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  • Leaked document reveals MTB World Cup plans for 2025
  • Clong
    Free Member

    Not much to do with the original post, but with regard to the lack of empathy people display. Wife used to work for HSBC as a product development manager and was there when it all kicked off at the world trade centre. When the planes first struck, the phones went ballistic with people trying to sell shares etc. But when the towers fell, the amount of abuse my wife received because she couldn’t process their requests was unbelievable.

    Free Member

    Imagine getting stuck because of a “low battery” alert

    I’ve not used the system myself, but i understand that this was a criticism of the Di2 system. It seems that the when the low battery level comes , you’ve still got a fair few days shifting left. I can only see that being a problem if you continue to ignore the low battery warning.

    Free Member

    Yep, thats what ive used it for to sync my office outlook to google. But now its stopped working for some reason.

    Free Member

    That link to the guardian article makes for some grim reading. The rape and the iron bar thing are horrendous, but its what the fella Ram goes on to do afterwards that beggars belief.

    Free Member

    Aye, i’ve just taken on a “recycled” bearded collie cross something or another. On the lead at walking pace he is always shoving his nose into stuff. Start running though and he seems to 100% focus on running. This seems fairly typical of collies though, i looked after a couple of border collies that do the same thing.

    Free Member

    And I love Nokia’s advert this morning poking a bit of fun

    That seems to be their marketing thing at the moment, when samsung launched their phone/camera hybrid, nokia ran an ad that said “but it didn’t see this coming”. Likewise, nokia blogged a picture of a SLR lens blue tacked to the back of a phone as a mockery of Sony QX lens add ons for their phones.

    Personally, one frustration i have with apple phones was the change in connector. I have couple of apple products and they connect to the car or home hi fi via a dock. Now an adaptor is required, which is no biggie but its annoying.

    Free Member

    Got stopped in Tanzania for “speeding” in a 30 year old Unimog, for which there was an on the spot fine. Managed to haggle it down it to a bottle of orange fanta.

    Free Member

    Gore Phantom +1

    Free Member

    I have a pair on my bike, anything that you like to know in particular?

    Free Member

    Mmm, ive used shimano for a while, then i started having problems with a lack of power. 2 sets of deore, set of SLX and the rear of the saint M810. All seemed to suffer from contaminated pads, which turned out to be the hose joint leaking, and despite warranty replacements and assurances that the problem had been solved, the situation never improved and as a result my faith in shimano was dented somewhat. The last place i want doubts is the brakes. I’ve not suffered any problems since changing to Hope though, about 2 years all in. The shimano’s seemed to last about 6 months, although 1 very early pair of Deores are still okay.

    Free Member

    Theres been a couple of knee jerk moments, one time when the daughter was very angry about being put in the car. When i picked her up she, lunged for my eyes and managed to hook her finger in. Purely on instinct, i “swatted” her arm away. One other time she was having a tantrum about leaving the swimming pool and then punched me in the knackers, again my arm was in motion before i’d thought about it. In neither case was the smack hard, but it was more of a shock for both her and me.

    I’d not smack her in a premeditated way though, i think there are better ways myself.

    Free Member

    Aye, southampton general is good for diagnosis/treatment of lymes, guess its to do with its proximity to the new forest which is has more than its fair share of lymes disease. My wife works in the forest, whilst she doesn’t have it herself a few of her colleagues have.

    Some people do seem to attract them, i can walk though the forest in shorts and flip flops and in 20 years i’ve only found one tick and that wasn’t attached. My wife can walk through the same area and pick up 5 or 6.

    Free Member

    [/quote]We’ve had a 5 bar gate nicked from a field. proper random devon theft that one…

    Had the perpetrator taken on eof the panels, he’d have taken offense…

    Soz, its really not funny

    Free Member

    Apologies turbo, I’ve not got a satmap, I have garmin 800. I’ve used the satmaps and friends have them, not had any problems. I preferred the garmin as It was smaller. As far as I’m aware the satmap only did navigation, not sure if it tracks or logs rides in the same was the garmins do.

    Free Member

    If its just for navigation, something along the lines of Satmap might be better. The 800 is a superb piece of kit, but its more aimed at the cycle computer side of things (and the data you can get from it is epic). I have used my 800 for navigation, but the larger screen of the satmap makes it more usable in that respect.

    Free Member

    Years ago, my uncle was offered a shed load of wood, as in a a load of wood that fell off a lorry. (A lorry had fallen off the A14 and shed its load of wood). I’ve always thought of a shed load as being that which came off a lorry ever since. So in answer, a shed load is that which fits on a lorry.

    Free Member

    There’s a chap on here who i ride with that regularly appeared on crackerjack. He’s even in one of the annuals too..

    Free Member

    My father was often away from home with work, so my mother would open any mail. When it all kicked off in the Gulf for the first time, there was a slim chance the my father would got called back to his unit (SAS) because of his previous exploits. So my father and i mailed one of those fake drafting letters to him. The sort that start off as with, “You have been drafted to serve in the Queens own suicidal regiment/the 5th kamikazi regiment, due to government cutbacks you will need to provide sturdy walking boots etc”

    As my mum read this, her face grew more and more concerned. She took it all in while my father and myself remained dead pan. However, as my mum read the part where vickers were offering excellent lease deals on chieftain tanks, she looked up and said in a small voice “But we can’t afford a tank…”. Genuine ROFL.

    Free Member

    Previously have had Motivano, but company now uses EdenRed.

    You don’t work for a oil company perchance?

