’ve been a boundary


    Free Member

    Quicksilver and BetterTouchTool are both very useful, I find

    Free Member

    My 360 packed up a couple of months ago – not bad, considering it was bought in 2007. Decided to try and get it fixed – found this place online:

    I was pretty skeptical about just posting the console off to them, but it was back and working within a 4 working days, all for under £50 incl. postage. Worth a look imo

    Free Member

    Off to French Alps with Action Outdoors in January, cost is £680 almost all-in – only thing not covered is booze. That’s flights, accom, lift pass, 5 days half-day instruction, kit hire, all meals (buffet, eat-as-much-as-you-can), flights and transfer. Add in to that beers/wine from supermarkets, should be under £750 total for the week. Eight year i’ve been with them, hassle-free and far better than self catering!

    Free Member

    Don’t know if there’s an iPad version as well, but if you’ve got a mac then Time Lapse Assembler does a pretty good job

    Free Member

    Just signed up with plusnet – very impressed so far. Good communication about when the engineer would turn up to install the line, when the service would be activated and so on. And the speed is around what they said it would be – around 15 Mbps. Uncapped service for half price for 9 months too.

    Only been activated for a week though – no problems yet, but time will tell…

    Free Member

    I don’t see why they couldn’t use BBC3 or BBC4 during the day time for broadcasting big sporting events?

    I believe that the frequencies that broadcast BBC3/4 are used by CBBC and CBeebies during the day, so can’t use both simultaneously.

    Free Member

    Not in my experience, no. It doesn’t register segments that start or end anywhere within the excluded zone, regardless of whether they’re private or not

    Free Member

    I use an app called wifi photo transfer- clue is in the name! IT was free when I got it, don’t know about now. Works pretty well – connect phone to home wifi, open app, put IP address given by app into browser on computer and download!

    Free Member

    Welcome to 6 months ago

    Free Member

    Haven’t ridden them myself, but the Pyg track and the “descent” bit of the miners track are both footpaths, so depending upon your view of cheeky trails and the already delicate situation with MTBers and Snowdon, I personally wouldn’t be considering them as routes – let alone for the fact that the Miners track is basically one long series of steps to lose most of the height, and then wide, easy flattish path back to Pen-y-Pass.

    If you don’t want to do the Rangers path, there’s also Rhyd Ddu, coming south off the summit. But the Rangers path is great!

    Free Member

    Bikehike is your friend…

    Free Member

    Toshiba. Had one for a couple of years. Two major faults:

    1) It’s incredibly slow. The response time from the remote is often longer than a second, and it takes a while to turn on too (have no experience of other boxes, so can’t compare startup times, but seems slow to me)

    2) It’s kinda buggy. Randomly, it will output everything in green. Like the old days of computer video when you had the wrong codec, everything coming out of the box is green. Also, it will freeze. Only way to fix both these problems is a hard reset, which then if you’re mid-record, cuts that short.

    Basically, not great.

    Free Member

    this is the first year for a while the england games are live on BBC

    I don’t think that’s right – Sky have the rights to all other England games (autumn internationals, for example), but I’m fairly sure that all the 6N games have been live on the BBC for as long as I can remember

    Free Member

    I use ClamXav – think it’s in the App store? Free, so worth a checking out. Works ok for me (I think – hasn’t detected any viruses, so either it’s good at its job, or terrible at finding them…)

    Free Member

    Could try Lightworks – heard good things about it, and it’s free. Haven’t used it myself as I don’t run Windows, but might be worth a punt.


    Free Member
    Free Member

    As above, I think the main difference between HD ready and full HD is that HD ready is 720p, whereas 1080p is full HD. Currently, I think that “HD” TV broadcasts are only up to 720p, so they’d be near identical on both systems, but for things like Blurays there would be a difference. How noticeable a difference is up for debate though..

    I just bought myself a new TV, 32″ Samsung – very happy with it. My advice – go for one of the big brands (Samsung, Toshiba, LG). Apart from that, they’re all much of a muchness

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Lightworks has been getting some good reviews, and is free. Can’t comment on it’s use though, as it doesn’t run on macs

    Free Member

    Don’t own a full face lid myself, but i’d imagine you could use one of the flat/curved sticky mounts that should come with it already to mount it to the side or front, and then use the short arm sections to angle it correctly. Works on my ski helmet. The mount you’ve linked to is, i think, more intended for use for pointing back towards your face. I’m sure it’d work for facing forward too though!

    Free Member

    name and shame!

    Surely name and fame?

    Free Member

    As a Newcastle fan, my major hope for this season was to finish mid-table and avoid relegation. The team that Pardew has put together has far outshone my expectations, and full credit must be given to him and to Mike Ashley for appointing him. I won’t deny that I wasn’t exactly thrilled with the sacking of Hughton and Pardews appointment, but there’s no denying the run of results that we’ve been on, so i’m prepared to eat my words. Similarly, I wasn’t overjoyed to see Carroll leave, but when you look at what’s been done with the money that we got for him, it seems an incredibly shrewd piece of business.

    All in all, whether we make it into the Champions League or not, I’m looking forward to seeing how we do in the Europa League next season, let alone the Champions League. Howay the lads!

    Free Member

    I might be able to help you out too – I play in an 8 piece function band (rhythm section, singer, 3 horns/backing vocals). Email is philrushworth(at)gmail(dot)com if you’d like some more details

    Free Member

    To address some of your queries, my Finder window (running Snow Leopard) has back and forward buttons in the top left, just underneath the close/maximise/minimise buttons; you can open a new Finder window with cmd+N; I have my view set up so that i can scroll side-to-side to go up a folder level (the second option from the left in the views chooser at the top of the window); don’t know about displaying long file names though.

    Lifehacker suggest using TotalFinder, which might solve some of your problems – worth a look anyway. Not free, but not too expensive.


    Free Member

    Free Member

    You’ve done it all right, except you can’t use the short code, it needs to be the full link

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