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    Does it not just burn off albeit at a higher temperature?
    I have regened lots of diesels and you defiantly get a big cloud of soot, bit I may of missed the lump of carbon dropping on the floor.

    Not meant to, it saves up the deposits until they can be burned. I.e. consumed by combustion at a decent temperature, not just flushed out. IT would normally happen on the fly and in a continuing process but those who use their car start-stop a lot find the capacity of the DPF is limited and need to force a flush.

    There’s always a trade-off anyway, those facing amassive bill could scrap their old car and go buy a newly produced, newly carbon-financed machine that runs a bit cleaner but just cost christ knows how much pollution to build, it just happens to be away from the tailpipe.

    At the end of the day the general filtration of new tech into the market is going to happen no matter what, it makes little sense to police the few older cars that don’t get scrapped and are kept alive by mildly dodgy means IMO.

    Free Member

    Mine started after a dunking in Windermere during late November waterskiing. It’s never gone away and I’m slowly losing hearing in the frequency range around that of the tinnitus (over about 12KHz). Much MUCH worse after listening to loud music, but I rarely do. Since it started I seem to be hyper-sensitive to loud music, tend to avoid all loud music if I can because I not only get increased tinnitus but massively reduced hearing afterwards too.

    Nothing food, sleep or drinkwise makes it worse or better. No medication I’ve tried helps. I have to listen to music or podcasts to sleep, always unless I’m shattered so the advice at the start which was “do lots of exercise and go to bed knackered” is the only viable option for me.

    Free Member

    They were in the wrong initially for just pulling out when you had right of way (regardless of what is common courtesy). Then you were in the wrong for apparently pulling back in and cutting them up. Either brake (people behind can deal with it themselves, they should be prepared for it) or let them take off up the inside and pull back in. It’s tempting to teach them a lesson or get annoyed but no-one gains from it.

    Free Member

    Not sure why I like knives. I just always have. I rarely use them but find myself staring at shops with them in the window and have on a number of occasions just bought them for the hell of it. I have a number of throwing knives (and stars) and a couple of hunting type knives but even love a good kitchen knife. Most people don’t know I like them, and I rarely feel the need to talk about them but I’ve used the hunting knife a lot while camping (7 inch, decent weight and cuts through branches well when prepping a fire) and the throwing kit is fun evening entertainment with a beer around a camp fire. Don’t feel the need to carry one on the bike or in the car though. Doing otherwise normal tasks with a lovely curved overkill evocative knife is strangely rewarding.

    Slightly irritating but I suspect carrying something like the size of my hunting knife even while camping would raise an arrest these days even if only used while camping.

    Free Member

    I’m due one of these after my knee started locking up and an MRI suggests I have “some floating tissue” in my medial meniscus area (rear). I’m unsure as to whether it is worth sorting or if the op will cause more trouble. The last thing I want is them cutting out swathes of tissue and leaving the joint less stable or more painful but unfortunately I’ve not even been able to see a Dr about this yet, after my GP told me it was nothing but Googled and decided to send me for MRI all I’ve seen is a physio who punted me on to surgery after one visit and a nurse for the pre-op. Feeling distinctly uncomfortable not speaking to the person doing the op yet and not speaking to anyone qualified to make comment on the MRI results. Physio was nice but just pointed at a lighter patch and said “this shouldn’t be here, you should have an op to remove it. I’m not sure exactly what they’ll do”. Currently tempted to ring up and demand an appointment with then surgeon or cancel.

    Free Member

    Countzero – not bollocks, just my opinion. I could suggest yours is bollocks and be just as valid.

    I’d suggest you’re easily pleased and susceptible to group hysteria. :) I personally like what I like and don’t want to hear it altered by artist or location.

    I am somewhat perfectionist and a little obsessive. Its a good trait, it leads to things being done better, though it does mean I’m rarely happy with things.

    My god there are some miserable people around here. Some of the greatest experiences I have ever had have been gigs (and that is saying something).

    On the contrary, I’m far from miserable and love music, but I get my greatest experiences from different things (genuinely can’t imagine how you could to be honest). If gigs do it for you, that’s great for you, but to me they are overcrowded, over-rated, ill sounding wastes of time.

    Free Member

    Very good question! I need to drop about 60lbs. Now. :)

    Free Member

    _tom_- that has been levelled in my direction before :)

    What can I say? I’ve only ever seen two gigs that were “good” – one was The Verve homecoming gig (undoubtedly coloured by it being held in my town, having gone to the same college as they did and working at the venue lol) but they sounded identical and support acts were great. And they split up shortly after. The second was Tenacious D, not because of the music but the theatrical accompaniment. Everything else has been out of tune, badly mixed guff. Went to see Awolnation (love their latest album) but in the venue it was massively distorted and reverbed at a whole host of frequencies which destroyed it. Goes to show that few bands are actually any good, they require a studio and a LOT of time to fix their issues before it reaches a CD,and those that are often get destroyed by the location.

