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  • Fresh Goods Friday 722: The Autumn’s Done Come Edition
  • coffeeking
    Free Member

    The way women are portrayed. I’m no feminist but it is nonsense.

    Free Member

    mrchrispy wins for the bombers comment.

    However I don’t report stuff like this to the police specifically because it WILL and DOES affect your house and car insurance, and must be latterly declared. Not worth the problems.

    CCTV in case it gets worse, deal with in in-house until things go nuts.

    Free Member

    Switched to using firefox instead of chrome and it is much better especially if you install plugins that must not be named

    I found firefox caused crashes on both my Samsung phone and my tablet – binned it.

    Free Member

    Mine’s the same, as is my other halfs – was absolutely faultless before the upgrade – went straight to 5.0.2 and totally trashed it. up to a minute for keyboard to pop up, any browser crashes after 5 minutes and if any flash is involved it locks up. Useless paperweight now. What I find odd is that Google seem to be completely pretending it isn’t happening.

    Free Member

    State run insurance would be way more expensive.

    Evidence from all the countries that do it says otherwise.

    Free Member

    You’ll need to change its building status from residential to business and pay business rates on it. Will also need to check you can park business vehicles outside (you can’t around my house, not that it stops inconsiderate morons parking LWB transits EVERYWHERE).

    Free Member

    TBH the only two times I’ve seen body coloured bumpers argue with anything serious first hand (cars, posts) they’ve been barely scuffed. The one on the front of a Celica (gen7) managed a rear-ending which did hefty damage to the car in front and popped back with nothing more than a damaged clip – not even a scratch. The same cars rear end got a post impact and has a slight kink mark.

    OTOH my good old peugeot 205 bumpers splintered spectacularly in an impact.

    On the third hand, our old classic rangey took a number of rear-endings over it’s life and never a mark was seen!

    The bumpers on my 370 form a large part of the front of the vehicle, I’m a little terrified of the replacement cost if needed! I bought it as a CatD writeoff when it was valued at 18K. It has no structural damage, no dents to anything that hasn’t been replaced and the repairs are immaculate. The biggest cost in it are the pedestrian-helping bonnet-pop-up explosive devices that protect the head of the person being impacted. No-one ever replaces them as the explosives are £1K a piece, single use items and the sensors all get damaged in the impact – normal cost for replacement is ~3K parts alone for even a light impact, not even looking at body/paint repairs.

    There are a few key issues at play here. 1) Repairers are happy, even overjoyed, at the prospect of an insurance job. They double or triple the costs. Ever walked into a body shop and asked for the cost of a repair? The first question they ask is “is it insurance?”. For giggles I’ve started off asking as if it was and had prices well over a grand for a bumper replace/respray. When I’ve said I might go elsewhere to save the person’s claim they’ve said “well if you want to do it out of insurance it’s ~350”.
    Second, if insurance is compulsory it should be provided on a not-for-profit basis by the state. You want to pay more for fully comp – go for it, that’s your choice, but the 3rd party aspect should be profit-free. Thirdly, insurance companies are all too happy to go for high repair costs to get overall costs down – 50:50? Sure, it wasn’t your fault but it’ll get it over and done with for us.

    Free Member

    that because the old nissan micra is apparently nigh on indestructible according to my mechanic

    I took a little nissan march automatic (same thing) offroading in cyprus. Fun. Indestructible. Very underpowered!

    Free Member

    25 to 30 quid is reasonable. I paid 45 to have a full 4 wheel laser alignment and watched them do it.

    Never get Kwik fit to do anything without serious thought beforehand.

    Free Member

    Interestingly this is the mental image I’ve always had of hora ^^

    Free Member

    If you know where any of them live go and have a polite word with their parents.

    Quite often the parents don’t like that sort of behaviour either and will do something about it.

    Do be calm and polite about it though as no-one will react well to a nut job on their doorstep accusing their child of nasty behaviour.

