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  • On This Day: Christmas Card Throwback 2017
  • colnagokid
    Full Member

    I thought they'd been invented as a safety feature (i.e. to stop claims) if the cable snaps. Not as good as a straddle cable in my experiance

    Full Member

    Well said ChrisE, the guy was only a scape-goat for Libya. It shows the UK is a bit more civilised than the rest of the world too (not that thats a reason to release the guy)

    Full Member

    my postie brought me a new chainring for my cx bike yesterday

    Full Member

    probably more like gas n glue 😉

    Full Member

    We all like to argue, bitch and bicker on this here forum, but when the shit hits the fan its great to see everyone being so positive, helpfull and careing.
    Mark/Meg I thought about you today. worrying about your diagnosis even tho' Ive never met you, and probably never will!
    Lets have a massive STW group hug !
    Good to read your post too Stu

    Full Member

    Ok then a different angle- fight the taliban/Al Queda in Afganistan, or pull out then see them overrun Pakistan, and have to go in to India/Bangladesh to do the same job only on over a much larger landmass- and thats hopeing they havent blown us up with Pakistans nuclear weapons.
    Yes its shit, yes I shed a tear when our dead come home, but what else are we going to do? Withdraw and hope Al Queda think the West are a decent set of blokes after all and really there isnt any reason for a holy war, and maybe we should just have a garden party?

    Full Member

    Full Member

    I thought it was all about keeping the Taliban/ Al Queda in check?
    Keeping them out of Pakistan (a nuclear power) That wouldn't be good for the rest of the (western)world
    Still hard to see all the UK deaths tho

    Full Member

    Sounds very scarey, but at least you're getting this problem diagnosed/treated soon.
    Stay strong and good luck mate

    Full Member

    Had a chicken kebab on weds night, it also had some donner meat on it, I dont normally eat it but I was hungry so ate it. Took till about 6pm on thurs to feel normal again. Hadnt had enough beer I reckon 😉

    Full Member

    cheers, will dig out me flares and 'Renni' hat 😀

    Full Member

    Cornedbeef/tomato in a Bagel
    Merlot (the first glass of which my stupid ffecking greyhound knocked over while trying to snaffle the aformentioned sarnie)
    "Grow your own" on beeb2

    Full Member

    its not a sport its a game, I agree with Donald

    Full Member

    Tis very good, only seen it once and can't remember what its for either!!
    Just watched thae Partridge clip- classic 😆

    Full Member

    +1 for Bejewelled Blitz, tho I'm getting into Mafia wars on facebook too!

    Full Member

    Spongebob, anytime after 10am, I dont do early, then Ive got to take the dog out- you know how it is…
    Do you want me to remind you to remind me?

    Full Member

    remind me again on the 20th May 2011, cheers

    Full Member

    pepper-ball actually!
    Trying to work out who is related to who, well they're all related to each other, but in what way, takes all of the programe!

    Full Member

    Cheers, Im watching Dog The Bounty Hunter now
    oh I think Ive seen this one….

    Full Member

    Fairy nuff!

    Full Member

    the angle of the saddle looks a bit dodgy(to me),what about a nice grey or silver one? and you need to sort the weeds out 😀

    Full Member

    Me, so humbleing to see harry and the other old boys and hear their tales.
    RIP all these fellas

    Full Member

    EGG Rings? they did/still do make custom chainrings

    Full Member

    rudeboy's ur man innit!

    Full Member

    Wait till Monday phone Orange, ask them about it. Im sure theyll be helpfull

    Full Member

    There is, as always, some right #ocks on here!
    "I'm more than allright Jack, and I dont understand why if your unhappy at being a postman you dont get a position as a futures broker/high court judge/internet fraudster?"

    Full Member

    TT length is about the only measurement that matters-assuming that the frame is properly designed so that every thing is in proportion.

    Full Member

    c_g, Im not a great fan/knowledge of/on the blues but is keeping me interested, all the names are on there, worth a watch

    Full Member

    Watched the 1st part last week, very interesting, totally forgot about tonights- came in just in time to see it! Brilliant stuff, dont know anything about 'classical' music but loved that

    Full Member

    ham n tomato in a wholegrain bagel
    some Gallo Family red (1/2 price at the corner shop)
    BBC blues thingy on BBC4

    Full Member

    Im sure he's not enjoying his freedom, and the court made it clear that Biggs, his son or the Sun could not proffit from his freedom/death. Let the old bugger die, and forget about him

    Full Member

    try giving the allen key a sharp blow with a hammer, often works better than just trying more and more force using longer and longer pipes.

    Full Member

    They dont give a flying f~#k about what happens to it, hence the litter, It really pisses me off!!! 👿

    Full Member

    Ive got and used both, dont seem any differnt to me, if they're the same weight-save the cash and buy yourself a bottle of wine. 🙂

    Full Member

    No i cant conect either

    Full Member

    Crb is £37 is

    Full Member

    lance was up to his old tricks at the giro too, trying to bully Cunego like he did with Simeoni

    Full Member

    Tyger the NE is gods own country , it's just Peterlee! Some great spots to live nearby, don't forget your passport. You did apply for a visa ?

    Full Member

    The GF would always comment on the sharp intake of breath, I would just nod and wonder if I was alone in the admiration of Kirkwood

    Full Member

    So it's not just me then!!!

Viewing 40 posts - 681 through 720 (of 1,365 total)