    Free Member

    Garmin connect showed up the stationary time when dislocated my shoulder, although it was more funny to see my rather erratic track across the road as i realized sitting in a ditch after skidding on black ice was not the best place to be if a car should choose to follow my example.

    Free Member

    If I am a pedestrian I will never move out the way for a bike on the pavement (well, Ok a five year old with stabilisers)

    I don’t get this attitude, it’s not like its a big deal to walk to one side or even stop to let a cycle go by.

    Free Member

    With the 4 yr old daughter around the village, yes.

    Free Member

    I think it a rite of passage that all gym types go through, i know i did. I have over heard various conversations within the gym about whether or not the protein powder with bat poo is better that the one with unicorn spit. Its all largely marketing.

    As to whether they work, maybe. I’ve trained with a couple of olympians and yes they would use supplements, but only because they were free if they endorsed them. They tended to eat a very healthy diet, just a lot of of and the supplements were just that, supplements.

    Free Member

    Rothan for Christmas at 2 1/2. Took to it straight away and on boxing day scooted for about 2 miles along the promenade at Hunstanton. Knoc 14 at 3 1/2, couple of go’s and she was gone. I spend a lot of time with her on the bike, which probably helps.

    Free Member

    Charliemungus, you are TJ and i claim my £5.

    Free Member

    I can’t believe i clicked on that link. What a crock of poo.

    Free Member

    Update from me: I’ve had 3 letters, 1 from premier car park solutions and 2 from the debt collection agency. The amount owed varies between them all. Quick trawl through the interweb shows that the car park firm and the debt collecting firm are owned by the same individual. No sleep lost here either, i forget about it until one of their begging letters arrive.

    Free Member

    You can get ANT+ phones, until last year the sony xperia range had ANT+ compatibility (Acro s, Xperia S, Active) You can use garmin cadence and HRM straps and it works as good as an edge using garmin app. It probably works well on strava or endomondo, but i’ve not used those apps myself. The acro s and the active are water resistant so no worries about rain (i can vouch for the acro s). Mounts are available off ebay, although they ain’t pretty.

    As for battery life, i get about 3-4 days but thats with very little use.

    Free Member

    Wasn’t that feature only on the CRV? IIRC, the FRV was two wheel drive only.

    Yes, the FRV is front wheel drive only, however the HRV comes with 4 wheel drive on certain models.

    Free Member

    HRV? Very little to go wrong and i seem to recall there was a website that listed warranty repairs, the HRV was the least likely to go wrong.

    I had one for a few years and i didn’t spend a penny on it. My mum bought one and its been the same for her. The body panels are a bit thin, in an effort to keep the overall weight down i suspect. Mid 30’s to 40 mpg from the VTEC engine, not quick but its not designed for that. I have heard (friend of a friend of a friend, who heard it down the pub…etc) that the clutch which engages the rear wheels when the fronts spin is a weak point, but i have found little to back this up. The engine looks fairly low-tech and is easy to maintain.

    I loved mine and to this day no other car has given me so little cause for concern. Whenever i go to start a car, there a little moment of “will it start?”. I never thought that with HRV though.

    Free Member

    The rotor track on the V2 is physically deeper, use a standard rotor and the pads will come into contact with the “arms” of the rotor. The avid cup and cone won’t help that.

    Free Member

    35mpg (us gallon) is about 42mpg in (uk gallon).

    Free Member

    I have never cycled to work and thought i wish i had driven, whereas i have driven to work and thought i wish i had cycled.

    Free Member

    but common – try working for an investment bank…

    My wife was a product manager at one, there was enormous pressure for her to work excessive hours, but started at 9 and finished at 5 regardless. She left of her own accord, despite being offered a promotion to stay.

    I work in the oil industry, the norm is to work way beyond the contracted hours and on occasions i have worked 18 hour days, but by and large i work the hours contracted.

    Free Member

    commoning’s not a rich man’s game

    But you can get rich by doing it, there is current initiative to encourage more people to use their commoning rights, so commoners are paid £100 per month (or maybe even per week) per animal. The scheme is about to end though and ran for about 3 years.

    Free Member

    The NF seems to be a law unto itself, relying on many outdated bylaws etc which have no relevance to the modern world, but are held onto by the locals trying to preserve something that is long gone really.
    Given its a National Park now (isn’t it?) surely more should be done to encourage people to visit?
    Or is it the fact there are lots of people with buckets of money that wish to stop people using “their” forest?

    Pretty much yes to all of these points, it is a national park that is heavily subsidised by public money.

    Free Member

    Nokia 808 pureview is a the best camera phone, but I doubt you can get it on contract. They are available sim free though. Bit limited in apps and whatnot though.

    Free Member

    Lots of cracks on or near welds on Ti frames

    Ti needs to be cooled down before being exposed to air. If the weld area is discoloured, then is been exposed to air when its too hot and you end end with a weaker weld. Yo won’t see the discolouration on the outside, as its polished off afterwards but if you were to look inside the frame i’m sure you’d see it.

    Free Member

    Peugeot 308SW? Wheels off, 2 bikes fit in the boot without folding the rear seats down. The rear seats come out, which creates a bigger load capacity than an SMax. 1.6HDi will see around 65 mpg too

    Free Member

    Do the verderers have any legal powers beyond ‘I say old chap you really shouldn’t be here you know!’ ?

    In truth i don’t know, i seem to recall there being a fine of something like £500, but i don’t know of anyone that has had it issued to them. Nor am i aware of any rangers that have issued it, my wife certainly didn’t when she worked as a ranger.

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