    Yep, my experience is the exact opposite. Kids can be really quite invasive and aggressive and if you go round for a quiet polite word with their parents you’re met with a tirade of abuse and threats, it’s rarely the kids of /reasonable/ parents that go out and behave unreasonably (and chucking food is unreasonable). We’ve all been kids, but verbal abuse and assault of passing people is beyond normal teenage behaviour.

    Call 101 and let the police handle it. If you don’t they don’t get stats on the problems and don’t realise there’s an anti-social behaviour problem in the area until the kids have progressed to more serious crimes. Might seem like over-reaction for just a simple set of assaults :roll: but it’ll be better for the kids in the long run to get a shock than to be left to it.

    Free Member

    I’m inclined to agree, I’d suggest that schools are public places (just like a public library) and as such you have every right to take photos of your, and other people’s, kids, with good reason of course! That’s still rightly covered by laws regarding the content and use of those images but theres no reasonable reason not to. For the odd “kid can’t be identified” situation – harsh as it sounds the majority shouldn’t suffer for the tiny minority -pull that kid out of the day instead.

    Any child can be photographed at any point by anyone on the street, unless you hide them day and night you’re not going to stop them being scattered all over social media now or in the next 20 years. People should get a grip and put things into perspective. And if you want your kid not to be photographed by loving parents of other kids, YOU can explain to them why they can’t be at a photographed event.

    It could, for example, be a term of the licence to enter the school’s land.

    I don’t believe schools are “private” property where the owner has the right to dictate terms of entry.

    Also, its not about being a dick, its about not bowing to paranoia and knee jerk reactions but viewing it logically and applying policies that protect the minority that need it without inconveniencing the majority who don’t.

    Free Member

    It’s much easier to swim in salt water for this reason afaik, and also much easier to swim with a (tri/swimming) wetsuit on.

    Not sure about that (as someone who has spent much of their last 25 years doing watersports in warm, cold, fresh and salt, shorts, wetsuit and drysuit).

    Free Member

    I must be something of an oddity. Visited it, been inside, been to gsa degree shows quite a few times but didn’t ever consider the building anything other than a building, never struck me as in any way spectacular. Shame for the students though, not just the loss of work but also the disruption.

    On the positive side, the fire service are claiming to have rescued 90% of the structure and 70% of the contents. Bit baffling that such a supposedly iconic building didn’t have built in protection?

    Free Member

    Half hour lunch (or work through it) and 10hrs a day is pretty standard for me. On the odd occasion the pace has dropped off I’ve not really known what to do with myself and feel at a bit of a loss! Same with everywhere I’ve worked.

    But the comments are right, if you don’t enjoy it there’s no point toughing it out longer than it takes to find a decent replacement job.

    Free Member

    Just out of curiosity, has anyone tried taking their time, using a hot flannel, doing 3 creams and shaving in all directions with a normal disposable razor? Because it seems a little one-sided otherwise!

    <always use normal razors but regularly get ripped to shreds unless it’s a 5 bladed behemoth on it’s first outing and I’ve spent 10 minutes in the hot shower first.

    Free Member

    Indeed, it can be written off but that doesn’t mean it’s not tax liable, so I presume you’d (or your insurance if they’re half decent?) would register it as either scrapped or SORN’d? Easy to get caught out though after a crash when you’re not thinking straight.

    Free Member

    To be fair I see a 15psi drop in oil pressure at idle on my car by 3000miles use on fully synth, and the oil is noticeably less viscous, so if it is dumping the extra diesel into the sump there’s no wonder.

    Free Member

    Indeed, most coffee shops serve horrible coffee. Including waitrose, Costa and SB,and MANY independents. Anyone good at their job is losing nothing, only those who try to compete with mediocrity.

    Free Member

    cheap sausages /make/ a proper breakfast.

    Guilty pleasure of mine.

    Free Member

    Data can be recovered from an SSD, just as it can from a memory pen.
    Samsung have been making their own hardware for years. The 840 pro and evo are ace drives, just getting one fitted to my new work CAD workstation.

