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  • Concern for Kona as staff take down stand at Sea Otter
  • coffeeking
    Free Member

    Why does geek snobbery pose a problem for it? They are not it’s target market, normal users are.

    Either way, you overestimate how much they actually care and generally how much they take the opinion seriously ;)

    Free Member

    I have friends who would shoot you for calling ubuntu “proper” linux, if they don’t compile it entirely from scratch it’s not proper :D

    Free Member

    My brother owned at ~98 twin turbo (285hp version) auto model. Awesome car for fun and practicality but it lunched it’s own gearbox (£1200) and had piston slap at 90K miles. Not sure how much I would want to push it beyond those miles!

    Free Member

    Ignore the CPU usage reading in XBMC – use top to display the actual value.

    I was, a quick check of uptime when sshing in showed 1.4,0.9,0.8 while it was sat doing nothing on the main menu for about 10 mins.

    I have a fanless via board I was going to put android onto but couldn’t find a compatible distro and couldn’t be bothered building one from scratch. Again, no HDMI.

    Free Member

    For anyone curious….
    Raspberry Pi with XBMC[/url] by j.buckle[/url], on Flickr

    Taken before I scaled the skin so it’s hanging off the edges.

    Free Member

    In my experience I build the best wheels.

    Might not be universally true though, I’ve only tried a few and through the process of learning to build my own Ive narrowed my sample size further!

    Free Member

    Put raspbmc on mine last night to see how it worked, it’s quite nice but it’s got quite a few glitches and sits at 93% CPU usage when not even playing tracks. It occasionally loses the NAS which is a pain, but I like it. Might build something with a bit more power but i like the native HDMI

    Free Member

    I have a DNS-325 with 2Tb of raid1 stored under my floorboards, with vitals backed up online and on DVD. No idea about Mac compatibility though.

    Free Member

    Lol, still with a sense of humour, well done!

    Free Member

    Pi and now gert board. Cool little things

    Free Member

    Why would you keep your beer in the greenhouse?!

    Free Member

    Not a vast difference to that usage. Your usage requires single large quantity data transfers , you might shave half a second off a large image load but the bulk of your editing will be done in RAM, meaning you never see the benefit until the end. I edit photos over a LAN link ton my NAS, my computer has a nippy but small drive.

    Free Member

    It’s all over your Facebook because you have questionable friends?

    Free Member

    Check out give as you live…

    Free Member

    That’s about the same goal I’ve had for the last 5 years.

    Free Member

    ?! I work on 2 rounded desert spoons per cup as my general rule.. Is that tight? never had any complaints. Maybe you need an absurd grinder?

    Free Member

    Sorry, I edited while you typed. I just found it interesting because Edinburgh forced the development when our local council denied it on grounds that it wasn’t necessary.

    Free Member

    There is no shortage of empty council property which is kept specifically for that purpose.

    Really? All the comments from our local councillor, when pressed on the issue, suggested they were rammed from all angles and desperately needed private investment. In fact that was the sole reason put forward for allowing green belt development here, by the scottish government.

    Free Member

    Surely this thing about an air bubble moving in the brake system only happens if your brakes haven’t been bled properly in the first place. If they have there shouldn’t be any air in there should there?

    No, open systems use a non-sealed (hence the origin of the name I guess) reservoire of fluid to add fluid when wear occurs under atmospheric pressure. In it’s resting state the master cylinder (lever) is connected to the reservoire and in turn so is the hose. Upon pressing the lever the connection is closed and the line is pressurised. This means that you can have bled the system perfectly well but there will almost always be a small bubble in the reservoire that has the potential to float into the open line when the lever is inverted. Many designs try to stop this (hope use a small diaphragm to seperate the atmospheric pressure from the fluid itself) but often it’s nigh-on impossible to place the diaphragm without ANY air getting into the top of the fluid chamber. 99.9% of the time that’s fine and won’t be an issue, but extended period upside down increase the risk that the little tiny bubble might find your hose.
    I think you’re assuming bike brakes are closed systems, which very few are these days.

