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  • Making Up The Numbers Podcast – Ed Masters
  • colnagokid
    Full Member

    I always liked the simplex “retrofriction” down tube shifters, a nice feel up or down the block, and pretty as well. God knows how they worked tho!

    Full Member

    Billy Bragg 1984ish at Sunderland Polly(as it was)
    Neacastle Riverside was great-even when the condensed sweat fell on you from the roof!

    Full Member

    Colin McRae Rally
    Tiger Woods Golf- when I worked nightshift, it could be the only thing we did all week!

    Full Member

    When we all had Choppers (late ’70s) one lad in our “crew” had a cowhorn equiped bike, cant remember much about it, but the bars were HUGE and he used to have trouble steering it.

    Full Member

    Me dad holding the back of my Raleigh Tommahawk as I pedaled round the park, gradually letting go till I was on me own!!!!
    Then some shouts “he’s let go”, little ‘ole me looks round in panic!!! and falls off.

    Full Member

    You ever seen a X5 with off-road tyres?

    Full Member

    One of them there new black squirrels, that were on countryfile today?

    Full Member

    Filthy loving that last pic!
    Guys, enjoy your time with your boys! Im jealous!

    Full Member

    Chris I use my Focus cx on the road more than off. Bought another set of wheels/cassette/road tyres to just chuck in and go! Make it easier and get some rims the same- ors omething about the same width, to save faffing with the cantis all the time.
    Put a compact chainset on also, which seems to give a better spread of gears for road and off- tho probably not the best for cx racing or road racing( but assuming we are not doing much of either!)
    Enjoy 🙂
    If you want to sell best wait till later in the year/autumn?

    Full Member

    Are you sure it wasnt a Clarks Wallaby?
    (its what I had on when I went to see the Stone Roses at Spike back in the day!)

    Full Member

    proper socks, not them toweling tube ones, some proper snowboard boot ones, TK Max (as ever, is your pal)

    Full Member

    ……………rushes off to shed……………….I know theres some in here somewhere…………………..£80!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Full Member

    As above -boots, I got some “proper” footbed insole thingys too, amazing how much difference they made for £20

    Full Member

    Markenduro – best wishes to your mate, sounds like you did him proud just to be with him and get him help!
    Tandem, why not wear a motorbike helmet? do they offer more protection?
    Me- I’ll stick to me Giro

    Full Member

    Impressive that he went the full didstance let alone win.
    Repeated at 00.15 on eurosport

    Full Member


    Full Member

    thanks scaredy, i think they’re all too busy googleing themselves!
    Come on help me!!!!
    I wanna watch the fast show clips

    Full Member

    Keep us informed, I could be tempted 😉

    Full Member

    As long as it has returned to your norm since then, shouldnt be any thing to worry about. 203 at 27 dont seem too high to me

    Full Member

    TN/J, didnt see your original post just this “update”, its quite amazing to see those pic’s & hear the tales!
    Good luck to both of you
    I know you can get a thumb opperated system for rear brakes on motorbikes- may be worth looking into?

    Full Member

    A woman in Newcastle a few weeks ago turned onto the tracks, and drove along the f’ing railway lines for 1/4mile!!!

    Full Member

    Just got a brown spoon (the saddle not a smack users “works”!),cos it matches me bike, and it seems fine, tho’ I do prefer a seat on the narrow/firm side

    Full Member

    the two that really annoy me by being wedged in there, and refusing to move are Dizzee Rascal- Dance wiv me (only the crap rap bit)
    and Katy Perry , dont know what its called the one where she sings-” your black and your white, etc.
    I wish I had a delete facility!

    Full Member

    Repeated now, another amazing BBC wildlife/nature prog’

    Full Member

    post office, but they have a max size for the box. It cost me about £18, ask in your local office, not mine tho cos’ the blokes a right tw t

    Full Member

    I was in edinburgh bike coop and steels in Newcastle last week, and there were bikes in the shops, not sure of the sizes tho’, worth a ring?

    Full Member


    Full Member

    Well done Captain!
    Hopefully the tosser thinks twice aboutdoing it again, some a’hole threw a can of coke at me and my mates last weekend, luckily it missed

    Full Member

    Thats why I always cary Polos! (other mint flavoured err, mints are available!) or a carrot

    Full Member

    Fish fingers, chips, mushy peas
    oranjeboom (8for£6 at the corner shop)
    Billy Bragg
    Turbo Sat

    Full Member


    Full Member

    cows, big ‘orrible black ‘n white monsters!!!

    Full Member

    Just sit back and “chillax” for a bit, and maybe, put on a mountain bike festival to fill your time in. I f I was doing it I call it the big bike bash or somethig 😀

    Full Member


    Full Member

    Mugsy’s, would a high specialised and their personalised fitting service be any good?
    As for custom carbon- Basso I think, or what about independant fabrication who do a carbon tube Ti lug custom build.

    Full Member

    If your not using seat-stay mounted brakes, do you need a seat-stay brace/bridge thingy?

    Full Member

    Get that cat, keep him in your camelback, if you see Benjamin the pitbull or one of his pals approaching, simply unleash ninjacat to “own” the dog!
    (no bombers required, just a tin of kitikat) 🙂

    Full Member

    My dancing shoes are polished and waiting by the door….
    Thatcher fought the NUM and others purely for her own ego and political beliefs(and that of her henchmen) not the good or betterment of the country.
    Yes some of the strikers went beyond what they should have done, but so did the police in equal measure.
    When you see the total destruction of pit villages, and the families within, and these villages are still like that now- you get a different perspective of the economic viability of the mines. As some one previously posted regarding the total meltdown in these communities – when the pits were thriving, everyone had a job waiting, there was no underclass of chavs who hang about all day drinking/getting stoned/getting up to no good-costing the economy billions, yes they may have been a few layabouts but it wasn’t an accepted way of life as it appears to be now.
    So what would be the real cost of having a UK coal mining/power generating industry? Fair enough some pits were finished, but many more not, and there are still enormous reserves of coal available.
    Similarly the ship yards were shut due to being uneconomical, they were forced to tender for work on a global marketplace that was awash with subsidised yards in Europe and beyond.
    That’s my twopennith worth!
    The normal Thatcher apologists seem to be missing from here

    Full Member

    I only put it on to have a perve at Suzi, then turn it off when that really annoying bald geezer turns up

    Full Member

    I take it, and have less knee pain( which has beem an on going problem)
    I dont think itr doess any harm- give it a go

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