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  • Campus: New Video From Danny MacAskill
  • clarkpm4242
    Free Member

    I had a Colonoscopy, yesterday as it happens. Awake whilst being given IV Midazolam, next thing I know is I’m waking up in recovery all done and dusted. Given photo’s of my Colon to take home. The only thing that was specified was that I shouldn’t drive for 12 hours so O/H came and picked me up.

    Had 2 colonoscopies recently. First with Midazolam. A real pain not driving for n hours after. Second just gas and air. Made sure I got in a good few pre-emptive tokes and it was just fine. Able to drive home 30 mins later.

    Free Member

    Always good to refresh your brand 🙂

    Usual rules apply. Does it affect me in anyway?
    Might it positively help someone else? Maybe.


    Status: good thing

    Surely those rules are missing ‘Might it negatively impact someone else?’ 😉

    Unless you’re being ironic…

    Free Member

    After a week of breakfasttime bewiderment many years ago I became a Keaveny fan. Has off days but don’t they all?

    More radical was my utter dislike of Craig Charles which has now changed to ‘Yea, Saturday 6 o’clock, its @CCfunkandsoul time!’ 🙂

    Free Member

    Sponge grips and front suspension for hands. Anything that reduces compression and vibration of effected areas. Bigger, loose fit clothing.


    Free Member

    GOOD NEWS. Message via DBC…

    NorthernBike guy has been found ok. Not in a good state of mind but ok.


    Free Member

    Messaged Stu at DBC and a couple of other locals in the Bije scene around Leyburn.

    Free Member

    FLO sponsor

    a mine of useful info. for all levels of experience.

    Free Member

    We bought ours from these guys.
    Call them, straight and honest.

    What @5plusn8 said.

    If you really want a GoTo telescope FLO will give solid advise.

    Free Member

    Main problem could be availability! Astro has seen a surge in interest since 1st lockdown.

    As a pure astro scope, I would recommmend the Heritage Flextube. As you live somewhere where you can see stars the red dot finder is relatively easy to use. Download a suitable night sky app to help. Also Stellarium is a good free planetarium prog. for laptops.

    ‘Turn Left at Orion’ is a recommended what to look at book.

    Use the lowest power eyepiece at first (this is the one labelled with the larger number). Gives you a wider view of the sky.

    Good luck!

    Free Member

    From a light pollution perspective…

    Colour temperature 3000K or less (allows you to see into the unlit areas as less shadow contrast)
    Well shielded and downward pointing. Only lighting inside your property boundary.
    PIR direction separately adjustable to light direction.

    These recommended by @snotrag seem okay.

    I’ve got 4 of these, 22w version with PIR –

    And I quite like them:

    – Seem well made.
    – Good seals and long cable tails mean you dont have to open them up.
    – All wired on a ring off a switch in the kitchen means a quick off-on-off-on makes them all come on indefinitely which is useful on summer evenings and for wheelie bin runs
    – Good light cutoff means I have them mounted high up on the wall, but tipped down so they illuminate my garden brightly without shining through my neighbours windows.

    Free Member

    Check with a decent sports physio for High Hamstring Tendinopathy.

    Something I suffer from.


    Free Member

    Some fatality figures over about an 8 year period to 2015. 74 deaths – 56 farm workers, 18 public – all but one involving dogs.

    Within last 10 days two hospitalised and one fatality in our Richmondshire area.

    We keep well away. ROW or not.


    Free Member

    Might as well list all 9 protected charcteristics…

    …Preganancy and maternity.

    Free Member


    did anyone read the link to the Home Office guide for IDing trans customers?

    It is a wet windy afternoon so…

    …it is no wonder staff are unsure on this issue! I wonder what ‘legal’ status this guide has?

    IMO it misapplies the english language and the Equality Act. Conflating sex and gender, talking about the protected characteristic of Gender Reassignment as if it meant gender identity. The ‘Toilet’ advise directly contravenes single sex exemptions within the Act.

    Other authoratitive institutions have also been found wanting in providing correct guidance e.g the Equalities and Human Rights Commission have admitted this failure, though are yet to amend their guidance to bring it in line with the law.

    Free Member

    I’m writing to my MP…

    Free Member

    @cougar post seems to sum this up well 🙂


    On the passport issue (and this probably also applies to other official state ID that is accepted as proof of age, I don’t know) staff need to be prepared for the gender to be different to that presented at the time

    The UK passport has the ‘sex’ of the individual. Gender is not recorded. The staff do need to be prepared for a whole variety of presentations by individuals. A tricky job!