    Free Member

    This reminds me of my return from the US into Irish airspace. A lovely older americal woman was asked to fill in one of the customs cards that non-EU nationals have to fill in. She went into a steaming fury over the fact that a US citizen was being asked to provide such information and it was a disgrace :) She clearly didn’t realise that coming from the UK I’d had to fill in a whole bunch of info, including a pointless online form that actually costs to complete, asking questions like “are you a terrorist”. I chuckled, especially as I had been outright openly insulted by the US border forces for filling in their form in the “wrong colour pen” FFS.

    Free Member

    Doesn’t stop the non-cynical folk seeing this as some monumental step forward.

    Free Member

    There’s thousands of unoccupied houses knocking about.
    Streets full of em round here.

    But more money to be made building over green/brown belt.

    That’s true, there’s a few areas I can think of here where half the streets are empty, presumably it’s more expensive to fix them than to wait for a company to come along and propose “affordable housing” on a nice local green spot. We just had a local planning application granted for a bunch of new houses on some lovely green space in a sensitive area when there’s a large area of demolished buildings been sat empty for 5+ years. I just don’t get it.

    transapp – looks that way.

    Free Member

    If you are going to make coffee for anyone but yourself you’ll be an age with a hand grinder. Save a bit more and get a proper grinder.

    Really? I can grind enough for 4 people in about a minute.

    Those Spong things look absurd btw…

    How very dare you

    Free Member

    Not sure how anyone is going to test “through no fault of their own” though? It’s going to be interesting to see how they provide it considering there currently isn’t enough housing to house people who are not homeless and can partly pay (from what I can see).

    Free Member

    Assuming no loss of feeling, control or numbness it’s likely to be muscular, gone into spasm. Get the best painkillers and anti-inflams you can find and get to a GP if it doesn’t get any better in a day or so. Im a little jaded as I had a similar issue and have been passed from medical pillar to post with no-one giving me an answer but having to deal with increased insurance costs for travel due to the repeat doc visits.
    I’ve been to two physios, including one very prominent sports physio that works on local sports personalities. They gave similar descriptions but conflicting advice. Following either’s advice seems to make things repeat more frequently and following the sports phsio’s advice seems to rapidly increase my injury rate. I’ve re-assessed my own back from an engineering/common sense point of view and do the exercises/stretches that I think make sense and it seems to be vastly improving in strength.

    One suggested I was over-curving my lower spine and that was causing pressure on the nerves, that I should attempt to straighten my lower back more when bending/using it. This immediately throws it into spasm, however they did point out that I have hamstrings so tight they are like guitar strings so i’m trying to stretch those out.

    Free Member

    So why can’t someone at the DVLA apply common sense and enquire if you would like the address on your reg doc changing too? Just a little note, or even the form to do it with, in the envelope they return your licence in.

    They will probably ask why they should be responsible for this, seeing as the car doesn’t have to be moving with you, may not even be registered to the person who is paying the tax etc. If they have to enquire every time someone changes their license address there would be a lot of phoning around going on.

    FWIW neither of my cars are currently registered to my current address (though they are insured for this address) – everything still goes to my old address where I can pick up the mail anyway. I will get around to changing it one day.

    A friend of mine forgot to tax his for several months (3 cars, slipped his mind), upon re-taxing (around 2009) he was fined £80 via a letter from the DVLA.

    Free Member

    I fall into the “don’t really care, I’ll do what makes life easiest” camp, but I have to say that I have sucked a bubble into my brakes (open system levers, lever pressed when bike upside down) and it also seems to affect my coil/oil damping in the very short term (first 30 seconds or so) so I don’t bother. That said:

    It’s usually very easy to find and fix a puncture with the wheel still QR’d in place, since the invention of disc brakes.
    It’s perfectly possible to balance a bike right way up without damaging anything, using nature found all around you.
    I don’t care what others choose to do, whatever works for them.
    I dislike scratching my bike bits, especially expensive ones, for no reason. A crash is fine, but to scratch them through ham-fisted stupidity seems criminal – if I have to flip it, I’ll do it on grass/foliage.

