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  • Win Renthal Goodies at the Classic Weekender
  • cinnamon_girl
    Full Member

    RudeBoy – just seen Jimi and what can I say? It makes me sad …

    Full Member

    mboy – Aleigh is gorgeous too!

    Full Member

    Got any more vino? The bottle’s empty, must have spilled some :oops:

    Full Member

    pk – so do you!

    Full Member

    OK – much discussion tomorrow then!

    Dave Gilmour is quite a handy guitarist admittedly.

    Jon Anderson lost the plot hence the talk of triple concept albums.

    Endoscopes – lovely comparison!

    Anyone into King Crimson? In The Court of the Crimson King anyone?

    Full Member

    Just listening to the love of my life (Ryan Adams), will get to Jimi soon!

    Hope there’s no misbehavin going on? No wait, this is STW, that’s what goes down.

    Full Member

    Rudeboy – he was just a bit misunderstood, being a Londoner and all that. Pretty stressful place to live.

    But I’m a really chilled out person…

    bruneep – like some water?

    Full Member

    Oh RudeBoy – we will have to disagree! I’ve seen them both, in fact saw Floyd when they presented Dark Side of the Moon at Wembley. Also saw Roger Gilmour and Roger Waters a couple of years ago at a very un-PC event.

    Rick Wakeman is very talented – saw him live when Journey to the Centre of the Earth was recorded. A unique experience.

    The trouble was that the prog rock thing just got so pretentious …

    neverfastenuff – correct! There was smoke coming out of it and Greg Lake used to stand on a Persian rug!!

    Full Member

    bruneep – he’s a bit of a legend! Think it all started with the Friday eating, drinking, listening thread.

    Got any more youtube recommendations anyone?

    Full Member

    Gary Moore with Greg Lake? Oh, didn’t know that. Saw Gary when he was playing on B B King’s 80th birthday tour. Hoped that the two of them would play together again but they didn’t.

    Saw ELP when they “presented” Tarkus, that kinda stuff was all new then!

    Full Member

    You do realise that it was my fiancee that originally started this thread (before he was “not allowed” on here)? We must be talking quite a few months ago now, his name is FredDibnah/PaddedBra. Have you heard of him?

    Full Member

    neverfastenuff – embrace your years!

    RudeBoy – no, I disagree. Reckon King Crimson/Yes/ELP.

    gus – as I said above, embrace your years!

    Full Member

    AdamT – I have a loud voice and a dog whistle, will that help? 40 people? I’m expecting double that! We will have some “strategically placed” locals to direct the traffic.

    Sandwich – no, it’s just that pk needs taming!

    Full Member

    Lurve the music, more please.

    Full Member

    I suspect I will end up splitting my sides at how up their ar$es they all were!

    C’mon gus, you’re pulling my leg!

    Anyone seen them live?

    Full Member

    mboy – good stuff! It’s not every day you will get the opportunity to meet someone like me :D

    Oi you Southern Shandy Drinkers – stop sniggering :wink:

    Just ignore pk – he wants to get pushed in the lake :twisted:

    Full Member

    wanna slap pk?

    Full Member

    Wow – it’s gonna be quite a turnout!

    mboy – put your foot down, you’ll get there quicker! It’s not every day you get the chance of being led around trails by two gorgeous girlies :wink:

    Hello bikey, yes I remember you! Oversubscribed? There’s room for everyone, including slackers!

    Full Member

    neverfastenuff – seen Gary Moore twice!

    RudeBoy – how do you know I’m a rock chick? I’m not shy, will happily go in the mosh pit. Don’t need a chair, I’m not that old :D

    Full Member

    Air guitar?

    Full Member

    I’m looking forward to joining them once I’m too old for this lark. Reckon I’ll fit in just fine, apart from not wanting to stuff my face full of cake :D

    Full Member

    Er no, again!

    Full Member

    yeah I know what you are saying! Turn it around and make a joke! At least it’s not “where’s your bell?” or “he doesn’t bite”.

    Full Member

    theotherjonv – our ride will be much more fun! I’m sure we’ll be easy to spot, snake-like through the singletrack!

    Full Member

    Hey – they are getting out and having fun and eating cake, don’t knock it! Better than larding on the sofa surely?

    We all get comments from all sorts of people. Once, when I was riding, I was called a w**ker by a female (and I am a female), was so shocked that I laughed and then received another torrent of abuse. Priceless!

    Full Member

    Er no, I can’t do my thang to Kylie 8O

    I do have taste you know!

    Full Member

    My beer is served at room temperature!

    rocketdog – that’s enough from you!

    pk – you obviously want an industrial-sized fridge then! Or go shopping more often?

    Full Member

    change the bl***y music and I might come :wink:

    Full Member

    ripper – fits under worktop, has a little freezer at the top. Works perfectly as I have tested it, is in immaculate condition, have manual too. You would have to collect from near Swinley.

    Yours for a donation to STW.

    E-mail cinnamon_girlATtiscaliDOTcoDOTuk

    Full Member

    r6ymy – I hope you aren’t implying that Aleigh and I are unable to control a crowd of STW’ers?

    Take 2 feisty ladies plus some “strategically placed” locals and, in the words of the inimitable WorldClassAccident, “what could possibly go wrong?” :D

    Worry not, I have done this sort of thing before … many times … but not with such an eclectic gathering 8)

    We can’t wait!

    dobo – Happy New Year, glad you’re coming and you will see some different trails to yesterday!

    Full Member

    Does a broken body count? Tennis elbow – perhaps I should kick the singlespeed cos that’s to blame!

    Full Member

    WCA – you never clean your bikes! This must be a New Year resolution, right?

    Full Member

    WCA – don’t forget the flyers for the BigBikeBash, they can be handed out with the vouchers. Happy New Year to you!

    Full Member

    forge – it’s always interesting to see these videos, get a different perspective. The Labyrinth looks so cool 8)

    giantjason – there’s so many good bits to Swinley. Come along on 10th January and be shown a selection. Hard to describe where The Deer Stalker is, it’s past The Wall and is a newish trail that was cut off The Labyrinth.

    Full Member

    auricgoldfinger – everyone welcome! Retail therapy is always good.

    db – no excuses, Soton is only an hour away!

    atlaz – can I have your e-mail address please?

    pk – reckon aleigh will need to keep you under control :wink:

    Full Member

    Thanks for the replies and offers of helping, much appreciated.

    pete – you need to tell J that the Spring range is making an appearance!

    pk – there’s a place nearby that is warmer and safer than the forest, shall I make a reservation for you??!! You can almost see it from Swinley! Top quality clientele!

    Sandwich – I couldn’t possibly comment!

    rOcKeTdOg – I don’t think you ride a bike cos you never come to any of our events!

    Full Member

    Just under 30km for me but that included riding there, cheeky bit of singletrack before meeting you guys and then some downhill fun after I left you then rode home! Also took the ‘scenic route’ to The Deer Stalker where funnily enough spotted 3 deer crossing the track on the way there. Twas pretty.

    Happy New Year everyone :D

    Full Member

    No ladies will admit to having any – that’s why beauty salons were invented :roll:

    Full Member

    Aleigh – a prerequisite is to have a sense of humour for this ride! As I’m leading I will also provide the entertainment – good job I can laugh at myself :roll:

    Blokes do come off sometimes but it’s normally when nobody else is looking!

    Full Member

    The Swinley Forest STW Forum Ride on 10th January 2009 of course! Blatantly copying WCA’s marketing strategy :D

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