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  • Fizik Vento Ferox Carbon Shoes
  • colnagokid
    Full Member

    could you flip the stem to get the same height with the spacer on top? But Id use it like that

    Full Member

    Its easy really! (Ive just learned)
    you need to get to click on “share this”
    you need the html thingy.
    put it between the IMG in square brackets and /IMG in square brackets and hey-presto!
    I’ll hold your hand! come on give it a go!

    Full Member

    T5 2.5, 25ish ’round the doors’, 35 on a run. Dont really rag it about tho- that would be expensive!

    Full Member


    Full Member

    Sign on the door-“No spiders”?

    Full Member

    Jim, the fastest dog in the park on the look-out for squirrels! no good as a trail dog tho!
    Jim on squirrel patrol" alt="" title="" class="bbcode-image" />

    Full Member

    you dont want to be up on a monday night-but them signs almost make up for ir!!

    Full Member

    not so hot on the two tone stuff , can rcommend the Trojan boxsets to get a wide range of artists/styles (cheap too).
    Just had a night of bike fettling powered by SKA/ dub and stella!

    Full Member

    if your wearing a full-facer I’d try a few different makes on with your lid, to get some that fit yur choice of lid

    Full Member

    Who were behind her? Thw Sun. Mail, Express and all the thickos who voted BNP?
    Dont count me in with your “all” thanks

    Full Member

    cover notes ok to tax a motor

    Full Member

    Had a bike nicked from out of my car a few years ago-screwed the doodr to get it.
    Couple of weeks later, I gets a call from LBS, “has your bike been nicked?” yes, “we’ve got it!”
    Numpty had taken it for a ‘respray’, they thouht it looked a bit sus’ so phoned the Dave Yates, who traced the frame number to me. Result!
    Numpty wasnt too pleased when he went back tho!

    Full Member

    hello there!

    Full Member

    Got a couple a decent watches Rolex Submariner, 2 Tags, but the Im gutted at the demise of me Seiko F-91W, still going strong on the ORIGINAL battery some 13 years after getting it! The strap sadly gave out. £10 back then £11 now, sheeesh inflation 😉

    Full Member

    I had enough to say on the subject on the “who’d vote BNP thread”, so quickly…
    its no good getting all high and mighty about what the great unwashed may believe in/vote for (BNP), offer them a viable alternative (dont just get outraged that they dont hold your views), but you need to know what the people in the street actually think, not just your lefty leaning mates think they should think.

    Full Member

    An original Pace- alot of that was home grown, might struggle now tho’

    Full Member

    Heard he had the big C, didnt know the extent, was a class act, good luck to him

    Full Member

    12ths good for me, not too early tho eh? 😉

    Full Member

    giggles @ plop_pants!
    I was planning a full on Snoop Dogg, snizzle my wizzle type pose, but….

    Full Member

    “Simon”? Strato I meant! or are you called Simon?
    Leeps about again, high 5’s strato

    Full Member

    WAHEY!!! I am photo posting god!!!!! Thanks Simon

    Full Member

    019" alt="" title="" class="bbcode-image" />

    Full Member

    How do you do it, I did the brackets round IMG, pasted the link off flicker, more brackets, /IMG?

    Full Member

    Give up!

    Full Member

    Double Bollox

    Full Member
    Full Member

    Cheers, thought it would take ages, Ill check in a month or two!

    Full Member

    chuck it in the shower, rinse it all off then into the machine

    Full Member


    Full Member

    thats the whole point innit?
    Fancy a can rudeboy, Ive got Stella here or you still on the waggon? 😉

    Full Member

    a good percentage of the people that I come into contact with daily actually believe that the BNP are the only option for them-
    as traditional non voters/ labour if they do, they see “immigrants” as the reason for all of their woes, and who wants to kick them out?
    if they did vote, they’d vote labour, its what we do round here( me included), but they see all these MPs fiddling (dont realise, its all parties), so whats the alternative….
    Yes its a sad state of affairs, but a huge numbers of people blame everything on “foreigners” and “MPs”, no matter what you may think of them, call them, pity them or question their intelegence the great unwashed still have the same power as you( and me) 1man, 1vote.
    They wont change their oppinions any time soon, all we can do is offer a realistic, and better alternative that they trust and beleive in

    Full Member

    always seem to work abit better than the sti’s- must pull(or push realy) a bit more cable

    Full Member

    Donald Cambell
    Steve McQueen

    Full Member

    Love it! Would that be a biccy container-it doesnt look cuddley or squeeky

    Full Member

    took the chance to ride full time when it was offered (not saying I would have been any good, but the chance was there)
    joined the forces (army/navy/airforce not botherd just think it might have suited me)
    not got married

    Full Member

    Any Sunday for me, tho after 5 weeks off the bike I’ll be at the back! (1st ride yesterday, paying for it today with a very sore shoulder!)

    Full Member

    Sounds like your in for a rough ride. Very best of luck to you!

    Full Member

    a Park ‘phillips’ type screw-driver, the little one that fits the adjuster screws on mechs perfectly

    Full Member

    saw vicky p first time I went. She wasn’t famous back then tho 🙂

    Full Member

    Have both, prefer the sidis for fit comfort. Spesh hurt my feet after 3 hours- maybe I need the inserts. Sidis expensive tho

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