    Free Member

    No I’m looking at the time it takes him to pass the black car on the left. Seeing as he doesn’t seem to hit the brakes for some reason (watch his lights), it’s a reasonable estimation of his speed entering the first frame, give or take.

    Free Member

    erm, you do realise that you’re still here?

    You do realise that you can walk away and then return?

    Free Member

    Yeah, but wtf does it matter? You don’t know, he doesn’t know, they don’t know. Thinking you can tell how fast the Lambo is going from a split second of video! Is it just this “programmed to argue” mentality on here?

    You can tell how fast it is going in the video. There’s a fixed time and a fixed distance covered.

    But yes, there’s definitely an argumentative mentality on here, it’s why I walked away from this place some time ago – I love a good argument but it’s very hard not to lose half your life arguing if you’re on here.

    Free Member

    I’m a bit curious why so many slack jawed yokels are standing around in the last vid.

    It’s a beautiful car that’s been damaged and one that people rarely see, let alone see broken.

    I’m a bit curious why so many slack jawed STWers are debating who is “at fault” in that bloody video!!

    Because it’s not clear, by any stretch of the imagination, unless you have preconceived notions and an inability to separate them from reality.

    Free Member

    Well the very fact that people think you can have a “default” religion based on country of birth is pretty sad imo. It highlights why I wont allow it for my son. If he decides for himself to be a god botherer I suppose it would be different but he aint going to default to anything.

    Wiki Quote:
    “The Church of England is the established church in England.[329] It retains a representation in the UK Parliament and the British monarch is its Supreme Governor.”

    I don’t believe any other religion has this in the UK?

    70something % of the population considers themselves Christian in some form.

    I’d say these things make this the default religion of the UK. It doesn’t mean it’s one you might want, or it’s right to have a default. But it IS the default.

    Free Member

    Do people seriously reckon that crash was the result of a car doing <30mph?

    If you look he hadn’t hit the brakes as he comes into view, he certainly wasn’t skidding (he sounds like he’s going fast but they do by default). If you analyse the video you see he moves about the length of the parked car (about 5.5m) in about 0.4-0.5 seconds, that’s somewhere around 40mph or less (and it clearly looks about that speed).

    Car should not have pulled out, Lambo had nowhere to go but should have been able to stop so was probably paying less attention than should have been, but primarily that was caused by the Mazda not looking where it was pulling out.

    Free Member

    We live in an “officially” Christian country. By default it’s the primary religion of most people (in some variant). Not really surprising it’s “taught” as default.

    I went to christian schools, religious Scout groups etc. I learned very little (of Christianity, or other religions), it didn’t interest me and I didn’t see any relevance to real life or any interest for me. Same applied to all of my friends. Why worry, any half-sane child will make their own mind up when it actually matters?

    Free Member

    STD rivers.

    How unfortunate a name!

    Free Member

    What’s impossible about it? It’s the exact position I found myself in- most insurers wouldn’t insure without an MOT. Solved it by just saying **** it and driving to the test uninsured.

    You said insurers would ask for a certificate of insurance, not MOT.

    I’ve never been asked for a MOT and at no point has anyone everasked me to prove my MOT status when taking out insurance on SORN’d cars to take them for their MOT (I do it twice annually),FWIW. I think they have clauses in there saying they’ll invalidate your insurance if your car is not roadworthy, but that’s legallydifferent from not having an MOT.

    So long as its insured you can drive to the MOT stationto get the MOT, then to the tax office to get the tax for it on the way home…

    I take mine to a local garage who are usually very fair and know I’ll usually replace rather than repair and do my best to get it ship shape before taking it for the test (they hate being used as the annual service test). They seem keen on replacing light bulbs I know are perfectly OK when it goes into the test place, which can be frustrating.