    Free Member

    Rode with Lachlan Morton over Salter Fell last November.

    He’s my other son, obviously!


    Free Member

    I put the phone into airplane mode. Stops it using power hunting for connections. Lasted for a C2C.

    Also reduces temptation to do online social!!

    Free Member

    A bit hilly out my front door.

    Stages 1,2 and 7 of the ArdRock Enduro…
    …and for the roadies, from Simon Warren’s 100 Climbs series – Buttertubs Pass, Oxnop Scar, The Fleak, Turf Moor, Greets Moss and Grinton Moor.

    Also, lots of sheep!!!


    Free Member


    I introduced my cousin to astrophotography about 5 years ago.

    He hasn’t forgiven me…

    …although he did win Newcomer of the Year in the International Astronomy Photographer of the Year competition- b*st*rd 😉

    Free Member

    … this is progress, we’ve now finally admitted that there are at least three states: male / female / other, something that was deemed impossible three pages ago.

    To further quote an article from the Wall Street Journal by an evolutionary and developmental biologist, both credible! A bit wordy, but presents balanced description.

    ‘In humans, as in most animals or plants, an organism’s biological sex corresponds to one of two distinct types of reproductive anatomy that develop for the production of small or large sex cells — spe*m and eggs, respectively — and associated biological functions in sexual reproduction. In humans, reproductive anatomy is unambiguously male or female at birth more than 99.98 per cent of the time.

    The evolutionary function of these two anatomies is to aid in reproduction via the fusion of spe*m and ova. No third type of sex cell exists in humans, and therefore there is no sex spectrum or additional sexes beyond male and female. Sex is binary.

    There is a difference, however, between the statements that there are only two sexes (true) and that everyone can be neatly categorised as male or female (false). The existence of only two sexes does not mean sex is never ambiguous. But intersex individuals are extremely rare, and they are neither a third sex nor proof that sex is a spectrum or a social construct.

    Not everyone needs to be discretely assignable to one or the other sex for biological sex to be functionally binary. To assume otherwise — to confuse secondary sexual traits with biological sex itself — is a category error.’

    Free Member

    There is rarely a difficult decision. biological sex is observed by skilled medical, nursing and midwifery professionals.

    To quote an article from the Wall Street Journal by an evolutionary and developmental biologist.

    ‘In humans, reproductive anatomy is unambiguously male or female at birth more than 99.98 per cent of the time.’

    In advanced healthcare systems there is followup for the remainder. A ‘placeholder’ is used until the matter is resolved. ‘Operations’ would not change the biological sex of the baby. Changing a birth certificate does appear to change legal/administrative sex however, unless there was an earlier, genuine error the individuals biological sex remains unchanged.

    Free Member

    Maybe, but you’re dodging the question.

    I am describing current and foreseeable reality.

    Free Member

    And if it wasn’t?

    Your argument is “sperm = man, egg = woman.” So if someone is surgically altered to be able to produce the opposite then by your own definitions either they’ve changed sex or your definition needs some work.

    (Aside, I read a post on Twitter the other day by a M2F trans woman who had just experienced her first orgasm, which would suggest it’s rather more than just ‘cosmetic’?)

    You are entering the realm of science fiction/fantasy. Apart from having to rewrite the genome in every cell of the body you’d probably have to appropriate anothers sexuality via organ donation of uterus etc. Also many the effects of a male puberty cannot be changed later.

    …re – orgasm I did say the surgery can be quite major. SImply put, the skin of the removed pe*nis may be used to line the neo-va*ina. If the nerve connections are intact there could well be an ‘orgasm’.

    Free Member

    You can’t define what gender is, can’t explain how it’s measured, yet can confidently state that it’s assigned at the point of conception?

    Biological sex is observed in most at birth or during ultrasound scan. Biological sex being defined as the individual should be capable of producing one of the male or female gametes when an adult. Note they don’t have to be actually capable of this.

    The default masculine for boys/males or feminine for girls/females societal gender is assigned by parents, family, society…it would be so much better if societal gender was treated in a less either or manner.

    Free Member

    If fertility is the defining feature, those who are infertile due to hormonal imbalance are more or less than one of the genders?