    Free Member

    Mine clamps to the work surface or bolts to the wall. Spong FTW again.

    Noisy, however, is an understatement. Our neighbours commented on it! :oops:

    Free Member

    Must adopt cats soon.

    Free Member

    I’m with you there, Im just not able to feel quite as comfy with a compact as I can with a dslr, the rugged larger grip of the dslr just feels right. Though after 2 hours climbing a mountain a bag with a dslr and 4 lenses feels a bit annoying too.

    Free Member

    I have a nice spong which works well.

    Free Member

    because people shouldn’t need two jobs. 30 years ago families lived on one income, now two aren’t even enough sometimes.

    You are assuming they have to. Many will choose to to supplement their income. And makes no mention of which staff and whether they are part time or not. What is the average police wage? And who says 30 years ago people only needed 1 wage, 30 years ago my parents has 3 jobs between the two of them to support the family. And do people NEED more than one wage provides or do they just want more? I think people have higher expectations of basic living, yet this is leveraged politically. As per this article.

    Free Member

    Biggest issue will be the price of fuel will be going in 1 direction for the next 50 years.

    True, what a great reason to do it while it’s still affordable!

    That said, Im not sure the bmw build quality is what it used to be – recent reports from family owners point to multiple electrical and electronic failures and several mechanical problems culminating in about 500 quid a month in repair bills on a 530d. Simple stuff that French cars get slammed for like plastic manifolds splitting, wiring harnesses rubbing through, ecu failures etc.

    Free Member

    Just learn to control your comfort tugs (or you’ll go blind). All you’ll do is adapt to your new braking point in a nanosecond and you won’t be any different, put the bite point where it’s comfy and gives you most power and deal with the panic effects as the separate issue that they are.

    Free Member

    ‘cept it’s probably pretty well packaged.

    Free Member

    Would have been a far better band if theyhadn’t been so successful, Jimmy had stayed off the smack and they’d taken themselves far less seriously.
    In the pretentious asshat stakes, only Metallica give them any real competition.

    This is where I like my musical naivity, I don’t really care what the folk singing music are like, nor do I care what they do in their spare time. If I like a tune I like a tune, if not – I ignore it. I don’t worry about who’s pretentious and who’s cool, who’s using what drugs and why.

    It’s also part of the reason I don’t generally like going to gigs, too many people take too many things too seriously and too many bands are awful live.

    Free Member

    I’d have no problems selling one. Probably wouldn’t buy one, but I have the luxury of spare cash.

    Free Member

    As many people have pointed out, most renewables can just be left to not generate quite easily (adjust blade angles in wind turbines, be allowed to bob or spin freely in hydro). Most fossil and nuclear plants cannot, they must operate at a minimum (about 40% output), or turn off totally (they don’t like this). This is because of process limits within the cycles (minimum temps etc otherwise you end up with wet steam, instead of dry, in the turbines and issues in the boilers). They cannot just disconnect their load as they have no way of controlling the generators (you might be looking at 200+ MW needing to go somewhere even when throttled, leave your generator to spin with no load and see how long that lasts!).

    These do indeed get dumped into pumped storage, burned in constant loads like industrial processes and of course exported.

    Free Member

    Misrepresented quotes do? :D

    Free Member

    Phew,great start for my first post,most of you lot seem a right touchy bunch eh? There I was trying to pass on some info based on shared experiences with mates and fellow Glaswegians…tut tut.Whatever happened to our great Glasgow banter? Even Midsommer on TV had a cyclist killed. Lighten up guys.x

    Nah, most people on here just don’t take other people’s view as “the facts” and many on here have lived in the areas you describle for a long time and don’t have the problems you seem to see. So your first post appears to be at the least over-reacted opinion, at worst utter tripe?

    IRC Indeed Glasgow has a high murder rate, but dig a little further into that and check out who the normal targets and perps are and you’ll see that the mountainbikers in parks are not exactly prime targets :)

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