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  • The Bossnut is back! Calibre’s bargain bouncer goes 29
  • Clong
    Free Member

    Even the chancellor’s sums say a £45K income is going to struggle and might need help. That’s a lot of people

    I seem to recall earning 50k puts you in the top 10% of the country in terms of salary. As you say, a lot of people are going to struggle.

    Free Member

    Not clear what ours is going to be, 1920 build house with but the only thing connected to mains is electricity. Economy 7 heaters all round and 2 massive log burners, one of which heats a rad in the landing upstairs. Was with green, whose estimate were woefully low, now on shell who didn’t give us a bill or tell us the rates they were charging until 4 months after green went bust.

    No idea what the annual usage will be, as we only moved in April 2021, but it’s going to hurt whatever it is.

    Free Member

    I coach artistic gymnastics upto regional/national level and on a few occasions I glimpsed some poor behaviour from both other coaches and parents. One incident sticks in my mind when a gymnast fell off the beam at a regional grade event. She was clearly upset, but the coach gave her such a filthy look. At the end of the event, she was in tears with her parents, all I could hear them saying was how you wouldn’t see Olympic gymnasts crying like that. She looked so miserable, it broke my heart. Never saw her again at any other comps. Its an amazing sport, unbelievably demanding physically and mentally, a big part of their ability is trust in the coach.

    Free Member


    Economy 7 rates on shell are as follows:

    Your Economy 7 electricity rates will change from 25.614p to 33.110p per kWh for your day rate and 10.542p to 18.038p per kWh for your night rate. Your standing charge per day will change from 24.19p to 43.48p.

    Former green customer, was paying around 150 a month, now it will be around 350 a month. That’s going to hurt a bit, come October I imagine it will smart a tad more..

    Free Member

    The q901 lasts about 20 minutes I e found, although current temps outside effect the runtime. The controller has a high and low speed setting, although it did t take my 6 year long to figure that out. To be fair, they take a beating, as numerous trips to the skate park can a test too.

    Free Member

    I’ve ordered a fair bit from bangood, it’s been fine. I had to return an item, which was a bit of a faff, but not surprising. Just check they are still shipping to the UK, quite a few items aren’t at the moment, presumably due to the Brexit changes.

    Free Member

    @bigginge I bought the brushed version of the q901, xinlehong 9135, for my son to play around with. It’s proved to stand up to some pretty wince inducing crashes (10ft skate park jumps etc). I bought a q901 since and it seems a more durable build than the 9135, metal drive train for one. Mind you the 9135 hasn’t broken anything. The only let down are the shocks, they get rough very quickly and seem to seize up. Swapped them for oil filled ones and they are a lot better. My son loves the monster truck look too.

    As result of all this playing around with RC cars, I have a arrma kraton exb on order….

    Free Member

    Ish, I’d say.

    I’m not that sociable outside of the children’s clubs/school environment so untill those things are up an running again my contact is limited.

    I’ve visited a few friends in the last couple of months, been on one or two bike trips too, not sure what the current restrictions are tbh.

    Visited parents a few times, regardless of advice. My step mum is confined to her house and has been for the 3 years or so. Her friends would normally drop by regularly to visit, but that stopped and her only contact would otherwise be her career for 2 hours week.

    My mum is also on her own since my step dad is in a care home with dementia. My mum would care for him on a daily basis, but that stopped since lockdown began and he is not doing well. I don’t think I will ever see him alive again.

    I fear for the mental health of my parents at the moment.

    I use a mask if I go the shops, but I find I go less because of the requirement to do so.

    Free Member

    Sorry, didn’t realize I was so noisy…

    Free Member

    It’s down to feel I think. I’ve just taken xt m8020 of a new build after a week of riding in the peaks. Swapped them for hope tech v4s. Instanty felt better in every way.

    I’ve had many Shimano over the years, deore, slx and saints. Sooner or later the seals would leak and I’d have to replace them. SLX were the worst when fitted on commuter bike. Replaced with hope and no issues since. I mostly use hope, although the winter singlespeed uses BB7, which have been utterly reliable.

    Free Member

    Yep sorry, post mount is what I mean, is been a while since I’ve had to figure out what fits where. I’ll try and load a picture up although don’t hold your breath…

    Free Member

    I’ll be camping outside the pool the night before it opens….

    Free Member

    The hybrid scene does seem to have thinned out abit. In the past I’ve looked at Kona dew range, but they appear to have gone a bit tame recently, the PhD is no longer made it seems.

    Some good suggestions guys, I rode a hardtail with rigid forks for years before the roadrat,worked okay but the roadrat was better suited to the role of commuting. It may well come down to an escapade with flats, the medium rat and the large escapade have similar geometry but sacrifices standover height.

    The mobility guy was fine, I came round a left corner after a rise in the cycle track, positioned to left of the track. Mobilty buggy was coming the other way on right of the track (from their perspective). Think it was one of those perfect storms, his approach speed and my approach speed was such that we were both obscured by the vegitation on the side of the track. Im pretty wary of the turn and always check, genuinely didn’t see each other. My speed was around 11mph at impact. Frame is folded in on itself, although the front wheel is still true and the forks appear undamaged.

    Free Member

    I’ve had fenix 3, 5 and currenlty the 6 pro solar. I liked them all, each iteration has improved on the previous one. For me, adding the wrist basef heart rate tracking during swimming on the 6 was the key. Id have stuck with the 5 otherwise. I have used them for biking, they record the same metrics as the edge but the screen is smaller obviously.

    Free Member

    With the toilet roll shortage, perhaps now is a good time to learn to use the 3 seashells.

    Free Member

    English is the spoken tongue here

    This coming from a resident of Norfolk?

