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  • How And When And Why To Watch Red Bull Rampage
  • colnagokid
    Full Member

    The ones I have (not the latest, but have they changed?) have an extra layer of "leather" for the heel of the thumb and the bottom of the fingers.
    I to have a dislike of padded gloves, and like these 661 gloves.
    I tend to rotate a few pair of gloves so they tend to last a bit longer for me

    Full Member

    broken cheekbone

    Full Member

    back wheel skipped round, left hand came off the bars, face/ right arm took the impact. OUCH!
    Get well soon Jens, that was a bad one!

    Full Member

    Mr MC speaks sense, it s not just TDeF, you get F1, motoGP, golf, cricket, footy, rugby etc. etc. that people on here might like to chat about as its occuring. So whats the problem? spoiler stops your fun being spoilt if you want to hold off knowing the outcome.
    Be a bit boring if all we did was talk about tyres, the yoof, bar width etc.

    Full Member


    Full Member is your best friend when it comes to TdeF news.
    Hope hes ok, hell of a rider, sounds hes a bit of a mess

    Full Member

    er no See that there "winking" smiley? No? thought not

    Full Member

    the two cats Ive had didnt drink water from the bowl, old boy Myron drank from a bowl of rainwater outside, Titch a kitten I 'found' used to drink from the tap!
    Nuts the lot of them

    Full Member

    Samuri, you do realise that as its a Columbia rider, the failure of his frame is the fault of the Garmin team? 😉
    Carbon fibre dont scare me! Its Ti bolts I dont like

    Full Member

    Go (slow) Kenny! 😉

    Full Member

    Here we go!
    Come on Wiggo!
    Anyother cracking ride by young Roche too

    Full Member

    theres rules about blocking other riders- thats what Cav & co were doing. Robh sums it up nicely

    Full Member

    another long day in the armchair!

    Full Member

    Robbie McEwen said at the time it was the right descision- more to do with Cav looking about/ trying to stall the sprint than moving on Thor

    Full Member

    That is tragic.

    Full Member

    Armstrong blaming Garmin for not 'allowing' Hincapie the yellow! And there's me thinking it was a bike race!
    Cav was a bit naughty to Thor in the sprint, I'd like to be a fly on the wall in the columbia bus!

    Full Member

    £1 posted? 😀

    Full Member

    Have you been drinking Euro?

    Full Member

    If George gets yellow, he'll lose it tomorrow.
    The rain is spoiling my sky picture!!!

    Full Member


    Full Member

    looks realy nice, what tyres? A pair of them would suit my cx'er

    Full Member

    Fantastic fun!
    Keep pedaling, and try not to crash!
    Remember, to slow down go UP the banking

    Full Member

    F'ing crazy!
    They're both sprinters- where was Cav when this occured 😉

    Full Member

    Wiggo spotted in 'favourites' group!

    Full Member

    To answer the OP, Oct started yesterday when I was at the furthest point from home, a two hour ride in the p'ing down rain. 😥

    Full Member

    Is wiggo still the main group? I can only see 1 Garmin helmet- V de V probly

    Full Member


    Full Member

    the guys a winner with a winners mentality: he knows hes going to win! And he tells it like it is, straight up!
    Same as some guy called Lance summit other that alot of people onthis here forum believe is the second comming of Merckx, he can breathe out his arse, and never ever took drugs no sir-ee, the rest of them did tho!

    Full Member

    Tim,never met you probly never will, but thats put a smile on my normally misserable boat tonight!
    Good luck to the missus & you!

    Full Member

    "big fat get, ya need milking!"
    Billy Casper, Kes

    Full Member

    Our BC lived to be 16, I grew up with him, fantastic dogs

    Full Member

    Didnt want to mention Wiggo, dont want to jinx it!
    Lance is f'ing impressive buts not the Lance of old(thankfully!) More open, friendly?
    'Bert could win the race by himself, (IM no fan BTW-bit suspect to me) but when the sh1t hits the fan, he wont need or have Astana to help him. TT he'll not lose much time, climbs? they all attack each other, but its up to Cadel, Andy & Franck, Sastre to push on 'bert can follow/attack if Lance gos someone will follow them & take 'bert with them.

    Full Member

    'Berts in a different league to Lance. Andy Shleck, Evans, poss Sastre will be the only ones to be able to live with Bertie

    Full Member

    vinyl/leather cleaner?

    Full Member

    @white101, jonb & me road back along to the Grove, then the climb uptp the DH'rs carpark, then did 13 and the stuff thru the trees back to the skills, then a go on the skills, then home. I think we got back at3.15.
    Im going to be so stiff tomorrow after me off, and all the climbing 🙁
    Nice to meet you BTW!

    Full Member

    "skidiots"! 😆

    Full Member

    white101 where you on the red spesh? sorry didnt introduce myself properly

    Full Member

    top end stuff is under the UCI weight limit anyway, so not really an advantage

    Full Member

    Good day, cheers to Mike & co.

    Ive cleaned me wounds up, and Im totally knackered!

    Full Member

    Did the route on the map (above somewhere), but from Kendal, via Longsleddlesdale(sp) a few years ago, with 500ml, bottle and 1 banana, by meself, boy was I ****! then back to Kendal, quote my brother, "you've been where?!" 🙂

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