    Free Member

    Why is the choice to be an alcoholic not a valid one then? Or a drug addict? It’s exactly the same argument, assuming you can finance your problem and you’re not harming anyone else then why is it not a valid choice? Because it’s not healthy, not sensible and not productive for society as a whole. sur , once you’re in any of them it may be less possible to see a way out, but the choice was there to start with if any responsibility at all is accepted by the person. That’s why I said it shouldn’t be demonised, but being in a healthy range should be actively encouraged.

    No matter what they say to your face, overweight people are not happy being overweight (at least not the ones I’ve spoken to, or myself, and it has little to do with what others say) and there problems that arise are vast in comparison with the healthy alternative position. Why would society accept people taking an illogical and unproductive position on life that costs society (regardless off whether you think that’s a flimsy argument).

    Free Member

    I’m overweight due to a period of successive injury and eating at levels above my calorific outgoings while working long hours, not massively but I could lose a couple of stone and be much happier and less injured. It’s not nice to be insulted (hasn’t happened yet!) But at the same time I’d hate a world where there was no pressure to remain fit and slim as I would probably succumb to food pretty quick. I don’t think stick thin is healthy either, for the record, but I think people should be encouraged to remain within sensible bounds and our societal role models should include athletes and not stick thin mofels , and being overweight should not be seen as acceptable.

    And in a world of internet, tv, and countless cook books for £1 on the market, I don’t understand how anyone could claim education is to blame for people not knowing how to combine basic healthy ingredients to make a nice meal. Lack of interest in eating healthily is the cause, and lack of self control. Watch the scales-weight going up? Do more or eat less calorie dense food to fill you up. I’ve suffered from it and I’m educated and more than capable of making healthy meals, I just couldn’t be bothered after a long day at work. I’m paying for that (and years of healthy overactivity knackering joints) now (as are all you guys due to my NHS knee surgery and ongoing back issues, sorry!).

    There’s a distinct lack of willing for people to accept their own responsibility for their position, and goodie two shoes folk jump on the it’s not their fault bandwagon and exacerbate the problem. I’m not saying insult fat people (and I’d have words if anyone said something like the original post), but don’t provide excuses for me. I have !medical reasons for not burning enough calories through exercise, I should have cut down my intake and eaten more healthily but I was lazy and succumbed to the pleasures of calorie dense foods. Please encourage me to get fitter, don’t shield me from my stupidity.

    Free Member

    This is interesting. My first car got written off and I got a hire car, I kept the hire car until they paid me for the write-off. They sent the cheque out pretty quick though. Hire car costs were claimed back, by my insurer, from the person who hit me.

    This is what legal protection cover (for about £10 per policy) is for.

    Free Member

    Dust doesnt seem to do this to me. Or cement (mixing a bucket by hand ) but I don’t have office workers hands to start with.

    Free Member

    2stroke oil is designed to be burned in a 2 stroke engine, which is designed to burn 2stroke oil…

    Free Member

    I’ve built websites. I would do my own but id be sure to get external unbiased review. I wouldn’t recommend a non savvy person risk their income on one they made though.

    Free Member

    From dust?

    Free Member

    I’d like to see that research as applied to a non-drag (totally different usage) and modern engine. Burning oil does not clean engines, I can assure you!

    I’ve had food poisoning several times, but without my medical records you’d never know and assume occasional Wimpey burgers did no harm.

    Your call, been stripping and rebuilding engines for decades and seen the catastrophic sensor damage that can occur with oil burning, I’ll stick with my way!

    Free Member

    Diesel is effectively oil, so not really the point. What you don’t realise is the emissions you’re creating, the accelerated sensor poisoning, the gumming up of injectors and valves and rings (ever popped the head off a car that had long term oil consumption?), the increased likelihood of in cyl hotspots and knock, the cat damage.

    Of course a couple of cars can potentially run it for a couple of years without showing a problem outwardly, but that doesn’t make it sensible.

    Free Member

    The airbag and ABS etc lights are nothign to worry about – if you have a battery go flat, they come on, they should go off again after a bit. If you are near South Wales (or possibly London) I can read the fault codes for you and give you a few pointers.

    Not on any of my cars, never had them come on and have had many duff batteries!

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