    Free Member

    I had an over the bar moment which resulted in a very broken light. The casing had snapped, jettisoning the lens into the undergrowth never to be seen again and the pcb was embedded in mud. The only thing that looked intact was the battery pack.

    Spoke to exposure, who told me to send it in despite being out of warranty. Week later my light turned up, well I say my light but It cant have been. No charge. Amazing service.

    Free Member

    The 5x has maps on it already,not sure if you can load os maps on it though.

    The maps it has are okay,generally shows roads footpaths bridleway and various other stuff.

    Free Member

    Where is my commemorative Brexit 50 pence piece? Did they actually mint them

    This promise was on the side of a bus wasn’t it?

    Free Member

    Bagaboo bags. Used everyday commuting to work for 12-13 years. Still holding up well

    Free Member

    Beat me to it, it’s on the evening standard too. It amazes me that intelligent people dont think it all through. He is also quoted on the same article as saying cyclists cause more pollution. But hes a lord, so he must be right.

    Free Member

    Echo dezb there. Awesome.

    Free Member

    My daughter has a talent for gymnastics, selected to go artistic level at age 6 and competes at County level at the moment age 9, in terms of hours she does 10hours a week, but the gymnastics gives her a very good baseline fitness, she gets selected for lots of other stuff cross country, swimming athletics. I guess she averages about 20hours all in. Her school has been very supportive, she struggled at infant school, but gained huge confidence from doing her sports at juniors. So much so, she went from requiring special education needs to exceeding expecting in 2 years.

    I encourage her to do as much as she can, but I’m realistic about her abilities. She enjoys it at present, if it becomes a chore then it’s time to re evaluate.Due to my daughters participation I ended coaching gymnastics and have met some very pushy parents. One incident ended with the parents being banned from the gym, another where the girl finished 11 in the County and her mum reduced her to tears in front of the team because she hadn’t done better. She only started gymnastics 6 months beforehand, amazing talent but gave up because of the pressure she was under. I’ve seen some shocking behaviour from other clubs coaches too.

    Either my wife or I are out every day of the week doing something with her or her brother but we make sure there is family time. Saturday for instance is a day we all spend together. I don’t begrudge it at all, she has some fantastic opportunities and I’m fortunate to have a work life balance that allows me to get involved and support her.

    Free Member

    Well timed question, I’ve been struggling to replace my altura attack 3/4 length ones. I’ve just ordered some royal storms, but not sure on the length.

    Free Member

    Vivaro double cab, SWB. Active family and big dog meant cars got trashed. Van is ideal for us,ply lined rear section that you can throw everything in and an interior that you can mop clean. Usually get two adult bikes in and two kids bike in with no dismantling involved.

    Free Member

    I have, replaced with a double din. Time and temp remain, but you can’t change the time on unless you plug the old stereo back.

    Free Member

    I use bulkpowders unflavoured whey, mix it with nesquick if I want flavour but not always. Similar price to myprotein, although they seem to do 30% every couple of weeks.

    Image above reminds me of bodybuilder Tom platz.

    Free Member

    Had the same issue with 2 sets of deores and one set of six. They were fitted to my commuter bike and I spend the first couple of miles getting them to bite. Next day they would be back to useless again. Never got to the bottom of it, changed to hopes in the end.

    Free Member

    Cannondale for many of the reasons above, and Intense.

    Free Member

    Australia has controlled points based immigration and took double the amount of immigrants last year into a country roughly one third of the size.

    It’s been a long night and I’m a bit slow, but could someone clarify the above, which country is Australia one third the size of?

    Free Member

    6 year old daughter loved reception year, but hasn’t enjoyed the years one and two. She is now worried about the “special test” she is having to do. Sure, some kids couldn’t care less about them, but my daughter feels under pressure to do well and is certainly aware of what’s going on. A six year with exam stress, not sure where the benefit is coming from, but we
    now have a child that hates school.

    Free Member

    Woah, back up there a minute…

    the sucking of the child’s cut penis

    Erm, what?

    Free Member

    Vivaro double cab swb here too. Used for family and biking. I found when I had a car there was always a bike in it as that was it’s primary use. Got a van and it’s been hugely practical for us. Active family with two kids and a big dog. The inside can be swept out or mopped, upholstery is crisp/chocolate/wet dog proof. We’ve driven down to the south of France, fully loaded, returned about 45mpg. Easier to park than I thought. Mrs has a car, but we go most places in the van as it’s easier. If we had to go down to one vehicle, we’d keep the van.

    Free Member

    “No way are these my pants, they bend!”


    “Where’s my pea gone, I earnt that pea and I’m going to eat no matter where it is etc”

    “It landed amongst your dirty socks”

    “I’ll stick with the toast”




    “Boys from the dwarf”

    Free Member

    As I’m sharpening up the chainsaw, I just said “There’s 30,000 acres of forest just beyond the garden, they’ll never find the body…”

    Free Member

    Specialised fat boys? 1.25 width. I ran contact sports for a while but the side walls kept splitting after about 6 months.

    Free Member

    You can in a sub vivaro dual cab, two will go in if you don’t mind then getting intimate. Family trips consist of two adults bikes and two kids bikes, kids bikes are 20″ wheels.all without dismantling.

    Free Member

    Vivaro here, best thing ever. Two kids and a big dog, driven every where in it. I use a couple of times a week to get to work, usually has at least one bike in it. The inside can be mopped/ hosed down if need be. Similar length to an estate bit wider, only downside is fuel, at 40+ mpg it’s not terrible

    Not looking to go back to car for the foreseeable.

    Free Member

    Little late to he party, but the picture if the plug in the op post shows a defective plug. There shouldn’t be any insulation on the earth pin.

    Free Member

    Little late to he party, but the picture if the plug in the op post shows a defective plug. There shouldn’t be any insulation on the earth pin.

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