    Would have killed to see either Michael Jackson or Queen live, I suspect they would have been worth every penny. Music, to me, is apurely listening exercise, not a group euphoria experience.

    Free Member

    This is why I no longer read the news from any source, it’s almost universally bilge. There’s sod all I can do about 99.9999% of the contents so I just get on with my life.

    Free Member

    None, musically I’ve found nothing but disappointment from gigs. Live the skills are pretty much always worse than on the released music, they wander off on annoying jaunts into their creativity which end in nonsense and they’re usually sound mixed poorly and too loud. I’ve made a new years resolution to stop disappointing myself and just buy CDs and listen in my controlled environment lol

    Free Member

    Not that he’ll ever read it, or it’d make any odds but wishing him (as with any injured folk) a good recovery.

    Free Member

    From accounts from my brother and parents, I started on stabilisers for about 2 hours with my first bike and just got frustrated that they stopped me leaning properly when turning. My brother took them off and I rode off fine.

    Can’t see why balance bikes are any different from normal bikes. You can scoot along and put your feet up with both,but one then lets you pedal off?

    Free Member

    Don’t see the point. Cable works fine. Both restricted to fixed location, cable faster. Cable has docking station option in which phone can act as clock,calendar, stereo, email reader etc…

    can’t imagine too many folk installing them publically without charging you extortionately for it, as with internet cafes.

    Free Member

    Haha I just tried this and it nearly crippled me.

    Free Member

    Not been able to since I was 15 or so. Certainly can’t now, major repeating lower back injury (currently causing me numb legs and cramps but the GP doesn’t seem to think it’s a worry!) has made it worse. Can’t ride now as the extended position of furthest pedal stroke pulls through my bum and up my back which triggers spasms.

    Stretch when you can kids!

    Free Member

    Had several pet cats. None killed animals after the first couple in their long lives. Never shat anywhere odd. One peed in the house but only because someone ran it over and broke its back.
    Never had one climb on the tops, or in bins.

    Funny, takes all sorts.

    Free Member

    Exped Downmat 9. Best camping purchase in 20 years. Snow camping, rocks, anything – just comfy and warm!

    Free Member

    I’ve had this argument a few times on here, but get shouted down every time – here goes again :)

    Too much light a) spoils the night ride experience b) blinds other cyclists c) spoils other night riders night vision when you flash them d) is a lot less fun for me than scudding down a singletrack with a relatively limited light source.

    I’m not sure what the sweet spot is, but daylight kinda defeats the purpose for me.

    I could save a furtune by not having to bother charging my lights and just using his overspill light.

    I doubt it, have you actually calculated the cost of charging your lights for a year? :D

    Free Member

    I got a british gas one which is nice (adds up the weeks/months use etc and estimates cost). I power it up every so often to see what’s going on but ultimately I use what I use and I don’t leave stuff on that I don’t think is unreasonable to leave on so it only really tells me what I’m prepared to accept as a base load.

    The engineer in me wants to hack the radio signal from it and log it constantly but ultimately that would just be a project for the fun of it, it won’t tell me any info I’m going to use for any purpose.

    Contrary to popular believe, modern phone chargers take sweet FA when powered on but not connected. Any modern TV and accessory will take less than a watt in standby (all of mine together don’t register on my meter!) and most modern hard drive recorders and set top boxes take about 20W when bumbling along. My boiler is my biggest user, at 60W mean for no apparent reason (just sat there waiting to turn on).

    After that my computer is the biggest gobbler, the PSU even when turned off seems to consume about 20W!? The two wifi routers and NAS plus all the rest sees us sat around 200W with spikes of 400 when the fridge/freezer kicks in. I’m not willing to turn off my routers when not home and I need the fridge and boiler on, I turn the PC off at the wall. That’s life.

    Free Member

    Pressure test may not have found it, it might have taken a significant number of hot-cold cycles under pressure to cause the leak. How do you account for that?

    Free Member

    There was an MP being interviewed, who had been helping, and the interviewer said “there’s blood on your shirt”, the bloke looked at him, silent, visibly close to losing control, then just said “it’s not mine”. How he kept his composure I honestly don’t know;

    That’s fascinating, I didn’t “read” that that way at all. I thought he looked remarkably composed, if a little tired.

    Free Member

    IS are image stabilised. DC are cheaper autofocus and not IS unless it says IS. Expensive lenses use ultrasonic motors and a few other technologies, basic lenses use a bog standard DC motor to focus – slower and less accurate. Depends on your budget and intended target. IS doesn’t mean it’s not a DC AF.

    Free Member

    50mm prime is a nice lens but very limited in chances to use it IMO (I have a couple), lovely images from them but they take a lot of composing for. Something like a 24-105 L is a great walkaround lens.

    5D1 is old kit but still one of the best image qualities you can get. 5D3 isstill very expensive. I got a 5DII recently and I’m more than happy with it over the 20D. If looking for good deals, check out – bought a couple of L lenses from him happily.

    Free Member

    It’s all speculation until they’ve inspected the flight recorder.

    Light aircraft don’t have flight recorders.