    I did state that being infertile does not prevent the use of this definition of biological sex. Am trying to be succinct e.g. it also covers post menopausal women. Hormonal issues are often found in DSDs. These individuals can also be found to be one of the two sexes using the criteria.

    Free Member

    reassignment surgery and wound up with fully-working ladyparts

    Full gender reassignment surgery although quite a major set of procedures is cosmetic. It only gives an appearance of the desired morphology. The individuals biological sex does not change.

    Even if someone is born without either e.g. sterile or rare DSD they can fit into these definitions.

    Wether or not you actually procreate is irrelavent.

    Yes, I explicitly separate the terms sex and gender.

    Free Member

    All mammals use sexual reproduction to procreate.

    *Two* mature adults contribute parts of their genome to make up the offspring.

    The definition of male sex is the adult that provides the spe*m, female the egg. The egg and spe*m are known as gametes. There is no third gamete. An individual can be seen to fit in one of the two categories (even if sterile).

    As we note there are a range of anatomies and physiologies beneath this umbrella definition. This definition copes with ‘all’ chromosomal variants and DSDs.

    This definition of sex has not changed…

    Science will continue to debate and explore this area.


    Free Member

    I’m guessing they are social or cultural genders rather than biological genders. (I’m pretty sure there are only two biological genders, although obvs not everyone fits smoothly into them.)

    For clarity it is easier to use the term biological sex.

    Free Member

    No, you can identify certain gender dimorphic traits, but AIUI none of them can definitively point to a biological sex because the individual could be inter-sex in a variety of obvious and not obvious ways. They could have female (or even neutral) physical characteristics and a Y chromosome for instance.

    I did not state all…and was also trying to be specific in the definition of *sex* not gender. I do not conflate the two. This definition copes with issues such as chromosomal variants e.g. XXY (male with two XX chromosomes) and differences in sexual development e.g. athletes competing in womens sports who were thought to be female at birth, and subsequently had male puberty.

    Free Member

    simpley assigned sex on the base of grave goods

    I was writing about ‘bodies’ not graves. I do seem to remember a case where a Viking individual was deemed male based upon grave goods however, when the body was examined was female…

    Free Member

    What does “female” look like?

    Using a biological definition of the female sex describing the process of sexual reproduction…
    …I expect archeologists, pathologists, medics etc. will be able to ascertain the sex of an adult individual 99.99% of the time in seconds. Bone structure eg. plevis, elbows and hips.

    Assuming you mean something more like ‘femininity’, this has varied with age, through the ages, across geographies, cultures, ethnicities, religions an so on.


    Free Member

    Maybe better said as

    A feminist says “we should adopt the biological definition of sex for toilet entry”…

    …and “no, we should adopt the social/cultural definition of gender for toilet entry” how I understand the position.


    Edit ‘Toilet entry’ as a rather glib placeholder for a wide range of issues.

    Free Member

    It is normal. You will soon learn to move your head rather than your eyes to look at things. Subconscious skill.


    Free Member

    Add to that the take home from a trouncing by pro remain parties at the LEs is we need to get brexited quicker and I’m not sure what you think tactically voting for remainers is going to achieve besides a terrible and hastier brexit agreed by parties in fear of their own demise.

    3 choices

    Don’t vote/spoil ballot paper…

    Vote for pro-Brexit parties > empowering the current Westminster hard Brexiters and giving us more numpties in any future EU Parliament.

    Vote for pro-Remain parties > empowering soft Leavers and Remainers in Westminster to continue putting the brakes on and giving us sensible representation in any future EU Parliament.


    Free Member

    @martinhutch @snotrag

    If the marathon uses the same course as 2 years ago it is stuff ridden all the time e.g.

    Looks all BW except for some cheeky that is regularly ridden (accommodating landowner/gamekeeper).

    Free Member

    Reeth, N. Yorkshire…

    Hope you can see the video.


    Free Member

    You could get up to Swaledale.

    Have monthly ‘shop’ rides, also do a Friday evening run ‘DBC – Friday Ride Club’ on Facebook.


    Free Member

    Panasonic TZ80.


    PS .and I am a Canon DSLR addict.

    Free Member

    As we don’t have the height available just pick some long easier gradients…INTO a head wind 😉

    Yad Moss from Middleton in Teesdale
    Tan Hill from Reeth
    Hartside from Melmerby
    Cragg Vale etc.

    Chapel Fell, Great Dun Fell are too steep?


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