    Free Member

    Pretty much any Canon EF-S lens will fit almost any of the non-full frame cameras -i.e. if you’re looking at anything with a XXD code or a XXXD or XXXXD,the crop sensor (EF-S) lenses will fit. If you stray into the 6D, 5D world you’re into full frame world where the lenses are slightly different.

    Free Member

    Windscreen cover is usually standard.

    It is, but it usually affects your premiums if you claim and if the mud was left there negligently…

    Free Member

    On that car where is the throttle position sensor? On my 306 with the same engine the electronic throttle position sensor sits right behind the rad/bonnet latch and gathers rain in the back of the connector every time you open the bonnet or go through a puddle.

    I had the exact same symptoms with no fault codes (I have all the readers, scopes, you name it, tried different MAFs, removing the MAF entirely, cleaningit, blocking the EGR) and it turned out to be corrosion on the throttle position sensor connector. Removed it, cleaned up the contacts with light emery paper (they didn’t look too corroded), lubed up with petroleum jelly and re-connected and it was fine ever after.

    Free Member

    Yes. I bloody love the cold

    This. Only the soul-less dislike extremes of weather,preferring the boredom of monoseasons.

    Free Member

    Pee is pretty hygienic and gets washed out fast, ignore the pansy :) second hand is the way to go and buy for now, they rarely fit right anyway I unless you can devote weekends to the hunt.

    Free Member

    Wasn’t the LAST thing I made (some of) but it’s the only one I can show you…

    Free Member

    I’ve shot airguns all my life and never seen anyone injured by been shot by a pellet.

    I used to shoot air guns regularly (And a variety of proper handguns and proper rifles until the local clubs shut). I also know 3 people who have been injured to varying degrees by them, two just bruised, one had to have the pellet surgically removed.

    People like that have no place owning guns and wreck it for those who use them responsibly.

    Free Member

    Never understood why people fridge their eggs. Ours live on the top for weeks on end with no issues. Never had a problem peeling them either?!

    Free Member

    You sure it’s sticky and not just broken? Personally never noticed any difference ever with injector cleaners be they for petrol or diesel. There’s enough cleaners and lubes in normal fuel for it never to be an issue unless you leave the vehicle for long periods (and even then I’d be skeptical, having done so many many times for 12 months+ with no ill effects). That said, if these have a particular weakness it could be the case.

    Free Member

    This is quite an interesting thread for me. I’ve always had crunchy graunchy knees since I was a kid – probably due to fairly frequently running/jumping off the garage roof combined with years of cycling abuse and recently had my right knee get a lot worse. GP said nothing wrong with it, it’s just a bit crunchy. I pushed for more of an investigation after it locked up during a long hill walk (locked between 10 degrees and 70 degrees, made the final 2km a tad difficult to walk!) Swelled a bit, got better next day but now aches a lot and I have kneecap pain frequently.

    Got it MRI’d after pushing the GP towards the NHS website as she still didn’t think it needed looking at. Result is medial meniscus tear, enough to lock and make some really nice cracking/popping noises at times. In general it’s just achy but it puts me off doing things.

    Next move I got sent to a consultant physio who looked at my MRI and suggested I should have surgery to remove the flapping bits, suggesting almost no risk and no future problems. I’m not convinced and will be going ahead with the process just so I can get to speak to a surgeon rather than the physio.

    People keep quoting an increased risk of arthritis, but surely there’s a massive increased risk of that anyway due to having flaps of meniscus rattling around in a heavily loaded joint?

    Free Member

    To be honest this is nothing new. This is why serious researchers only publish [or try to] in renowned journals etc, rather than online-only publishers and some of the newer ones.

    Free Member

    Pose estimation from an eye to hand position or eye in hand?

    I love academia. My PhD was long and hard and isolated and isolating. My post docs hard and interesting, all of which made me much more employable. Not much richer, but I get access to jobs that interest me, I’m not really too bothered by cash. If I could go back I probably would but right now I’m learning lots and dealing with far more politics, ego and nonsense in industry than academia, but that is part of working in a high tech team with several other PhDs and many years experience.

    Free Member

    I personally don’t really see the point of cooking lessons in school, apart from to force kids to try it. I was never taught how to cook specifically but I can read instructions and there are literally thousands of books full of instructions for cooking lovely meals that are healthy, unhealthy, full of flavour, fast, slow, vegetarian etc. I believe they are called reci…. Recip…. If only googling for cooking instructions was easier.

    Anyone can cook from a recipe, anyone. They just haver to want to and be bothered to instead of playing on the I cant cook bandwagon.

    Free Member

    Flown with all sorts of things in my hand luggage, including pedals and tools (that don’t have knives on them) and never been asked. I just flew Glasgow to Luton with a 9″ long piece of 2mm thick carbon fibre shaped like a knife blade with seriously sharp sides, without question.

    Free Member

    Still got a Kyosho Lazer Alpha here on my shelf. Slowly fixing part attrition with a lathe and milling machine :)

    Free Member

    How big are her norks?

    Tizzzzles mother?

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